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  • Elizabethaw
    Elizabethaw Member Posts: 165

    Camillia, I'm getting ready for exchange on Thursday and I'm starting to get really nervous!  I'm so glad that your recovery is going well. I'm also curious how much change to expect after the exchange.  I may or may not be getting shaped implants--my PS will make that decision based on how different options work on me during the exchange.

  • FLgrl32
    FLgrl32 Member Posts: 11

    Hi WhippetMom,

    I have been on hiatus :). Next week is my exchange surgery and I see my PS for a pre-op appointment.  To refresh your memory - I am 5'5 and 125 with a 31 inch ribcage.  My TEs are 13.3 wide, placed in March, and very full.  My skin has reacted well.  He is planning to use Allergan 20 (as you suggested :).

    It's been quite a few months, so I am not sure if anything new has been approved that would change your mind about the implant type he should use.  He talks about 700ccs but will bring several sizes into surgery.  He is doing some fat grafting at the time of surgery.  Good plan or new thought?  Thanks a bunch!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    FLgrl: Did I suggest 700 ccs? Seems a little large for your frame, unless you are hoping to BE larger. 

    ADDENDUM: what style and volume are your TEs?

  • FLgrl32
    FLgrl32 Member Posts: 11

    Hi WhippetMom,

    You suggested 650, but my PS has his own ideas that's for sure.  I do trust him and made him promise to try a few sizes.  I do not want to end up huge.  As for how much I have in my TEs....they have been quite cagey about that.  I tried to keep up by asking questions, but I do not have definite number.  I am guessing around 650 in right and 600 in left.  They look different for sure. My TEs are 13.3w 14.3 h and 4.7p 500.  Sientra I believe.  

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Okay, FLgrl, I recall now about the overfill of the Sientras.  

  • FLgrl32
    FLgrl32 Member Posts: 11

    I don't know how you could possibly remember.  You are a marvel!  So, do you like the plan or is something new with implants that I haven't been keeping up with?  Would you ask anything specific at the pre-OP?

    Thanks so much

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    I remember because you are one of only two gals who has a Sientra TE.  I cannot think of any questions.  It sounds as though you have all of your ducks in a row!

  • nitengirl1
    nitengirl1 Member Posts: 23

    Has anyone had a small implant to fill the lumpectomy removal

  • bethq
    bethq Member Posts: 177

    whippet mom I guess I was the other one with Sientra te. Just looking back I am curious as to why my PS used such small TEs on me. She kept saying it was because I am so small but I've seen others my size with larger results. I'm not dissatisfied just curious. 

  • angelfaith456
    angelfaith456 Member Posts: 33


    You were right! I got my first fills today - 100cc each..Everything is smoothing out and rounding out nicely..PS said he doesn't believe he will go up to 800cc total because he is sure I will decide to stop somewhere in the 700's..I agree..I'm loving what I see so far!! Now to deal with the pain for a few days...

    Thanks again!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    It all depends on the amount of defect involved. Oncoplastic reconstruction could be performed with fat grafting (fat typically harvested from the abdomen) or FG plus small implant, or flap surgery.  Again, depends on where the defect is on the mound and how minor or significant a defect is present. Perhaps get two opinions on revision.

