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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    Hi Keryl,

    I went back to work 4 weeks post-op because I felt great, no pain, no swollen, not much tightness and I could walk 1 hour without problem. But 2 days after going back to work, suddenly, I felt tired and some pain at the bottom of my right side chest. Then the pain got worse on that night and I even couldn't sleep. The second day morning, when I got up, I felt short of breath and chill. My temperature was 38.5 c and the pain was really bad that I even couldn't complete the breath. I went to see my surgeon and got oral antibiotics. Two days after taking antibiotics, I still had high fever (over 38.5) and saw some redness on chest. I went to emergency and was admitted to hospital. My surgeon said it was infection and good that it was caught early. If you only have a little redness and pain, and no high fever, I don't think it's infection, maybe just irritation. But watch your temperature and call your surgeon if you don't feel comfortable. As I know the infection can happen and get worse very quickly. 

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Xinghong and Keryl, that's so awful about the infections.  Keryl, I hope you can get looked at soon and get some relief.  I asked PS about a bra or sports bra and he said absolutely NO until phase 2.  Keryl, keep us posted please.

    My date is June 25th, 2 more weeks!   I have to stop my Arimidex tomorrow (for 2 weeks prior and 1 week after surgery) and no green tea or flax seed either.

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    My PS had me in a compression binder type bra for about 4 weeks. then he said I could wear what I want. Underwire still hurts. My goal was and still is to not ever have to wear a bra! I am starting to accept that this may never happen. Next surgery is July 2nd so well see what this brings. I was off work 9 weeks. I think if it was not for my frozen shoulder I could have went back at 6 weeks. I am on my feet for my job so there would have been NO WAY I could have went back before 6 weeks. My surgery was Feb 27th and I still have back pain. Most women don't, but I do, so just something to think about................

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Sending healing thoughts to Xinghong & Keryl & hoping you both feeling better.

    Kfinnigan - wishing you the best as you approach your surgery date.  I'm 8 weeks out, & about 10 days post op, my PS wrapped me in an ace bandage due to a seroma on the left side.  I needed to stay wrapped for approx. 2 more weeks.  She then had me wear a sports bra for about 2 weeks to keep the compression on that side.  Now I can either go braless or wear a bra w/out underwire.  I haven't tried the bra because the incisions on my back are still sensitive, so I purchased a bunch of spandex type camisoles (without the shelf) in a bunch of different colors & wear those under clothes are just as tank tops.  They are comfortable for me & offer support as well.  Not sure how your PS is phasing your recovery, but it's interesting to read the varying degrees of post op directives from different PS's.  All that matters is that we come out the other side being cancer free & feeling good!


  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Amen to that DPiggy!

    It is really interesting what the different PS's tell us.  I love it that we are all here to share our experiences!  Thanks to all of you for posting and big hugs to you all, xo.

    CLYDAY Member Posts: 40

    So I am 4 weeks Post Op Lat Flap on my rads side. Went back to work this week which was uncomfortable at times....I do ultrasound so I am constantly twisting and turning my body! I have been using silicone gel strip and my scars seem to be softening some. For those of you who was your ROM at 4 weeks?? I am trying to stretch real good through the day. I can almost raise my arm straight up in the air but not quite there yet. Did any of you get put on trental to help your ligaments and capillaries become more flexible? It is a low dose blood thinner that is supposed to help things move better in there. 

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    Clyday, I went to work after 4 weeks and I still felt a tight in the chest and a little pulling on the back. I was able to lift my arm straight, but definitely not as flexible as before. I remember after the first day at work, My right arm was a little heavy. I think because I was in front of the computer and used the right arm a lot. 

    Today I saw my surgeon. She was happy that the infection was gone and I was able to do the second fill. I had 60cc put in and this time I feel more tight and a little painful on the right side (no LD flap). I think it's still because of the scar tissue after infection. But I am happy that I can do the fill and it's getting bigger now. Happy

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Xinghong - it's so nice to hear from you.  Glad you are feeling better.

    Clyday - I never really had an issue w/ my ROM.  I know I was somewhat guarded, & at times, was afraid that I might stretch something too much or pull something apart.  I had to be mindful of any pulling between the breasts, since that strain could potentially cause issues with the lat muscles.  My PS said to use pain as my guide.  I'm over 8 weeks out, & now I can pretty much do anything, but I still proceed w/ caution.  I think that will take time for me to not think about it.  As I've continued to try & get back to normal routines & activities, I find I'm able to do more, & things don't feel as tight. 

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    Hi everyone. sorry for the delay in my response. Not on computer much. I am actually having pain when on computer in center of back, worried about this when I return to work though can try voice activated though it's fairly inadequate. Anyway, I did NOT have an infection after all but still have some symptoms I get suspicious of. So far so good though. 

