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  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    I can't remember how long it was after my exchange that my PS told me to wait to do cardio … but I was going crazy … so I went for a brisk walk … and wow did I pay for it.  Singing

    Just because you can doesn't mean you should … is some pretty wise advice.

    There is a lot of internal healing that needs to take place after our exchange … things need to settle and heal internally … I had some pocket but not extensive on my right side … and my PS didn't want any jiggle … any movement because he wanted everything to stay where he put it.  So … lesson learned … listen to your PS.  And don't jump back into things too quickly.  

    Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393

    Dawne-Hope, thank you!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Headeast, I know I'm probably more conservative than most. I tended to be cautious extended my arms as I knew what happened when I didn't. For driving, I wasn't comfortable until I could look over both shoulders (my drive to PS is over 20 miles, mostly busy freeway). Was not working so I had that luxury. Can't remember exactly but for me, over a week.

  • Mimi68
    Mimi68 Member Posts: 69


    Glad you are watching the SuperBowl at least..maybe some chips and salsa too? :)

    Were you expecting pocket work due to the position of your TE's? I am wondering if I am in for the same, my left is very lateral.  Any other ladies weigh in in this?



  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393

    2nd time around, my PS has messed my schedule completely telling me I could work on Monday. Even holding a glass of water hurts.

    I am working and have my schedule full for this week! There is no way I can go work, at least the way I feel now, plus his written directions say to rest and not drive or make decisions.

  • activern
    activern Member Posts: 111

    2ndtimearound do you know how the pockets are filled?

  • Mimi68
    Mimi68 Member Posts: 69


    I think that is ridiculous. You need to call your PS tomorrow first thing and tell him you are unable to work due to pain, limitation of movement, need for pain meds etc. He ethically needs to approve that. 3 days is unrealistic and ridiculous! Stay well... Don't stress!


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Headeast, can't say I understand your PS's thinking or instructions. Just know it's not uncommon not to jump back right way, I dare say that it's probably the exception to feel well enough to return to your typical routine immediately. BUT, we're all different: what we had done, how we heal, our pain tolerance, and what your job and job demands are. I will say, if you need pain meds/muscle relaxers and have them, use them! Don't wait till you're in pain, usually that's too late. Have heard it said that when we're in pain, our bodies are stressed and we can't heal as quickly. 

    Activern, I'm not sure I understand your question. I tend to be really squeamish about things so I don't learn the details, others here will be able to explain that better. For the most part, tissue expanders (TE's) are filled slowly. Your PS builds a pocket to hold the TE's which will be replaced with implants. I don't know much technically beyond that. I'm sure someone else will chime in. Tonight is just unusual as it's Super Bowl game day. Hoping someone comes along shortly who can provide a better answer. 

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    Don't drive until you are off meds (except OTC ones like Tylenol.) Don't drive if you are going to have to make big turns or will have to look over either shoulder. I really felt it when I tried to turn the wheel for a big turn and quite simply could not turn my head to look over either shoulder without a bunch of pain. I stayed in my neighborhood and even so, was aware of how sluggish my reaction time was. There is no way I could have stomped on the brakes or turned the wheel quickly so I was a danger to everybody + me. Even opening the heavy car door was a problem early on. Don't rush it. An anesthesiologist once told me it takes about a week for every hour you were "under" to truly recover enough for your foggy head to clear. I thought that was wrong until I tried it 2 weeks after surgery #2  and felt weirdly disoriented. Also couldn't carry a mildly heavy purse without discomfort. (My restriction was no lifting anything over 7 lbs, and no raising my arms above my shoulders.)

  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should..."

    I am laughing, seeing this posted in so many places! I can't remember when I first shared it on BCO, but it was because it became my mantra after surgery. 

    I remember being able to reach something on a high shelf... thinking, "Cool! I can do this!" and then paying for it with pain and discomfort a thousand times over later on. 

    ~ ~ ~ 

    Also - aspirin and other NSAIDS (Motrin, Aleve, etc.) are usually prohibited right before, and right after surgery due to their tendency to increase bleeding. If you are just post-surgery, please check with your PS before you take these meds.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Headeast - I'm one of the ones who had very little pain  following my exchange.  My PS did some very minor pocket work and I had just a bit of internal ache for a few days.  That being said, my PS required two full weeks off work (and I have a desk job), no driving for two weeks, and weight restrictions for another four weeks.  He gave me immediate clearance to walk all I wanted but no running for six weeks.  After those six weeks I was cleared to do anything and everything I was physically able to do. 

    Activern - I'm not sure exactly what you're asking either but will attempt to address your question from a slightly different angle than 2nd_time.  This is just my understanding of things, so if I'm wrong someone please correct me.  When the TEs are placed, your PS has to separate your pectoral muscles from your chest wall in order to place the TEs behind them for secure positioning. He/she releases enough muscle to fit the 'footprint' of the TE (height/width).  After the devices are placed and begin to be filled with saline, your body does treat them as a foreign object and begins to form scar tissue around them.  This eventual cocoon of scar tissue is what is referred to as the 'pocket'.  When you exchange to implants your PS has to cut through that muscle and the pocket to remove the TEs and replace them with implants, and then you have to heal up internally again.  Actually, I'm not sure if they cut through the existing pocket or if the entire pocket is removed and you form a new one around the implants....????  Anyone know the answer to that?  

