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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • peacestrength
    peacestrength Member Posts: 236

    Question:  what has your healing experience been with having the skin removed from your back?  

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Soft hugs to all those in the healing phase...

    Peacestrength, I too wonder about the back and also what is the area like without the lat muscle there?  Is there a big divot in your back?  Noticeable in tight fitting clothes?

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    Thanks DPiggy for the bra information and did you get a comfortable bra?

    Gabriella, you are absolutely right about recover and exercises. It really takes time to recover for this surgery. I am so glad that you are doing so well.

    Last week I felt so good and thought the recovery was so fast. However this weekend, I felt different. One drain area looked like infected after the drain was removed. I felt hypersensitive on the incision area on the left breast (flap side). I almost can't move because of the burning feeling when clothes touch the breast. Is it because the nerves are back? Did you have this feeling? Will a bra help? The home care nurse will come to check the infection today and hopefully remove the last drain. 

    Regarding the back looks like after surgery. I still have bandage on and still numb, so can't really tell. I am skinny, didn't have much muscle or fat there anyway, so I think should not have big difference. I would like to hear others as well. 

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    My back doesn't necessarily have any skin removed, but rather two vertical incisions about 5-6 inches long.  You can see the pulling, & it is tight, but massaging on both sides of the incisions seems to help.  Doesn't appear to be any divots.  PS removed my bandages, front & back, about 10 days after surgery.

    Xinghong - sorry to hear about the possible infection; how was the visit from the home care nurse?  I have slight hypersensitivity, & on occasion a burning sensation, but does get better in time.  I've either had an ace bandage (due to a seroma which appears to have finally cleared) or post mast camisole touching my skin first.  PS now recommends sports bras that zipper in the front.  Obviously, not as comfortable as a regular bra, but manageable.  PS did mention something about eventually going to a regular bra w/out under wire.  She prefers something w/ more compression right now.  I switch off between cami (which has some compression) & sports bra.  

    Had my 3rd expansion today.  A little sore & sensitive, but a heating pad on lowest setting & aleve seems to be helping.  Getting there...

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    ok my surgery pushed up NOW to this Wednesday 5/14 due to hole starting to open in existing old scar line. I am not ready, trying to psych up goes. It's on my radiated side and it's pretty clear my current implant only won't survive. He'll be using the lat with small implant. I am not ready for all of this on front and backside. I'm also feeling out of control at work and at home, but have to let it go. I will probably be in hospital until Friday or Saturday. I will check in.

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Keryl good luck tomorrow! Im sure you will do fine!

    kfinnigin I have no noticeable difference in my back. I do have a dog ear at the top of one of my scars that needs to be taken care of. I am almost 11 wks out and do not notice any loss of strength in my back, although I am still having backaches after doing too much standing. Its getting better though. My biggest complaint right now is the amount of skn I have under my arms. It spills over bras and sticks out so I am going to have to have some lipo or something.

    Any of you gals have an underwire restriction? My PS said I can wear what I want. I have been having a time trying to find a bra that will work with the two different sizes I have. One breast is hard and up high from the Rads the other is movable and larger/wider and sits lower so going with no bra is not an option in a T shirt. Maybe a sweatshirt. I found a few at VS with underwires. They are not so comfortable as my skin is still pretty tender, but I have to wear something to shape me with padding and underwire. UGH!! 

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Keryl - wishing you all the best.  I completely understand the out of control feeling, but you are strong & will work through this.  Remember - you come first during your recovery.  Rest & be mindful of limitations.  Healing takes time, but you will heal.  

  • Christabell
    Christabell Member Posts: 3

    Hi Ladies, it has been 6 weeks since my bi lateral Latissimus Dorsi Flap, and was about to start my first TE expansion yesterday, when PS discovered my left TE is in the wrong place.  The top of it is under my left arm, and PS said I have to go back into surgery within the next four weeks, to have it moved to the correct position.  I am very annoyed that it will now put me behind a few months with my reconstruction ending.   I feel that it wasn't put in correctly, because right from the start, I noticed the top of my left breast was flat compared with the top right breast which was raised slightly where the top of the TE is. 