  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    New here and have read the last 10 pages, but honestly cannot imagine reading all 391 pages, as I'm having visual issues from chemo.  Sorry, therefore, not exactly sure what to post, so I hope this is right.  Due to the new antibody Perjeta, I'm doing neoadjuvant chemo, with a smaller (under 3cm) tumor, so have a moment or two to think about everything.  My IDC is close to the nipple, so the current BS said I couldn't do nipple sparing, but my 2nd opinion MO advised nipple sparing for the good one if I do a BMX.  I was still in info overload, so didn't ask why.  The 1st MO, RO, BS all seem to tell me just to do a lumpectomy, but I want at least a MX.   I didn't have a SNB, even though I wanted one (long story), prior to chemo, but the MRI says the nodes are clear.  I'm 49, married, 170lbs and 5' 2".  I have been within 5lbs of this weight (with the exception of 2 pregnancies 30 lbs for twins, 20 for singleton) for the last 15 years, so I'm guessing that is where I will stay.  I have large breasts, 38 DDD's, but we all know that is 'subjective' as most of us don't get proper bras.  They are wider than my PS's measuring tool.  I do not like that they sag and I get heat rash under them, I do not like that they are so wide, that I sometimes get a rash from them rubbing against my inner/outer arm.  I do not like that it hurts my ribs to wear a bra tight enough to help the shoulder straps hold them up, I don't like the divots in my shoulders or the back pain.  So, if I do a BMX, I'd like to solve these problems.  Is that possible?  Also, I also have a bit of a tummy, but not much, most of my weight is in my bottom and thighs.  Although I'd love to join the itty bitty committee, grass is always greener on the other side, I think I would look out of proportion.  The PS asked what cup size I had in mind, and I said I'm clueless, I went from and A to a D in a summer 35 years ago, so I am clueless what a B or a C or even a D would look like.  I live within 50 miles of both Washington DC and Baltimore MD, so the options are endless for BS and PS, but would prefer to stay in my city, as it seems there are lots of follow up appointments, and the commute would be tiring, as we seem to always be in rush hour.  Oh, my 2nd opinion MO recommended post surgical radiation, just because I have another 50 years to live (wow, I'd be 99) and she wants to do the best at getting any rouge cells.  Again, I hope this is what a newcomer is supposed to post, and if not, please advise.  Last chemo is scheduled for 10/29, so I have a bit of time.  

  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    Oh, I forgot to mention my port is in my left breast and I'll be using it till next July for Herceptin.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Hi, kmntwins, and welcome to this thread!

    Sorry you are in the midst of chemo right now, but good for you for starting early to ask questions about your options.

    Truthfully, I couldn't go back and read 391 pages, either, but the MOST important info you need to read is right at the top of this page, in the blue box

    Not only does whippetmom give you information about TEs and the various kinds of implants available, but also states clearly what statistics she will need from you. Read #'s 3,4, and 5 carefully. You won't have TE information, as you have not had your surgery, but make sure you include your chest measurement.

    And I can't remember what page it's on, but whippetmom has declared a moratorium on cup sizes! That's because when you talk about reconstruction, cup sizes go out the window. Your PS may be asking you what cup size you want to be, but it will come down to the basics: height, width, and projection centimeters, and cubic centimeters of the implant itself.

    Starting early does have a distinct advantage. When you undergo your MX, and the PS inserts the TEs, he/she is doing so with an expander that matches the intended implant. Most ladies come here already having TEs, and if they are not the appropriate size, let's just say that more work can be involved at Exchange.

    Wishing you the best as you go through treatment....

  • Camillia
    Camillia Member Posts: 34

    Thinking of you, Elizabethaw… ! Welcome to the squishy side!!!!

  • MarieJune
    MarieJune Member Posts: 12

    Hi Whippetmom, 

    I have been on here for a bit just "seeing" what others are getting for implants, once their TE's are done, etc....and now I am finally scheduled for my own Nipple Sparing BMX with Reconstruction after TE's scheduled for September 23rd @ 7:30am (I'm part of the Sept. Surgery Sisters Group). 

    I have taken my measurements and have my height and weight. Here are my dimensions, etc:

    34 Female    Weight 129   Height  5' 4 1/2"   Ribcage Size: 30 1/2"  Bust Now (with size B breasts): 35"   Waist  28 1/2"  Hips  35"

    I am planning on eventually (once done with fills) receiving Allergan (Natrelle) style 410 in roughly what I thought would be good was 500cc's. I definitely don't want to be SMALL anymore! But I don't want to be HUGE, either. I just loved how I looked while I was a breastfeeder when my milk was full, and always prayed I could get back to that lovely size!! lol.....Well, looks like this is my only way, since I am DONE having children, lol. ;)  I know they won't look perefect, it will be a long road, and since my pec muscles already jump and move when I flex (along with my size B breast) I seem to think that will be an ongoing issue?? I flex my arm and my breast moves upwards, so I can only imagine that the FOOB will end up doing the same unfortunately, because I just have good pec muscles somehow. :~/   

