thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited June 2021

    HersheyKiss, I will lift you up in prayer - for both the outcome and your spirit.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited June 2021

    1 When peace like a river attendeth my way,

    when sorrows like sea billows roll;
    whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say,
    "It is well, it is well with my soul."

    It is well with my soul;
    it is well, it is well with my soul.

    2 Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
    let this blest assurance control:
    that Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
    and has shed his own blood for my soul. Refrain

    3 My sin oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
    my sin, not in part, but the whole,
    is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more;
    praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! Refrain

    4 O Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
    the clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
    the trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend;
    even so, it is well with my soul. Refrain

    May the peace of God enfold you all today.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited June 2021

    Carol, you said it so well, “there is so much life going on, it's overwhelming “. I'm feeling that very much right now. Ade, your prayers always hit the right note at the times we need it. Nancy, thank you for all your prayers for me and everyone here. I'm so glad you didn't have any damage from the tornado. We were also lucky not to have any damage. I pray both you and Cammie are recovering. I've had my tooth surgery and I'm guessing it was successful but I'm still having lots of discomfort that wakes me at night, so I'm tired all the time. I know I worry too much but I'm concerned that I'm not healing very quickly because I'm on Prolia which delays bone healing. I've also started on new anxiety medication and I would be grateful for your prayers that it will work this time.

    I've been reading and praying for everyone's needs, especially those of you waiting for test results and making difficult decisions about treatments. I also ask for continued prayers for my new neighbor's baby Gwendolyn. I don't have much news but we were told that she may be having open heart surgery this week. I can't imagine the stress and worries they are having as they deal with this.

    Sending love and prayers, praying you all sleep well tonight

    Faith ( in the future)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited June 2021

    Ade, thank you for your prayers for Cammie and me. I did return to church again and other than being fatigued I am doing a little better. Cammie is no worse so I am thankful for that.

    Thank you for that banner and the lyrics to It is Well. I love that song and it was written out of terrible tragedy showing God's strength and grace in the midst of great pain and loss.

    Carol, the old hymns can really speak to us even in our modern day. Life's challenges are present in any era and the lyrics still ring true for us today. That Proverbs verse is a good one to keep close to your heart.

    Hershey, we will definitely be praying for you as you have your scans on Friday for a call back. We have all been through this and it can be a very anxious time as we let our mind wander. Hopefully you will get results immediately afterwards even though Friday afternoon probably seems like a very long wait. I am going to pray that God will give you unexplainable peace during this time and of course praying for the best possible scenario.

    Faith, I am glad your oral surgery is over and will continue prayers for healing and for a treatment for your anxiety. I know this has been a very long time dealing with this and I am sure it is exhausting. I do pray this new med will help. This little baby, Gwendolyn has had a rough start to her new life. I pray that the Lord will lay a hand of healing on her little body and if he choses to use the doctors in this healing we pray for their wisdom and skill. I pray for the parents who definitely need strength, peace and faith that their little girl will be okay after going through this rough time. I didn't realize that the worst part of the tornado damage was near my muscle therapist who you know as well. I emailed her and didn't hear anything if she was okay so I was so concerned I drove by her house yesterday and the house next to hers was damaged and had a blue tarp on the roof but hers looked fine as far as I could see. The house the got totally demolished was just down the street from her house and I tears just welled up as I was driving through this area looking at all the destruction. We did have some tree damage in our neighborhood and one person had damage do to a falling tree but we were so fortunate.

    The condo disaster in Florida was heartbreaking as the rescue workers can still hear sounds but not knowing where they are coming from. May the Lord work in this horrible tragedy comforting the families that really don't know if there loved ones are alive or not for those people left unaccounted for. For those who have lost loved ones we pray for your comfort during this terrible time.

    Take care dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited June 2021

    I have prayed for each one of you today. May God lift the spirit of anxiety from all of those in the midst of a storm.




  • Dmjshriver
    Dmjshriver Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2021


    My name is Denise, and I am new to the group. I was diagnosed 8 weeks ago with invasive ductal breast cancer, HER2+ with axillary lymph node involvement. Since day 1 God has given me a great peace over this diagnosis and I know He will use my journey for the Glory of His name.

