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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2019

    Nancy - your "wall" is your own page on FB (users know about it).

    They said we can't vote more than once but either a 'like' or comment counts as a vote.

    The site that is running the contest is on Facebook so I went to their page to get the info. What threw me at first was I looked for a VOTE button or something - then I read the above on HOW to vote. I hope they don't just count the votes on THEIR page - HOPEFULLY the votes gotten on my sharing it will count. Might be better to go to their page to be sure it counts.

    Go to the facebook page for Forest Preserve District of Will County and vote from there.

    I hope I didn't mess it up - I will tell my friends to go to the official page to vote instead of mine. :oS

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited January 2019

    Nancy, I had no problem at all finding where to vote. There's a little box that says "Vote Now," and you just click on that.


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited January 2019

    Hello to my wonderful friends, I'm here again to thank you for your prayers for my PET/ CT SCAN. I got the results last night and my MO's comment was GREAT SCAN"!! I'm feeling very blessed right now especially with my MO and my Cancer Center. So many people have to wait days for their doctors to give them the results of tests.

    Hello and welcome to Gumdoctor. I've been seeing you on the Ibrance thread lately. While I'm currently not on Ibrance, only letrozole to keep me stable, I still follow the thread as I think of those women as old friends. Like this thread, everyone is so welcoming and supportive there.

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future).

    P.S, Nancy, sure wish I could vote but I'm trusting that Our Dear Lord will find a way to help you. You deserve it!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2019

    Welcome Gumdoctor and thank you for voting. I have somehow been able to access the voting even though I am not on Facebook. Thank you to those of you who have voted. I appreciate it.

    Faith, I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you. Praise God!!!!! I am so glad you didn't have to wait through the weekend to get results. Bless your MO!

    Thank you Lita.

    Thanks Ade. I am glad you put in another link which might make it easier. Yes, I would guess you have to vote from their site.

    Thanks Jean.

    Have a great night dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2019

    Today we are getting a real snowfall. We really haven't had much snow at all this season. Thankfully I have a guy that shovels for me.

    Thanks again for your votes. My heart is full with all the people who have voted. I have been able to get around the Facebook obstacles since I don't have an account and I can see the voting comments and the recent likes but I can't see all of the likes. Someone told me I was winning so far but I see someone who I don't know commented twice and that will only count as one so we'll see. I feel like I am on America's Got Talent or the Voice or running for office. It feels very strange and awkward asking for votes. Maybe I could take up sword swallowing and get on America's Got Talent if the photography thing doesn't work out!!!

    John 15:4-7 New International Version (NIV)

    4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

    5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

    Have a good day dear sisters.



  • Gumdoctor
    Gumdoctor Member Posts: 618
    edited January 2019


    It does look like you are still winning. I just read the sweet article online about you picking up photography while going through your cancer treatment. What an inspiration to so many others you are. God is speaking through you. No doubt.

    Hoping you win (and even if you don't, you still win because you have Him),


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2019

    Thank you Gumdoctor. I haven't had a chance to check the limited view that I can see for a few hours. This whole thing seems pretty surreal at this point. I don't have my swan pic readily handy but I do promise I will post it soon. If I do or don't win the sun will still come up the next day (well maybe not here!) and I will still have the SON so whatever the Lord wants to do I will be fine with. They won't announce the winners until Jan. 22 but voting ends on Thursday I think.

    Have a good evening.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2019

    Do you fill like you are running low on gas. Are you running on fumes? How do we get that red needle to get up to the full side in our spiritual life. We have to connect to the source just as you have to have the nozzle connected to your car. We know our source is Jesus and we know what we need to do. We need to read the Bible and meditate on the Word. We need to spend time with Jesus in prayer and in quiet time listening to what He wants to say to us. That is how we fill up our spiritual tank. We all know this but it is making this a priority in our lives to do it.

    Have a great day dear sisters and I hope many of you can make it to church who are able.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2019

    AMEN, Nancy!!!

    Praising God with you Faith! Prayers answered!

