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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • KCoop
    KCoop Member Posts: 4

    Hi Tangles, thank you for sharing and I am so sorry about your out come. I have joint pain from my medication, arthritis in my spine, joints and inflammation in my hands. The idea of having to deal with additional pain is scary especially if it the pain can last for a long period of time. I have surgery for my breast reduction scheduled for the 22nd of this month and my PS wants me to let him know in the next day or two about having the lat flap done.

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    Thanks Tangles and Gabriella, thank you so much for the great information about pre-op.

    Tangles, hanging there, I believe you will feel better and better. I did lots of stretch and massage after my mastectomy and I think they helped with tightness and cording.

    Gabriella, congratulations on your fast recovery. I was fine with my drains when I had mastectomy. Hopefully I will be lucky this too as well. 

    I will write a list for pre-op tomorrow.  I was told I would only stay in hospital one night. Do you have somebody with you all day in hospital on the surgery day?

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    For me I stayed 4 nights. I was in surgery 8 hours. Like I said I had double. went straight to implants. My husband stayed with me 24 hrs and I needed that. I could not get up on my own and had to use a walker for the first 2 days. Each time I tried to stand I would throw up. Maybe because of the meds maybe because of being out for 8 hrs maybe the pain, Im not sure.  I took the pain pills round the clock for probably the first two weeks then for the next week I just took a few a day. Now I take on if I know I am going somewhere that I will have to stand more then an hour. They don't take the pain away, just take the edge off and make standing for an hour tolerable. Take some chap stick to the hospital. Maybe some hard candy your mouth gets so dry. Im still living in zipper hoodies as I cant get my arms over my head to put shirts on. I am sure I am not the norm on this as most probably get their range of motion back after a few weeks. I did not own a recliner so I used a wedge pillow and extra blankets to lay on with my back hurting so much. If I could have a do over I would have maybe borrowed or rented a recliner!!

  • KCoop
    KCoop Member Posts: 4

    I am thinking to leave well enough alone with my implants and just have my right breast reduced. I don't think I want to deal with all the pain associated with having the lat flap done.  I am going on vacation in July and don't want to be in recovery mode. Feelings too good recouping from chemo, radiation, and the mastectomy to go back down that road.  Surgery scheduled for next week...will pray on it some more and will let my doctor know tomorrow if I am just sticking with the breast reduction. I don't want any regrets but I need to stop going back and forth and make a decision. 

  • gabriellaM
    gabriellaM Member Posts: 25

    I stayed in the hospital 2 nights -- there was no place for my husband to stay and I had a roommate and the nurses were very good so I was fine without my husband (initially he had planned on staying but my BS told me not necessary and no room anyway).  

    I hate narcotics (had a bad reaction to codeine many years ago) and was very nervous about using them.  I had a PCA pump with dilauded which I could have pressed every 10 minutes and probably pressed a total of 5 times during my hospital stay (good idea to press it prior to your first walk).  Once I was home only needed extra strength tylenol (was not allowed motrin). I have a full bottle of percoset which I never used (I should really flush them down the toilet at this point!!)  I was uncomfortable for at least the first few days but not in severe pain -- it was hard to find a position I liked but I used about 7 or 8 pillows, did not have a recliner.  I took valium every night for at least 2 weeks and I may have taken it once or twice during the day if I was particularly uncomfortable.  The worst time of day was mornings -- I would wake up extremely stiff and tight -- like I was wearing a really tight corset. You can't use your arms for anything the first few weeks (like to push yourself up in bed or get up from a comfy chair) but I soon realized that is what abdominal muscles are for -- I just tried to pretend I was doing a sit-up without using arms to get up from a reclining position.

    At this point (3.5 weeks out) I can easily lift my arms all the way above my head (but I have been diligently stretching and I was very flexible beforehand) -- my main issues are tightness still which varies throughout the day (worse in the morning and later in the day if I have been doing a lot, walking a lot etc during the day).  It can be unpleasant at times but is tolerable. I feel fullness under my arms which is also variable ranging from mild to uncomfortable.  I wish I could figure out what makes these sensations better or worse because they really vary a lot though out the day.  My feeling is as long as they are improving slowly I can live with them for now.

    There does seem to be such a spectrum of recovery from this surgery.  Keep in mind my lat flap was for DCIS (and BRCA mutation) and I have never had chemo or radiation -- I would imagine that's made my recovery easier.  I had a single sentinel node bx on my affected side.

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    Had my pre-op today. Didn't meet the surgeon, only met the nurse for general information and had blood work. I was told the surgery will be 5 hours and how to prepare for the surgery. The nurse measured and my legs and said I would wear the special socks on the surgery day to prevent blood clot.  I forgot to ask if I would get visiting nurse after I come back home from hospital. I had visiting nurse last time when I had mastectomy. 

