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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • Lucy20
    Lucy20 Member Posts: 7

    well, no fills today...the left tissue expander curled they could find the port so now I go into day surgery on Monday 12th to fix it and while my PS fixes it she will fill both expanders...oh well.  :-)

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Sorry to hear about your TE troubles!! Im sure the surgery will be a quick fix! I just hated those darn thing the first time around. I didn't mind the fills but they were just so hard and hurt me. I had my PS put implants directly in with the LD surgery. This was also another mistake I made as if I would have gone with the TE again I would have ben able to avoid the too wide implant's I got. Oh well.................

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    bummer Lucy!

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    Hi ladies I had LD flap withTE surgery on left side and TE only on right side 1 week ago. I had some cough after surgery and now I feel pain under the TE on the left side when I have deep breath or cough. Is it normal?

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Hi Xinghong - I had bilateral mastectomies on 4/15 & LD flap reconstruction on 4/16.  I was in the hospital for 6 days & had a slight cough for a couple of those days but no pain.  Doctors & nurses kept pushing me to use the incentive spirometer 10x's/hour which helped clear the cough & hasn't returned.  I'm a firm believer in contacting doctors w/ any concerns.  Helps put my mind at ease.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Kfinnigan - PS appt went well.  Still dealing w/ a seroma on the left side, so second week wrapped in an ace bandage.  Don't like feeling so constricted.  She gave me the green light to drive, sleep on my side if I can, & climb the walls w/ my arms.  I've been moving them around fairly well since the surgeries, so hoping full range of motion will return quickly.  I also had my second expansion, & was very uncomfortable last night as well as most of today.  I'm guessing this is normal, but tylenol or ibuprofen has not offered much relief.  Still not able to lift >10lbs or push/pull.  

    Tangles - how was your first day back to work?  I'm hoping to start back next week on a modified schedule.

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    hi, I don't mean to impose on your thread but it's one of the only active lat dorsi discussions. I have a long rap list of failed implants on radiated side. I think I have had four or more surgeries. Recently have a hole that is unlikely to close. So I am at a crossroad , no more implant and only other option is this procedure.  (Or nothin) Could be as early was next week so that I make it before any infection sets in. Scurrying to do my research. I have some pretty dehabilitating effects from the implant situation, so am hoping it can only get better. I am 55 and used to be very active but this has all worn me down. I think I can do this. I am sad because it's another x number of months to recovery but it's the territory. I guess my outreach to you is to let you know I appreciate your progress and info......and if you have any words of guidance for someone moving this procedure, let me know.... 

  • mfml
    mfml Member Posts: 14

    Hi Keryl,

    I was given the same choice as you - for pretty much the same reasons.  And also on short notice - I was a walking infection risk with my large hole.  I was also worn out and "done"....  But I decided to go one last round - and do the lat flap.  I was told I had to make the decision on March 28 - I had it on April 1.  It was a hard choice for me to make for very many reasons... For some reason - this "decision" stressed me more than any other... because the answer was less clear!  It wasn't like a mastectomy, chemo, or radiation choice - all of which were obvious to me and easy decisions.  And it was not an easy surgery.  But I am really happy I decided to do it.  I came back to work on April 28 - and I am pretty near normal. You will also find people on this thread who have NOT had great experiences and who wish they had not done it.   I know it can be confusing to read back through all of the posts - feel free to PM me if you have questions... you are right - you can do this!! 

