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  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    NOLA:  I cannot tell you wnat it means to be to hear from you.  It is always so painful for me to hear from women who have given up and feel resigned that they will never regain what they lost through breast cancer.  I felt you had given up....and I knew this would be your answer!  Congratulations!!!  Send me photos when you are all done!!!


  • jane1971
    jane1971 Member Posts: 6

    A bit off-topic but has anyone else ever received an error message when trying to private message?  The message says: "Your account can send a limited number of private messages per day" or that I've exceeded the number of messages that I can send but I haven't sent any yet today. 

    I've reported the problem but I was wondering if there is anything that I can do on my end.... it's kind of frustrating.  On that note, I wanted to extend a warm thanks to Deborah/ Whippetmom for your help yesterday.  I tried to private message without success-- just know that you are simply amazing!  ;)



  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Jane:  You are welcome!

    I have no idea why you are getting those error messages.  I know when a member first joins, they have a limit to the number of posts on threads on, but I knew nothing about private messages.  I know a moderator will get back to you soon on this! 

  • IntheATL2014
    IntheATL2014 Member Posts: 41

    Just came on this thread.  Had been looking at Brava/AFT thread and LD as well.  My left mastectomy was last Feb. and I tried recon with TE and Brava/AFT.  TE got infected and removed after 16 days.  Had a lumpy, scarry, wonky mess on lower half.  First post-op AFT went well.  Second one failed after 2 weeks.  Then, I found out 11 days ago that I have cancer in the other breast.  Since things weren't going well on the left and having another mastectomy soon, the PS and I decided to go with TEs (sooo uncomfortable the first time, even before the infection) with future implants.  So ready to be over with all this!  We are using Allergan TEs and implants.  I used your link to get more info and ask more questions of my PS.  I have been a DD "long" for many years.  Hoping to be a C-D "less long" at the end of this.

    Surgery is Oct. 1.  Previous mx required no extra nodes, no chemo, no radiation.  Praying for the same this time.  Will have final pathology at appt on the 14th.  I will keep you posted.  Thank you for all the information and support that you provide.

  • Blondie7
    Blondie7 Member Posts: 6

    Sent a couple photos via PM. Hope it worked


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    IntheATL:  Absolutely....sorry you have been through the wringer with recon up to this date, not to mention dx in the opposing breast!  Timing is everything, right?  So keep me posted and let me know what style/volume TEs you end up with and I can help you with sizing.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Blondie: Saw them...ULTRA profile implants would be just fine.  Two options to discuss with your PS!

  • Blondie7
    Blondie7 Member Posts: 6


    All right then. Both the high profile and the ultra high profile could be options. Will see the PS next week and hopefully will be at a point to be discussing the exchange and implant styles. It will be interesting to see what the PS suggests. Greatly appreciate your help Happy

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    Deborah, this is a little off topic. I'm 13 months from BMX with direct to implants. Except for a one week check up, haven't been back to see the breast surgeon. His office has never contacted me for a follow up either. Due to a disfiguring infection I acquired during the first surgery, I'm still not finished with plastic surgery repairs. it's been six months since surgery #4. Next Friday I'll have #5 where Alloderm will put in on both sides, reduction of large scar tissue bands on left, and will get another set of implants (same size - just clean new ones). 

    You said a few pages back that we should see our breast surgeon every 6 months so I made an appointment to see mine this Tuesday, before surgery #5. Not sure what I should be asking other than (1) No one has ever shown me what I should be looking for in order to watch for recurrences. I know you could see or feel changes on the incision lines but what? Lumps? Bumps? Redness? (2) Is there is a monthly self-screening I should be doing? (3) Why do some women get yearly MRI's but others don't.

    Anything else? Should I postpone the appointment another six months until I've recovered from this surgery as well as the fat grafting in the final surgery #6?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    Many of us do not have will not cover them for me, unless there is a suspicious finding or evidence of implant failure/leakage/rupture.  You would look for any changes to the skin, to the incision scar, under the arm pits, feeling for any lumps, bumps, and from what I understand, you see them or feel them right away.  (At least according to two gals here on BCO who have had a recurrence.) I massage, palpate and otherwise manhandle my breasts all of the time. Loopy  I massage with shea butter once a I would find anything unusual pretty quickly.   Some other gals might have other suggestions or thoughts in this regard.  

    So sorry you have had so many difficulties with reconstruction.  Hope this next surgery concludes things for you!

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    sandra4611 - I see my BS yearly but I've never seen my PS again since my nip surgery approaching four years ago.  

    Like whippetmom, insurance, for me,  doesn't pay for the MRI that was suggested we have five years after our implants were placed.  My BS feels for any lumps or bumps.  I was told to look for the same things that whippetmom mentions above.  