    Tangles, sorry that you had so much pain after the surgery. It's a good idea to bring some hard candy. I did had dry mouth last time after surgery. I think I need to bring lip balm as well.

    Garbriella, wow, 3.5 weeks, you are already able to lift your arm on your head. I am very active and do yoga 2-3 times a week and recovered really well from my mastectomy surgery. I hope I will be as lucky as you. 

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Thanks ladies for your replies!

    Xinghong, I'm rooting for you and thank you for keeping us posted.  I will be thinking of you as you prepare for your upcoming surgery, and hope everything goes smoothly for you.  

    Tangles, does your PS know how much pain/discomfort you are experiencing?  I can't imagine what you are going through and the added stress of not returning to work must be terrible.  It seems like the doctors should be helping you somehow with your pain, this just isn't right.  

    Gabriella - wow you are doing great!

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Gabriella your experience is what I expected to have!! I guess I didn't take into consideration my year of Chemo, Radiation and two surgeries might effect my recovery. (8 hrs is a LONG time to be put under too.) I thought gee I am back in my spinning classes 3 times a week and working full time which involves my arms so I should bounce right back. WRONG! I also had 22 lymph nodes removed from that right arm so along with the radiation on that side this could explain why at 7 wks post op I can only lift my arm half way up. I am probably worst case scenario. I am headed to a massage therapist this morning to have a 15 min massage on my arm to see if it helps. I have also been doing all the stretches as Dr ordered daily. Although my Dr would not let me start them until week 4 he wanted everything healed up first so this also may have set me behind. Friday I am going to the pain clinic for an injection so I am doing everything I can think of that would help. My left arm, non radiated side non cancer side I can lift straight up. Just wanted to share some of this as Gabriella said every case is different. Mine unfortunately has been bad.

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    thanks kifinnigan for your best wishes. I am getting a little nervous now, and I don't remember I was this nervous when I had mastectomy.

    Tangles,, I think that 22 lymph nodes removed must affect the recovery a lot. I hope massage will help you feel much better. I only had 1 or 2 ( can't remember) lymp nodes removed and radiation didn't affect my flexibility at all. I hope this will be a successful surgery as well.

    Stopped Tamoxifen today as Dr's instruction, but forgot asking when should go back on it. Anybody knows?

  • mfml
    mfml Member Posts: 14


    I haven't posted on here for awhile - but I did read all of your comments and suggestions before my lat flap - and really appreciate all the support and wonderful advice.  I wanted to post a follow up for you ladies that might have the surgery coming up soon.  I had my surgery on April 1 - I was very nervous because I had already booked a trip to Disney for this Friday - April 19....  Well - I won't say it was an easy surgery - but it was do-able and I'm glad I did it.  I am just over 2 weeks out - drains all out - I got my PS blessing for the trip.  I surely am not 100% - I will have some restrictions (swimming pools, crazy rides, and carrying bags) - none of which I mind too much :)  I am taking longer off work for this than I did for my BMX...  I really didn't take any more than 2 consecutive days off for any of my chemo - even for my hysterectomy I took only 4 days off work... But I really felt I needed the time for this one.  So - plan accordingly.  If you have really small childeren - you will likely need helpI can certainly see Tangles how you would not be able to go back for quite awhile since you are a hairdresser!  I am sore under my arm quite a bit - I guess that is where the flap is threaded through. I am a bit shocked at how big the slice in my back is...  I am small framed I think they had to take alot. But I can see the scar is getting smaller everyday (I make my husband take pictures on my phone... it bugs me that I can't see it good and inspect it:)  I have to say the cosmetic outcome is quite impressive!  After looking at the gaping wound that wouldn't heal because of the radiation - it really is amazing that it looks like this now.  It is definitely more real looking than the other side (had TE, then implant).  So - best of luck Xinghong.  Tangles - I wish you the best of luck - I hope you get some relief and improvement soon.  That radiation is just so destructive....  Let's hope it did what it was supposed to do on top of all the collateral damage.


  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Good to hear your surgery went well! I am 7 weeks post op and no where near being able to go back to work. My massage therapist works at the hospital and said she worked on a lady who at 9 months is still in PT for this surgery. That I didn't want to hear. She couldn't believe the PS told me 4 wks to go back to work with my job!! I was shocked also at how large my scars were on my back. I too am not very large framed so maybe that is why. I am praying the injections I will have tomorrow will give me some much needed relief. I have never had such back pain in my life and for 7 weeks this has been true HELL! Have fun at Disney!!

  • KSteve
    KSteve Member Posts: 190

    mfml - So glad you're going to be able to go on your Disney trip.  Have a blast making more family memories.  That's what it's all about!


  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Tangles, I had 16 lymph nodes taken out, I hope that won't be a factor in my recovery.  Hoping the injections help you!  Report back!

