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  • momto7
    momto7 Member Posts: 114

    No he is in Bellville  IL   and has been  ps FOR A long time

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    momto7: The key with using anatomically shaped implants, such as the Allergan 410, is that the skin flap - skin "pocket" has to fairly precisely match the shape of the anatomical. I just think that it might be more challenging when this is done as a one-step procedure. But if your PS has the experience, and if you are a good candidate, it is worth investigating. Please verify that he is using some type of dermal matrix, such as Alloderm - as a sling/hammock in the lower pole for support.

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    momto7 - you're near me. All my docs are in St. Louis.

  • miamimiami65
    miamimiami65 Member Posts: 9

    Whippetmom....yesterday I went in for my last fill. Apparently all the notes were backwards. So, as Im human, I wasnt too terribly upset, because mistakes happen. Doctor drew on me and measured me and filled me appropriately. Im 700 ccs on both sides and look very even.

    Do you or anyone else know how the extra fill on the day of surgery helps or works? Doctor said he can over expand me to 800 the day of surgery.....sometimes it works, hes willing to try. The reason I want to try is I'm 5'7" 150 lbs with a broad chest.....not manly broad but wide. The first time I met the ps he said I could easily carry a DD. Im not that obsessive, but starting with a small B before surgery, I feel
    going through this journey I'm entitled to have a little something extra. Hahaha so, being 700 now if he can't overfill he'll do Natrelle 45 600 ccs, which from what Ive read, might give me an average B. Id really love to have a comfortable C. I suppose

    losing weight, which is on my bucket list, may be a solution. everyone else on here....I value your thoughts! Thank you.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    miami: I've never heard of a final fill on surgery day.  I'm absolutely no expert, but I've been following several threads since early December 2012 and this is the first I've read of that practice.  Is that  standard practice for your PS?  Did he say why that's his plan and what the logic is?  Most PSs insist on a certain number of weeks/months after final fill before exchange so skin and muscle can stretch and become comfortable with the fill volume.  My last fill was April 11 and my exchange isn't until August 7.  When is your exchange surgery scheduled?

    I just don't like the sound of "Doctor said he can over expand me to 800 the day of surgery.....sometimes it works, he's willing to try".  I know many ladies here have exchanged to implants that were larger than their final TE volume.  My PS, however, insisted that if I was looking to go with 750cc implants that I needed to over-expand to 750cc.  So that's what we did. It's been almost 3 months since final fill and while I'm over-expanded by 150cc I can still 'pinch and inch' (actually about 3/4") on each breast, so I know he'll have enough for good closure after the exchange.

    You've come this far, I wouldn't want you to have an exchange you're not happy with if it can be prevented.  I'm interested in Whippetmom's input. 

  • miamimiami65
    miamimiami65 Member Posts: 9

    Sweetandspecial....thank you for responding!

    My expanders are 600 ccs, I am over expanded right now at 700 ccs. I dont understand how the expander can be over filled even more than they are now without a problem occuring. The sometimes it does response doesnt make me warm and fuzzy! Right now my exchange date is set for August 29, 2013. I want to say my ps was highly recommended and his credentials speak for themselves.....he has traveled the country informing other doctors of breast reconstruction innovations.

    Again, where I may be feeling a little selfish, I just dont want to be mortified after this is all said and done. Okay, maybe mortified sounds a bit dramatic, but I'm sure you get my point.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Miami: I totally, totally understand, and I'm not questioning your PS's credentials at all.  I just haven't heard of a final fill on surgery day before, that's all.  Being overfilled by 150cc means my boobs are very, very, very, very firm right now, although I have to admit that I think they HAVE softened up somewhat since my last fill in April.  Hubby thinks so too, and I suppose he's probably the better judge of that than I am, know what I mean?  I massage them at least once a day with BioOil, basically every time I bathe, and quite frequently poke, prod and push them around also (not in public, though Wink).  Initially I was worried about capsular contraction but since that wasn't a problem I think my purpose now is just to keep encouraging muscle and skin to stretch and be supple and relaxed for the exchange.  If my theory is right I should get a decent level of settling or 'drop and fluff'.  They actually look pretty good right now but I'm hoping after exchange they'll look a less 'bulbous' (that's what my mom said about them Smile).

  • miamimiami65
    miamimiami65 Member Posts: 9

    Sweetandspecial.....I truly apologize if I sounded as if I thought you were questioning my ps......not at all!!!! I, for my own peace of mind, was just speaking aloud.

    Ive done a little research on over filling the day of.....far and few between, but it does happen. Maybe over the upcoming weeks things can settle and more fill can be done???? I can push on mine, where they are hard there is a slight "give".

    I suppose why im so crazy about this now is because last week when I was leaving there was an upset patient leaving. She had her exchange and where she said she was a D before the exchange, she was now a B. She is probably 5' and a few inches and very petite. Im just very scared if that is her case....and I was not going to ask anyone in the office what happened, me being my size will I be a B when Im done?