    I think a lot of our follow up is determined by how early/how aggressive our BC was when found.  Mine was caught early and I didn't have chemo so I don't think I'm watched as closely as someone who was diagnosed with a more advanced cancer.  I'm glad my BS still wants to see me yearly.  It give some peace of mind that I'm not missing anything.  I was disappointed that my PS kind of dropped me … I never heard from his office again … but what is going to do … his job is done.  Still made sad, though.  

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876

    My bs said I'm paranoid and stop looking for something that's not there. My boobs are gone, I'm 100% cured of cancer.... Makes me a bit nervous and pissed off!!! People do have reoccurrences why wouldn't she want me to look for signs?!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Good question Mommyathome!  That is a strange thing for a breast surgeon to say to a patient. 

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    My mom and aunt were diagnosed about 6 years ago. I've been going for mammograms since. I always told the bs that if she found anything I would have BMx. Well in oct 2013 my mammo should clusters of microcalcifications. After a stereotactic biopsy and lumpectomy we found ADH, LCIS and DCIS. She knew what my choice would be but told me I could do another lumpectomy (because my margins weren't clear), radiation and tamoxifen. We went w BMx. She said at my last appointment that I've called a lot with questions, concerns etc to stop being paranoid my boobs are gone she gave me my life back. I need to go on and don't look back! That's not me!!! Yes I'm glad we caught it early! Yes I'm glad I don't have cancer anymore but I'm not going to let my guard down!! It could come back!!! I'm trying to move on. I feel pains daily that remind me of that dang cancer, I'm disfigured had 5 excisions because my incision kept opening up and I could see my flipping implant! I told her I take offense to her saying I'm paranoid! I don't even know my body anymore. I feel lumps, bumps, divots everywhere! She said stop feeling, don't look! Leave it to the professionals!i was pissed and offended. I don't see her again until march!!! I feel right now that there is a needle being stuck in the side of breast that has been held under a fire before sticking it on the skin!! I don't feel I can call to see if it's normal... Shell think I'm being paranoid!!! My other side seems like the top of the breast is flat and above the flatness it's swollen... Wasn't like that before but then again I don't dare call!!! This whole cancer stuff sucks but boy does it make it hard when you feel your team thinks your a paranoid hypochondriac!!!!

  • IntheATL2014
    IntheATL2014 Member Posts: 41

    to mommyathome

    You absolutely need a new BS and/or PS.  Your Dr's attitude is insane. He/she works for you, not the other way around. 2nd and 3rd opinions might be in order. Hopefully, a local bc survivor group can give some recs.  You do not have to put up with inappropriate care. You have a right to quality care. I hope you are able to advocate for yourself.  Or have an assertive friend to advocate for you.  

    Both of my surgeons are extremely responsive to my fears, concerns, and many questions. The PS and I text whenever I need to.  She has been amazing. I am having my second mastectomy in 4 days. I have every confidence that these 2 surgeons will do their best, just as they did with my first mx in Feb. 

    You might tell that Dr that you are paranoid about her poor quality of care. And he/she should be paranoid that you might be shopping for better care. 

    I look forward to hearing about improvements in your situation

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    Thanks! Why are u having a second mastectomy? I hope everything goes well

  • Miscraw
    Miscraw Member Posts: 16

    Hello ladies!! I'm sure this has been explained before, but I am new to this forum and there are almost 400 pages to weed through.  So I apologize in advance. I am currently going through tissue expansion for bilateral mastectomy I had on August 1. It's going very well & I'm filled up to 440cc's. I have a fill tomorrow & will be at 500cc. PS is very impressed in how well I'm filling & how good they look.  I am only 39 years old & reconstruction is VERY important to me. I spend a ton of time at the pool with my kiddos. I have a small/average frame body, am about 5'5 and approximately 125 lbs. I know I can't request a particular cup size. I will say that with a bra on now with TE, I am a full C. However, my question is how does that change with implants? I will probably be doing high profile silicone gel implant. I think my PS prefers Allergan. We looked into the 410's, but her measurements found that something around 390 cc's would be all my body could fit and we decided that was not enough. 

    So, back to my question. Right now, I do like the fullness of TE when naked or in a bra. However, in a shirt they look much smaller. I know I want more size & projection. My PS is thinking maybe only 1 more fill, but I still think more. My TE are very full and seem huge, but I know the implants will have a totally different shape. I mean the TE are soooo high on my chest (almost to my collarbone) and go underneath my arm. I am curious how the shape & size will be different after exchange. Plus like I said, they look much smaller in a shirt.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313

    Miscraw - Welcome.  You're right it's a lot to read.  I could never decide whether to read from the first post forward or to read backwards.  But do at least go back through the entire header.  It explains why we don't talk about cup size and what other info is pertinent.  In order for Whippetmom to help she will need several more personal facts, like rib cage measurement & the make & model of your TEs to determine width.  Once you post that info she can do her magic.