    Xinghong, don't know about the Tamoxifen...I'm nervous and its still 2 months before my surgery, lol!

    mfml, I hope you enjoy Disney, let us know how you do if you can!  Thanks for the info as well.

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    I am seeing the PS Monday. I will be interested to see what he says about this LONG recovery process!

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Me too Tangles!!!!!

  • gabriellaM
    gabriellaM Member Posts: 25

    Tangles, I hope your injections helped and that your plastic surgeon can offer you more suggestions when you see him Monday!  Thinking of you and hoping you'll start to feel better soon!

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Anyone that has had this have it fail?? Reason I had this surgery is my implant was encapsulated from the radiation. I am now very worried it is happening again?? Anyone who has had this notice the radiation side looking much firmer and more sore then the other. Gosh I pray this is not what is happening. If I went through al this HELL for nothing I will totally break down!!!!! I will get some answers Monday. As for the injections it is too soon to tell I think. I had 4 and the one in my neck has helped, but that knot was different then what is going on in my back and arm. I am having an MRI next week to see if something was torn during surgery in my shoulder. I pray it is not, but if it is this might explain while after 7 weeks I still cant lift my one arm up. Pain management Dr also put me on Cymbalta. Hate to start something like that, but I am desperate for relief and if he thinks it would help I will try anything at this point.............

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    Tangles, I had contracture of scar tissue on my rads side. When my PS replaced the implant on that side, he put me on Singulair for 6 months (which is now available as a generic). Studies show that Singulair can prevent the contracture. It worked for me.

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    mfml, I am so happy to hear that you had a smooth recovery and hope you are having a great vacation.  I am encouraged by your story.

    Tangles, hope your surgeon can provide some solutions for your recovery.

    I will have my surgery in 10 days, so this weekend I will generate a preparition list. I also checked with my surgeon that I will have home care nurse after I come back from hospital. By the way, I am in Canada. All the cost will be covered by Ontario health insurance plan.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    hi xinghong - Im in Canada too  Whos doing your surgery?  my PS was dr Hofer at TG

    tangles - Im with you girl on worst case scenario, I feel your pain! Keep up with the shots and stretches.  It doesn't help right away but it will over time.  I don't think you are losing your implant, I think your difficulties are surgery related.  This surgery has a very high success rate which is why it is performed on radiated breasts.  Hang in there - praying for a successful recovery for you

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    rozem, I am in Toronto too! My surgeon is Dr. Laura Snell at Sunnybrook. I noticed in your information, you said "worst surgery ever", do you feel better now?

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    Xinghong - Unfortunately I am one of those with lots of issues from this surgery.  This is just MY CASE and not meant to scare anyone.  My PS has also said he has never had anyone with so many issues.  I was actually treated at sunnybrook and because Dr Snell was on mat leave I ended up going to Dr Hofer although she had recommended the same surgery to me when I went for a consult.  She is very good and you are in excellent hands

  • Krisq
    Krisq Member Posts: 2

    hi gabriellIm I am new to this forum. I had breast cancer first time 1994. Lumpectomy, axillary node dissection 23 nodes  multiple anupoiid ,Er+,PR+ Her 2 neu+,( before Herceptin) no chemo,radiation only.. Had a bout of lymphedema got over that w great PT at UCLA. Then supprise 2005 here it comes again. but different morphology. This time I went to SF,ca bad idea choices were limited since radiated breast, so did a lat dorsi flap. I have had pain every day feels like a tight intertube around the chest can not take a deep breath miserable. But the absolute worse is the comstant itching in the Right side of breast and back and under arm pit. But being the resorceful health care professional I am I went on rabid reasearch to find out what this was all about. I found an article written in an obscure journal in the Journal of brachial plexes written by 2 Stanford anesthesiologists not discussing cancer per se, ( called it thoracic nerve dysfunction) but one person was an MD who injured his back from a bicyclye accident and 3 mos later began itching, and the other that stuck in my mind was a guy who had a thoracodomy for I think TB ( similiar back scar to the lat surg) he also developed severe itching. This all probably boils to pain but body/mind presieves it as itching ( ID rather have pain), but there is a fix. Through trial and error what u do is get a TENS unit put 1 electrode in axilla another on the itchiness place on the back or the other 2 on front just make sure one is in armpit and turn it up til it stings but u can tolerate it. A miracle  it stops. the more u do this the better it gets. Doesnot help the tight inter tube across your back but does help the itching And another suggestion the bra I finally found one if its not discontinued it so great  called NATORI UNDERWIRE I use 34 D. But the boob looks like Elmer Fuds nose ick . One is high other is lower bad would like to get "good one " fixed but dont know anyone who knows what to do. I  live in the plastic surgery haven  and still can get this fixed right any suggestions.?? Love all your posts hope this helps people who are itching benadryl etc no help The TENs is a god send.

