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  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    bc101: Oops...I thought we were talking siicone, not saline.  Allergan Style 20 is silicone.  

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    bc101:  Please ask your PS about Sientra HP smooth rounds, 655 ccs.  That might be a very good option for you.

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923

    Yes, I was talking silicone for the implants. 

    I'll ask about the Sientra. 

    What are your thoughts on fat grafting? I'd kind of like to avoid it if at possible. Just one less thing to do surgically....

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    bc101:  I am in favor of fat graft transfer.  It could be done at the time of the exchange, if need be.

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    bc101 - With whippetmom's blessing, I had fat grafting during my revision surgery three weeks ago and I'm now a huge proponent.  Prior to this, my original implants were cold all the time and I had some rippling and divots on the upper pole of both sides, among other things....  After the revision, I now have smooth, warm 'girls' and my skin is like it was when I was a teenager.  If you have access to the picture forum, look up my thread.  If not, send me a PM and I can send you a picture if that will help you.  My PS wholeheartedly believes that fat grafting with regard to reconstruction improves the integrity of the skin and makes the process look and feel more 'normal' overall.   


  • savilleization
    savilleization Member Posts: 3

    Thank you whippetmom for you input and inclination towards the Sientra 480 round oval.  I do have another question.  My PS discussed doing FT at the same time she does the new implants to fill in on the right side and perhaps soften the transition above the implants.  It sounds nice, but I am concerned about trama to the skin.  I watched a video on FT and it looked rough and my daughter had it and was very bruised.  Do you or anyone else on the board have experience with this - do you think stretching the skin for larger implants and doing a FT at the same time could cause healing issues?  I will of course discuss with my PS pre-op, but like to hear other peoples experiences.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    hi savi, where is the video? Did you watch it on YouTube?  I want to know more about fat grafting I am scared about it. I am not sure 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    savilleization: Well, yes, you will likely have bruising.  But there are no post-FGT scars or trauma to the skin - at least that I have ever observed in the past five years.  I have had it done twice, although as procedures separate from the exchange.  I have known quite a few women who have had fat graft transfer performed at the same time as the exchange, and without complications.  


  • vfay49
    vfay49 Member Posts: 51

    Whippetmom,  I met with Dr. G on Tuesday for another fill appointment.  I am now at 590 cc.  I spoke with him about the comment he had made to me at an earlier appt. dealing with the possibility of his overfilling my 133-MV-16, 700 cc TEs to 800 ccs if we were to use the Style 20, 800 cc implant. As you had made me aware in an earlier post,  I pointed out that the Style 20, 800 cc implant had smaller dimensions than my TEs and questioned him on the need to overfill.  He knew the Style 20 was narrower (15.3 cm) than my TEs (16 cm) but at first appeared to question the projection figure of my TEs (6.6 cm) as compared to the Style 20 (6.1 cm).  He did say that he sometimes has issues with getting the Style 20 to fit in the pocket, which would be the reason for overfilling.  If necessary, he said that he will tighten the pocket width and that the skin/muscle will bounce back to fit around the implant. However, before I left his office he said that he will probably fill to 700 cc.  Although we are leaning towards the Style 20, 800 cc implant, no specific implant has definitely been decided upon.   I am still contemplating the Style 15, 700 cc.  He said that he will give me information on saline vs. silicone at my last fill appt.  I will return one month later to discuss my implant choice.  One month (or longer) after that appt. my exchange surgery will be scheduled.  This should be some time in October.   On another note, I  also mentioned that I wanted minimal maternal droop/ptosis, and he said I should have very little.   Because my native breasts were large, I also learned that I had a modified skin-saving mastectomy where a good bit of my skin was removed during my BMX.  That is the reason why my incisions are so long. 

    Thanks again for your valuable input!


