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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2018

    Aw Nancy, I am so sorry you feel worse. I pray the Lord uses the meds you got at the drugstore to relieve your symptoms and that He heals you very soon. If your throat gets worse you might see your doc and get a culture done. Seems there's a lot of that stuff going around.

    We won't be getting together with our son's family for Christmas as their 3 daughters have it. The oldest was to play Mary in the live outdoor nativity by their (used to be our) church. She was to ride a live donkey, named Chewbacca that lives near us. The church does this each year. James used to be a wise man and got to lead one of 3 real camels and I was a singing angel in the angel choir. They had little miniature goats for the kids who were shepherds too. It's a yearly thing for our little town. Anyway Carly is VERY disappointed. :o(

    No that wasn't our kitty - just something I ran across on Facebook from a friend. This year he lost a lung to cancer - had chemo all year long - and his wife had her cancer return and they were both getting treatment together. His beloved dad just died this week of cancer and he is devastated. Pray for Dean & Karen when you can please. Tough year for them but they are leaning upon the Lord.

    Lastly - this is my dear (now gone) Kitty-Boo and we wish you all a blessed Christmas and healthy new year!




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited December 2018

    Nancy and Ade, I am so sorry to hear of your Christmas woes. Nancy, I will be praying for you that God will send a special peace and healing to you in your aloneness. Ade, I am sorry you will miss your son's family. I will miss my youngest son's family this year too.

    I am trying to avoid my granddaughter's latest cold which is usually a losing battle as we love to cuddle. I cried last night reading her a children's book titled "I Will Love You Always." Yes, it is as emotional as it sounds! I rushed my DH to the hospital Thursday night with a 7 mm kidney stone but praise God he passed it and is fine today. My oldest son and youngest brother arrive tomorrow so I am trying to prepare. They stay in a hotel as I don't have rooms for them which helps.

    The holidays are filled with mixed emotions and stresses, but God always comes into our midst reminding us of His great love. I pray no matter where you find yourself this year that God's presence will fill you with peace and love.

    Merry Christmas, Chris

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited December 2018

    Nancy, Chris and Ade, please take care of yourselves. These respiratory and GI viruses are brutal this year. So many people at my work have succumbed. One person worked a total of 30 minutes all week!

    I am so enjoying your beautiful Christmas trees, ladies. I did not put up a tree this year; I will be traveling by myself to my mother's house for Christmas and New Year's (DH is staying at home to cover for colleagues at his work). The preliminary weather forecast calls for a blizzard the day(s) after Christmas. It's been a very, very long time since I've had to deal with oodles of snow and wind.

    I wish all of you a blessed Christmas full of comfort, rest, and love.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2018

    Ade, I am sorry to hear your son's family is sick and can't come for Christmas. I am sure that was a big disappointment for your granddaughter not being able to play Mary. Hopefully you will be able to spend some time with them in the near future. Our donkey that we have had for many years for our Easter programs died this year so I was sad to hear that. Your cat is so precious. I wonder if there is a kitty heaven? I like to think that there are pets in heaven. I guess we will know all in good time. I pray that your friends Karen and Dean will have a better year as this one has definitely been hard for them. Praying for them in their grief and in their treatments.

    Chris, I am sorry to hear about your DH but glad he was able to pass the kidney stone. That sounds like a large stone and I am sure very painful. Praying you will be well and have the needed strength as your family comes in.

    Hershey, praying you have safe travel to visit your Mom. Praying you will have a special time with her.

    I found out my cousin has BC and is having an MRI tomorrow. Her life has not been easy the last few years. She lost her husband to cancer about 6 years ago I think and then she found out shortly after that, that she had thyroid cancer. Her only daughter lives in LA but is here visiting for the holidays so I am glad she is there to support her Mom.

    I had a setback yesterday and the throat was better but nausea set in. I am doing better today but I still do not feel normal yet. I am still dizzy and lightheaded and fatigued. I did fix dinner tonight which is a major victory for me. Hopefully this will last.

    We may not all have a Thomas Kinkade Christmas this year but we can certainly have the spirit of Christmas in our hearts no matter where we are. I wish that for all of you dear sisters.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited December 2018

    Dear sisters in Christ,

    Just dropping in to wish you all a most BLESSED CHRISTMAS and a very happy and HEALTHY NEW YEAR. I'm sorry to have been MIA lately but as with most of you, things have just been too hectic and I needed to find time for lots of other things. Please know though, I am always praying for all your needs and believing that God will answer our prayers in His own time.

    Peace and healing for all of you!

    Love, Faith (in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2018

    Merry Christmas dear sisters. For some this may be the only White Christmas you will see today. May Christ be at the center of your celebrations today.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited December 2018

    Merry Christmas Nancy and all. I pray you all have a blessed Christmas.