  • Krisq
    Krisq Member Posts: 2

    so sorry Tangles is having such a bad time of it . I had many other problems too, but didnt even go into them and how I solved some of them. If u want to contact me perhaps I can offer u more help with some of these issuses. Do not know where u are geographally,but some of this I have had to figure out myself. I feel so bad for people that are not in the medical field. It is hard enough for me and I know the ins and outs or I used to?? I am praying for all of u and hope this will resolve over time, but compared to the radical of the old days it is slightly improving. Dr Susan Love says one day we will just take a pill and keep all this in check. It cant come soon enough Bless all u courageous folks!!

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    I stopped Tamoxifen on last Tuesday which was  two weeks before my surgery according to my surgeon's instruction. I found my sleep got so much better since Friday. Before there was always hot flashes, woke up at midnight and even couldn't sleep at all. I couldn't have any coffee or tea in the afternoon.  But now only after a few days no Tamoxifen, there is a big difference. I even tried having coffee in the afternoon, not affected sleep at all.  Life is so good without Tamoxifen. 

  • gabriellaM
    gabriellaM Member Posts: 25

    Hi Everyone, I have been given the ok to go to Florida for 6 days (trip was planned long before my diagnosis) so I may not be checking in for awhile.  My kids are off for spring break and my PS says it's fine for me to travel (though no submerging in pool or ocean -- ok to get splashed).  Hopefully next time I check in everyone will be that much farther along and feeling a bit better.  The latest thing for me is that I find my shoulders really ache at the end of the day (sometimes even earlier) -- I assume that is my other muscles (trapezius?) picking up the slack for the missing latissimus.  Also my arms (especially left side) feel weak and tired and sometimes sore.  Again I'm thinking as other muscles are now being called in to do more work -- since I'm right handed maybe my right sided muscles were stronger to begin with so I am feeling it more on my left.  My PS did not think I would need PT but I think if I'm still feeling like this in 2 weeks when I see him again I am going to ask for a referral.  I'm not having major issues with range of motion but I think strength and the use of other muscles may be something a PT can work on.  Thanks for your story/advice Krisq.  I have not had issues with itching so far but I will keep that in mind.

  • KSteve
    KSteve Member Posts: 190

    I am 12 weeks out from the lat dorsi flap surgery on right side and 2-1/2 weeks out from exchange surgery (went from tissue expander to implant on right side and swapped out implant on left side).  I changed from the traditional round implants to the tear drop shaped implants.  Just wanted to say that I'm doing absolutely great.  Obviously the recovery from the exchange surgery was much faster then the lat dorsi flap.  Still have some soreness in the chest area as my body heals, but no range of motion issues and no pain in my back.  I LOVE the look of the new implants.  So much more natural than the originals!  I don't have the armpit boobs that I've heard others talking about on this thread.  My PS is having me very cautious about lifting or pushing anything right now (5-10 pounds max) until about 6 weeks out from exchange.  He said it's really important to let the scar tissue develop to hold the implants in the right place since they are tear drop shape.  Because I was having major issues with tightness on my right side (due to radition 3 years ago) prior to this, I do have relief from that.  The look is also so much better then I had before.  Much more natural cleavage, etc.  I can't wait to get my 3-D tattoos in a few months and then put it all behind me again.  Good luck to all of us in our various stages of recovery and to those about to have surgery.  I hope everyone is enjoying a beautiful spring day (80 degrees in Denver today)!



  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    It's nice to see people getting good recovery and good results before my surgery which is next Tuesday. Thanks Gabriella and Kathy to share your information. I wrote a to do list and a packing list yesterday for my surgery. I have a question to ask for those who had surgery and had a short stay in hospital. What did you eat after the surgery? Does your family bring any food to you after the surgery? My mom wants to prepare some food to bring to hospital if necessary. 

  • KSteve
    KSteve Member Posts: 190

    Xinghong - I spent 3 days and two nights in the hospital.  My surgery was early in the morning and I was only up for "easy stuff" that first day/night, such as jello, crackers, broth, etc.  I had a little nauseasness due to the anesthesia and pain meds.  The next day I was able to eat whatever I wanted.  I didn't have a big appetite for a couple days, but some friends brought my husband and I dinner from a favorite restaurant (1/2 sandwich and soup) the 2nd night.  Our hospital had a wonderful menu of items to pick from for breakfast, lunch and dinner so I wouldn't have needed it, but it was a nice surprise.  Good luck to you.  I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday. :)


  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Tangles, how did your appt. with your PS go on Monday?

    Gabriella, I hope you have a fantastic trip!

    Kathy, (KSteve), you give me HOPE!!!!!

    Xinghong, amazing about the difference of not being on Tamoxifen and your issues clearing up.  I am on Arimidex and my Onc wants me to take it a full 10 years.  Thinking of you as you approach your 'date' next Tuesday.