     As a warning to other ladies who have Latissumus Dorsi Flap reconstruction, check the top of the breast to make sure it is a little raised, which is where the top of the tissue expander is housed.  I wished I had told my PS that I noticed a difference with my right and left breast.


    Question 1: Has anyone else had a problem with TE in the wrong place?


    Question 2: Could someone tell me what it is like having TE expansion?  Is it painful and how often do you have it?



  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    DPiggy, nurse came and said there was a little infection, but it was not bad. She cleaned the site and put gauze on. Today I went to see the surgeon and she said she didn't see any infection at all. I noticed there is still a little red there, but much better. The problem is I am still having low lgrade fever 37.5 c and slight cough at night. My surgeon said it was not related to the infection. 

    The last drain was removed  this Monday. Yay! Feel much better. I still have some nerve pain or hypersensition on left side, but seems better than a few days ago. Also I had my first expantion 60cc today. There was 67cc put in during the surgery. 

    Christabell, so sorry to hear your story. I completely understand your frustration. The recovery for this surgery is so slow and tough. Absolutely we don't want another surgery in so short time. But what can we do except accepting this and do our best. The expansion is not painful. It was like one second nidle bite and strange and tight feeling for a few seconds, but not painful. It only took a minute to do it. Since it was my first expansion (2 weeks after surgery), I didn't feel very tight and sore, but I did took one normal Tylenol before I went to see surgeon. 

    Keryl, wish you all the best for your surgery!

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Hi Christabell - I'm sorry to hear about your TE being in the wrong place.  I had bilateral mastectomies followed by LD flap on both sides 4/15 & 4/16.  My PS started TE expansion about 10 days post op.  My expansions are weekly, 60cc's each time; I've had 3 so far.  I'm not a big fan since I do find it uncomfortable about 6-8 hours following expansion & lasts about 24 hours.  Since I had radiation on both breasts over the last 16 years, it may be that my skin is tighter & not as flexible.  I'm still trying to figure out what works best for the discomfort.  I read something about muscle relaxers & mentioned to my PS, but she won't prescribe.  I alternate between aleve, tylenol & ibuprofen & apply very low grade heat when I start to feel uncomfortable.  I keep telling myself it's part of the process & will eventually come to an end.

    Wish you the best of luck!

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Keryl, thinking of you, hope your surgery was successful!

    I'm reading all your recovery posts ladies, thank you for posting!

  • busymama
    busymama Member Posts: 1

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new here (my first post). Really looking forward to reading about others experiences. I had a bilateral mastectomy and lat dorsi reconstruction 6 weeks ago. 2 weeks after the surgery I ended up back in hospital with an infection in the right breast and needed to have more surgery to remove some tissue that had not survived. They were not able to stitch me up all the way so I have a wound that will take a long time to heal. I seem to be doing well physically but do struggle mentally/emotionally. I think once the physical wounds heal I will feel much better. I have no regrets at all. My breasst look pretty good and my back does too. They used my own fat to build up my new breasts so I had a bit of a back tuck too ;) I have had tissue expanders put in and filled a bit during first surgery but I don't know if they will need them or not. I am still amazed at how great my back looks and most of the scar can be covered by a bra. The itch is driving me insane right now though and I have been told I have to keep the tape on for another 5 weeks!!

    Looking forward to getting to know you all a bit better :) 

  • SusieR12
    SusieR12 Member Posts: 9

    Christabell...I am so sorry for the trouble you are having...I had BC two years ago and my first PS operated on me 4 times in a 4 month time span and he about killed me...He kept trying to correct problems and they continued to get worse...The last problem was the same as yours and my expander was either placed wrong or shifted after surgery...After a few expansion my breast did not grow but my new breast ended up being on top of my breast bone and it was red and skin started peeling off and it was removed 4 weeks later...This is my second attempt at PS and I researched a whole lot and found someone who had a great reputation in a city near me and I am almost 4 weeks out from my left breast LD with expander and I have had 3 expansions...Good Luck and if you feel like your PS is not giving you the treatment you deserve, see another PS soon...Wish I had done this 2 years ago...((Gentle Hugs))  Susie