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Keryl unfortunately I have been one that has not had a great experience with this surgery, but with that said I think you should give it a try. My recovery has been much more rough then the other gals but is getting much better. I just had bad luck. Frozen shoulder which not everyone would get. Back pain which is getting better each day. I have really good strength though. My implant is shrinking and smaller on the radiation side. I just had really bad rad burns and I think it is just me. All you can do is give it a try and hope for the best! I have been doing hyperbaric chamber sessions, light massage, and singular hoping this helps with encapsulation, but its not looking good for me. Others have had GREAT success. Maybe ask your PS what his success rate is and how many fail. I told my PS I thought this surgery had a very high success rate and he simply said nothing is 100% guaranteed and he didn't do that damage to my skin the Rads did. Very disappointing answer for me! I don't think I did enough research and asked enough questions. I went into this thinking all my radiated skin would be replaced. Well only about 1/3 to 1/2 was replaced. The radiated skin that was left is what is shrinking so I have like a ledge where it is shrinking and the the area that was the flap sticks out more.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Hi Keryl - I had bilateral mastectomies immediately followed by LD reconstruction on both sides 3 weeks ago.  Because I had radiation on both breasts, my PS would not even consider just implants due to the complications you mentioned.  It's been a tough 3 weeks but gets better each day.  I'm also very impatient, so I get frustrated, & discouraged, very easily when I can't just jump back into a normal routine.  However, I do feel this was my best option, & I'm determined to make it work.  It is a process that takes time & patience for sure.  Post op it is important to listen to your PS, adhere to restrictions & rest.  You come first!  I wish you much luck! 

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Xinghong, contact your PS about that pain under the TE, we need to get to the bottom of this...and that cough, maybe that's from your feeling under the weather prior to surgery, maybe you were developing a cold?  hmmm  let us know!!

    DPiggy, don't like that seroma that you're dealing with, but sounds like you are making progress in other areas and that's encouraging.  So 3 weeks out from your surgery and several restrictions have been lifted, that's great!

    Did your PS give you a certain bra to wear or tell you what kind to buy?

    Keryl, good luck with your decision.  I have been without a boob for almost 6 years now and I'm sick of my prosthesis, especially going into the summer months again....I have struggled with my decision to have this procedure (only option for me).  My rads never caused me burns so I'm wondering if I will have a good outcome.  I feel so bad for you ladies you have had troubles with failed implants, scares me that's for sure!

    Tangles, how did your part time day at work go?  I'm so happy to hear you are making progress...albeit baby step progress! 

    mfml, encouraging to say the least!

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Kfinnigan - PS doesn't seem overly concerned w/ seroma, but I see her again this Friday to assess.  She gave me a script for 2 camisoles to wear following surgery, insurance paid for both.  Camisoles are wonderfully comfortable, easy to pull up & have two removable pockets in front to hold drains so no need to safety pin.  Haven't worn them since being wrapped in ace, was a little too tight for both.  I'm not sure that I will be comfortable in a bra once ace is off, so I'm thinking I'll wear camisoles in the interim.  I plan to ask my PS when I see her on Friday.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Thanks Dpiggy and glad the PS isn't too concerned.

    CLYDAY Member Posts: 40

    Hi all....I know I posted before but want some advice as my surgery is coming up next week!!  I am having uni LD on my RADS side....what to bring to hospital??  What type of bra to wear ( I was thinking a large sports bra I can step into or bandeau??)  How many drains and how long did you have them??  How was your pain when you woke up....a week later...and 2 weeks later??  Do you feel you could have traveled on plane 3 weeks after 1-2 hour PS was on the fence about it...when did you start moving your arm and stretching...any other advice thank you in advance!!  Nerves are definitely starting to kick in already Shocked

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Hi Clyday - I had bilateral mastectomies on 4/15 & 4/16 had LD flap on both sides since I had previous radiation on both sides.  My PS wrote a script for 2 camisoles w/ removable drain pouches (ins paid for both), so I wore that & a zip up hoodie home from the hospital.  Because I had surgeries back to back, I initially had 8 drains - 2 removed w/in a couple of days, 5 the day I was discharged from hospital (6 day stay), so I came home w/ 1 which came out about a week later.  On a scale of 1-10, when I woke, pain was 5-6 (sometimes 7-8), 3-5 a week later, & now about 1-2.  I've been off pain meds for 10 days, & alternating between tylenol & ibuprofen.  Most of my discomfort is tightness & when PS does tissue expansion.  My PS did not want me to lift arms above shoulders for 3 weeks, but I definitely moved them as much as I could.  I also rolled my shoulders to keep them mobile.  I am now allowed to climb the wall, until I feel discomfort, but no stretching until 6 weeks or so.  I'm not sure that I would feel comfortable on a plane ride, but having both surgeries & both sides may be the reason why. 