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Virginia:  Thank you for the update.  Cannot fathom why that Style 20 would be difficult to fit in the pocket.  Well, find out which implants he orders when you have your pre-op....ThumbsUp

  • twoam
    twoam Member Posts: 122

    First of all, thank you Whippetmom for the information, advice and guidance that you provide. It is invaluable, and very much appreciated. I had BMX 6/18 and will be having exchange sometime in August. I realize this is considered very fast. I was filled with 350cc during SX which I am very grateful for now, as I was feeling no pain at the time. Since then I have been having 60cc fills. My PS always asks me how much I want to do, if any, and tell him any time I just want to stop. Today was my last fill. I have decided to stop. My pre-op appt will be 7/31, and we will take it from there. So this is what we are thinking, and nothing is set in stone. PS is very open to my opinons. I am 5'9" 155 lbs, small D pre SX. My goal, before I decided to stop, was a small C. My TE's are 133MX-12-T 400cc. I am currently filled to 480cc, and PS said we will use the Allergan 410, 470cc. I realize it is hard to pin point cup size, but I was just wondering if you could tell me approximately what I will be looking at (so I wont be completely shocked!) and if this implant sounds like a good choice to you. Sorry this is so long, and again, thank you for all you do :) 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    twoam:  Please read the thread header - specifically the section about anatomical implants.  Precise pocket planning is crucial for anatomical implants, because of their risk of rotation - especially in a pocket which has been dissected and then stretched by a tissue expander.  Your TEs have the following dimensions:  12.0 cm wide, 11.0 cm height and 6.3 cm in projection.  The proposed implant, an Allergan 410-MF/470 grams, has the following dimensions:  14.0 cm wide, 12.9 cm height and 5.6 cm projection. It certainly is better that the implant is at least wider than the TE and will be a bit tighter in the pocket width-wise.  If your PS has had experience using this TE and specific anatomical, then that seems the way to go.   I have no idea about size.  What is your ribcage circumference - measuring under the TEs.? Also, what do you think of your current size?  Too big, too small, just right?


  • twoam
    twoam Member Posts: 122

    Whippetmom, Thank you for the information. My under rib cage measurment is 34". It is difficult to say if I am happy with my current size, because the roundness and projection of the TE's is not what I am used to, which is why I chose the 410's. I understand cup size cannot be predicted, so not sure myself, what I am asking. Guess I am just getting a case of the nerves, and hoping my decision to stop fills was the right one.

  • Mischief46
    Mischief46 Member Posts: 68

    Whippetmom, I had my BMX 5/19 and had Mentor medium profile 275cc's TE with 200cc's put in at time of surgery.  I have filled to a final 325cc's and looking ahead to exchange sometime at the end of August or maybe early Sept.  My PS said he is looking at using the Sientra shaped 370cc.  He did mention if at time of exchange surgery they (him and his nurses) didn't like the looks or fit of the shaped he would use the rounds.  I am wondering what your advise would be.  I am 5'5" and 115lbs with a ribcage of 29". I hope I was able to give you all of the information the first time! :-)  This site is wonderful...have spent plenty of hours on here reading and finding answers to just about everything!  Never thought I'd actually post...but here I am. Thanks!

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Welcome Mischief46!  I'm sorry you have to be here but you found the right spot.  Whippetmom is a true God-send and will help you figure out what's right for your frame and situation.  Good luck and keep us posted!

  • Ally2345
    Ally2345 Member Posts: 96

    Mischief46-  So glad you found us!  Whippetmom is the best.  There are several of us having exchanges in August so we can share out experiences with you.  


  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    Mischief46 - Welcome!  You're very first post and you've already found whippetmom and all of her wisdom!  Good for YOU!  She is the very best - and will become as invaluable to you as she is to all of us.  