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    just got home after my left lat surgery on Wednesday. All went well though back incision is extremely tight and painful. And I mean on FIRE, stabbing with knives-- very sharp pain. I plan to just incubate for days or whatever it takes as the skin stretches. The breast looks good though and all or radiated tissue now has healthy tissue in its place. Just hoping to avoid any infection . I am through the surgery haze which I agree was as intensive coming out as the mastectomy, if not more. I forgot that feeling of being a bug on my side or back and not being able to right myself! I have my first check and maybe even drains out on Wednesday. I will keep you posted! How long does it take for the skin to start relaxing and loosen a bit or with less pain?  I feel like it's about to rip! Stay on you med schedule and Do Not get behind curve or it's major misery......

  • Christabell
    Christabell Member Posts: 3

    Hi Keryl,  I hope all is well with your surgery.  I am thinking of you with positive thoughts.  Take care of yourself and take things slowly.  Recovery of LD flap is tough, but I keep telling myself it will be worth it in the end, so hang on to that thought.  I find it does help me.  Gentle hugs, Chris

    Peacestrength & Kfinnigan,  I am 6 weeks post op and there is no divet in my back.  It is numb on the wounds and not noticeable in tight clothing.  Reaching at the back was difficult for a while, but is getting better all the time.  Hope things go well for you both in the future, cheers, Chris

    Busymama,  Sorry to hear about your infection.  I am thinking of you with positive thoughts.  I know how frustrating the itchy back is, as mine was also very itchy until I had the bandages removed after 3 weeks.  It does get better once they are removed.  Just hang in there, it will be worth it in the end.  Take care and look after yourself.  Soft hugs, Chris

    SusieR12,  I am so sorry to hear about the tough time you have had with your left breast.  I really hope this latest op goes well for you. I am thinking of you with positive thoughts.  Thanks very much for the information.  Soft hugs, Chris

    Dpiggy,  It is interesting that my PS likes to let the breast wounds rest and heal for 6 weeks before filling the TE's.  My PS put 150cc in my breasts while in surgery which I thought was great because I woke up with little breasts which I didn't expect.  I wish you good luck with everything in the future,  soft hugs Chris

    Xinghong,  Sorry to hear about your infection  I really hope it clears up quickly and I am thinking of you with positive thoughts.  Thanks very much for the information it is appreciated.  Try and keep positive it will get better,  soft hugs, Chris

    Thanks for the posts ladies.  It really is great to be able to share our experiences with each other.  Gentle hugs to everyone who is going through recovery, Chris

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    Keryl, Glad to hear that your surgery went well. The first a few days are really tough., pain and tight as you said. But I never felt extremely pain on back. It was more tight and discomfortble feeling. Did you take pain medicine? For the first two weeks, I didn't void pain medicine if I couldn't stand the pain.

    Chris, the surgeon said my drain site was not infected at all and it is all good now. At 6 weeks post-op, what are your activities like? Did you start doing exercises?

    I am 19 days post-op. Except tight on the chest and back, I feel much normal now. I don't take any pain medicine any more. The drain site looks much better and no more infection. Today the bandage on the back was fell down. I do feel more flexible. The incision was completely healed, but the scar is obvious. My surgeon let me put moisturize cream on chest. I used Vaseline and VE. I also put some on back scar. Ladies, what did you use on the incision and scar? 

  • 3DX1013
    3DX1013 Member Posts: 6

    Hi Ladies, I haven't posted too much but appreciate all of your posts, helpful hints, and encouragement. I just came home today from Left Lat Flap w/implant. I was a little surprised that the breast was so small, but I guess glad to have one vs. flat painful scar. It looks pretty good thought despite tightness. I have incredible tightness in my back with the big bulge under the armpit. Not very attractive. Did that go down for most of you with time? I'm hoping it's mainly swelling. If not, can that fat be taken away some how? I feel like there is something pulling so tight on my scapula bone. I hope it will loosen up. I feel so much pressure and tightness that it is pulling my neck and head and giving me headaches/migraines. Did anyone experience this? I've been taking pain meds and my migraine med. I slept well on my back in the hospital bed, but doesn't feel as comfortable here in my own bed? Should I use a recliner? Thanks everyone, and thinking of all of you.


