thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited May 2021

    Thanks Nancy, and I am still waiting on an answer to my scans. It has been a long week. It usually doesn't take this long so I am trying to stay busy preparing things for my son's visit and trying to keep things normal, but I know it is wearing on me.

    I think you are wise to get the mold fixed by professionals as it is very bad for your health. We don't have basements at the beach, but we do have ocean moisture and fight mold and mildew inside and out. Our humidity this time of year here usually runs between 70% to 80% which feels fine but does its damage. The mornings are usually overcast (we call it "May gray" and "June gloom") but it burns off by noon. Our walkway rails are usually wet every morning.

    Praying for peaceful days for us all.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited May 2021

    My test results just came in and I am waiting for my oncologist to call and explain what it means. Basically it says there are several small growths in my liver but everywhere else in the abdominal area is clear. The spine concerns this technician so I don't know what to think. I just Praise God everything is minimal for now. I will let you know when I know more. Tomorrow marks the five-year original stage IV metastises diagnosis so my emotions are all over the place right now. Thank you all for caring.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited May 2021

    Hi Chris, I have been trying to respond and my internet is not reliable at this point. I hope I can finish this post before it cuts out again. I am thrilled that the abdomen is clear. I hope you can talk to your MO and get some clarification but it sounds like things are better than when you first got the scare that the mets had spread to new areas. I pray that you will have peace and feel hopeful after talking with your doctor. Peace my dear sister.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited May 2021

    Chris, I’m happy you finally got your results back. Waiting is just awful. Hopefully, if there are only a few spots in the liver, they can be treated with some radiation and destroyed. I’ve read about similar things here on the BCO boards. You will continue in my prayers that there is an easy solution to this and that you may have God’s peace as you deal with this new development.

    Nancy, I’m so sorry you are dealing with this mold problem on top of everything else. I hope your niece will convince your sister that this needs to be handled by a professional. Trying to do it yourselves could result in much bigger problems. I am praying that a solution finds it way to you with God’s help. I will also pray that your internet holds up. I’m sure you need it now more than ever as you try to find someone to take care of this mold problem.

    Thanks for asking about us. DH is still having a hard time with his knee and feels he has a long way to go to get back his strength. He gets very discouraged with it all, it’s depressing for both of us. I’m also still having a hard time with my anxiety. I’m talking to a new therapist but have given up on any drugs besides occasional Zanax. I had too many side effects from the several that I tried and am praying this therapist can help me learn how to handle it. I really covet your prayers as I deal with this. But I do have some good news.

    We have two DGDs graduating this weekend from college in Indiana. The youngest from Idaho is getting her BS in Physics from St. Mary’s and then will go to Notre Dame for one more year to finish her degree in Mechanical Engineering. She’s been doing classes at both schools for the last four years. Our oldest granddaughter will be getting her degree as a Nurse Practitioner also from St. Mary’s in South Bend. She has been doing school part time while working as a nurse in Pediatric ICU. We will be celebrating these graduations with a gathering at our house on Sunday. It will be so good to see our Idaho family again. I’m just praying my anxiety doesn’t rear its ugly head again.

    Sending love and prayers for everyone. May God give us all peace and blessings.


    Faith (in the future).

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited May 2021

    Faith, thank you for the response. You have two wonderful and smart DGDs to have achieved all that they have done. Wow! Enjoy your time with them and celebrate all you can. I will continue to pray for your DH and his recovery. I know I mentioned my DH needs a knee replacement but he is being stubborn and won't do it. Part of me understands but it is tough to watch his pain when he tries to walk anywhere. Going through all this waiting for my new dx and treatment has increased my anxiety. I will pray you find a good solution that helps.

  • deniseml
    deniseml Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2021

    Just seeing this thread for the first time...not quite sure why, but, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you ! God bless all of you. I too try to remember to include everyone dealing with BC diagnosis in my prayers. I am nearing the end of my treatments for Sage IIIC, IBC. My trial started last July and I know beyond any shadow of a doubt that God uses the things I dread to help me grow closer to him and deepen my faith!