    My advice - be patient (I'm not), listen to your PS, & let others do for you (which is hard for me).  You're body needs time to heal, so listen to it when it tells you it's time to rest.  You come first!

    Much luck!

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    thanks for the advice ladies. As of now I could go to surgery as early as 5/21 or next date 6/5; I have a cellular patch for the hole and it's not getting any bigger yet, but breast unlikely to survive.  I am not really ready for the LD but I have to be; I am also hoping for some shoulder and muscle relief, but I realize that may not happen; I only hope it's not worse. I too have had hyperbaric and PT. I think it helped.  BUT I have been nursing this sick implant situation too long. My family also weary of me. :( My right side was not radiated and implant is fine there! You all sound so brave - thanks for the encouragement! I am almost more scared of this than I was of mast., don't know why.... Just more unknown.... Ugh 

  • lrpabon
    lrpabon Member Posts: 2

    Hi Keryl,

    I had the LD reconstruction on the radiated side about 2 years ago.  I dont remember it being difficult to recover from.  The outcome was very nice and I still have full mobility of that arm and shoulder.  There is nothing I cant do with that arm due to the muscle being pulled around.  The worst thing you can do is to be anxious and worried.  Try to not think about the negative and just a good outcome and how happy you will be when its over.   My PS told me to get a sports bra that fastioned in the front so you werent lifting the arms.     Have faith and be brave.


  • gabriellaM
    gabriellaM Member Posts: 25

    Hi Clyday -- I am 7 weeks out from my lat flap and I traveled on a plane exactly 4 weeks out from my surgery (3 hour flight from NJ to FL). I think I probably could have done it the week before although I had developed a seroma and my PS needed to monitor that.  I think it depends on how you do post-op and everyone is different.  I was still somewhat tired and sore at 3 weeks, though starting to feel better. I had 4 drains, 2 came out at 1 week, the second 2 at 2 weeks but again every PS is different (mine never leaves drains more than 2 weeks) so you could ask about that. I was sent home in a bra and given 2 more bras to go home with (they have claps in the front). I never had a lot of pain exactly (all incisions were and still are numb) but felt sore and it was hard to find a comfortable position.  Also a lot of tightness and a squeezing sensation across my chest and back which is much improved at this point. I wasn't allowed to stretch til 3 weeks but I have good ROM now.  Good luck to you next week!

    Dpiggy, I had two seromas that developed after my back drains were pulled and I was so annoyed -- I felt like I was taking a step in the wrong direction!  However my PS was very nonchalant about them and they did indeed resolve over the next two weeks (they had to be drained, one side was drained twice, one week apart -- this was painless since my back is still numb).  Now they are gone!!!

    Keryl, good luck to you!  It's a long recovery, but I feel it was worth it.

    Tangles and Xinghong, hope you're both doing well.

    Now for a question:  Have any of you tried jogging since you've had your surgery?  I tried for the first time today and it felt really weird. Like I could feel something moving around in my chest (even though I wore a sports bra and my breasts barely move anyway!)  I'm thinking maybe I am feeling the implants move? I'm fine when I'm walking, even briskly, but the running (and it was NOT fast) was a very different sensation.  I'm not sure if it's a sign I shouldn't try this yet or it just takes getting used to. Thanks for any input!