  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    appreciate the advice on the pain and tightness. I caught the door with my right elbow today (my good side) and that hurt my incision too soo--- everything is connected! I hope it's ok, geez. I am going in tomorrow for follow up-- and they want to pull out my back drain but I hope they don't remove the breast one- it's still producing and I don't want it to swell up. Before my surgery I had the neck and scapula pain going already also but it's not as bad as I thought it would be now. The pain med doesn't seem to help that much, but Advil helps that more. Might want to try that. I seem to clench my muscles everywhere though and I think that hurts my neck. I can't offer much on the TE process since did not have that with this process. I had that when I was still trying standard implant approach. This time I too woke up with small implant they used under flap transfer and the symmetry is pretty good, but still too early to really tell how it will shape up. YES, I have the bulge too, it's like a little bread loaf but they say it will lessen when tightness relaxes a bit. 

    Also, anyone using a treatment like Embrace, a product the is a scar treatment that addresses adjusting the tension load? I agree this is challenging, more painful than expected. I am hanging in there as we all are. More after my visit tomorrow. 

  • sandj
    sandj Member Posts: 14

    Has anyone done physical therapy after this surgery or would you recommend it? My surgery is scheduled for 6/4

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Busymama, hope you're doing well, after that infection you had.   Hope you aren't too itchy!

    Susie, glad you finally found a PS you love!

    Keryl, congrats on your lat flap surgery being behind you and now the recovery phase!  Don't like the sound of your back pain though.

    Xinghong, I love that you're starting to feel normal again!

  • 3DX1013
    3DX1013 Member Posts: 6

    Hi Keryl and others, Thanks for your comments. Hope things get better each day. I have to be more patient I think with the tightness and bulge. I think I have something called a "dogear" I heard others talk about on the end of my scar. Not attractive. Does anyone know how PS takes care of that or removes that? Thanks, Chris.

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Just popping ion here. Yes I did and am still doing PT for my LD surgery

    I have a fairly large dog ear. I am waiting on the PS nurse to call and schedule me to get it fixed. The PS is also going to do some Lipo in the armpit area/side boob and I have a buldge on the top of the implant near the armpit he will lipo. He is also going to do some fat grating to give me a little more upper pole fullness on the non radiated side. The radiated side did not drop like the non radiated side. Not looking forward to revisions, but this was a BIG surgery and a TON of pain to go through to not be happy.......

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    hi all, feeling like I regressed today with pain and stiffness. Lost some mobility but maybe I did too much? ...washed my hair in sink, etc.  As far as the change though,  I am telling myself that this is normal since the took my drains out Tuesday. Maybe it's a little swelling? Also in the evening my temp is 99.5 but normal every morning. Feeling paranoid. He wants me to start mild massage to keep it loose and avoid contracture, seems like an awful thought so I barely touched yet.  My lat flap looks great though. Healthy color, sutures fading and it feels relatively fine. It's really my backside incision is what is most dufficuly. Feels like it could split!!!

  • 3DX1013
    3DX1013 Member Posts: 6

    Hi Keryl, I kind of feel the same way. Today is one week since the surgery and feel more pain and more tightness. I still have my 2 drains. Seeing the PS tomorrow and praying he will take them out. They are very tender. Mine looks pretty good too except for 2 small areas. One with the little "dogear" I believe it's called, and one spot I'm a little worried about after pulling up the tape to inspect. It pulled up the skin and started bleeding slightly and coming away from the incision. I sure hope I didn't do anything bad to it. I've already gone out for a walk 3x. Felt good but my back gets SO tired. The headaches are lessening from the tightness in the neck. I hope we all continue to feel looser and do well with our recovery. Chris. 