    JO-5 : Love the Poem/ lyrics you have posted! Hope you don't mind if I share with family and friends.

    I will be returning to this thread now that I've found you. It is so uplifting and supportive...Just what the doctor ordered!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited May 2021

    Welcome, Denise. I come here often, but don't post super often. This is a very uplifting thread. I appreciate so much the love, prayers and support from my dear sisters here.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited May 2021

    Welcome to the group, Denise. I visit every day but don't post often. I follow several groups on this site, but this one is my favorite. Lots of support, prayers, and acceptance. Please come back anytime.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited May 2021

    Hi Denise. Welcome to our group. Please feel free to share your prayers and blessings.

    Well, my oncologist called yesterday and told me the radiologists are unable to tell what is going on specifically. They say "indeterminate" for new cancer in the liver and spine. So I am going back on my meds and the routine that kept me clear for six months and will rescan in another three to see if there is any new growth. I am praising God for this and have decided it means things are fine for now. It has been five years on the 20th since my first diagnosis of Stage IV MBC and I never imagined I would be doing this well. I have lost over a dozen friends/family members to cancer in these five years which hurts and saddens me. I have found and spent time with three new siblings I never knew I had, survived Covid in my home without getting sick (so far) and found all you wonderful new friends during this time. God added two new grandchildren and I get to watch all four of them grow. My faith has been tested and grown. God's blessings continue to shower upon me, and I thank God everyday for you.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited May 2021

    Denise, welcome to this thread. I am glad you found us. Please feel free to share anytime. I love your statement about God using the things you dread to draw closer to Him. I am finding that out as well. My Mom died in October and my sister and I are clearing out her house. I live three hours away so I have been down here for almost three weeks and it is something I have dreaded but God is getting us both through this. I hope your trial will reap positive rewards for you.

    Chris, I am so glad you are feeling like this is good news. I am so happy for you. You have been on my mind and heart so much. Praying that you will tolerate your meds and that it will continue to give you many more years of good quality life on this earth to be with your family and your new family.

    I will be going back home on Wed. I couldn't sleep at all last night so I finally turned the light on and I read a good part of my Mom's diary that my sister will take to her house. It was like seeing a fast moving snapshot of our lives. I am not sure if it was my nephew's death in 2010 or possibly her dementia setting in before we knew it but she just stopped writing after that year. I retired in 2011 and that first year of retirement was when we knew something was terribly wrong when in a panic she emailed my sister and I saying she didn't remember how to drive to the beauty shop or to Bob Evans restaurant which she had done hundreds of times. I have moments of sadness over very little things but I step back and realize she is at peace and with my Dad and all of her other eight siblings that died before her. I would never have guessed in a million years she would be the last to go and almost live to 95. She missed that by two days.

    We have a company coming out on Monday to give us an estimate to remove the mold in the basement. They do not do waterproof painting which we want done so will have to find someone to do that. I am praying we will be able to afford the cost. No one can be in the house while they do this so we will probably wait to do this at the very end of getting the house on the market. I am hoping we will get a cash buyer who will flip the house. Other than the basement we will more thank likely sell as is. I would appreciate your prayers in this as so much will depend on timing and no rain to get some of this basement done.

    Have a great weekend dear sisters. I am so grateful that I have been able to get internet here but it has become increasingly unreliable the last week or so. I better sign off before it cuts out.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited May 2021

    Tomorrow is Ade and James 49th anniversary. Here's to many, many more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited May 2021

    Hi ladies,

    So sorry I haven't been popping in but life got very busy. I still kept up and prayed for your issues as always though.

    Nancy, I am glad you are settling on a solution for the basement problem. I pray you can find a business that will do the job for a good price and then another to waterproof too. In the house I grew up in my parents had to hire a company to drill holes in the cinderblock and run tubes from those along the walls and that drained into the sump pump. It worked! May the Lord expedite the work an bring a good buyer quickly. I pray you find an answer to your insomnia. We can't feel well after no sleep and sleep is healing for the body. I forgot if you could take them or not but 5-HTP and Melatonin help both of us. The Melatonin is slow release and the 5-HTP also is a calmer for the day ahead.

