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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • andi44
    andi44 Member Posts: 23

    Kfinnigan - received a call from my new plastic surgeon's office - surgery date is 5/22 - UW Madison, this facility and their 'promptness'...again, wish I would've went there from the beginning...oh well, we don't have a crystal ball...I'm still anxious about the procedure, but feel I will be in good hands.  Good luck to you and your surgery...Are you nervous at all?  I just don't know why this surgery scares me - ugh !!!

    Tangles - sorry to hear your having post-op blues - sending you a cyber hug { }  good luck in your therapy...

  • songlady
    songlady Member Posts: 3

    Linda,  How did you sleep after the LD flap recon?  I've been considering this type of recon, probably can't do the DIEP because of my hysterectomy scar.  I obviously won't be able to sleep on my chest or on my back, and since I'll have the drains initially, won't be able to sleep on my sides either.

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    I was able to sleep on my back. The drains come out the sides. I think if you had a recliner it would be much easier though!

  • songlady
    songlady Member Posts: 3

    Thank you, Tangles.  I haven't gotten there yet, that's just one of the many questions that have been swimming around in my head.  Such a help to be able to discuss in this forum.

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    Hi ladies, I had my surgery 2 days ago, Left side LD flap with tissue expander, right side tissue expander. The surgery was 4 hours and according to the surgeon it was successful. Lots of sleep in the hospital, didn't feel much pain on the first night, but after I came back home,especially last night was a challenge. I was lying on the sofa with pillows all day. So last night I tried to sleep on the bed, but it was too hard to lay down or get up even with help. So I changed back to sofa later with lots of pillows. I feel this surgery is much tough than mastectomy. I feel it's so tight and painful  when I tried to breathe deeply. And definitely you need somebody with you all the time. Not sure how long it will be like this,hopefully it will get better day after day. I was told the left arm can only reach 45 degree from the body in 3 weeks and left arm no more than 90 degree in 2 weeks. To the ladies who already had surgery, can you please describe your activities and feelings in detail for the first a few days after surgery?

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    Forgot to say I have 4 drains, 3 on left side, 1 on right side and already have 60 ml filled in on both sides. 

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    I had the flap on both sides. I was told by my surgeon to not do many stretches for 4 weeks until I was healed. Well I ended up with frozen shoulder. Now I am dealing with that. 9 weeks off work has cost me a fortune!! Please don't make the mistake I did in not moving your arm. Im not saying go all out and do stretches but move it slowly and stretch it a tiny bit everyday so you don't get what I have. I wont go into my experience as it was one of the worst, and not fair as most don't have the hard time I did. I also regret not doing some VERY LIGHT massaging. I didn't do that and now my implant is encapsulated again. It looks horrible. I believe its too late for me now. Im not saying it would have prevented it but might have helped keep the blood flowing. My PS didn't recommend it but the PT sais it would help with blood flow.

  • gabriellaM
    gabriellaM Member Posts: 25

    Hi Xinghong.  So glad that the surgery is behind you and that it was successful.  What I remember after surgery was the first week I slept ALOT!  I would get up, eat breakfast, and then nap for three or four hours, eat lunch, then nap again! I would fall asleep by about 9pm!  I also remember I woke up in the middle of the night for at least three weeks because I felt so tight.  Initially I would have to get up and walk around for a few minutes before I felt better, then I could go back to sleep.  After a week or two I just would sit up in bed, move around a bit, and then go back to sleep.  Every morning I felt really tight (it felt like a corset -- tightness from my waist up through my breasts and back).  That all got better (though I still have tightness across my chest during the day, it does go away completely when I lie down now). I was taking tylenol a few times a day and valium (diazepam) 5mg every night for at least 2-3 weeks.  After that I cut the valium in half (2.5mg) until I ran out.  By 4 weeks I was off all medication.  I think the valium helped because my issue was more tightness than pain.  There were definitely times when I was so tight that I was worried but by 2-3 weeks out it became tolerable. I used about 8 pillows to sleep and tried arranging them all different ways (horizontal, vertical, soft ones in front, some under my arms, etc) until I found an arrangement that was comfortable.  I definitely needed to be at a 45 degree angle for the first couple of weeks.  Now I'm fine on my back with one or two pillows and can also sleep on my side.