    I am very tight and cannot raise arm more than 45 degrees to side, only half way on wall crawl. ROM is limited.  Lifting no more than 5 lbs, barely. I am beginning PT on Wednesday so excited to get a plan and also to be supervised as to what I should be doing/not doing. Pain is much less now though but incision still sensitive, maybe they will advise incision massage too. My breast looks great and for the first time in years I have a vision of getting through this with a decent result and end the chronic problems. I think my need for so much PT results from not being able to use really my arm in a healthy way for 2 years. 

    I am five weeks out -not returning to work yet. I will see how PT goes first. As for the bra question- no bra for me either. I tried a very comfy soft sports type and it irritated more than it helped. My PS doesn't like compression either. Sometimes I use a light ace wrap when in car (helps w/ bumps) boy do I know what road in my community needs resurfacing .... Geez. Have a great week

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Clyday, how are you doing this week?  

    Xinghong, glad you're filling up!

    Keryl, don't like the sound of your ROM and the pain in the center of your back.  Did your doc say what's going on?

    Tangles, how are you doing?

    Hope everyone is healing nicely and hoping you all have a great day.  soft hugs

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Hi gals I spent my morning at my Family Dr and the afternoon making apts. My ROM is still pretty bad. Work is very difficult. I have started getting pain down my arm and swelling & pain in my hand. Family Dr couldn't believe that I can still only raise my arm up half way. She ordered me to have a nerve test to see if it is nerve or muscle. ( before surgery I could raise my arm straight up) She ordered me to see a lymphedema specialist for her to see if that could be what is going on, she also ordered an apt with a ortho. I was suppose to have some revisions July 2nd but family Dr thinks I should hold off. Boy I am SO SICK of doctors and appointment's. Not to mention my radiated implant is as HARD as a ROCK and very tight and sore, so in my opinion this surgery was an entire waste of time, money and all the pain it has caused me. Sorry to be so negative, I hope the rest of you are happy with your results and are well.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Tangles, I'm so sorry for your troubles.  When are your appts?

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Tangles - I too am sorry youn having to do deal w/ those issues.  Please continue to keep us posted.

    Keryl - I am on a computer quite a bit as well, & initially I experienced terrible burning sensations in my right shoulder.  I think this was due to holding my body a certain way since I wasn't able to sit normally in a chair & not being able to relax because of discomfort.  I've been back to work almost 4 weeks now, & I can honestly say this has improved tremendously.  I was fortunate, though, w/ my ROM.  After getting the ok to lift arms above my shoulders, I've worked myself to where I was prior to the LD surgery.  This all may improve in time for you. 

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    tangles, hang in there. Going to ortho is good idea though; it's like piecing a puzzle in these cases since each specialty knows something, but not all.... This is complicated and everyone different. 

    K & Dp- My ROM issues aren't a big surprise and began over a year ago as I catered and guarded my radiated breast , more and more the worse it got. Also held myself weird as you describe. The dr says by doing so and not using it shortens the unused muscles and the other side dominates. My pec muscle is a huge culprit because it gets so tight, as does rhomboids. It depresses me - two years ago I could swim a mile and now I can't even swim. ....or even open car door!i know PT in my case will be hard work, scary and painful, but gotta do it. The pain in back I am feeling feels more incision related. They had a hard time closing me up since thin and I think a few spots healing more slowly and fatigue easily. (Zingers) 

    Watched a video of the actual LD surgical procedure that I found online - Wowsa, no wonder...

    Anyone go on any car travel at 5 or 6 weeks? I am invited to respite at a friends vacation home for a week but it's up in altitude and about a 4 hour drive. (She would drive) Am I crazy? Sick of my house. I am sure I could do my initial PT there because I expect it will be elementary at first --

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Keryl - I started to watch the beginning of the youtube video & had to stop.  Totally agree - just for those few minutes, it was a no wonder for me as well!  At 5-6 weeks, I was able to do 1-2 hour car trips.  I did a 4+ hour one at about 7 weeks & did ok.  Was a little stiff @ the end of the trip, but walked around & loosened up.  I did bring an assortment of pillows & found I was constantly repositioning myself, but was glad I did it.  It actually felt like I accomplished some sort of milestone!

  • Pilates4me
    Pilates4me Member Posts: 38

    I have a weird question about the back incision and healing.  I'm 6 weeks out and my incision has been a little itchy or feeling a little bit raw lately. Not all the time but for an hour or two at a time for the past couple of days. Has anyone experienced this?  I had a muscle sparing lat flap, so the muscle itself wasn't taken and isn't involved.  I'll see someone at my PS's office this week if it continues, but I just thought I'd ask.

  • Amazonwarrior
    Amazonwarrior Member Posts: 140

    pilates: Wow I didn't even know that muscle spareing LD flap even existed.