    It has been quite the journey with the typical MD’s... i did not want to do traditional chemo treatments, but unfortunately I can not afford some of the more extreme holistic programs. I could not find a surgeon willing to do the surgery I need before treatment (i guess this is the current protocol?) So I am now just a week beyond my first treatment (TCHP). Praise God I didn’t have any side effects.

    It has been so difficult to find holistic advice for side effects management, etc. However, I did run across Chris Beat Cancer docuseries right before my diagnosis, and have been on his standard protocol anti-cancer diet since the week after my diagnosis. It’s been a massive change of my life, but I am willing to do whatever I need to keep these dangerous drugs from killing my natural immune system. Just wondering what you ladies have done/are doing naturally or holistically that you feel has benefited you and your cancer? Have you found any great resources out there? They seem to be hidden behind the hundres of pages of pharmaceutical ads and hospital/medical association pages🤦♀️ Thank you Blessings to you all🙏🏻

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited June 2021

    Hi Denise,

    Welcome to our little community of Christians who have either gone through or are going through treatments. Sorry we have to meet under these circumstances but it is comforting to have a community of believers who understand what you are going through.

    I spent a ton of money on an integrative doctor who had been a traditional MD for 15yrs prior to his delving into the alternative realm. I saw him for a total of 17 yrs. He abruptly retired a few months ago for health reasons. I took a ton of supplements to support my immune system and vitamins and other supplements for a whole variety of things. I did nutritional IV's for around 7 yrs before my insurance stopped covering it. I did a rotation diet after massive blood work seeing which foods I was intolerant to. I didn't eat sugar for about 17 yrs which was my own choosing. I truly could have bought a second home with what I spent and I still ended up getting cancer around 10 yrs after starting with this doctor. So in 2014 when I got my diagnosis I was in disbelief. I wasted SO much time and energy trying to find out why I got cancer. After a while I realized this was an effort in futility as there are so many variables it is impossible to really know. I had no breast cancer history in my family either. Cancer strikes healthy individuals and unhealthy ones. When I went through radiation my oncologists would not allow me to take most of my supplements for fear of it interfering with my treatments. My breast surgeon was a fanatic about weight as cancer cells can grow in fat. He really encouraged me to try to lose a cup size and I did the best I could in that.

    Currently besides the supplements I still have from my alternative doctor I buy MANY supplements from HSN with Andrew Lessman. I know most people will probably read this and find this almost laughable until they hear Andrew speak. He has been manufacturing supplements years before it was so much a part of the mainstream. I take an immune supplement from him plus many others. Just hearing him speak when he is on air is always and educational experience. Probably most of us are lacking in Vitamin D unless they use supplements. My alt. doctor was really big on this as a factor to help with cancer.

    I live in an area where there are tons of doctors and many to choose from so I am spoiled. To not be able to find a surgeon is hard for me to even imagine. I am glad that you have already started treatments and are doing well. I went kicking and screaming into my breast cancer surgery and then radiation and a cancer drug for five years but I have a different perspective on things now after being on both sides of the fence regarding traditional and nontraditional medicine.

    After I made the choice to go the route that was suggested to me by my surgeon and oncologists I don't regret any of it now. Back in 2014 there was a few threads that dealt with alternative medicine but they ended up closing. I don't know if there is any current threads but you can use the search to help you in that.

    My simple advice at this point would be to eat as healthy as you can, exercise regularly if you are able and ask God for wisdom in your future treatments. Surely your oncologist knows of a surgeon. With being HER+ I only know of one woman on this thread who had that diagnosis and she doesn't post often. I do know there are special treatments for that.

    I am glad you have peace and God is taking care of you now and will continue to do so.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited June 2021

    We decided to do the chemo. Ugh.....