    It is storming in San Diego today, but lovely and warm in my kitchen with the men cooking!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2018

    Chris, could I borrow a few men to come cook in my kitchen?Happy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2018


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2018

    Nancy I love that! YES! They gravitate to empty boxes, baskets, sacks, etc. Ours would even curl up in the bathroom sink! We called her 'bowl cat'. Sure miss them! >^..^<

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2018

    I finally went to urgent care tonight. I called at noon as you can get appointment times. The earliest available time was at 8PM and knowing there might be a two hour wait I took the late night apt. I have acute sinusitis which I am guessing is the same as a sinus infection. I will be on antibiotics but can't pick up until 9:30 pm.

    I figured this had turned into something else since it was just not letting go. I am still hoping to visit my family but it won't be for three weeks as originally planned as I have important apts I have to get back for. I am not up to traveling yet. Hopefully I will be in a few days.

    I hope you are enjoying some relaxing days after the rush of Christmas. Do you want to him something funny? I haven't started my Christmas shopping yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not kidding.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2018

    Ade, I bet your "bowl cat" made you smile. Cammie is asleep in the top tier of her cat tree which is her favorite place now.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2018

    Aw, Nancy, bless your heart! Our son, Aaron, gets REALLY sick with that. Glad you went and got it diagnosed with treatment to follow. Praying the Lord will heal you soon and you'll feel much better. Rest and heal. Cammie will keep an eye on you from her perch.

    Sending a hug,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited December 2018

    Nancy, so glad you found some help and that it can be cleared. Hope you have a wonderful belated Christmas. My son's family used to come in January every year and I would often Christmas shop the after-Christmas sales for them! Worked well, but they came in November this year... One of my Christmas presents was him telling me I have a new grandchild on the way! God is good!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2018

    Yes, Ade, Cammie follows me around like a dog if I leave the room for any length of time. She is my "guard cat" for sure. A few years ago I was at my Mom's house and it was the night of Memorial Day. Cammie has a habit of scratching on the shades in the middle of the night and I raise them a little for her to see out. This time the shade got away from me and went all the way to the top and I was too tired to get out of bed and pull it back down. Sometime later I heard Cammie hissing and I had never heard her do that before. I thought maybe a stray cat had appeared and I got up to look and low and behold...............there was a peeping Tom looking in my window. When he saw me he ran to his truck that was already running and parked going the wrong way in front of my Mom's house. So Cammie really is my guard cat.

    Chris, I have a feeling the Christmas sales will be over by the time I make it to my Mom's but I am taking it one day at a time.

    Joanne, I know you and and your whole family has been run through the ringer these last few weeks. Praying for all of you and for Michelle to have remarkable progress at this rehab facility.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited December 2018

    Nancy, I'm sorry you've been so sick but glad you finally went to urgent care and are on antibiotics now. That should help you feel better soon. I certainly hope so and that you will be able to visit your mom soon and of course do that shopping. It's too bad you didn't get any done earlier when the weather was more mild. Hope you didn't go out today, it was awful with the wind.

    Jo, it sounds like Michelle is making some good progress, I will keep praying that she continues to heal in the rehab center. It maybe long and slow but God really does work miracles in His own time. Take care of yourselves, you must all be exhausted with the stress and worry this has caused.

    Chris, congratulations on another new grandchild. Our grandchildren, 10 in all, range in age from 16-26. None are married yet or even engaged. Not that I want to rush them but we sure do miss having little kids around, they are so much fun especially at Christmas.

    I don't know what's going around, but so many of my friends are sick with various things. I didn't get to sing in the choir on Christmas Eve or even get to church on Christmas which just never happens to me. I was getting ready to shower after a busy day of wrapping, etc and suddenly had a vertigo attack and felt awful with nausea and very high BP. the vertigo was better after awhile but I just felt sick that night and the next two days, although I managed to go to our son's house for Christmas Day. I'm still having sinus issues but no fever so I guess it's not an infection.

    Germs are everywhere! We were grocery shopping today and I heard someone loudly coughing and looked up. It was one of the employees standing in front of a freezer case with the door open and showering his germs inside. I wanted to run out of that store. Why aren't people more careful about not spreading their germs?

    A belated Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to everyone filled with good health and peace.

    Sending love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2018

    Hi dear sisters,

    As we battle sickness and SE's from treatments and just the challenges that we all face though they may be different types and some more serious than others, God cares about every single one of you and what you are going through. He wants you to share EVERYTHING with Him. That is how you build a close and trusting relationship with our God. Even though he is King of Kings and Lord of Lords the Bible also tells us He is our friend. I know that I want to have a friend who has my back in EVERYTHING I go through. One who is the source for EVERYTHING I need. One who loves me despite EVERYTHING bad thing I have ever done. He forgives us of those things as we asked Him to. That is the kind of friend I want in my life. His name is Jesus. We celebrated Him as a baby a few days ago but the truth is He is all powerful, all knowing and the Savior of the World. He grew up to be a man that died for us so that we can have life in Him. Even though I am still sick I can still celebrate all of the goodness we have in Him. I know He is still in control and has never left the pilot's seat on my journey. Have a wonderful last weekend of this year. I am always hopeful that the New Year will bring unexpected blessings if we can only look for them.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2018

    Faith, I am so sorry to hear you were not able to sing on Christmas Eve as I know how much that means to you. I am sorry you had to miss Church on Christmas Day. I hope you can get over whatever germs you are fighting. I have never had a fever in all of the days of being sick I have had so that does not necessarily mean you don't have an infection. I guess I am proof of that. Lay low and get plenty of rest. That is what I am trying to do.