    By the middle of the second week I must have felt better because I took a few walks (maybe one mile maximum) and my drainage output stopped decreasing (my PS told me I probably did too much too soon).  He pulled my drains and I developed seromas which have now completely resolved (they were drained which was totally painless and then didn't come back).  Someone on this forum told me I should really be sitting around and doing nothing and I tried to take that advice! I also tried to eat a lot of protein for the first two weeks. I ate hamburgers, eggs, chicken, and greek yogurt every single day!  Normally I don't like to eat meat but when I looked up protein content I decided it was the best most concentrated source of protein so I ate it.  By the third week I couldn't look at red meat anymore but I think the protein intake had done it's job.

    My PS also didn't want me stretching much for the first 3 weeks (he wasn't very specific but said not to do anything that hurt). At my 3 week post op appointment he had me lift my arms above my head which I could do but it was painful and I had a hard time stretching them -- after working on that stretch for about a week my range of motion was much better but I am naturally very very flexible (I can do splits and lots of weird yoga moves).  Even before I was allowed to stretch I would sometimes wake up in the morning with my arms above my head (bent, not fully extended) -- it was weird!

    BTW I never had radiation and my friend who had a bilateral lat flap told me her radiated side always felt tighter.  She is two years post surgery and feels great now though -- she says she can still feel a slight difference on the side that had radiation.

    Sorry if that is too much information!  Hope it helps.  Also I had a relaxation CD that contained guided imagery for healing after surgery and I listened to that at least once or twice a day for the first two weeks post-op.  Let me know if you want the name.

  • gabriellaM
    gabriellaM Member Posts: 25

    Tangles, thanks for the update.  I'm so sorry to hear about all your complications.  I hope that PT works and you are able to avoid any more surgery.  I can't imagine how frustrating this must be for you -- I was impatient, worried, and periodically down my first few weeks post-op and I didn't have a particularly bad time of it. I hope that in the long term everything works out for you -- I will be thinking of you!

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Andi, will be thinking of you as your surgery is in 3
    weeks!! And you betcha, I am nervous and
    scared and want to just to say forget it…but I won’t. I chickened out a couple of years ago, but I’m
    ready…so sick of my prosthesis and the timing coincides with my daughter’s
    maternity leave (I have been helping take care of my 3 year old granddaughter
    for 3 years along with my full time job).

    Gabriella, thanks for all the great info, its sure to help
    many of us! What is the name of that
    guided imagery cd by the way?

    Xinghong, you’re on the path to recovery yay!

  • mfml
    mfml Member Posts: 14

    Tangles - I am so sorry you are in so much pain - and having all the trouble with the frozen shoulder.  My PS told me not to stretch for the first 2 weeks - but after that said I should start to try to use it (but not lift) to keep the shoulder from freezing up.  I started by putting the shampoo up high in the shower - and making myself reach it - and getting my own glasses from the cupboard etc... Now 4-5 weeks out I can reach no problem and have started some reasonable lifting (small loads of laundry, etc)

    Xinghong - really glad it is behind you and sounds like it went well!  I experienced much of what you described - also when I woke up and for the first week or so thought it was worse than mastectomy.  First week I slept on recliner - and I didn't sleep much at night those first few weeks so I also napped alot on the couch during the day - as gabrielleM described also.  I guess I was off pain meds (during the day) and driving after a week - I drove myself to get my drains out, etc.  As with the mastectomy - after drains came out life got much better!  I was just generally more comfortable and able to get around and dress better.  I was overly preoccupied with wether the flap was "alive" or not - I think PS thought I was nuts!  But I think this was because of my previous problem with necrotic dead tissue from the radiation.

    I went back to work Monday 4/28 - surgery was 4/1 -  my job is moderately physical - I'm a bench scientist.  I have done pretty well with my normal activities - though I'm not a weight lifter, rower, hair stylist, or anything that has extreme high demands on my arms/back/shoulders.  So - hang in there Xinghong - chances are you will start to feel better really soon!!