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited June 2021

    gb, we will be praying for you as you go through your treatments. You are NOT alone. You have the Lord and you have US.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited June 2021

    I'm so stressed out. My port placement was scheduled for Friday. When I called preadmission, they told me I am also scheduled for ALND, which I haven't agreed to yet. I can barely move my arm, and my pec muscle has been in a constant cramp since my surgery (mastectomy and SNB) three weeks ago. The stretches I have to do make the cramping worse Both oncologist and rad onc said the ALND can wait until after chemo. Well, rad onc said not to do it at all because I'm high risk for severe side effects because of radiation 5 years ago, but I was going to try to figure that out later. She is planning on calling the others to discuss but said it could wait until after chemo.

    I have a "what gives" call out to the surgeon. I hate waiting for phone calls, and this has sent my anxiety through the roof.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited June 2021

    gb, You mentioned in a previous post that you were going to talk to a nurse on Monday if I am remembering correctly. If you did talk to the nurse I would think she/he would have known about the ALND. I can't imagine a surgery scheduled for you and you didn't even know about it. I am praying that your cancer team will get back to you and tell you it is okay to delay it as you had believed before. Take deep breathes. Really. It is not just a cliche. It does help relax your body and your mind.

    I will pray that this situation can be resolved asap.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited June 2021

    GB, I am so sorry you have to deal with this confusion.

    Surgeons are not oncology or radiation experts. I hope all of your doctors can get together and make an informed and collaborative decision, sooner than later for your sake.

    Waiting for a phone call can be nerve racking. I pray you receive a call very soon.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2021

    Hi Denise. Welcome. I am the lady who was Her2+. My diagnosis and treatment are below. If you have any questions you can PM me. I am 7 yrs out from treatment and so far cancer free. Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited June 2021

    GB, I pray the Lord will grant you His peace and give the medical team the knowledge to give you just the exact treatments exactly when you need them for His healing.

    Denise, welcome! I did have a bilateral mastectomy and took the hormone blockers as long as I could - though it was extremely rough for me and I did get permission from my onc to end them early. I found a wonderful monthly publication several years ago by Dr. Russel Blaylock, called the BLAYLOCK WELLNESS REPORT. He is an M.D. who knows both sides of healing - with pharmaceuticals and with more natural supplements. It is a monthly publication, not cheap but worth every penny, and I read it cover to cover every time I get one. It also gives you access to all of the back issues with a monthly email password - which is a goldmine. He has written on SO many medical issues including breast cancer and I have learned so much about that and my husband's heart disease and brain decline. I think you can get it both in paper and online by subscription and I very highly recommend it. May God grant you His wisdom and healing too.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited June 2021

    Nancy, that was the oncology nurse on Monday, and she was super helpful. Answered my questions and then reached out to the surgeon to get the ball rolling with my port. The surgeon was the one who added on the ALND because she thought it would save time since I'll already be in the OR, after talking with the oncologist. Makes sense if I wanted to do that right now.

    The surgeon called me today. Once she heard that my body is not right after the mastectomy (cramping with stretching, etc) she agreed that waiting and revisiting after chemo would be just fine, even ideal. She just didn't know of my concerns. When I saw her for follow up, we thought it was caused by the drain. But it's been a week with no improvement. I plan to show her my cramped up pec muscle when I see her in pre-op for the port. Something is triggering a constant cramp (nerve damage maybe?) She's also sending me to lymphedema, probably smart if we're doing ALND later.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited June 2021

    gb, I'm glad to hear that things worked out. Lymphedema is something that is not talked about with some cancer patients so I am glad you are going to get some info on that. I hope the port placement will go smoothly. I know with that it is not the hassle of trying to get a good vein. One day at a time.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited July 2021

    I thought I'd post an update on my scan results: The CT scan reported the following:

    No significant change.
    There is minimal atelectasis at the right lung base. There is no pleural effusion.
    There is a slight increased prominence of a left subpectoral lymph gland.
    Subcentimeter thyroid nodules again noted.

    The bone scan showed basically the same lesions, so it appears that the treatment is working at keeping me stable.

    It's all good news and I'm thankful to have no progression at this time.