    CLYDAY Member Posts: 40

    Hi all...I am one week post op and slowly getting around better each day. Did Latissimus flap just on RADS side with new tissue expander placed.  Stayed 2 nights in the hospital due to muscle spasms being so painful. Went home with 2 drains (which suck!). They come out Tuesday. I am absolutely amazed at the incision on my back!It was smaller than he anticipated and follows directly across my bra line! Slowly weaning off pain meds. Worst part right now is trying to get comfortable sleeping and sitting. Between the drains and back pain its difficult! Just have tons of soft comfy pillows. So relieved it's over and so far I am happy I chose this route! The pain is different from double mastectomy but any kick ass lady can do it!!  Hope everyone is doing well.....cherri

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    Chris, yes I definitely have new pain cropping up but I think there are different stages of healing. I am the worst of doing too much too fast and even this time think I bring some of it on by pushing it. Don't worry too much about taking a peak. I took bandage off my drain site and it started bleeding a bit and I freaked out. My poor husband standing there. I am careful to take antibiotics on time etc. I wish they would give me another round to be sure. Tangles, My loaf size bulge on my back is unsightly but based on what I've been through with several failed implants and this radiated tissue I am thrilled to have something that actually looks like it's going to work even if it has imperfections.  I didn't know lipo was option there- going to ask though I could not even think of one more invasion right now. I wish I had done the latt dorsi earlier and stopped trying to repair the bad side. I have been walking and it doesn't hurt when I walk but my back and shoulder really are stiff, tight and painful. On fire! Clyday, good you can wean off meds. I am no where near doing that. I did howver find if I spilt the pain med in half and supplemented a little Advil I could make pain subside but be less drowsy. Have less narcotics in system. My double M was four years ago so fuzzy as to how these compare but pretty sure this is pretty major. Yes pillows good, also soft blankies that you can squish and tuck for a bit of reinforcement when pillow too much. I only have my left done since my other side taken, but not radiated. Have a nice weekend,  fellow warriors!

  • Xinghong
    Xinghong Member Posts: 84

    Hi ladies!

    Glad to see everyone is doing well and recovery fast. I am almost 4 weeks post-op and I am going back to work on Monday! Can't believe I am recovering so fast after the 3rd week, feeling different everyday. I am still feeling tight on the chest and the back in the morning, but during the day sometimes I even forgot I have the TE in my chest. Happy I do stretch and massage the scars several times everyday. I found that stretch in the bed when I just wake up is really helpful. I have no problem to lift my arms  over my shoulder. I also walk one hour everyday and think the beautiful weather really helps with the healing. I still wake up a couple of times during the night for reposition, but the sleep is not that bad. I feel so lucky that I recovered so well after this major surgery and hope everyone heal fast and do great!

  • Lucy20
    Lucy20 Member Posts: 7

    Hi ladies!

    Ok, April 2nd was the big LD surgery then May 12th I had an out patient sugery to correct the left t TE....ugh.   Now, trying to get back to normal but PS expanded me so much during the May 12th surgery I feel like I have DD size breasts and I only want to be a small B...does the permanent implant seem smaller than the tissue TE is a 400cc and I still have 3 more appts for scared I will be bigger than I want to be...any advise?

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    WHen I had TE I was filled to 550 and went 550 implant and thought I looked huge with the TE. After the implants were put in I was a bit disappointed in the size. I wanted to be a small C and in my opinion I looked like a average B cup. That is just my experience. With this LD surgery I told the PS I wanted to be s bit larger then I was. He said Ok and put in a 440 implant. When I woke up and found this out I was not happy. My hubby said it was because of the muscle so I thought Ok maybe with the muscle being added I would be happy. Well not so much. I am not large at all. Still for me I think I look like a B cup! UGH oh well. Im going in for revision surgery July 2nd Not swapping out the implants, after this surgery I don't want anything that invasive. Im just having a large dog ear removed, some fat grafting as the one implant has dropped and the radiated side did not so we are going to try and give me some more upper pole fullness to even things out. Also some Lipo under the armpit area that has so much buldge.

  • Lucy20
    Lucy20 Member Posts: 7

    Thanks Tangles.   That really helps...good luck with your next surgery.  One more insurance helping out with the extra surgery you are going to have?

    Thanks again!