    My question is/are: Does that seem like a "good size" for me with my dimensions and measurements? Or should I go to 550cc's? I hear some get larger ones because of the projection? I certainly don't want the round implants unless I have to have them if the pockets just don't fit my allergan style 410s. My surgeon prefers using the Natrelle Allergan 410's over the other ones, and I have seen regular breast augmentations look beautifully in her I am hoping she can do a great job alongside my amazing breast surgeon once he does the mastectomy. They work together often, since the PS knows how well the BS does his mastectomies and never takes too much skin away. They'll be in the same room the entire time, because my BS doesn't want to leave me until I am out of the room into recovery. He's amazing. My PS is also incredible. I love them both, and am very lucky.....let's pray it stays this way, since I haven't had anything done yet, right? ;) 

    I'm going in on the 15th and just really need to have my ducks in a row regarding what I am looking for, etc......she didn't have that particular allergan 410 implant in 500 or 550 cc's, so I could only hold, squeeze, touch the 400cc one she had. I loved it for sure, and with having systemic lupus, they recommend it to me since my body won't reject it as it probably would any smooth shelled implant. And I instantly LOVED the shape. My own natural shape is very similar. I just want to be BIGGER though.....not small like before. :~) 

    What do you suggest? With reading my bio about myself? Looking forward to finally being a poster on here and will also provide pics to your PM if you would like me to. 

    Thank you in advance for all you do. I have been checking out your part of this page as a suggestion from a friend of mine on here and have been amazed at how well you know your stuff! Good Job! You're one amazing woman. Thank you for helping all of us here. 

    Marie J Mello

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253


    I just had exchange a week ago to 410's and my stats are very similar to yours. I am 5'4" 132lb 30" ribcage and have had both the rounds in 550cc's for 9 months and now have the 410's either in FF535 of MF525 will find out next Thurs which one my PS decided on. the 410's however are measured in grams not cc's.

    Do you have access to the picture forum as I have a thread there and use my same screen name there you can do a search. If not I can PM you some pics to get an idea of size


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    kmntwins:  If this is done correctly, with a BMX you can end up with a result which will not be droopy, saggy, heavy or cumbersome.  A reduction of the skin will be necessary....Have you consulted with anyone yet, regarding reconstruction?  You have a number of options, which include implant-based reconstruction only, an autologous flap plus implant, or flap of one type or another (DIEP, with your description of amply belly tissue).  If you have rads, this will factor into the reconstruction options. 

    I can get your some names.  Where is your city?


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    MarieJune:  Let catyz2 contact you and help you out with this one.  It sounds as though 495 gms to 535 gms would be a good size for you.

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253

    MarieJune sent you a private message


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    ladies just wanted to give an update.

    Things have improved 1000% for me. Í am extremely happy with my results. I just sent a pm the wheeptmom telling her that even the cold I used to have with previous implants is now gone. :)

    I wish you all good luck and please don't give up.if things don't look or feel right try to get your Ps to fix it or get a different one. In my case I saw two different Ps so 2 second opinion till now I am finally happy 😊 .

    Have a great weekend , my stichts will be removed this Tuesday :) incisions looking good so far.

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156

    So happy for you enerva. What a trooper you are. I hope the pain is gone. Has the swelling gone down as well? Good luck with the stitches on Tuesday. XoDnice

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    So good to hear Enerva!  You hung in there!!! 

  • MarieJune
    MarieJune Member Posts: 12

    Thank you SO much, Catyz & Whippetmom! 

    I read your posts and saw your pics from the pic forum, Katie, and THANK you !!!! You have clarified that I definitely want these ones, and after seeing the change on how well you did from your first foobs (with the rounds) to the anatomical, I am  much more confident in wanting them to begin with. :) 

    I know I'll have to be in the TE's for some time (possibly up to 6 months or so- unless my body reacts better than expected with my having systemic lupus).....but also LOVE that the TE's have the same shell material as the Allergan 410's. :) My PS was happy with my choice when I went in a couple months ago to make my BIG choice to have all this done for the future of my time here on earth. She was pleased with my choosing the Natrelle 410's and I told her I was looking for a sizing between 500-550 (so this appears to be the best route for my personal goal).  I definitely want to be larger than I am now, lol.....what's the point between trying to remain the same size, I just know I want to definitely have projection.....and am happy with having seen pics and others (especially the transformation you had Katie)! Wow, you look GREAT!!! 