    Where did you have it done?

    Why did they decide to spare the muscle?

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    For me the whole reason for doing this surgery was to prevent and correct capsular contraction. ( which didn't work) but my PS described to me the muscle is what protects the implant from this, so I too don't understand why you would have the muscle sparing??

  • Pilates4me
    Pilates4me Member Posts: 38

    I chose muscle sparing because I use my lat muscle extensively for work. I have absolutely no other tissue to use and I had a walloping amount of radiation (about 20 percent more than is usually given) so I needed tissue to have any implant at all.  And, tangles, you are absolutely correct, many PS say that you have to take the muscle in order to prevent capsular contracture.  However, there are very small studies that are surfacing indicating that is not necessarily the case for all patients. This one came out in May (right after I had my procedure) It compares a traditional LD, with procedures that use a small amount or none of the Lat Muscle--all dependent on the vascular anatomy of the patient.

    And, capsular contracture was actually more common among the patients who had a full Latissimus Dorsi Flap procedure (2 vs. 0). All of this is in the setting of patients who had had previous radiation.   And it is a very small study that represents the experience of one surgeon. That being said, a good PS will take into consideration what is most likely to work best for the individual patient given their medical history.  My doc had used this procedure previously in patients and was confident in it as a reconstructive route for me. Your doc's experience probably says the LD is the best way for you.

    I just think it's cool that docs are looking into it at all, because I know very few people who get a lat flap never mind a muscle sparing version.

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Interesting. Thanks for sharing. For me it really didn't work anyway the surgery was not a success, but would have been nice to know about this option 6 months ago! Oh well.............

  • Pilates4me
    Pilates4me Member Posts: 38

    gosh tangles. I'm so sorry you are having problems. I'll hope and pray things get better.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    My surgery is tomorrow, still waiting for the call to tell me the time to report.  Ready to get this first phase behind me!  Hope all is well and you are all recovering.  Any last minute tips or advice?

    Big hugs to all.  

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Kfinnigan - don't rush the healing process; you will recover but it does take time.  Be mindful of restrictions, listen to your body & let others do for you.  Be patient, & take this time to focus on you.  Your days will be mixed, some better than others, & some just not so good.  I'm 10 weeks out, & I can honestly say, it has been quite the journey.  It also took me about 6 weeks to start to appreciate the journey. 

    Big hugs, prayers & thoughts go out to you. 

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Thanks DPiggy, good things to think about.  I appreciate your post.  Big hugs

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    kifinnigan, as DPiggy said, be patient with the healing process. Not sure how long you will stay in hospital, but try to get family or friend with you most of the time. You will need them to help you better than asking the nurse according to my experience. Don't forget to leave a pillow in the car. You will need it when you go home.    Be careful all the time during the process. If you find anything wrong, don't wait it get worse, contact the Dr. ASAP. I am 8 weeks post surgery and finally feel better since last week, still has to be very careful not over doing everyday. All the best with your surgery. Big hugs!

  • Helenna
    Helenna Member Posts: 66

    kfinnigan Sending good vibes and big hugs to you! I'm one week post my surgery and my best tip is be cognizant of visiting the potty…..if you don't go within a day or so of surgery even with stool softeners don't ignore, I had never had any surgeries, not even stitches for anything,  and wasn't aware of the pain and seriousness of 4 days without bowel movement.  Have a pink smoothie after surgery! Thinking of you today! xoxoxox

    CLYDAY Member Posts: 40

    Hi all....I had my first fill yesterday....gosh I forgot how bad it hurts! How long after fills did you have your exchange surgery?  Hope everyone is doing well!

  • KSteve
    KSteve Member Posts: 190

    Clyday - I think I had my exchange surgery about 3 weeks after my last fill.  I'm with you, I conveniently forgot how much fun tissue expanders are! :)


  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    Had my 3rd fill today. It hurts! I had Tylenol before the fill. My friend is also off today. She called me on my way to hospital. So after hospital,  We had lunch together and then had facial after. I can't believe I did it. Right now I am lying on the sofa, feeling so tight and sore. It will be hard on the bed tonight. Hope everyone have a nice weekend!

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Home from the hospital today.  Boy not a fun experience to say the least. 24 hours of nausea/vomiting after surgery was awful.  My PS said the surgery went well, but did say the skin was so thin from my mastectomy, he said aggressive mastectomy, and my pec muscle was thin and damaged from radiation, that he put the TE under my pec muscle to give him another layer to work with.  The flap looks good, but boy are things sore!!!  Weird to see something on my chest after almost 6 years with nothing.  See PS on Wednesday to get rid do a couple drains hopefully, I have 4 now, 2 for breast and 2 for back.  Can't wait to feel better but I know I can't rush it.