    Let me ask, I ran upon a site that said for every 200 ccs is a cup size after having a mastectomy. Do you find any truth in that?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    InSearhofaLabCure: Something does not sound quite right. Your TEs have a width of 14.0 cm [which is appropriate for your frame] and the proposed Sientra shaped implants have a width of 11.9. Your TEs have a projection of 7.1 and the proposed Sientra implants have a projection of 5.7 cm. Where was the planning here? They will be too small for you. Your PS must be planning to do a lot of pocket work, which seem a waste of effort. You need the 14.0 cm in width. I would think that with your history of lumpectomy [and radiation, I suspect] the ideal implant for your TEs would be the Allergan 410, LX - in 465 ccs, with a width of 14.0 cm and projection of 6.5 cm. Unfortunately, unless your PS was in clinical trials with the Allergan 410s prior to their general release, he will not have access to this style yet. The Allergan 410 would possible mitigate the risk of capsular contracture with your history of rads. I am just not convinced that the Sientra implant you mentioned is the right one for you.

    Could you email me photos so that I can see the nipple/areola positioning right now? I will PM you the info.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    miamimiami: Let's start from the beginning. What style of TEs do you have and what is the volume? I know you are overfilled, but I need to know the "recommended" volume of the TEs.

    In answer to some questions:

    No, I have never heard of filling the TEs on the day of the exchange.

    The theory of 200 ccs equaling a cup does not work. We are all built differently.

    Would you please PM me and let me know the name of your PS? I have some questionable guys on my Florida list and I want to make sure you are in good hands.


  • momto7
    momto7 Member Posts: 114

    Thanks Wippet mom I will be asking a lot of questions  and making sure i have my answers and doing the right thing

  • islandmom
    islandmom Member Posts: 131

    miamimiami since most of us never heard of filling TEs the day of exchange.  Is it possible that your PS mentioned putting a bigger implant than what your TE is expanded to? In your case that would be an 800ccs implant.  That would not be uncommon.  My TE was expanded to 450 ccs but I received a 550 ccs implant.   

  • miamimiami65
    miamimiami65 Member Posts: 9

    Islandmom thank you. I really need to quit stressing on this part of my journey and remember how lucky I am to be cancer free. That being said, I will have to call my ps office and ask a few more questions. Even if I can do 700 ccs, Ill be okay, I just dont think 600 is what I'm looking for.

  • mnsusan
    mnsusan Member Posts: 139

    Miami, my height/weight are similar to yours but I'm a bit shorter.  My TEs were filled to 620ccs.  My PS said the TEs themselves take up about 60ccs, so to stay approx the same size, I'd need something around 680ccs.  I have Style 45s, 700ccs.  I'm at least a D now, prob DD.  I'm still waiting for the swelling to go down and the "drop and fluff" before I go to be fitted.  I know we're all different but thought you'd be interested in my stats.  

    BTW, my implants are exactly what Whippetmom thought would be good for me.  :)

    I had my BMX surgery in Minneapolis but most of my fills in Ft Lauderdale (we're snowbirds).  The doc in FL went to Harvard Med School and was my PS's chief resident at the Univ of MN - very talented guy.  If you want/need another opinion, I'd be happy to give you his name/address.  

  • Keke713
    Keke713 Member Posts: 31

    Hi ladies...I had my exchange surgery yesterday. I originally had my exchange surgery set for sept 9th but bc of a leak in my left expander last week after my last fill, my PS decided to do my exchange yesterday. I was filled up to 605cc And agreed on the gummy bear implant..well for some reason he was only able to give me a 535cc implant and from what I can see, they look like small flat pancakes with absolutely no clevage...I'm so disappointed and wish I could have gotten what I explained that I wanted. Does anyone know why they are so flat looking? I can only see so much since I'm still in my surgical bra. Will the look and size or projection change? Will a push up bra actually give me cleavage?

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465

    Tangles, I just went thru my second surgery for implants. My original Mentors did not work out. One dropped and projected, the other didnt. Then one got a hard capsule. What a mess and the expense of copay again! Just got surg again on July 1st. Just now off pain meds.

    My Natrelle 45s look so much better,cant begin to describe totally better!!

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Layla what is the difference between the implants you switched out to?  

  • LoriWNY
    LoriWNY Member Posts: 178

    I had my exchange surgery 7/5/13 and so far I am extremely happy. I had Mentor 650cc TE's filled to 460cc and ended up with Mentor Memory Gel Silicone Smooth Round Moderate Plus Profile 500cc. I told the PS that I liked the size the TE's gave me but a little smaller and less wide would be great. He removed some excess skin on the sides because I felt the TE's were too wide since I was overflowing into my armpits and sides. I feel the PS really listened to me because I am the size I was envisioning. This surgery was SOOOO much easier than the bilateral mastectomy, especially since I now know which drugs work for me to prevent post-operative nausea/vomiting and which drugs help with pain but don't make me loopy! After the mastectomy and left axillary lymph node dissection in February, I wasn't even able to put my hands together to wash them! This surgery had none of that and I felt so great on the way home from the hospital after the outpatient surgery that I was able to text my friends!

    I am so relieved that this part of this journey is behind me as I am sure so many of you understand.