    We're heading up to see our "kids" in Bishop tomorrow. My DIL's parents scored passes to Yosemite, so we're going to go there on Saturday. I haven't been there in years although I was blessed to have a job there during my college years at a church summer camp. My favorite thing is that wonderful smell of the mountains and trees that hits you when you open the car door for the first time. I can't wait!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited July 2021

    Carol, celebrating you good news with you. Your weekend getaway sounds wonderful. You'll be visiting the place I have longed to see but have not yet. I guess I better actually do it someday instead of dream about it. I am not getting any younger! Have a great time.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited July 2021

    Hershey, thinking and praying for you today as you have your scans tomorrow.

    Teka, you have been on my mind lately. I hope you and your family are doing well.




  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited July 2021

    Thank you, Nancy. And thank you for the reminder to "Fear not".

    Love and prayers to all...

    Edited to add: Nancy, my husband spends a good amount of time in the Sierras. When we drove up to Truckee a couple of years ago, we went through Bishop. Along the way, he was pointing out all the peaks he's climbed. It was fascinating and so much fun to actually see the places he's climbed. Now that our kids live in Bishop, we'll be spending a lot more time there. We're so blessed to have them call us their "parents"!

    You'll probably appreciate this, but our "son", when he lived in San Diego, would often ask my husband, "What should I do about such and such?" and my husband would say, "You need to pray about it and see where God leads you." In the past, he had asked for advice from other relatives, and when things turned out badly, the relative would blame him for the consequences. It was hard for our son to accept my husbands guidance, because he was used to being told exactly what to do.

    Now, a few years later, it's wonderful to see him turning to the Lord to ask for guidance and direction. No more "blame game" when things seem rough. He's going through some rough times at his job, but we're all finding comfort in the fact that God has him exactly where he wants him, so there's no need to fear.

    Anyway, sorry for the ramble. Just wanted to share. :)


  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2021

    I'm up early because I'm getting my port put in this morning. So nervous!!

  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 193
    edited July 2021

    We are all praying GB for the Lord's comfort, encouragement and peace that passes all understanding! He will be walking beside you all the way.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited July 2021

    Dear sisters,

    Today is a big day for GB with her port placement and the beginning of her chemo journey and for Hershey who is having call back diagnostic mammograms this afternoon. Let's keep them in your prayers today.

    Carol, thanks for the info about your son. I am glad he is turning to the Lord for direction now. Definitely a lot to be thankful for.

    Have a wonderful and safe July 4th holiday this year.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2021

    I survived but my chest is quite a sight. The prep they used is sticky and thick, some sort of film, and will only come off with alcohol. Should be an iodine one since I'm allergic to the chlorhexidine.

    I've removed a bit that's far from the surgical site and from my neck because my hair was sticking, but I guess I will chip away at it over the next few days. I don't want to leave it indefinitely, I'm prone to delayed hypersensitivities.

    I wonder if I should clean it off the port in a couple of days or just leave it. It might be accessed by CT at the oncology center on Wednesday, or at first chemo if CT wants to use a vein. I wasn't given very specific instructions. The nurse said I could shower and to use a wet washcloth. All I have is wet yellow skin with that!!

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited July 2021

    Praising and thanking the Lord for answered prayers! My diagnostic mammogram views were interpreted by the radiologist as 'overlapping tissue.' Thank you one and all for your prayers! I feel so supported and loved.

    GB, the skin adhesive works like a bandage and should peel off on its own. I was told to not take a bath, soak, swim, or scrub the area for 14 days.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited July 2021

    Nancy, thank you for the beautiful banner. I use them often on facebook. The Lord has led me to post a scripture each morning and I pray they minister to someone in need of a touch from the Lord. There is so much anger and bad things on fb that I want to be a light in my little corner anyway. My sweet sister (in Christ), Nicole, who went Home a couple of months ago from cancer posted a scripture each morning and usually had a photo she had taken and added a little comment about God's goodness. She was an amazing woman, mother of five. She'd been in treatment for over a year (chose to participate in an experimental drug, which was either a placebo or ineffective) and we didn't even know she was leaving us until she was gone. Such a brave, godly saint she was. And you will all get to meet her someday.

    GB, so glad the port is in and everyday will bring you closer to complete healing. That's our prayer for you.