    Denise, welcome to the group! You will find these sisters to be loving, caring, praying blessings!

    Faith, what a blessing to have such smart grandaughters graduating. May the Lord bless their futures. One of our home schooled grandaughters just graduated high school. She is the sweetest, most godly teen (18) you could ever meet. We're proud to call her ours. I'm sorry your hubby's knee is still so bad. May the Lord provide healing relief medically or miraculously for him. I pray that for your anxiety too. It's SO hard to live with that. May the Lord set you free from it.

    Chris, praise the Lord for the report you have. May those liver spots NOT grow as you resume treatment. Five years out from your stage IV diagnosis is something to celebrate. May the Lord grant you MANY more and may they be GOOD years to His glory.

    James FINALLY, after 7 weeks from covid diagnosis, saw a doctor last week. He was an intern and really listened and took copious notes. He ordered blood work and chest x-ray. The cheat is clear - PTL! The doctor tried to call 3 times last Friday ( I think about the blood work) but we missed the calls while napping. (We do that a lot these days!) We go back to see him today. He put James on Flonase, Claritin, Prednisone Z-pack, Tessalon Pearls (for cough) - and he is better! Even the terribly itchy rash on arms, neck and hands has improved. I pray it won't all come back when he is off the meds.

    And lastly, in an effort to ease the pain of Maggie's passing (our Airedale of almost 11 years) we adopted a pair of litter mates, terrier pound puppies. Oh my GOODNESS they are a lot of work right now! They have NO training whatsoever. We thought they were older. But we are hopeful with love (they are VERY shy right now) and patience, we will eventually have 2 good little doggies. They are Ellie (the little one - 14 lbs.) and Ezra/ 'Ezzie' (25 lbs).

    Blessings upon your weekend, sisters,



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited May 2021

    p.s. Nancy - THANK YOU for the Anniversary wishes!!! 49 and counting!

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited May 2021

    Ade, so nice to hear from you. Happy Anniversary! Your new puppies are adorable. I am thankful James is finally finding some relief after seven weeks--wow!

    Nancy, still praying for your solution knowing God knows and understands.

    Thank you all for your kind words. I am slogging along ok. Our elevator is still out but perhaps will be finished this week with inspection hopefully next week. Our kids arrive the week after so I am hoping it will be done in time! My DH struggles with the one flight of stairs we have to take and the long walk to the other elevator. California may lift all Covid rules the last day my kids are here--what timing!

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited May 2021

    Ade and James, Happy Anniversary! Your 49th anniversary - that is a beautiful, blessed milestone. And congratulations on the newest members of your family. What sweet faces they have! Ezra is a handsome fellow, too. His colorful coat is really something.

    Nancy, I hope the contractor's bid was reasonable and work on the basement will commerce soon. Praying that you have a safe trip home tomorrow.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited May 2021

    Faith, I hope you had a great time with your family. Congratulations to your granddaughters. Amazing achievements for both of them. I am sure you are so very proud of them. I do hope that your your anxiety was under control and that you had a chance to enjoy your family. I was extremely anxious knowing the mold removal company was coming for an estimate yesterday. I can truly appreciate how awful that must be for you.

    Chris, it seems like your elevator situation has been going on forever. I sure do hope the work gets done soon so it is not so hard for both of you.

    Hershey, thanks for your prayers. I know all of the prayers is what has got me through this emotional and hard task.