    Chris, congratulations on your special Christmas gift news. That is definitely something to look forward to in the New Year.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2019

    I am literally hearing these fireworks outside my house now. The thought of going to bed early (for me) may not happen. I think that as we reflect on the last year we could all say it was full of blessings and challenges. I imagine this New Year will have some surprises. Take care dear sisters.

    Yes, Joanne, May the Lord's purpose prevail in our lives and in our country.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2019

    So much sickness! I am battling bronchitis. Tried 2 urgent care places yesterday, both with 2 hr. wait times. I opted to make an appointment with a general practicioner at one of our local medical facilities for tomorrow. Constant coughing, slight fever and chest rattling. Praying we all feel better soon. The New Year started off on a low note so hopefully things will only get better. Love, Jean

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited January 2019

    As we say goodbye to the old year may our prayers be for a New Year of GOOD HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND PEACE, for us and our families and for this world, that Our Blessed Lord has given us.

    Happy New Year everyone!!!

    Faith (in the future)

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited January 2019


    Dear ladies, I am safely home from visiting my mother for the holidays. Thank you for your prayers. The scene above is reminiscent of the countryside near my mother's home: lots of snow, cold temperatures, and roads waiting to be properly plowed. I am grateful for the time spent with my mother and thankful to be home (and be warm, safe, and sound!).

    May God bless one and all with the happiest and healthiest of years!

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2019

    Nancy, I am so happy you were able to go to your mom's for Christmas, and that you returned safely. I was praying you would be able to go.

    We spent a quiet New Year's eve and day at home watching old TV programs (we are not a football family.) I just ordered Chinese for dinner after spending all afternoon making my DH mince pies--a throw-back from his English mother. I promised them last year and never made them.

    Happy 2019 to everyone here. I pray God sends you many blessings this year.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2019

    Chris, I think you got our names mixed up perhaps. Hershey visited her Mom for the holidays but I am still getting over my sickness so I missed the Holidays with my family and am still trying to figure if I will make it down in a few days. I would still appreciate your prayers that I will be able to at least have a short visit. How was your Holidays?

    Hershey, I am glad you got to spend time with your Mom and are back home safely. It sounds like you had a Christmas postcard view at your Mom's. The banner looks beautiful. Glad you are safely home.

    Faith, are you feeling better now. I have been praying for you.

    Jean, I am sorry to hear you are sick too. That was the wait time at my urgent care time too so that is why I took the 8pm apt when I called at noon on Dec. 27. I hope you can see this doctor soon. I have seen improvement after a few days on antibiotics.

    Joanne, continued prayers for you and your family.

    Ade, how are you and James doing? I know you are probably disappointed that you didn't get to see some of your family because of sickness.

    Lita, how are you doing? Did you have a good Christmas and New Years.?

    I haven't gone out to celebrate New Year's Eve in quite a few years. My Mom and I would at least watch the ball drop in NY and I was so out of it I completely forgot about watching it last night. However the neighbors fireworks were alive and well long after midnight!

    Praying we all feel better for all those who are sick and those dealing with SE's of treatments.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2019

    Nancy, so sorry I messed this up, and I am sorry you are still too ill to travel. I will continue my prayers for your recovery.

    Hershey, I am thankful you got to travel and are home safe. I don't even try it at Christmas. For some reason I have not felt very much holiday spirit this year although I had family here and everything, and lots to be thankful for. I am even ready to take the little bit of Christmas stuff down that I put up, and I never feel this way...

    I think and pray for you all often.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited January 2019

    We keep our decorations up well into January. It's too depressing to take them down on 1/2.

    I suffer from seasonal affective disorder-SAD. Jan is always a very hard month for dark, cold and short days.

    Praying for those who are sick out there.


  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited January 2019

    I am praying that everyone is feeling better! New Years Blessings to everyone!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2019

    I saw the doctor today and was very impressed with the efficiency of the doctor and the place. Within 45 min. I saw the doctor, got a chest xray and got a call from him on the way home. I have pneumonia and by the time I get home he had already called in prescriptions for an antibiotic, cough medicine and an inhaler plus arrangements for a follow up chest xray in 3 weeks. I think I will be using him for general practicioner visits in the future. God is so good. Love, Jean

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2019

    Jean, yay for good news in the midst of the bad! So much better than the 8 hours I spent in the ER with my pneumonia!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2019

    I'm feeling a little better today after getting some sleep last night. Now the challenge is to remain resting and avoid,a relapse by doing too much too soon. Love, Jean