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  • Gma04
    Gma04 Member Posts: 14

    Hi whippet mom 

    I would like some help in know how much I need to be expanded to be a full C. I had a MX only on right side.

    I am 5' 3  119 lbs 30" around bottom of expander  MENTOR 650 STYLE 6300  I am expanded to 390 cc

    At this time. I would love your opinion. Thank you very much.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Gma04: It depends on the size and degree of ptosis/droop with your native breast. Symmetry is the key with a unilateral MX.  Do you need a lift of the native breast, a reduction of the native breast, or will you be augmenting the native breast with a small implant for symmetry?  Your TE has a width of 14 cm, and with a round silicone implant, this translates to approximately 500 ccs to 600 ccs. With a Sientra shaped implant,  450 ccs to 575 ccs, or thereabouts.  Any implants in this range are sufficient to give you the cup size you desire, but again, it depends on the native implant, which dictates what style and volume and degree of fill is needed for the MX side. 

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    I thought I'd post my picture, a week out from my last surgery. One side was opened back up, the pocket repaired, and the implant changed out for a new one - same kind of implant, same size, same style. There is a lot of swelling in the upper pole that will go down soon. (I have incisions to repair muscles in front of my shoulder and underarm.)  

    What you see is the difference you can expect after exchange. One side is a week old, the other is nearly four months old. I have Allergan 410's, Style FF, 740 cc anatomical gummie bears.


  • Gma04
    Gma04 Member Posts: 14

    whippet mom 

    I will be augmenting the native breast for symmetry. What implants do you recommend? I will go in for hopefully my last fill Friday. I will be at 450cc. I appreciate your imput.

    Thank you so much it has been a long hard 2013 yr. praying 14 will be better.

  • mikishelley
    mikishelley Member Posts: 12

    I have noticed from the messages here, that there seems to be a few months between TE placement and implant exchange.  Is that the norm? How long will I have to put up with these TE's. Not happy with the hardness, and I would love to sleep on my side again.

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923

    Wow, looking good, Sandra4611! Just curious - what kind of TE's did you have and how much expansion? I don't know much about gummies, but it's looking really good and you're only one week out! 

    I don't even see any incisions?

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    BC101, my situation is a little different than most people. My BMX was seven months ago and I got my permanent 800 cc round implants at the same time. I lost the left one because of infection so I only had one TE, an Allergan Style 133MX 700cc. The other side was fine. After expanding to 740 cc's, the exchange surgery and pocket revision was in December. I changed to 740 cc anatomical gummy bears so both sides got new pockets and new "residents." At my surgery a week ago, my left side had another revision to its pocket so the implant came out but was replaced with a fresh new one, the same size, same kind. (Allergan 410 Style FF 740 cc) It was a little off center and funny looking at first, but smoothed out quicker than I thought it would. It's still puffy on the upper pole (which I wish I could keep) and odd looking near my arm because of the swelling from nearby muscle reconstruction. In a couple months you won't be able to tell the difference. The muscles will relax, the swelling will go down & everything will settle like it has done before. Then I will get fat grafting to the upper pole, a little more repairs to my left underarm, and I'll be finished.

  • Mich71
    Mich71 Member Posts: 11

    Also a Uni doing delayed construction later this year.  If original size was an A cup (5'2" 100lbs, 26" rib measurement) and thinking I would go a bit bigger (full B?), are there ever limitations with the native breast?   I am glad I did Uni for healing but now researching reconstruction, It's harder to find reconstruction info regarding the remaining breast.

  • Gma04
    Gma04 Member Posts: 14

    It depends on how many fills you get. How large you want to get expanded. My doctor will not do the implants until 6 wks after the last fill. He also does not fill over 60cc at the time. Every week. He goes slow and easy

    So there is hardly any pain, however all doctors do things differently. Hope this info helps.