    Thank you for your advice, and I will update when I am closer to my dates. I am just beginning this whole thing on Sept. i have a ways to go. But am thankful for all the advice you both gave me. You both have been helpful. 


  • lalli
    lalli Member Posts: 21

    Hi Whippet mom.

    You've helped me here and through private messages. I just had my exchange yesterday. You had suggested I go for a 500cc or 550 cc might be even better. My expanders were filled just to 400cc and my PS brought a variety of size in between 425 and 500 and chose the 500, so you were right on.

    My question for you, and others, is i've peaked under the bandages and see that the nipples point out a bit and one is lower than the other. Will this sort of thing resolve itself over the next months?

    Thanks for your thoughts and experience.

  • Elizabethaw
    Elizabethaw Member Posts: 165

    thanks, Camillia!  I just posted on the exchange city thread.  I'm doing well, and I am so much happier with the softness. I'm obsessed with the new implants not being big enough, but I"m hoping they'll magically grow.  : )  

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    lalli:  You will just have to wait for two the see how the implants settle.  Everything can look pretty wonky in the first week after the exchange.  But congratulations!  I am very happy for you!  Keep a weekly photo journal of the changes.....

  • Elizabethaw
    Elizabethaw Member Posts: 165

    Whippetmom, you and my PS surgeon totally agreed. He wanted to try shaped implants (because of my bony little small chest), but he usually doesn't use them. It was that or the Mentor rounds you suggested (450 or 575). I had a great conversation with him about what I wanted, and I ended up with 450 on one side and 500 on the other. So far it looks like he was able to get me a more natural slope with the rounds. He felt (as you had stated) that the shaped wouldn't get me the projection I wanted. He said he did try the 550s, but they looked too tight and artificial (again, exactly what you said was likely).  I think they probably look really good (my husband says they do), but honestly I miss the big in-your-face size/projection of the TEs!  I am loving the soft comfortable implants, and I feel more much like they belong to my body instead of being a foreign object. So I'm sure I'll get used to it, but I'm still wishing they were bigger!  I am glad my PS tried all the options, and I'm glad the two of you agreed. 

    Still, any chance they'll get bigger?  You had thought 450/475 would probably be close to matching the TEs.  Perhaps I just have to adjust to the different shape? My husband says they're plenty big.  : )

    Thank you so, so much for all of your help! 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Elizabethaw: You will find that they are big enough.  Give it a couple of weeks.  Sounds like a perfect size for you!  

    BTW:  Congratulations!  

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    hi Deborah, I'm back again, sorry to bug you when you have these newbies that need your expertise. I'm now at 165, 34" ribcage, still 5'6".  You said to go smooth rounds at 650cc. My original ps won't do anything about my implants. The foobs hurt all the time now, I know some is related to the weight loss. The ripples are extreme and uncomfortable. 

    2nd PS said she does smooth rounds and suggested going smaller than the current 550 textured I have because how stretchy my skin has been. She has not mentioned doing the wings or fat grafting. I see her on the 16th. She suggested to start wearing a bra and I have for the last 5 weeks. It's help with the stretching feeling in the upper poles but hurts after 5 hours or so.

    The 3rd PS says gummies HP, didn't talk about size. He'll use stratta or allederm. He says the pain in the armpit areas is not from the bra but probably the way the implants are attached. He has said that he'll do the wings, nipples if I want and fat grafting in a 2nd sx.  Are implants attached somewhere? I thought they just slipped into the pocket. He wanted to know where the muscles are attached. I think they're at the incision line. 

    If I go with the 2nd PS I can have the next sx soon. If I go with the 3rd PS it can't be done until January after I change insurance carrier.  I need to make the right choice and have a limited time for the open enrollment that's coming up quickly.  I don't know which way to jump!! I have sent you pics by PM. Thanks again, sorry to be such a pain!