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    Could anyone reply if you have had bottoming out and what they did to remedy this...

    Thanks in advanceScared

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290


    Have you been told you have bottoming out?

    I have not had this, but have had a couple friends have it. It requires surgical repair, with reinforcement of the lower pocket and recreation of the IMF  (using Alloderm or another dermal matrix). Sometimes you need to go to smaller implants, though not always. You will most likely also be advised to wear a supportive bra (even an underwire) after surgery 24/7 to allow the pocket to heal without the implant placing any stress on it to prevent another incident.

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    My PS didn't actually call it bottoming out-  But, It has dropped on the bottom  about a 1/2 too low and drags toward the armpit. I see her in a few weeks.  She did recreated in IMF on the last surgery and did use alloderm. When I lift the breast tissue up- the IMF is now symmetrical- but the implant hangs more toward the armpit and I now have ripples in the upper  pole.

    How much smaller did they suggest they suggest they reduce to in order to solve this problem?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Miscraw:  As MinusTwo states above, I need your TE style and volume.  Not your fill volume....the recommended volume. 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Mommyathome:  Could you private message me and link a photo?  You might have capsular contracture on that one side.  Referable to your pain issues, please know that nearly 50% of women who undergo breast surgery, mastectomy most certainly, experience some degree of pain or discomfort after the procedure.  This can manifest in pain, burning sensation, iron-bra-like sensation, aching, and so on.  It is called Post-Mastectomy Pain Syndrome and most surgeons like to pretend it does not exist.  It has been a clinically-proven syndrome for decades.  It is your BREAST SURGEON you should be talking to about breast pain.  It has more to do with the breast surgeon's role in the matter, than it does the plastic surgeon's role.  There is a thread here on by my sister.  


  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    I'll try to forward you a pic- I'm so computer illiterate but..... I'd like your opinion! Just to clarify, the cancer was on the left side, I had a lumpectomy and biopsy on left, BMx. The left is the one where it's swollen on top and near armpit and then flatter kind of on top of implant. Hard to explain but if you put your finger on my chest and slide down breast it's swollen, flat, implant. I have discomfort on left but worse pain on right. The right side they found LCIS and ADH after BMx. I've had 5 excisions on this side, an infection etc. this is the side that hurts!! It feels like my underarms on both sides have swollen lymph nodes. I will try to private message you and attach a picture- how do I do it? Can be done by cell phone, right? 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    You can do it by cellphone.  I willl PM you my cellphone number right now.

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876

    K thanks!

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290


    Bottoming out is when the implant itself actually basically falls in between the IMF and your ribcage...the IMF is "destroyed".  It's not where your implant just "overhangs" over the IMF more. If you still have the same IMF that was created in surgery, it sounds more like you have excessive ptosis rather than bottoming out, maybe as a result of very stretchy skin. So your pocket is overstretched for your implant, maybe? If it is moving to your armpit, it may be lateral migration. Repair of lateral migration involves a capusulorraphy and often Alloderm etc. I am not sure if there is a rule to how much smaller, and it is not always necessary. It depends on your body anatomy, I imagine.

    You might want to send Deborah some photos of what is going on, she may have some good input as to what is happening and what kind of repair you would need!

  • mevanatta
    mevanatta Member Posts: 13

    Hi!  This has been a very helpful forum.  I had my implant surgery on 9/24/2014.   I had a BMX on June 10th.  They filled my TE's to around 680 cc.  I am 5'7" ribcage is 40 under the breasts. I weigh 185.  

    I feel like my noobies are too flat!  This is not what I was expecting. :(   I barely have a cleavage. 

    The implants are a 20621-695MP.   So per Sientra documentation on this forum they are a "moderate" profile, textured and round.

    I had a oncoplasty in 2009.  I was a DD and due to DCIS went to a size C. No radiation due to clear margins. So in June after a dx of IDC again in the left breast I had a BMX.  I was a "D" cup prior to the BMX.   My scars run vertical and not horizontal. 

    I am wearing a compression bra night and day for 3 weeks. 

    Will they change looks in a few months? 


  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    divecat. One of the reason why bottoming out could happened is due to the IMF. But you can have even IMF and still have bottoming out because the implant may be to heavy for the thin stretched skin...  here is another definition I got off of a website:

     “Bottoming out” is a term used to describe when breast implants move downward  and become positioned too low on the chest wall. This causes an abnormal appearance where the breast implant extends below the lower breast fold, the upper portion of the breast lacks fullness, and the nipples appear too high.  Bottoming out is one of the more common problems that can occur following breast augmentation/reconstruction

    p.s. I had alloderm and aligned the IMF but, I think she she will try lateral pocket work. But, the skin still may not hold it... Do you know how many CC's they reduce you to when this happens?