    Good luck,


  • mnmbeck
    mnmbeck Member Posts: 156

    I'm sure all PS's are different on this, but mine says there has to be a minimum of 3 months between TE placement and exchange surgery.  There also has to be a minimum of 4 weeks between the last TE fill and the exchange surgery.  I ended up needing to go slow on my fills.  I was miserable with TE's, but the fills were horrible for me, too. ended up being 5 months between surgeries for me.  I know every surgeon is different, and it also depends on chemotherapy, radiation, etc.  Right after my BMX, I would have mini panic attacks, thinking I could not possibly live with those TE's for 3 months.  It was horrible.  But, time, healing, and physical therapy showed me it was possible.  There are ways to help....don't be afraid to ask. Hang in there....

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Mich71: If you are increasing the breast size a bit, your PS will use a smaller implant on the native side, in order to achieve symmetry with whatever he/she will be doing on the MX side.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    My PS waits one month after BMX/TE placement to start regular fills process (in addition to what he inserts in the OR.) Fills are spaced two weeks apart.

    Then he waits three months after the final fill to schedule an Exchange to permanent implants.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    My PS started fills 2 weeks post-BMX (had 100cc fill at time of BMX/TE placement) and requires 3-4 months wait after final fill for exchange.  I had my TEs for a total of 9 months.  Aside from the first 5-6 weeks they really didn't bother me much.  Annoying, yes, but not very uncomfortable and definitely not painful.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864

    My PS did a small fill at my one week post op. (BMX/TEs mid October with 150cc's each at time of surgery.) Then I had 50cc's every two weeks til done. Exchange was mid February. He did not have waiting requirement after final fill. I had been scheduled for exchange mid January but had to reschedule due to a fever. 

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    Mikishelly, as you can see already, there is no "rule" among plastic surgeons as to:

    1. Whether you get any saline in the OR
    2. How long you wait after surgery for the first fill
    3. How many cc's you get in a fill
    4. Whether you get fills once a week, twice a week, or more
    5. How long you have to wait for the exchange after your last fill

    It seems they have different ideas about every little detail of this process. I had no saline in the OR, waited 3 weeks for the first fill, had no specific number of cc's, got a fill every week, and only had to wait one month after the last fill for the exchange.

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    mikishelley - And just to show you how diverse our experiences have been:

    I had 50ccs put in in the OR, fills started six days after BMX (that same day the drains were removed), I got 50ccs every two weeks for four months, and exchange was ten days after my last fill.  So how's that for variety?  There is no normal it seems.  The protocol for every PS is as different as each of his / her patients and their particular circumstances. 


  • Gma04
    Gma04 Member Posts: 14


    Did you get my post? I had some questions for you I hope you can give me some advice.

    Maybe you did however I'm not finding your post.



  • simplelife2
    simplelife2 Member Posts: 74

    This is all new to me!

    I too have wondered about how many fills, how long before replacement for implants. It has been so helpful to be able to read all the posts when this is all new! I had BMX with TEs placed February 3rd due to IDC found during routine mammo on one side, then it was also found on the other side with MRI. It all happened so fast and my PS doesn't really offer anything unless I ask! After reading from this site, now I have a better idea of what's ahead. I just want to be a C cup as I was before. I don't know for sure what that means in cc. I have  had 2 fills of 100cc each. First fill at 5 weeks post op, then 2nd at 7 weeks. I've had a lot of discomfort with burning nerve pain, but it finally lessened after my fill last week. I was starting to get very discouraged, and wondered how long that would last. I am 5` 3` and about 165# with my rib cage  being 33"  What can I expect for final fill? I have a big indentation on the lower inner corner of the left TE and it also sits quite a but higher on that side too. Will that go away with fills? It is  also the  most uncomfortable on that side. Any ideas? Thank you for all the  wonderful information   

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    simplelife2 - It was all new to all of us once upon a time...  Yes, as your TEs fill they'll round out.  I actually had corners poking out (when the TE was still only partially filled) that finally went away after about 6 - 8 weeks.  Until then, those corners were oh, so tender.  It just takes time but they eventually do resemble a breast like shape and serve a purpose - no matter how much we hate them. 