    Ade, I am so glad to hear that James is on some meds that are working after such a long time. I am so glad you now have two cutie pies to raise. I know for myself that is something I just am compelled to do and the sooner the better. I had a hamster phase, a rabbit phase and now that I have my own home I have had my cat phase. With each passing I would try to get a new pet and it did seem to help. Cammie has such a strong personality that I barely can remember my Mindy before her. They were so completely different. I do actually take the Melatonin release tabs and 5HTP and they work in combination with some other things but not always. I know my lack of sleep while at my Mom's house is due to stress and trying to figure out how in the world we are going to maneuver our way through selling this house with my sister and I being three hours apart once I go back home tomorrow. It does not feel like an ending at all to this huge task of cleaning out which we have pretty much come close to accomplishing as some curve balls have come into play which I won't go into but it makes the unknowns seem even worse than I thought. My niece has been here to help us coming from Iowa and still working remotely for a good part of the days. She has been a BIG help. She keeps us on task!!!! My sister and I can get to talking and time slips by before we know it. Today I was outside washing down the mildew on some or the siding by hand. Not a fun task and I am very leery of getting any of that stuff in my lungs again so I had my mask on but it triggered a terrific headache all day.

    The guy from the mold removal came out yesterday and I liked him alot. He spent quite a long time with me and since I was paying a pretty hefty price I wanted to take time to ask him as many questions as I could. The estimate is not nearly as bad as I had thought it might be so that was a huge relief. It is still a lot of money. They do not do the waterproofing of the walls and I think that is going to be the big expense. The person my sister thought could do it said no he only does flooring. This mold removal guy did say that I should first schedule the waterproofing first and then their company can come in a few days before so that this happens hopefully during a time of no rain and one directly following the other. We have to pick a realtor and that is the curve ball that happened so things are up in the air now.

    I am leaving for home tomorrow and I am pretty anxious about this. My niece is also going back to her home tomorrow but they are all coming to the house to finish what we didn't finish today. I didn't know the goal was to get the house completely cleared out. So it is going to be crazy because just packing and driving home is a lot for me and I am just praying I can sleep well tonight and get up earlier than usual so we can get this done. I don't want to be driving at night especially going through construction zones.

    So things are very up in the air for me as I know I will probably have to come back in the near future with probably no furniture and possibly nothing for Cammie so I may have to leave her home and have someone come in and take care of her. I would appreciate your continued prayers as this is now getting to the hard part and I thought that was what we were just in!!!!!!!

    Take care dear sisters. I'll talk when I get back home.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2021

    Hey, I didn't know if I could join this thread, being in my early 40s. I couldn't find a similar thread for women of my age.

    I'm a believer, but really struggling. I have a recurrence, surgery scheduled for 2 weeks from now, and I'm suffering from severe anxiety about everything, including the fear that something will delay my surgery. It's already been a month since my imaging because we needed to check for mets. I'm a germaphobe, struggling to work in the medical field during a pandemic (I really probably should find a different career). I haven't been vaccinated yet because I need certain allergy tests first and things kept putting that off, so I'm terrified of catching Covid. A coworker was just in my office sort of hovering over me looking at something on the computer (both masked, coworker fully vax plus coworker had covid already), but now I feel like I was exposed to something and am afraid to breathe the air.

    I feel like I'm losing my mind. I have a wonderful christian therapist, but won't talk with her until tomorrow. I'm trying so hard to remember that God is in the timing of everything and if there's a delay, it's ultimately ok. I can tell myself that but it's so hard to believe it.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited May 2021

    Heavenly Father, please hold gb in your hands and provide peace and comfort from all the stresses she is going through. We know you care about our every fear and I pray right now you vanquish them in your Holy Name.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited May 2021

    Ade, I forgot to add that my 49th anniversary is coming up on June 9th. We can celebrate together! I have asked God to let me live for my 50th and He is answering that prayer for me. One more year...

    Nancy, I continue to pray for help during your recent troubles. I moved and cleared out our house in Colorado Springs by myself ten years ago and the pain is still fresh in my memory! My DH had to stay in TN for work so I did it alone. I called a trash/junk removal service and they overfilled their truck! This was after a huge garage sale. Then I had a moving company move the rest. Most of that we cleared out again before moving back to California. I am not a hoarder but I purged our stuff down to the bare minimum. It is hard work. I had to prepare the CS house to turn it into a rental so it had to be in top shape. Again, I did it alone. I remember the tears and pain during that process and doing it all again when my parents died so I totally understand. When I look at where I am today I can only thank God for the foresight to do it before my illness.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited May 2021

