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  • RAM2013
    RAM2013 Member Posts: 19

    I had my last fill yesterday. I meet with my PS on the 21st to discuss the "shapers" and discuss which permanent implants he will be using. Interestingly enough the nurse who has been doing my fills said that the "shapers" the PS uses are gummy bears. From what I read here these are often used as the final implant, yet my PS wants to use them as an interim 2nd step of 3 before my final implant.


  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290


    This seems very, very weird. And sketchy,

    What is the point in putting in gummies to "shape" for a different implant? Gummies ARE permanent implants. Does he not intend to actually do work during the surgery to make the pocket suitable for the final implant? Why didn't he use anatomical TEs if he wanted that kind of "shaping"? It's not that they are "often used as the permanent implant"...that makes it sound like that using them permanently is just an alternative use to them being used as temporary "shapers" or whatever but the latter use is not something I have ever heard of. 

    Sounds like a great way to get more money from your insurance company he ends up having to do a "revision" in a few months. And of course, exposing you to unnecessary risks of surgery and more downtime/recovery. 

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    Ram, sorry but I have to agree. I would be running to get a second opinion. The first red flag is when he uses the word shapers. No one uses that word. If Whippetmom and DiveCat haven't heard of this, you can bet it's worth getting more info on...quick. Second, you have to have the right kind of preparation (meaning the right kind of TE) to exchange them for gummy bears unless the PS does a lot of pocket work to make them fit. What kind of TE's do you have? Just what kind of gummy is he talking about? There are several manufacturers. Mine are called Allergan Natrelle 410 Style FF  740cc Highly Cohesive Anatomically Shaped Silicone-Filled Breast Implants according to the manufacturers patient information card. (You should have been given a card with info on your TE's also.)  What does he intend to replace the gummy bears with at the 3rd stage? More gummy bears? Different size? Sorry to upset you with the skepticism, but it just sounds, as DiveCat says, sketchy. Sounds like some kind of insurance scam at your expense.

  • happyteacher
    happyteacher Member Posts: 45

    Hi Whippet,

    Thank you for taking the time for the detailed response. My PS mentioned that whatever Mentor gummy bear model he was referring to was just approved, and he left me with the impression that the approval occurred in the last month- not over the summer. Is there any chance there is another Mentor model now available other than the one you cited? I agree with you- if women in general feel that particular model is too flat, then on my 6'2'' frame I would think I would dwarf it. On the other hand, if this more "permanent" style implant saves me going through surgery in 15-20 years I am willing to sacrifice some projection. It is a tough call since the data is only going back 10 years so it is not clear yet how the material will hold up long term. I do like that they can leak though. 

    Would you happen to know if my guy has experience with anatomical styled implants already, would this be a similar enough experience to putting in the new Mentor model from the stand point of creating a properly sized pocket?

    I will talk with him at my next appointment about the swelling/pain in more detail. I guess the few times that I brought it up I felt like he perceived it as being my asking for narcotics (Oxycoden was prescribed post op) and he was a bit leery. I have no interest in that, but was hoping there was some strategy or something I could do to ease the swelling and pain. I also have my yearly physical coming up in less than 2 weeks so I will run it by that doc for a second opinion.  Most days the pain is not unbearable, but sore enough that I change my lesson plans at work to avoid using the Smartboard, which causes me to reach nearly fully extended. It also seems to get incrementally worse as the week wears on, and improves when over the weekend when I can rest the arms more. I firmly associate it with issues with the port, as the sorest point always centers around the ports. The other sore area he described as being from the TE digging into the bone on the rib cage due to an anomaly (slight deformity) of my rib cage. I totally buy that as my rib cage on the left side is noticeably offset compared to the right side. He said once I switch to squishies this will resolve though, and given I lose the ports I am hopeful the other pain areas also stop. My wedding ring indeed cannot be taken off though when the swelling is kicking in, so it does affect more than the swelling on the side of the rib cage. 

    Off to find the Mentor webpage now to see what styles are offered and recommendations. I always tend to assume that I will need the biggest of whatever it is due to my height, but I will be more attentive to the details. Thank you again for all of the help. 