    Sometimes that pocket of scar tissue can misbehave.  Rather than maturing properly and staying soft, it can mature improperly and become keloid tissue (that's the more ropelike scarring you see sometimes).  When it turns rogue like that it can cause something called capsular contraction, which I think of as a 'tightening' up.  This distorts the shape of the implant and can become quite painful, but can be surgically repaired.  I've been fortunate with both my TEs and implants and haven't experienced any pocket problems.  The minor pocket work my PS did at exchange was to release just a bit more muscle at the bottom of the left pocket so the implant would rest a little lower to match righty.

    Probably way more than you were asking and maybe not even what you were looking for but it still helps me to think these things through myself.  Like 2nd_time, I'm a bit squeamish too but I have a need to understand the mechanics of what's being done Smile, and this description is my mental image of what's gone on inside.

  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393

    thank you to all for the explanation of your own surgeries and all.

    Today I feel better. Muscle pain is almost gone, still have pain on top of the implants, I guess because I went bigger and I asked the PS to be sure the holes that looked so bad on top of the TE (all breast tissue and fat was removed) were fixed. He told me before surgery he would put the implants a little higher than the TE to fix that problem. 

    I stayed all day in bed and that helped immensely. I didn't take OxiCodones after 10pm and this morning took one at 9am. I will take another one at 3pm 

  • Mimi68
    Mimi68 Member Posts: 69

    Happy Monday Headeast!

    Glad you are feeling less pain. Small bits of movement every day , baby steps, will be key in regaining strength. We all de-condition very quickly after surgery and so it takes time to return to baseline. Also try to gently move your arms a little but every hour, it will get easier . ( I have not had my exchange but after my MX I did this) and the more I did this -pushed through a small amount of pain- the better I felt overall. The best time to do this of course is after you take a pain pill, about thirty minutes. 

    Drink lots of water and get lots of rest!!!


  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Glad you're feeling better Headeast Smile

  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393

    thank you Mimi and SweetandSpecial! 

    Yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel! 

    Mimi, I am moving my arms like you said. And drinking lots of water. 

  • activern
    activern Member Posts: 111

    sweetandspecial: your response was perfect.  when I first saw the phrase of pocket filling, I thought something else. you did a great clarification!  thanks again.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Awesome - so glad to help!

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    So I'm home, about 3:30. Tired but can't really sleep. Just catnapping. He put in the larger implant like I asked. A little more sore on the sides where he put in a couple of sutures to close the pocket up a little. I should be able to drive in about 2 weeks, so shorter recovery time this go around. Yeah! Drains should come out In about 12 days. Hopefully. Talk later.

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    Smaarty - So glad to hear from you!  Welcome to the squishy side!  Winking  Get lots of rest and don't overdo....

  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393

    Smaarty, this is great news! One more thing accomplished in this journey!

  • dayzoo
    dayzoo Member Posts: 15

    I know I'm not supposed to be looking, or worrying yet, but I have a question...

    I'm 7 days post op - TE exchange on my left side, and my right (native, non-cancer side) breast lift and small implant.

    Drain in the TE/cancer side, none in the other.

    My 'native' breast is definitely bigger than my right side - haven't really seen any change in the week since surgery.  Will my right/implant side 'drop and fluff' by getting a bit bigger, and my right side get a bit smaller?

    I see my PS tomorrow, but wanted to get some opinions here....



  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836

    All I can say is, 3 1/2 weeks post exchange I do see my implants shifting down/dropping slightly. I was worried the first week or two then started to see a bit of change. I never had alot of swelling, but I can see where there is fat on the sides, especially left, which I hope will be removed in the future. That should make them less wide looking, which is my issue right now.  I assume the drop/fluff will continue.

  • sdstarfish
    sdstarfish Member Posts: 38

    Thanks for the info. Even though I'm 6 years out and have read a lot about implants, I still don't feel like I have a clear picture of saline vs. silicone in regard to wrinkling, tightness, etc. Does anyone have any links to share in this regard?

  • activern
    activern Member Posts: 111

    I have another question for the 'experts':  I have TE's, had a fill last Friday 1/31 and looked fine with typical mound .  However today, the left side looks much much flatter but no pain or discomfort.  Can the expander leak and what are the symptoms?  *scared to h*.   Bawling

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    Hi activern - Unfortunately, the TE can leak due to puncture during a fill or possibly a defect in the expander itself.  If there has been a real change and you are no longer symmetrical (but you were yesterday) I would suggest getting in touch with your PS tomorrow.  Does he/she or the PA work well via email?  Sometimes a picture saves a trip to the office, but I will bet that if a leak is suspected they will call you in for a look-see.

    Hang in there and keep us posted!

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Member Posts: 1,619

    Aviva-what kind of implant did you use?  I'm thinking of the Allergan 410's.

    Let me know,


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    I agree with Tina, Activern....

  • activern
    activern Member Posts: 111

    oh no.  Thank you Tina and Whippetmom!  I will call him tomorrow.  He was planning on doing an exchange when I return from my much needed vacation that I am taking in a couple of weeks.  I am devastated!  

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836

    I have the 410 anatomicals. For me, so far, they feel firmer than I expected. I can tell they are shifting south a tad. Not alot. They also seemed wider than I personally expected, but that is because I have fat on the sides, he said he can lipo out...But the teardrop shape is good for me, Im smaller in size and didnt want big headlights like the te's to Whippetmom tho- she is the expert!

    I did notice during fills that the saline would go in and be in one place then over the next week move around and fill out the rest of the te- so if its 'flattened' that might just be the fluid filling out other places in the te?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Aviva....make sure you are wearing a bra with good lateral support.  You do not want them migrating laterally...