    gb2115, yes you are welcome here! We will all be praying for God's peace to surround you, calm your fearful spirit, and grant you rest from ALL of your concerns. If it is any comfort for you, my husband and I are both high risk and in our 70s and have come out of covid last month. We are what's called long-haulers which means we have some residual symptoms but nothing life threatening. You, being so much younger might just breeze through it if you got it. Our son who is your age hardly had any symptoms. If your co-worker had covid (plus the shot) she has natural antibodies which are even better than the shot - plus she wore a mask. VERY slim chance at all of catching it from her. Her viral shed would be extremely low. I think the media has done a great disservice scaring everyone to death. I see people masked walking down the sidewalk alone outside in the sunshine which kills the virus. Thou will keep him (her) in perfect peace whose mind is stayed in Him. Keep your focus on the Great Physician Who is also your Good Shepherd watching over you. When you feel the fear start to grip you, sing to the Lord, or if you're at work, praise Him silently for His watch care over you. He will see you through your next surgery too. God IS love and Love casts out all fear. He says, "Fear not, for I am with you"! I find that when my anxiety tries to attack I find calm by just whispering Jesus' name. You're going to get through this.

    Nancy - SO many things on your plate! Wow. I pray they will all fall into place and you can give a big sigh of relief and rest in Him. I also pray you have NO ill effects from cleaning that mold outside. You and Cammie have a safe trip home and relax a bit ok?

    Yes, Chris! We will celebrate through the miles together - and I pray for MANY MORE than your 50th next year! Anniversary Blessings! (James' twin brother's wedding was exactly one year later than ours, same date, time, church and pastor! We would be celebrating with them except we're in TX and they're in Ohio. They weren't even aware it WAS our wedding day one year later back then! TWINS!)

    Thank you Hershey, Chris, Nancy and all for anniversary wishes and comments on 'the little rascals'!

    Hugs and prayers,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited May 2021

    Dear gb,

    You are most certainly welcome here. We had a young lady a few years ago that was only 27. She by the way was stage four cancer and had a miraculous healing. We tried to get our name changed for this thread but that didn't happen.

    I just got back to my home this evening after being away for a few weeks otherwise I would have posted earlier. I am just now seeing your post. I pray that the wisdom imparted and prayers from our sisters who have seen your post and prayed for you have been answered and that you are feeling more peace tonight.

    I hope you can get a good night's sleep and that your session with your Christian therapist will be very helpful. We will certainly be praying for your upcoming surgery and that nothing will hinder this from happening as scheduled. We pray for the best possible outcome for you and for complete healing.

    I think it is safe to say that we have all experienced anxiety and can sympathize with your situation. I am also praying that you will not contract Covid ever.

    I will be praying for you.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited May 2021

    Ade, I hope you and James had a good anniversary today. I just know your little two additions to your home will give you much joy.

    Chris, you have almost made it to your 49th anniversary and I am praying you will not only make it to your 50th but well beyond that. Thank you for sharing about your experiences with moving and clearing out houses. I am very sad tonight. Taking the pictures off the wall over my Mom's piano was the ultimate in reality. My family doesn't seem to really understand what I am going through. This home has been my second home for almost 70yrs and it is just another huge loss that I am feeling and the reality that nothing is going to be the same anymore. I need some time to grasp that. My sister and I have so much to do and doing this for me long distance is going to be difficult so I can see the writing on the wall. I will probably have to make several trips back and that means no furniture and probably no way I can take my cat with me. I have no idea how God will work out the details and I know I need to hand all of these overwhelming details over to Him.

    My goal was to buy all of my flowers for my own home by Memorial weekend but I am not feeling it right now. In the past it has taken me a few days to transition back to my own life in my own home and this is the same but different. This is delayed grief for me.

    Take care dear sisters. Have a good night. I am soooooooooo grateful for reliable internet!!!!!