  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    Gabriella, thank you so much for the detailed informations. It's really very helpful. I was trying to avoid pain medication. I only took one last night before bed time. This afternoon I took one and felt so much better and was able to find a comfortable position and slept about 3 hours. I felt so much better after it until the home nurse came in and spent almost one hour with her for the assessment. Now I felt tight and discomfort again. I think I need another Tylenol 3 before bed time. Also my mom made organic chicken soup for me which made me feel good too. Is the guided imagery for healing By Belleruth Naparstek? I listened a couple of times before surgery and felt into sleep. I will listen to it tonight. Today when I was lying down and found that comfortable position, no pain, no discomfort, I gained my confidence again that I will be fine, I will get better tomorrow.

    Tangles, I remember right after my mastectomy surgery, I didn't know that I should not lift arm above my shoulder, so I did the exercises right after the surgery and end up totally fine. Thank you for your suggestions. I hope PT works for you and you can recover soon.

    Andi and Kari,  yes recovery for this surgery is tough, but don't be scared. Spend your time to do research to help with preparing and recovery. 

    This afternoon somebody knocked the door. I was walking near the door, so I opened the door. It was flower sent over from my work. After I signed the paper, the delivery guy looked at me and said "take care". I realized that He saw the 4 drains with blood. Hopefully he wasn't scared. I even didn't realize I had them on me. Singing

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    Thank you M! I saw your post after I posted mine. As you and Tangles suggested, I think I will try to use my arm as early as possible if it's not hurt. I am planning to go back to work in 4 weeks too. So finger crossed.

  • gabriellaM
    gabriellaM Member Posts: 25

    Xinghong, it sounds like you're doing GREAT for this early on!  One more thing I just thought of -- take Miralax or something for constipation, especially if you're on pain medication.  Don't wait for constipation to start -- be proactive!  A few friends who went through this warned me and I never had an issue.

    Kfinnigan, the guided imagery CD I used was by Martin Rossman (called Preparing for Surgery).  I believe you can download an MP3 version as well (somehow I wound up with the CD version and had to transfer it to my computer and then my iPod).  I liked his voice and the way he talked about things but I am sure there are many guided imagery programs out there that are equally effective.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Do you have to buy a special bra or front closure sports bra for after surgery or does your PS provide you with something?

    Xinghong, so good to hear from you again, sounds like you're doing well.  Keep posting please!!!!  interested in all aspects of your recovery.  hugs!

    Gabriella, thank you!

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    Today I felt more flexible and less pain on the right side (TE only), and the incision is dry already. But on the right side, I noticed there's still some liquids (blood) on the incision and it's tender and numb under the arm and back. Also I noticed it's bigger under the left side arm instead of front. Is it because of swollen? Today I also had cough which scared of me. Did any of you have cough after surgery? How did you handle it? I did deep breathing and cough, but really scared my incision will open.  The home care nurse told me I should hold a pillow on my chest when I cough. Hope it can go away soon. 

    Gabriella, your suggestion is always so helpful. My Dr. did prescribed stool softener for me. I almost never had constipation problem, so I didn't take.  But after surgery, it happened. Yesterday I had two stool softener pills and today I am fine. 

    Thanks Kari. I will try to post as much as possible. 

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    I've been diagnosed w/ bc 3x's over the last 16 years.  I had bilateral mastectomies followed by LD breast reconstruction two weeks ago.  I have been fortunate in that I have not experienced any major complications, but becoming very anxious to get back to normal activities and routines.  Feeling depressed, and occasionally discouraged, at times - the recovery more involved and longer than I had anticipated.  I appreciated reading posts; it helps.  

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    DPiggy I can relate. I told all my clients at work I would see them in 4 weeks and it has been 9! I have a frozen shoulder and still back pain. I can deal with the back pain and suck that up but cant cut hair if I cant raise my arm up. I was too very depressed and finally decided to bite the bullet and start taking some cybalta. I am SO AGAINST antidepressants as I have family members that cant get off them, but the Dr told me it may help with the Pain. When he said that I said then sign me up. It has made a huge difference with my mood. Hard to tell if it is helping with the pain or time is helping a little. I plan on staying on them for a few months then going off them to see how I feel. What a journey this has been. For me the surgery was NOT a success. My radiation side has encapsulated again and it hard and tight. I feel I went though all this HELL for nothing. Another reason to take the antidepressant. I guess I need to just accept this is how it is going to be and move on. Hubby wants so bad to take a beach vacation and with my 16 inches of scars on my back and one breast being up high and small and tight and one low I just have no desire to go. Not to mention the 10 LBs I have gained sitting on my behind for 9 weeks in sweat pants. OK My Pity party is over. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

    good luck with your healing!