    WELCOME Gumdoctor! (Sorry we had to meet this way).

    May the Lord bless your Sabbath, Sisters,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2019

    Nancy & Jo, thank you both for your timely posts. You have encouraged me to dig out my iPod with my favorite worship songs. It has been way too long since I had me some worship alone time. The gloomy weather doesn't help even though we welcome rain here in Southern California. Time to let my MO know I am a little more emotional than usual also...Jo, I pray for your family and Michelle daily.

    Praying for all of you ladies that God will rain down many blessings that send you joy.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2019

    Chris, praying you can feel better. I know my tank is about on empty right now but that is only because I have lost sleep for the last two nights. Worship music really helps me to come into the presence of the Lord. I would highly recommend it.

    Joanne, as much as Michelle's situation seems completely set up for a big fall God is still working in this situation whether we can see it or not. God has allowed her to live through what seems like an impossible outcome initially. That is a miracle. I am still believing He is working and I am really praying that she will realize her need for Him. It will be in His time which usually to us seems like He is late showing up but we know His timing is perfect. That was one bullet point in a recent sermon at my church ant is said God is rarely early but never late.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2019

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JOANNE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Enjoy your special day!!!!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2019


    Sending a birthday HUG,



  • mysticalcity
    mysticalcity Member Posts: 184
    edited January 2019

    Happy Birthday Joanne!!

    Wishing you a year ahead full of blessings. Also still praying for Michelle--as Nancy said it is a miracle she is alive and God is in Control always. We cannot know His ways, but will pray that all works to the good for all involved.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2019

    Joanne, I wasn't going to say if it had enough candles on the cake it would burn , but since you went there then I will too. HA HA

    Just so you all know, Joanne and I know each other quite well or I would never say that to her otherwise.

    Mystical, join in with us whenever you want. Good to hear from you.

    I just got back from my TV interview which was outside at the forest preserve I took my winning sunset photo. What I thought was going to be 15 mins turned into an hour. She just let me talk so I talked and talked and talked. She then asked me some questions and then wanted to take some action shots. It was snowy and icy and I thought that would be a great look of me slipping on the ice and falling. Other that a few minutes of cotton mouth as I was getting nervous I am thankful I was able to share that my photography was a gift from God several times and since that is such a key thing in my story then hopefully she will not edit those things out. She wants a picture of my swan family so now I am searching to find where it is.

    I will share my swan story and photo once I can find it. I have to send it to her pretty quickly so I hopefully I can find it.

    Thanks for your prayers for this interview. I am thankful it went as well as it did and thankful it is OVER!!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2019

    I will let the landing strip of Joanne's birthday candles light the way to share my swan story. (How's that for a transition)

    A few of you have heard this story multiple times but I feel like it is time to share it again for all the new ladies on this thread and all of the ladies who read and never post and may have never heard it. There is a part two to my story which no one has read until now. Okay here goes......................................