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2021

    Thank you all for being so welcoming! I read a wonderful FB post just now by Ann Voskamp talking about suffering. It was extremely pertinent and timely.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited May 2021

    Joanne, we just read that Stanley devotional in our time with the Lord today. It is SO pertinent to these times isn't it! (Happy you and I are on the same page - literally!) And YES - today is the day of salvation, for us, for our world around us. I just watched a news piece on One America News that was saying that we conservative Christians are being classified by our own government as 'domestic terrorists' and even our own post office is now collecting information as well as our internet posts and phone conversations. I realize this is NOT a place for politics, and all of us already have heavy loads, but we, as believers need to work saving souls while it is yet day. We cannot be intimidated into denying our faith. Be strong in the might of the Lord, ladies!

    Nancy, I am sorry this house readying where you grew up brings back waves of grieving for you. This too shall pass, sweet sister. I pray God's comfort, peace and strength for your body, mind and spirit.

    Gotta run before the unattended little stinkers chew up my house!

    Love to all, new and old,


    The cacti are blooming. This is prickly pear.


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited May 2021


    Today I am thankful for the brave men and women who lost their lives serving our nation and protecting our freedom.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited May 2021

    Honoring all of the service men and women who gave their lives so that we could be free in the USA. We are grateful for your ultimate sacrifice and service.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited June 2021

    Hi All. I have a working elevator and a (community) heated pool in time for my son's family visit next week. Yay, I get so see my three grandsons! We have four carseats ready and enough chairs for everyone to sit at the table together so all is well. It is the little things!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited June 2021

    Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. I am trying to get my yard in good shape if I have to head back downstate to do more work on my Mom's house. I have bought all my flowers and planted a few containers. I got up one big fountain in my back yard and spent a few hours spray paining my cascading fountain which will go in my front yard. That was a job. It has to cure for several days and then it has to be sealed.

    Joanne, amen to your post

    Ade, thank you for your prayers. Your prickly pear cactus is beautiful. I watched a pretty scary series and the villian in the series quoted this poem about prickly pears. I had no idea it was a cactus!!!! I hope your two little pups aren't causing you too much stress. I have been praying that they will give you both much joy.

    Hershey, thank you for remembering our service men and women.

    Chris, I am so glad to hear that your elevator is finally working. That is great news and I am sure will be such a blessing to you and your DH. I know it has been a long time coming. I know you will love seeing your son's family and your grand kids. So happy for you.

    Getting back home this time was especially difficult for many reasons. God blessed me last weekend with two unexpected blessings which I just knew were gifts from Him. I go to Wendy's every Sunday and get the same salad every time. I have done this for several years and I think most of the regular workers know me. The manager was waiting at the window as she hadn't seen me in several weeks. I had my money out to give her and she said this is on me since you have been gone. This is the same lady that gave me a special embroidered sunflower face mask last year.

    Then the same weekend I met my new neighbor across the street. My former neighbor of 20 yrs moved to Florida. She is a sweet young Japanese lady and is married to an Indonesian young man from NY. They have a cute little dog named Dora. She came over the next day with her husband and little dog and she had a present for me. I said I am supposed to be giving you a house warming present. Her card was very sweet. I had prayed long before they moved in that I would become good friends with whoever moved in. Last night I dropped off a planter and plant for outside. I left it on their front porch as no one answered the door. I have not seen them to personally thank them for my gift and see how they liked mine. God is good and has used these two gifts from Him to lift me up during a very emotional time for me.

    Have a good weekend dear sisters. I plan to attend a real church service this Sunday other than the online services I have done since the end of Feb. 2020. Normal is starting to feel really good.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited June 2021

    Wednesday is Chris's 49th wedding anniversary. Congratulations to her and her DH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited June 2021

    Dear sisters,

    I hope you have a great weekend. It has been miserably hot and humid here. Cammie, my cat has not been good. I didn't know what was going to happen when I took her to the vet Thursday. She was not been eating or drinking. I have prescription food and treats for her that are coming for her and I hope this will turn things around. I cannot give her my usual treats anymore and that has been difficult for both of us. The vet did an elaborate blood work up for her that was sent to Texas so it may be a while to get those results. If you think of it I would appreciate your prayers for her.

    I continue to pray for your needs.