  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    Hello. I had my exchange June 2. I think my foobs look ok but I've been noticing that when I rub my foobs gently I feel "pockets ". It feels like I can feel baggies of water in there. Is that normal? What can I do to fix that? Would you think revisions are necessary? Would work? Also when I'm laying flat I have "flat" spots ... Is that normal? I actually liked the feeling I had from the Tes better. There was firmness.... I have allergen 20 implants

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Good luck to all the August exchanges ladies!  August 7 is my 53rd birthday and also my one-year exchange anniversary.  You'll be a year out before you know it!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    twoam: You might be around a B cup....hard to say, because anatomicals do not always fit in a bra the way rounds do....

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Mischief: The 370 Sientra shaped implants sound good to me.  My other recommendation would be Allergan or Mentor smooth silicone high profile rounds - 350 ccs to 400 ccs.  375 ccs would be preferable, if you are happy with your current size.  About 100 ccs greater volume with implants to approximate what you have with 275 ccs.  The additional fill just gives you some extra ptosis/droop.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Mommyathome:  That is what happens when there are areas of thinner skin surrounding the implant.  I have that also.  Not something to revise, unless it is causing visual defects, and then perhaps fat graft transfer might be employed to help add some volume.  


  • Mischief46
    Mischief46 Member Posts: 68

    Whippetmom, Thank you. I will definitely bring up the 375cc high profile rounds at our consultation, in case he decides to go the round route.  

    Thank you all for the warm welcome! :-)

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    Can you explain fat graft  transfer? where do they take fat from? How is it transferred? What's recovery time for this? Would they use same incision? My incision is vertical.... If this is chosen as an option you'd do it before nipples correct?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    Read this:

    Explains Fat Graft Transfer

    Downtime is minimal.  It is not an invasive procedure.   No incisions are made on the breast. Fat is harvested using a small cannula - tummy, buttocks, thighs - usually tummy - and then droplets of harvested fat are injected with tiny needles under the skin of the breast.  So you have perhaps tiny little entrance points (from the cannula) on the tummy, which heal and fade. Your breasts might be a bit swollen for a while...or even have a little bruising, as would be your tummy or other harvested site, but this resolves within a week.  You could do it before or after nipples are created, but since you are on the before side, do it before.

    EDITED TO STATE:  That nearly everyone has some type of implant distortion when they lie down.  So if this is the only concern, and if it is just a tactile feeling of the implant with the thin skin, then my advice is to do absolutely nothing.  Avoid general anesthesia for elective procedures that will only address nuances that no one else will notice.  I do advise wearing a camisole with cups or a sleep bra at night, to keep the implants from migrating laterally towards the armpits.  


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    Incidentally, I was at Target the other day and saw that they have Gilligan and O'Malley camisoles with built in bras (with removable padding) and this is the type of sleep item I love.  They come in a variety of colors.  I looked online and they describe the same brand of cami with a "shelf bra" , so I do not know if this is an in-store-item only.  But they are worth checking out if you are near a Target store.  And then in the summer, I just wear boyshorts or sleep shorts with the camis.                                                                

  • vfay49
    vfay49 Member Posts: 51

    Whippetmom, In the customer reviews for the Gilligan & O'Malley camisole at Target online, the reviewers refer to it as having a "built-in" not "shelf"  bra.  I thought I would give it a try and ordered three.  Sizes and colors are limited online.  Thanks for the tip!


  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    hi whippetmom, I'm back. I will be having my implants removed and wondered what you would recommend this time. I have Natrelle 115, 115-547, textured, silicone placed on February 3. I have lost weight so now at 170, 5'6" and ribcage is 36".  I'd like more profile if that's even possible. The implants have dropped and been shifting toward the sides. I had one suture on each side to force them towards the center. I think that's gone now.  I can feel ridges or creases in the implants under my skin. Very weird.  He said he'd have to do more pocket work and use a sling but not Alloderm, it's made from pig tissue, not human, because it's thicker.  I can send you pics if needed. Thanks for any help.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Virginia:  Oh, I did not see that!  Yes, it should say "built in bra".  So glad they are online also!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Smaarty :  Yes, please send me photos.  PM me when you have sent them.