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313


    Sorry you still have swelling & pain.  Take a look at this lymphadema site.  It's the one most women on BCO would recommend.

  • happyteacher
    happyteacher Member Posts: 45

    Thank you so much for your response Pink- it really helps to read that you had experience with both... and that the hardness was not more of an issue as far as pain goes. I had very dense breasts so feeling them externally is a non0issue for me- it is all about the pain level. Thanks again!

  • happyteacher
    happyteacher Member Posts: 45

    Thank you Sandra for posting- it helped reading about your experience. 

  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117

    I had my final fill--to the capacity of my expanders, a couple of weeks ago, but during a recent meeting with my PS (to look at what are apparently Mondor's cords), I asked her if there was any way I could go larger. She told me that they (I'm assuming "they" is Mentor) are supposed to be introducing a new line or size of implants in November of this year that would allow me to go larger. I finally asked for the info on my expanders, because I never got a card after surgery. She wrote down that I have Mentor CPX4 / 12.7cm diameter/ capacity 450cc.  She said that as it stands right now the only way I could have bigger breasts would be to use round/saline implants, and that would mean expanding on the sides rather than in projection.  These new implants would allow me more projection. Do you have any knowledge of these new implants? 

    I've seen it mentioned that sometimes PS over-fill the expanders.  Doesn't the "capacity" dictate, well, the capacity? And do/can the implants expand you beyond what the TEs have done?

  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117

    Okay, I may have just found part of my answer:

    This confirms that Mentor is coming out with new styles, but does using a larger implant mean putting in new larger-capacity expanders first?

  • 3littlebirds
    3littlebirds Member Posts: 54

    Iwannacookie, my expanders had a 500cc capacity. My PS said she could safely overfill them by as much as 50%. I was filled to 500cc and got 700cc implants. I was not expanded in the upper pole, so most of the extra went there. I have photos up in the picture forum if you want to take a look and have access to it.

  • redheeledwomen
    redheeledwomen Member Posts: 74

    Iwannacookie- This has been a great forum for questions.  I learned on this forum that TE's can be overfilled and several ladies on this forum have been overfilled.  Because of what I learned here I overfilled my 650cc to 700cc but could have gone as high as 750cc.  My surgery is 11/11 and my PS is bringing in 3 different sizes 700cc, 750cc and 800cc.  I am pushing for 800cc (the largest for silicon implants as of today) because I too want to be larger.  I'm excited about the possibility of even larger implants (will check out your link).

    Thanks for sharing the info.

  • Ctillie
    Ctillie Member Posts: 2

    Whippetmom: Thank you so much!! My PS put the expanders in and so far so good. The incision sites look good so I am hopeful ! I got to start chemo which had been put off so I am glad for the part if my treatment no longer in hold. I never thought about the type of sutures etc.. I have a long way to go and I can't tell you all how helpful just knowing I have a forum to talk in is!! Thanks again

  • Mischief46
    Mischief46 Member Posts: 68

    Iwannacookie,  I had 275cc expanders expanded to 350cc and had 425cc shaped implants put in at exchanged.  The final result was close to the expanders with maybe a little less projection.  

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693

    Whippetmom- I have kept you posted every so often, so here's the update.  Back in June, I was doing my monthly breast exam I found a "spot" that was of concern. I went to bed thinking I was just in the wrong position and I would check again the next day.  I woke, did the exam again and it was still there. Went to work called my MO's office and she was out of the country for 2 weeks.  I called my Gyn spoke with her nurse and she got me in 20 mins later.  My Gyn did the exam and she too was concerned sent me in for a breast MRI 2 days later. The radiologist read the MRI and he said that the results were inconclusive. My MO read the report and ordered a breast ultrasound, the radiologist there did a breast exam as well as the sono and said she believes it was just scar tissue. She also had a colleague of hers read my MRI again and he agreed that it was scar tissue. The radiologist who did my sono said that the first radiologist read on it was complete bullshit, she said no cancer patients results should ever say "inconclusive".  Long story short, my PS when I went to see him said that my left implant (cancer side and scar tissue side) was starting to turn and that it would need to be replaced. So while he is replacing the implant he would remove the scar tissue as well and send it off for a biopsy just to make sure it is indeed just scar tissue.  So next year I will have surgery once again.  I also got my areola tattoos in May and June, I absolutely love them. They are not 3D but my nipple recon looks great and I have great projection from them not too big not too small just right. Happy

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Singingiwannacookie:  Well, there you go!  This is excellent news.  Wonder why this did not come up on my email alert through the clinical trials website?  