  • mnmbeck
    mnmbeck Member Posts: 156

    Simplelife.....I have been amazed as I've looked through the picture forum at how bizarre TE's can look.  uneven, lumpy, square, you name it.  What is even MORE amazing to me is how a PS can turn that mess into anything resembling a breast.  But, they do!  It's amazing.  I am also amazed at the difference between what can be a gnarly looking scar when they put the TE in....compared to the exchange surgery, when they clean everything up.  I am in awe of what those surgeons can do!!

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    simplelife - I'm glad you're experiencing relief from the burning nerve pain.  I suffered with that for several weeks before my BS figured it out and switched me to Neurontin, which cleared it right up.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Gma04:  I think I answered your question....Winking Was there another post I missed???

    "Your TE has a width of 14 cm, and with a round silicone implant, this translates to approximately 500 ccs to 600 ccs. With a Sientra shaped implant, 450 ccs to 575 ccs, or thereabouts. Any implants in this range are sufficient to give you the cup size you desire, but again, it depends on the native implant, which dictates what style and volume and degree of fill is needed for the MX side. "

    In summary: It all depends on the appearance of the native breast, AFTER you are augmented, and the PS should bring in smooth silicone rounds and shaped Sientra implants, to see whether a round or a shaped implant provides the best symmetry.  I like the smooth silicone rounds and I like Sientra shaped implants....

  • Gma04
    Gma04 Member Posts: 14

    Whippetmom,  Yes I sent another post on Mar.30th 6:08 PM I just wanted to know what implants you prefer

    Also yes for my size I think I should stop at 450 cc. Also ps will put an implant in the native breast for symmetry . I pray everything turns out at least somewhat normal. I will say this after reading all these not so good post I am some what apprehensive. I guess I'm just looking for some reassurance LOL I thank you again for all of your help and everyone else that have posted.

    Good luck to everyone. Hugs from Texas.


  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    I had another fill today, only the right side. So now my left breast has 600cc and the right 500cc. I asked the ps if we will do the next two fills only on right side to catch ( I go 50cc at a time) and she said yes. I also asked her if she thinks I should go more than 600... She said lets wait and see. She said I still have seeking and my last fill to catch up the right isn't until April 22 so we have time to determine that. I asked her what size implant she was thinking for me( I wish I asked what kind as well). She said she will bring in a 600, 650 and 700 probably. I know in one of your posts to me u suggested at least 650, possibly 700. How much smaller/different is a tissue expander filled to 600 and a 650 implant? Thanks for your help!!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084


    50 cc = 1.7 ounces or 3.4 tablespoons

    For me, I have 750 cc implants, I think 800 would be better, but no way would I exchange for that small amount.

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876

    2nd time around,

    What do u mean you wouldn't exchange for that small amount? The 600 cc I have now? What kind of implants do u have? What size were you before?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    no, M@H, I was talking about me (sorry, didn't mean to infer anything about you, can only speak for my situation). I meant I have 750 cc's, now I would have preferred the 800's, but not worth surgery and recovery for the 50 cc difference. Does that explain it better? Also, my TE's were filled to 720 cc. The shape of the same amount of cc's in TE's look very different from the same amount in implants. 

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876

    2nd time around,

    That's what I want to avoid... Going through all this and being like huh? That's not what I expected!!  I would like to be similar in size to where I was prior to this nightmare just with more firm breasts and cleavage.. Might as well go for the gusto right? Lol. No in all seriousness my te will be 600 and then we will decide if I need to fill more or not. I don't want to "stretch" the pocket so much that I get flabby breasts. I'd rather harder than flabby....but my thing is should I stop filling at 600 and try for a 700, 750 implant?!?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    M@H, Whippetmom would be better to answer that than me

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876

    Ok thanks