    Wishing you all the same good outcome I have had so far.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Keke: Is that the Allergan 410, FF style at 535 gms? Depends on your height, weight, ribcage information, as well as the style/volume of your TEs. Refer to #3 in the thread header if you want to sort it all out.

  • Keke713
    Keke713 Member Posts: 31

    Hi! My tissue expanders were natrelle style 133...and myb implants are natrelle 410 FF allergan highly cohesive and 535cc. I have no idea about height, or my rib cage measurements..but I'm going to give these a bit to see how they look after a bit, but I'm really thinking of getting them switched out for a different implant I'm just not sure what kind would work for me.

  • Leahv
    Leahv Member Posts: 32

    Tangles. I'm so sorry you are disappointed and having to repeat this part of the journey! The ladies here have said it all so well, I just want to encourage you to hang in there, you will get where you want to be.

    I am almost two weeks post exchange and having the worst nipple pain ever! ( on augmented native breast) I see my PS tomorrow, any advice from others with this issue would be great.

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465

    Tangles, are you switching or getting your first set of implants? The Mentors were round based and  very wide.

    The Natrelle 45 has a more narrow base so the gel is more projecting because it doesnt spread out and look so pancake shaped.  I am getting a more tubular packaging altho it does round out. I have gone from my hamburger buns to a full fledged grapefruit shape.. so I am much happier. My born with old ones were so small and saggy. Like cooking the small eggs instead of the large eggs..sort of

    Week 1 after surg,PS appt & review and she told me to start massage. Here we go,hope they dont capsule out on me!

  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974

    Leahy---If your PS will allow it, light massage of your augmented breast will help. My PS said it was nerves regenerating and tactile feeling would help. It's almost like it distracts the nerves from making the nipple hurt!! Sometimes all i had to do was just compress the breast and sometimes I had to actually move it around or rub the nipple. I will say, the pain on the augmented/lifted side was much worse than the mx side!!

  • gavinsgrandma
    gavinsgrandma Member Posts: 115

    Hi whippetmom, I am having BLM on Thursday July 18th with TE's( however I do no know which ones) I am 5 ft 5 1/2 inches and I weigh 180 right now but I usually Run about 170 so after my surgery I hope to get back to that weight. My rib cage measurement is 38. I am naturally a large B to a small C cup, I would like to be a nice full C ( in the cup size world) I will be going with the Mentor, I have not fully decided weather it will be Memory Gel or Saline but I think for my body shape I would like to go with Smooth either moderate plus or high profile. I am built stocky so even if I weigh 170 people would guess me at about 150, my normal Pre children weight was 145, which I would love to see again😄but at that weight I looked more like 125. If you could guide my way and help me choose a nicely proportioned implant I would be forever in your debt.

    Thank You Shary🌻

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Shary: It is all going to depend on which style and volume of TE your PS uses! You are probably going to want to end up with implants in the 700 cc/750 cc range, if smooth silicone rounds and high profile. When you are able to get back here to report after your surgery, let me know what TEs your PS used. Make sure that you ask your PS to please give the person who picks you up, the little white plastic card which every manufacturer includes with the implants and this card is supposed to be given to the patient. This card identifies which type of TE was used.


  • Keke713
    Keke713 Member Posts: 31

    Hey! Can I get opinions on this look? I have the allegerin 410 FF and absolutely hate them! I'm thinking about a round faker look!

  • Keke713
    Keke713 Member Posts: 31

    #6...Maybe a little less round..but I REALLY want cleavage! I was flat chested with none before all this, so that was one of my biggest hopes..this implant doesn't give me I guess I wouldn't mind somewhat of the tissue expander high cleavage..I don't know what type of implant I need to achieve that tho. I see my PS tomorrow for my 1wk post op

  • gavinsgrandma
    gavinsgrandma Member Posts: 115

    Thank you Deborah, I will be sure we gat the manufactures info and the card, I have also written down the questions you recommend we ask, I will get that info back to you post-op,

    Thank's again Shary🌻

  • nutmeg_89
    nutmeg_89 Member Posts: 5

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone has an opinion on how a natrelle style 45 (extra high profile) 500cc would look. I was told that I have a very small ribcage so the largest width he would recommend is 12.0 cm but that doesn't leave me with a wide range of choices since they use natrelle. Right now I have 400cc natrelle 133fv expanders filled to 470cc I love the shape and size they are right now, but I would like to stay this size or a little bigger. He recommended I go with the 425cc sientra textured shaped round base high projection but clearly that is smaller then I have right now and he thinks that would only give me a b which is a little disheartening. I wasn't sure if I asked him to use the extra high profile 500cc (which has a width of 11.9) if I would get a very round fake look which I do NOT want. I put my stats below to try to help.

    Height: 5'4'', weight: 120-125lbs , ribcage measurement: 28.5 ; TEs: style: natrelle 133 fv, volume: 400cc, width: 12.0, projection: 5.3 +-.

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    keke let me know what your PS says. I made an apt for a second opinion, but now I am having second thoughts. I just dont know if having another surgery is worth it. I am not happy at all with my implants but I really dont want to go do this again. I am really having mixed thoughts. Maybe I should just be happy with what I got and be happy I have no infection or problems. Why does all of this have to be so hard????