    Hershey - SOO glad to hear your good news! Now you can breathe right? Oh how good our Heavenly Father is!

    Carol, it is such a blessing when our children realize the wonder and wisdom of God! When they're young we don't always see spiritual growth but the proof is when they grow up. Our oldest son is the one who put the gray on our heads as a teen. And now he ALWAYS thanks us with beautiful Mothers and Fathers Day cards saying how he values his upbringing. That's the goodness of God.

    Nancy, I got to experience a night of your gut misery last night. I took ginger, magnesium, Bentyl, Tums and 3 Imodium. Finally by mid morning it subsided and I got a little sleep. So I can commiserate with you! I pray that's better for you AND Cammie now. We have been taking Melatonin for sleep (10mg.) but just read that that dose can cause sleep problems so we are switching to 5mg. I don't know if that applies to you but just thought I'd share it.

    Praying for you all with love,

    Have a happy fourth ~ God bless the USA!


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited July 2021

    Hi All. I just discovered somehow this thread lost its email notification so I need to catch up. Sorry for what I missed. GB, I will pray for you and the decisions you need to make. No matter what decisions we have to make they are not easy. God has helped me many times and I am thankful for His presence during scary treatments. Nancy, I am glad you and Cammie are improving even if it is slowly. Hershey, I am praising God for your results! Ade, you also are in my daily prayers and I am thankful James has a solution to help with the migraines. Faith, I pray for you too and others as needs arise.

    I have a lot on my plate right now, but God is good. We have just been notified they will be tenting our entire condo complex in October. This will be a ton of work for us to prepare for it, but we will do what is necessary. I think it is because of termites since we don't really have a pest problem. I just can't imagine how big a job it will be as we live in a four-story forty unit complex. Small problem compared to what happened in Florida.

    My DD has five weeks left to her nursing internship so I am trying to hang in there caring for the DGD. By evening I am exhausted and have hit my stress level. My meds don't help emotionally. Next week is VBS so at least she will have that outlet.

    Carol, my family vacationed in Yosemite for 16 years in a row when I was a kid. It is my favorite place on the planet! I haven't been there in many years but we also have friends who live in Merced who have invited us to stay with them and visit the park. We plan on taking them up on that once I can get a reservation and things slow down a bit here. My DH and I camped in Kings Canyon with our kids many times so I have a love for Sequoiya too!

    My DH and I are seriously considering taking a cruise in October. We go out of San Diego so it is easy for us. I know, it is a bit scary with Covid, but it is our favorite way to relax. We don't even have to leave the ship to be happy. We want to do as much as we can while I am still feeling well enough to handle it. I will discuss it with my onc next week.

    Sending deepest prayers for God to rain down peace on us all.


  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2021

    Oh I was told I could shower today and remove the prep with a washcloth (which doesn't work). I'm talking about the skin prep they paint your skin with before surgery, not skin glue. It might be betadine, but there's also one called Duraprep which might be what I have.

    What I don't know is if there's yellow prep stuff all over the port, do I clean it off before first puncture (possibly Wednesday at CT scan), or leave it be. There's no one to call and ask, not bothering the doc on call. Could call oncology triage nurse on Tues and ask.

    I have a big bandaid over the port, should be steri strips underneath. I also have a giant bandaid near my neck. Nervous to see underneath these.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited July 2021

    GB, I had my power port placed and then received my first chemo infusion a few days later. The chemo nurses took care of any clean up at that time.

    I've heard and read that some patients have their ports placed and go right to the first chemo infusion. My surgeon and oncologist did not recommend that process for me. I was thankful they gave me some time for the soreness and bruising to diminish.

    I grew to love my port. I'm a very 'hard stick' for blood draws, and the port made those a breeze. I will admit that I was a little sad the day my surgeon removed it.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited July 2021

    Chris, a cruise sounds wonderfully relaxing. The industry has implemented numerous safety protocols, and passengers spend so much time outside in the sunshine and fresh sea air (both are protective against COVID in their own right). I hope your oncologist says "Yes!" and you and your husband are able to set sail this fall.