    It can take months before doctors actually have access to the new styles though.  So if you are considering anatomicals, I would certainly want to wait for the Mentor CPGs in the latest approved styles.  


    ADDED TO STATE:  Of course, it does not make any sense, her mention of round saline implants, if you want to go larger.  She could use smooth siicone rounds also.  Your TEs are 12.7 cm width and 7.0 cm projection.  You could go up to a Mentor ultra full projection implant - 590 ccs:  12.5 cm width and 6.3 cm projection.  

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Chrisrenee:  Since your anatomical has rotated, I would advise smooth silicone rounds instead.  Perhaps even Sientra rounds....cannot recall the style/volume of your anatomicals. 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    Presuming you mean the Sientra round base high projection style, 425 ccs, yes, that should be just fine for you.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    I posted the update on Mentor CPGs on the thread header, under the anatomical implant photos.  If you see someone posting about the new styles, please refer tham to that post.  Plastic surgeons may be provided with style and sizing information long before they receive the actual implants, so if you are considering anatomicals, please discuss this with your plastic surgeon. 

  • oceansky
    oceansky Member Posts: 77

    Thank you for your advice Deborah.  I appreciate it and will share what I learn with PS visit on Tuesday.

    For a smile I asked my husband to take a picture with my Iphone to send to Whippetmom which he did.

    He's not familiar with, as this experience has been a whirlwind for us both.

    He said 'You're going to send a picture of your breasts to a stranger on the internet?! How do you know it isn't a man?'  Made me laugh.  I assured him this Whippetmom is most definitely not a man.  

    Smile for the day...

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Hmmm...well,  the closest I ever got to FEELING like a man was when I had those pesky chin hairs while on Tamoxifen.  Thank goodness the worst of THAT ordeal is over....

  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117

    Wippetmom--So, you're saying that I could use the Mentor ultra-full projection implants (which are available now) and using those I could go ahead and continue to fill with the expanders I have in?  And those would give me more projection, rather than diameter? 

    Can you explain, based on what information there is on the upcoming new line of implants, what the difference would be between using "ultra full" implant and one of the new ones?  I mean, if there is already a sufficient bigger implant that I can use, why would my PS say that the only way I could use larger anatomical is to wait for the new ones?  

    Aargh!  I'm so confused. And it doesn't help that my PS is not very approachable or communicative. 

    Thank you! 

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    Deborah- I sent an email to you private email.

    thanks, Stix

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    iwannacookie:  If you want an anatomical and you want to go larger, you need to wait for the new Mentor CPG styles.  If you do not necessarily need or care if it is NOT an anatomical, you could use the Mentor ultra full style in a smooth silicone round.  

  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117

    Got it!  I'm going to hold out for the anatomicals.

    Thank you!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    iwannacookie:  If one of the four new Mentor CPG styles is the 323, the closest implant in that style will be 490 ccs, with a width of 13.0 cm and a projection of 6.5 cm.  So it will be 100 ccs LESS volume than the Mentor Ultra Full Projection round implant, which would be 590 ccs, 12.5 cm wide and 6.3 cm in projection.  So the dimensions are essentially very similar, but the round is larger in volume.  But we do not know if this is one of the four styles approved.  Perhaps your PS has this information.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Here are the two most popular CPG styles in Canada and Europe.  The 323 is the style most favored for breast reconstruction, because it provides more inferior pole fullness.


  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117

    Wippet et al--my PS told me to check in with her in November to see if the new Mentors are available or if she has an ETA for them.  I will certainly pass on any new info.