    In March of 2014 I found out I had breast cancer as a result of a routine mammogram. I had surgery and then almost 7 weeks of radiation. My cancer clinic was 20-25 min. from my house. My shoulder was injured during the breast ultrasound and I had shoulder therapy besides radiation going on in the same time frame. My treatments started in May so it was springtime in the Chicago area. I was not used to traveling in this area so much to my surprise I passed this beautiful pond which reminded me of a sunken Japanese garden for some reason. It was hidden among this large corporate office complex. I saw two adult swans and I had never seen swans other than in pictures or on TV. I was thrilled. I had dabbled in bird photography and am a backyard birder but I was the type of photographer who kept the memory card in the camera for a year and really had no interest in uploading it to my computer. These swans were my bright spot every day of radiation and I would look for them every day during my treatments. I absolutely believe these swans were a gift from God to help me through my treatments. I was supposed to finish treatments at the end of June but unfortunately (or as I look back fortunately) that didn't happen the way we had planned. I had four more treatments to go and the radiation machine broke down for four days so my treatments were delayed as they only had one radiation machine then. Now they have two. My skin was breaking down so actually I was happy for the break. This part of my story is a bit fuzzy but it was definitely at the end of my treatments that I looked for the swans and I didn't see them at all. Then I realized they were on the bank. I saw these little puff balls around the adults and realized they had babies. I was over the moon I was so excited. I vowed that when my treatments were all over and I felt better I was going to try to find access to this pond and see if I could find the swans and photograph them. I didn't even know if this was a private pond but I found some guest parking spots so I figured it was okay. I had a nice camera but never figured out how to really use it. I had no training in photography or skills either and I took some shots of this swan family and they really turned out really nice. I got home and looked at them in the computer and decided I would send off a couple of photos to the newspaper which held a weekly photo contest. They would pick winners of the week and have their photos in the newspaper and then they would pick the best of the month and that person would win $50. I really figured there would be no way of winning anything but much to my surprise I opened the newspaper one day and there was my swan family with my name under the photo. I couldn't believe it. I was thrilled to say the least. Then a few weeks went by and I got a phone call from the newspaper saying that my swan photo had been chosen as the monthly winner and they wanted to do a phone interview. I was so excited I can't even tell you how I felt. I was able to share my faith and in the newspaper article with my winning photo they titled it "A heavenly sight." That whole experience just lit a fire underneath me and from that point on I became passionate about learning photography. I took classes and workshops and since then I have had my photos in the newspaper probably between 12-15 times and I have been a monthly winner four times and two of those were just this past year in 2018.

    I want to back up a bit and tell you the part two of the story. One of my former principals told me that one of her friends while doing radiation treatments would treat herself to something special every Friday as a way of celebrating a week down. I never actually felt like doing that but what I did do was I visited this lake that is not too far from my house which is part of Will County Forest Preserve. I would go there just to sit and reflect and to pray and to celebrate the fact that I had finished a week of radiation. I did this on most Fridays so this lake became very special to me. It became a regular place that you could find me especially in the warm months photographing flowers and butterflies and sunsets and birds. I "happened" to run into a field monitor last summer from Will County that mentioned the fact that they have a photo competition that runs from May to the end of Dec. That is when I started participating in their photo contest. I made honorable mention a couple of times and was thrilled with that as they have some very talented photographers. They submit all of the entries on their Flickr site so I could see all the other photos. When I found out that one of my sunsets won for this past December I cannot tell you the thrill of that. That win prompted an interview and article that was written about me and my winning photo and from that article that was sent out to the media came this TV interview that I had today. The interview was at this lake and we were there for an hour. My prayer was I could share my faith and make it absolutely clear that my photography was a gift from God and it came about because of my breast cancer. I was able to do that and the lady running the camera just let me talk and tell my story. So from a retired band director and clarinetist who had to stop performing because of a neck surgery to now being totally engrossed in photography is another gift from God as well. In 2001 because of my neck surgery I could no longer perform with my clarinet as my neck was never quite the same. God has used photography to help fill that void in me that was lost when I had to give up performing. So that is my story of how God is good and how He can bring beauty from ashes and how He can use us to work out His perfect will in some pretty amazing ways if we let Him.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2019

    Nancy, the colors in your swan picture are so vibrant! And I love your message knowing God will use it for His glory.

    Happy belated birthday Joanne.

    Blessings, Chris

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited January 2019

    Nancy, that really is a beautiful story, I knew some of it but not the whole story. God has certainly given you a gift with this photography hobby which benefits you as well as those of us who enjoy your photos. If you find out when the interview is going to be on, send me a PM. I’d love to see it. I’m also sending up a prayer that you win this competition and also that your story helps someone to believe that God helps us in all things.

    Nancy, that swan photo is beautiful, I don’t remember ever seeing it before. I hope it won a contest for you. It certainly should.

    A belated very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Joanne. May this next year be filled with many blessings and joys. Your last post is just perfect for any trial that we endure with God’s help. I’m still praying for Michelle and your family as you continue to endure this trial.

    Sending love and prayers to all.

    Faith (in the future).