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    gabriellaM - I see PS today to check seroma.  I'm hoping it has resolved since I am ready to burn this ace bandage!  I'm still finding it hard to find a comfortable position, & very stiff when I wake in the morning.  Sleeping a little better now that I can lay on my side, but still waking at least 2x's during the night to re-position.  Last few days, I have a lot of what I would call fluttering & twinging (if that's even a word) in my breasts.  I'm sure that's normal, but going to discuss w/ PS at today's appt.  

    It's encouraging to know that 7 weeks out you felt like jogging.  Sounds like you're doing great!

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    I had surgery 10 days ago. I had pain under the TE when I cough and inhale and now it's gone.  Yesterday I went to see my surgeon and asked about this. She said it's normal and will feel better after I have more fills. She also said everything looked great and she could see that I would get good result.  Also another two drains were removed. Now there's only one drain left on the back and will be removed next Monday. She also gave me an antibiotics ointment cream to put on my incision twice a day. Next week I will start my first fill after surgery. 

    I had one hour walk yesterday. It was slowly and I felt ok when I was walking, but after I got home, I felt my back and shoulder so stiff and sore. When did you guys start walking outside?

    The surgeon removed the gauze on the incision area in the front and now I feel this area is so sensitive when I move. I forgot to ask about bra and she didn't mention either. Right now I am having TE in. Did you wear any bra when you have TE and when did you start wearing them?

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Xinghong - so glad you're cough is gone.  I started walking outside 7-10 days post op, & yes, walking felt good, but back stiff.  Still have stiff feeling & pulling sensation in back area (now 23 days post op), but PS said it's normal.  She said I can do some mild stretches, but if I feel any tightness in my chest area to stop.  I've been in an ace bandage due to a seroma on left side, but today she said I can start wearing a sports bra.  She thought this would also provide some more support for my back.  I'm now looking for one that won't cut across my back incisions - hoping to find something today.

  • SusieR12
    SusieR12 Member Posts: 9

    My second attempt at Breast Recon was Left Breast Only LD with Expander on April 21, 2014...Hoping my pain is normal...My back incision is very painful and wonder if it will ever stop hurting so bad...Is this normal...I also have some slight numbness on my skin under left arm and down my left side...I didn't think it would be this painful...Please tell me that I will be healed when I am six weeks out from surgery...Thanks to any of the LD ladies who read this...Happy Mothers Day!!!


  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Hi SusieR12 - I'm 23 days out from bilateral mastectomies & LD w/ expanders on both sides (back to back surgeries).  Based on my experience, pain is normal, & I didn't expect the recovery to be so intense.  Every day gets a little better, & I am also looking forward to being 6 weeks out.  I'm not a very patient person, so this has been a very difficult journey for me.  But, my PS keeps telling me I'm doing great, & she is very pleased w/ my progress to date.  Rest as much as possible & know that there is light @ the end of the tunnel.  I have wonderful family support - my husband is awesome - & that keeps me going.  I've been dealing w/ BC for 16 years, & more than anything else, I just want to be cancer free.  

    Much luck, & Happy Mom's Day to you as well!

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Susie I had way more trouble with back pain then the other ladies on this thread.I also had double Lat flap though.  Just my bad luck I guess. I am 10 weeks out and still have some pain but nothing like it was 4 to 6 wks out. My healing has been VERY slow. I ended up going on some antinflamatories and also Cymbalta to help with the back pain. Right now I am pain free up until mid afternoon then the achy back pain starts in. I am hoping to slowly go off the meds soon and see how the pain is. I think I really noticed a difference at about 6 to 7 weeks. Before that I was really struggling to even get groceries without back pain, but it does slowly get better. For most they are happy with this surgery, but for me not so much......... The amount of pain and discomfort was not worth the results that I got. Just my story. Good luck to you and your healing!!!!

  • SusieR12
    SusieR12 Member Posts: 9

    DPiggy thank you so much for giving me encouraging news!!!