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Tangles - I told my co-workers that I would see them a week after surgery.  So, that gives you an idea of how disillusioned I was about the recovery process.  Even though my PS & my other docs told me it would take at least 4-6 weeks, I still thought I would some how be able to get back to something normal.  I think that has been the most depressing part - I don't know what normal is anymore.  My body doesn't feel like my own, I hate the restrictions, and I'm concerned that it will never be the same.  I have a wonderful, supportive husband and family, but I feel like a burden right now.  I'm the one that always does for them, wants to do for them, not the other way around.  I have a demanding & sometimes stressful job, but I enjoy it, and haven't been able to get back into the swing of things.  I keep telling myself this will pass, it has to pass, but some days not so good as others.  Having to deal w/ this disease for so many years, I've never felt sorry for myself.  I've always considered myself a fighter, but the last few weeks have been harder than the past 16 years.

    I'm sure there is light at the end of this tunnel - just waiting to see it & getting impatient.  Thanks for the support!

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    PS recommended special mastectomy camisoles with pockets for drains.  She wrote a script, & my insurance paid for two.  Easy to step into & pull up, & material super soft and comfortable.  Love them!

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Dpiggy how far out are you. I think it was 6 or 7 weeks before I felt like doing much of anything. I mean like going out to eat or shopping just normal stuff. I think me having the chronic back pain since the surgery is not the usual compared to others, but I am also not the only one. As for the frozen shoulder that is just my bad luck!! I would totally be back to work if it wasn't for those two things. Its very frustrating. Hang in there this to shall PASS!! It is hard to see that when the progress is so slow. Now I wake up and thank god every morning that I feel OK. That I am not in severe pain getting out of bed and that I am alive! I still cant sleep on my favorite right side with my encapsulated implant and frozen shoulder but it is what it is and I am alive!

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    Hi ladies, today is my 6th day after surgery. I felt much much better. There's almost no pain on the incisions except a little bit on the back. I stopped taking pain medication in day time and only took one before bed time yesterday. Discomfort,yes of course, especially in the morning when I got up, very tight and numb. There are two drains are already less 30 ml for two days. I believe the home care nurse can take them off on Monday when she visits. My arm movement range are not bad. I can brush teeth, wash my face and comb my hair using two hands. But I still try not lift my arm above shoulder. I still have a little bit cough once a while. I try to do deep breath and cough and using a pillow to brace my chest. Last time when the home care nurse visited on Fridy, she teared the transparent sheet tape off and changed to gauze.She said the incision looked good. 

    Tangles, I had frozen shoulder on my right arm (no lymp nodes took off) after mastectomy. I saw PT for 4-5 times. He taught me some exercises and I kept doing and saw a little bit improvement. And later after I had some strength and yoga exercises, I almost got back to normal. It does take time. 

    DPiggy, you had mastectomy and LD Flap at the same time and it's only two weeks past. Give yourself some time and give your family some chance that they can be relied on and help you. Don't feel bad, just try to enjoy the time that we can have excuse to just pay attention to ourselves and nothing else.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Tangles - I'm almost 3 weeks out from surgeries.  I know, I am impatient.  Feeling a little better today, but take one day @ a time.  I see PC this afternoon & hoping some restrictions can be lifted or modified.  I agree - happy to be alive!

    Xinghong - I'm just anxious to get back to a normal routine, but the reality of the past couple of weeks has proven that it will take time.  I am so glad you're doing & feeling well.

    This too shall pass...

  • gabriellaM
    gabriellaM Member Posts: 25


    Just checking in with everyone.  

    Xinghong, glad to hear you're starting to feel better  -- you're still so early in the process and will continue to feel better every day!  Once the drains are out that is always a big relief.

    DPiggy, three weeks is not that long when it comes to lat flap surgery although I am an impatient person too and was frustrated at various points along the way that I was not improving faster.  In retrospect I think it will not seem like much time at all if in the end you feel good and are happy about how you look and of course are cancer free!

    Tangles, it sounds like you're slowly progressing too and I hope this continues.