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited January 2019

    Beautiful photo, Nancy



  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited January 2019

    Nancy- life has been extremely busy and when I have a few minutes I pop on here. Yesterday while I waited at my OT appointment (dang LE!) I was able to catch up. What a beautiful testimony! Love the Swan story. I didn't realize that you taught band. My grandson is in the 7th grade and plays the trombone. He made all county band in December and this past weekend he made regional jazz band! We are so proud! His talent is truly a gift from God!

    Happy birthday Jo! I hope you had a blessed day!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2019

    Nancy ~ Lovely photo - lovely testimony! We're all "rootin'" for you!!!

    I had a photo take best of show once back in Ohio and I was overwhelmed that the Lord LET me capture HIS beauty so others could be blessed by it. It was quite humbling and a gift of love from Above. I know you know the feeling. To God be the glory!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2019

    Thank you all for all of your encouraging comments. That swan photo I had professionally framed and is in a prominent place in my living room as a testament to God's provision and his beauty and my photography miracle.

    Okay, drum roll................................................I just found out this afternoon from the Forest Preserve that I got 2nd place in the photo contest. Nothing has been officially announced yet but I am assuming the hugging squirrels got first. I am thrilled with the results. I read somewhere that 939 photos were submitted in the duration of the contest this year. I can't believe I got this far. I had just driven to pick up my $75 gift card yesterday for the Dec. win and had to go quite a bit out of town. Now I will not complain about driving back and picking up the $250 card waiting for me!!!!

    Thank you all for voting for me. One take away from this whole experience is that God showed me how many friends and family I have and how they took the time to go to bat for me on Facebook when I couldn't. I am humbled by that. I know some of you had family that helped drum up votes from others as well so I appreciate that so much.

    I did get to see my interview for TV. It was quite obvious that they wanted to tell their story and not mine. They did include my swan photo and my winning sunset photo but the article didn't tell my swan story at all. I do feel honored to be on TV and cancer patients and seniors might be encouraged by the clip.

    I am not going to post the link to the interview as I still want to protect my privacy but if you would like to see it you can send me a PM again. I did delete the post that had the link to voting to protect my privacy.

    Faith, yes, the swan photo won with the Daily Herald newspaper photo contest in 2014 and I had an article written where they did tell my swan story and I won $50. It was a strange feeling because I never felt like I deserved to get any credit for that photo because I knew it was a miracle. I have gone back to that pond with other new baby swans trying to recreate that photo and there was just no way I could get the swans together. I felt like I was trying to herd a bunch of wild cats. LOL That photo was the beginning of my passion for photography.

    Vargadoll, I used to play jazz myself. I played saxophone in HS and college in their jazz bands. I directed a junior high jazz band and I love to play jazz even though I am a classical clarinetist. For your son to make county band and to make regional jazz band is a BIG deal. I bet he is good and I know you are very proud of him as I can see you glowing threw your post! As a band director I had to play all of the instruments but I do own a trombone and it is lots of fun to play. I don't play any of the instruments now though.

    Ade, I am not surprised that one of your photos took best of show. Your sunset photos you post are gorgeous. Your daughter must have inherited your good eye for her to have her own photography business.

    Jean, how are you feeling. I hope that your meds are knocking out your pneumonia. Praying you will feel 100% soon.

    Joanne, praying for Michelle as she transitions back home. I pray God will envelope her in a protective bubble and protect her from any harm.

    Now if we could pray that Cammie would starting doing #2 in her litter box I would feel on top of the world. I think it is a long hair issue and I will have to get her to the vet as I have her partially shaved periodically and that might be the problem now.

    We are all bracing for the big snowstorm coming our way.

    Have a great weekend dear sisters.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2019

    Nancy, congratulations. What a wonderful, happy thing to happen to you. Praying Cammie cooperates and all of your tests return with joyful results. Stay safe in the storm.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2019

    Thank you Chris. I need to find out why I am having these concerning symptoms and I really hope I don't have to have surgery to fix whatever it is. Living alone could be problematic as I don't have the built in network of support like I did when I was teaching if I had to have neck surgery. I know God is in control.