  • SusieR12
    SusieR12 Member Posts: 9

    Tangles I am so sorry you have had a lot of pain...I thought I would bounce back quickly but this time I haven't and I'm a little worried...Maybe I should have asked someone just how painful this surgery was going to be before having so I would be prepared...Hope you are pain free soon...((Gentle Hugs))

  • SusieR12
    SusieR12 Member Posts: 9

    DPiggy I have one last question...My PS says I should stop wearing the ace bandage around my chest and to wear a bra similar to the Genie or Aha Bra but I can't imagine wearing one across my back due to the pain...Any advice as to what you did for a bra until the pain got better??? Thanks in Advance!!!

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Hi SusieR12 - my PS wrote a script for 2 post mastectomy/reconstruction camisoles w/ removable pockets in front for drains so I didn't have to pin.  However, a week or so post op, I developed a seroma on my left side; my PS has aspirated 3x's & is not overly concerned.  But, she did keep me in an ace bandage for approximately 2 weeks to compress, which drove me crazy because I felt so constricted.  When I went to my PS yesterday to check the seroma - she drained again but less fluid - she said I could wear a sports bra that zippered/fastened in the front to compress, but not so confining.  She also mentioned that she thought that would provide support to my back & help w/ the discomfort.  The ones I have do not open in front, so I plan to pick one up either tonight or tomorrow & will let you know how it feels.  I'm a little nervous as well, but for me, anything is better than the ace bandage.  If you don't need that type of support, the camisoles do provide some support, & are wonderful & super comfortable.  I'm wearing one now until I get the sports bra.

    BTW - today is the first day that I actually have been out of the house for the majority of the day, my daughter had softball games since early this morning, & I actually feel ok.  A little stiff & achy, but aleve & tylenol (I alternate), have kept me going.  I did leave my husband & daughter @ the fields a little while ago because I knew it was time for me to come home, but I feel good that I was outside & doing something normal.  Gives me hope that this will continue to get better as time goes by, but I know to take one day @ a time & appreciate when I do feel good.  I've come to believe this is a new normal & will need to adjust as I go along.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    SusieR12 - forgot to mention, just this past week, I hit 3 weeks out from surgery.  My PS said I could sleep/lay on my side, & that offered tremendous relief to my back & allowed me to sleep a little longer during the night & more sound.  I still wake a couple of times to re-position or take some tylenol/aleve, but getting more sleep has helped my emotional roller coaster.  I go for my third expansion on Monday - those cause discomfort in my breasts, so I'm not a big fan, but it is short lived & lasts only about 24 hours.  PS said warm compresses may help going forward, as well as aleve.

  • gabriellaM
    gabriellaM Member Posts: 25

    Hi, just checking in -- I'm now 7 weeks and one day post-op!

    Xinghong, I think an hour walk at 10 days post-op is a lot!  I tried walking about a mile at around that point and I remember feeling extremely tired and even breathless, and I was in reasonable shape before my surgery.  I think do it if you feel ok but don't feel like you have to push yourself.  I thought if I started walking early on I would recover faster but I think now that your body recovers at it's own pace and you should listen to what it tells you!  I was able to jog/walk three miles very slowly today which I never thought I'd be able to do when I was a few weeks out of surgery.  It was definitely work (both because I'm now unfit again from 7 weeks of doing no exercise and because you have to get used to moving with new breasts!) but it really felt good and was the first time I thought that maybe my life will return to normal!  So there is hope for everyone who is worried about things getting better!

    I did not have tissue expanders so I'm not sure about bras for you -- I have found I can still wear many of my old bras although I plan to treat myself to some new ones when I get a chance! I definitely prefer no underwire since I have no feeling especially on the lower part of my breasts I'm afraid if it was poking into my skin the wrong way I could be wearing it all day and not notice. I wear an old nursing bra to sleep at night (can't believe I still kept it since its been 10 years since I've breastfed!!)

    Things can get better so I hope everyone who is at the 2-3 week point can just hang in there -- it takes time to heal and sometimes you just have to give your body that time.