    I saw my PS on Friday (6 weeks post-op) and he basically said I don't need to come back until September (I am going to have my ovaries/tubes removed before any kind of nipple recon since I am BRCA2 positive -- this is my next task once I feel up to it). It feels weird to go from all this intense doctor visiting to nothing.  I have scheduled PT for tomorrow so I will let you know how that goes and if it helps with the issues I'm experiencing now, which are mainly tightness across my chest (more than my back) and mild arm weakness.  I am stretching (for anyone who does yoga try child's pose a few times a day once your cleared by your doctor for streching -- it's such a great post-mastectomy stretch) and walking every day but I don't feel ready to go back to my regular exercise routine yet -- I'm afraid I will mess something up with my implant or pull a muscle.

    I live in NJ and we finally have great weather which makes my breasts happy as well as the rest of me.  Does anyone else find that cold weather increases the tightness they feel?  For me being out in the sun is therapeutic!

  • Lucy20
    Lucy20 Member Posts: 7

    hi, I just had my Lat surgery 04/02 today i feel like i am so much bigger than my original size...between A and B the lat muscle just swollen???

    Very concerned

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Lucy I had some swelling, but I don't think the size changed that much. They dropped a lot but size wise no. Mine ended up much wider then I wanted. The Lat muscle swelling under the arm went down just a tiny bit., but not a ton.

    I am finally after over 9 weeks off work going back part time tomorrow. Still have a frozen shoulder but thanks to therapy I have enough range of motion to make it work for a few hours a day! Still got the back ache, but I am getting used to it so I guess I can live with it.

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    The drain from the back was removed today.Yay! Actually 2 can be removed, but the home care nurse wanted me wait till Thursday when I have follow up appointment with the surgeon. 

    Tangles, I am so happy for you that you got enough movement range and can finally go back to work now. Take it easy! 

    Lucy, my LD flap with TE side is much bigger than my TE side. I can feel it's hard and big under my arm. I will ask my surgeon on Thursday. 

    Gabriella, your results are so amazing. I am a little jealous. Loopy Sorry to hear that you have to do another surgery. All the best! I love child pose. Good to know that it can help with the recovery.  

    Weather is getting warmer here and today is so sunny. I was looking outside and really wanted to have a walk, but with 4 drains? I gave up. Hopefully surgeon can take out all the drains this Thursday. How fast did your drains take out?

  • Lucy20
    Lucy20 Member Posts: 7

    Thanks,  I have my first fill tomorrow and hopefully it will not hurt too much.   I need to remind my PS that I don't want to be too big as I love running and have not been able to since cancer started and can't wait to start again.  You gals are great! 

  • gabriellaM
    gabriellaM Member Posts: 25

    Hi Xinghong.  I had 2 drains come out at 1 week and 2 more come out at 2 weeks.  The second set of drains were still draining a lot (40-50cc/day) so I developed seromas (in my back) which I was upset about at the time but only needed to be drained twice and have now resolved. The seromas lasted til about 4-5 weeks post-op. My PS won't leave drains in for more than 2 weeks because he does not like to have patients on long term antibiotics and doesn't want to risk infection (he would rather deal with seromas).

    Lucy, I am the same size bra as I was before surgery but my breasts still look and feel somewhat swollen and I guess just rounder than they did beforehand (6 1/2 weeks out).  I had implants not tissue expanders.  Either my pecs are still swollen or this is just the new shape of my breasts. I felt bulging under my arms initially but that went away although I can definitely see the latissimus muscle there when I raise my arms. Good luck getting back to running -- I feel like getting back into an exercise routine is so important but I'm not quite there yet!

    I saw a physical therapist today and am looking forward to starting therapy -- she just evaluated me and told me she can do various types of massage on my scars to help with the tight feeling and also gave me some stretches. I'll have my first treatment with her on Friday and will report back.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Tangles, hope all goes well with you at work today, thinking of you!

    Dpiggy, how did your appt. go yesterday? 

    I am anxiously reading everyone's posts, trying not to get too nervous.  They have changed my pre-op appt to June 9th, so I am trying to prepare a list of questions.  Any questions I should ask that any of you think very necessary?  Thank you.

    Lucy, good luck with your fill.  Maybe they can tell you about the larger size either being swollen or what??

    Xinghong, you are making progress...drains coming out already, yay!

    GabriellaM, your PT appt. sounds very encouraging, I'd love to know what massages she can do for your scars.  Looking forward to reading your report!