    Joanne, thank you. You daughters were a big help to me along with so many other people and tell them a BIG thank you for me.

    I am wiped out and not sure if it is just from being totally drained from being on such an emotional roller coaster or what but I need to have a mini staycation this weekend.

    Have a great weekend and stay safe everyone in the path of the storm.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2019

    Good morning dear sisters. I am feeling much better. The wheezing and congestion are gone! I am just very weak and tired which is to be expected after pneumonia. God used this to slow me down and teach me to sit still. Thanks for all your prayers. Congradulations Nancy. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2019

    Thank you Jean. Continue prayers for a complete recovery. Hang in there.

    Keep warm dear sisters. It is FREEZING here.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited January 2019

    Nancy, I’m so happy to hear you won 2nd prize in the photo contest. That’s wonderful, you should be very proud of your work. God has really given you a gift to use for His glory. I’m sorry Cammie is giving you problems again, she must just want all your attention all the time. Enough of this photography stuff. LOL! I will send you a PM so you can send me the link to your interview, can’t wait to see it.

    I am keeping you in prayer that your MRI on Wednesday shows nothing but good news, and your symptoms disappear without any need for surgery. Since it’s so cold, this is a good weekend for your staycation. Stay warm and safe.

    Jean, happy to hear you’re feeling better, praying you stay that way.

    Jo, I’m still praying for Michelle especially as she makes the transition to home care. Praying that all goes well and she continues to improve with no setbacks.

    Praying that anyone here in the path of that big snowstorm stays safe and warm with no big problems caused by the snow.

    Love and prayers for all,

    Faith (in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2019

    Thank you Faith. Now that all the excitement over the photo contest is winding down the reality of my situation is setting in with my MRI of the neck on Wed. Communication has not been easy with this specialist to begin with so finding out test results I have a feeling may be a challenge as well. We'll see. I talked to a friend recently and her husband just had neck surgery from the neurosurgeon I would have if it comes to that. His surgery was 9 hrs. This doctor and those affiliated with Northwestern Hospital are known for very long surgeries I have been told. I am really praying that I will not have to have another neck surgery.

    This is one of many famous quotes from Martin Luther King. As we remember him today I thought I would post one of his quote that we can relate to as Christians.

    Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.

    Have a good day dear sisters. Another freezing cold day here in the Midwest.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2019

    Jean, may the Lord grant you more strength everyday as you complete your recovery and may the joy of the Lord accompany it.

    Nancy I'm thrilled at the honor you won with your photography and would love to have a link to the interview whenever you have the time. I know more pressing matters are your focus right now. I pray your test will yield GOOD results - treatable WITHOUT need of surgery, and that the Lord will in His great mercy and love grant you perfect peace before, during, and after the test. He has you in the palm of His hand, you are the apple of His eye and He IS the Great Physician Who knit you together in your mother's womb and knew you before you were even formed. He has this!

    May all of you up north stay safe and warm. I would tell you our temp but won't rub it in, as a year from now I just may be back up there WITH you! :o)

    May the Lord our God bless and keep you,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2019

    Ade, I will send you a PM. I am panicked because I just NOW remembered I am supposed to be hydrating alot. YIKES Thanks for your prayer. I have been so busy I haven't had too much time to think about it. Obviously by me forgetting to hydrate is evidence of that.

    I would ask you to pray for a good friend of mine. She is my photography partner and also a retired band director and clarinetist. She went to bed two weeks ago fine and woke up almost deaf in one ear. It is a strange virus which she thought she just had a head cold that caused this and now possibly will be almost deaf in one ear with nothing much that can be done if the course of treatments she is on now doesn't work soon.

    I'll let you know what the results of this MRI is but I am not holding my breath that this specialist will get back to me in a timely manner. I will probably find myself reading results in MyChart and not understanding what it all means.

    Have a good night dear sisters. Weather is awful here and terribly dangerous with freezing rain and very slippery surfaces.