  • duvan
    duvan Member Posts: 5

    Hi Whippetmom,

    I was recommended to contact you after I posted in the "Exchange city" a few days ago.  

    I had bilateral TE's this spring, for 6 months, it was Mentor CPX 4, 350 cc when filled to maximum. When filled to maximum they were of course too big but besides that I felt really comfortable with the TE's. I liked the overall shape; the width and the absence of upper volume really fit my chest wall in a good way, it looked great and the slope was perfect. And they felt great too, they were really "in place". I told my PS about this and he was of course surprised since most people dislike their TE's. 

    The TE's were exchanged in August, to permanent implants. I was clear with that I liked the width and general shape of the TE's and wanted something similar. Surgeon suggested Mentor anatomicals CPG 312, 330 cc. I live in Europe and it seems like most surgeons use Mentor implants here. 

    The result isn't ugly but I can't say I'm happy with them either. I feel sad because the look and feel of the TE's was so good, and I really want something similar to that. I think the permanent ones became a lot smaller, both the general volume and most of all the width became more narrow, even though the width only differs by a few millimeters.  I don't really understand how 2 millimeters can make such a big difference!  Prior to the exchange the PS made measurements etc, but I guess it is hard to be really exact about this.  I do not want more projection, only more width. I have been looking around different implant size charts but it's so hard to know what would fit.

    The shape of TE's is different from ordinary anatomicals but I wonder if you or anyone heard of implants with a shape similar to the TE's? 

    I could upload some pictures if possible, but I don't know how to access the photo forum yet. I would be very happy if you have any ideas about what kind of implant that would fit my needs. 

    I'm in the mid 30's, average height and weight.

    Thank you

    Best regards from Duvan

  • duvan
    duvan Member Posts: 5

    Hi Whippetmom,

    I was recommended to contact you after I posted in the "Exchange city" a few days ago.

    I had bilateral TE's this spring, for 6 months, it was Mentor CPX 4, 350 cc when filled to maximum. When filled to maximum they were of course too big but besides that I felt really comfortable with the TE's. I liked the overall shape; the width and the absence of upper volume really fit my chest wall in a good way, it looked great and the slope was perfect. And they felt great too, they were really "in place". I told my PS about this and he was of course surprised since most people dislike their TE's.

    The TE's were exchanged in August, to permanent implants. I was clear with that I liked the width and general shape of the TE's and wanted something similar. Surgeon suggested Mentor anatomicals CPG 312, 330 cc. I live in Europe and it seems like most surgeons use Mentor implants here.

    The result isn't ugly but I can't say I'm happy with them either. I feel sad because the look and feel of the TE's was so good, and I really want something similar to that. I think the permanent ones became a lot smaller, both the general volume and most of all the width became more narrow, even though the width only differs by a few millimeters. I don't really understand how 2 millimeters can make such a big difference! Prior to the exchange the PS made measurements etc, but I guess it is hard to be really exact about this. I do not want more projection, only more width. I have been looking around different implant size charts but it's so hard to know what would fit.

    The shape of TE's is different from ordinary anatomicals but I wonder if you or anyone heard of implants with a shape similar to the TE's?

    I could upload some pictures if possible, but I don't know how to access the photo forum yet. I would be very happy if you have any ideas about what kind of implant that would fit my needs.

    I'm in the mid 30's, average height and weight.

    Thank you

    Best regards from Duvan

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    Hi Whippetmom - I am an oldtimer around here, lol. I had rads after my exchange amd have had numerous fatgraftings with Dr Khouri first then Dr Namnoum in Atlanta, closer to home. I havent been under the knife in a few years so am not anxious, but I finally am ready for nipples. Dr N wants to BRAVA again, graft again and do a graft from my lower abdomen (swears its a small incision) to produce the best aesthetic outcome. His concern is that a simple flap procedure might be difficult to close in radiated tissue. He wants me a MONTH on BRAVA, with my Allergans remaining intact. BRAVA and grafting worked well for me, but for a nipple?? I can't seem to find anything new around here. Do you have any advice?

    Thank you!!