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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Debe - In my case the answer is yes and yes. I had lat flap surgery a little less than a year ago and today do cardio (elliptical, mild running, Zumba) with no problems. I also weight lift, but I don't consider myself "hard core". Only adjustments I've had to make is avoiding lifting that fully engages my pec muscle; not because I have limited strength with these muscles, but because it feels weird and I really don't want my implants Sitting under a firm pec muscle

    Like 2Tabbies I've had zero problems with this surgery and am very pleased with my final outcome.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Debe, ditto to what Raelan said. I've had no loss of strength or range of motion. I don't do major weight lifting, but I do some strength training. I've seen no difference. Like Raelan, I've been avoiding a lot of pec work for the same reason - it feels weird, and I don't want really tight pecs over the implants

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    2T and Debe, it's encouraging to read your posts. I am 4 months post LD (with small implants, not TEs) and still feel discomfort, - especially when trying to take off some items of clothing over my head !

    My ps did not think pt was necessary, just to do my own stretching by walking my fingers up a wall and pushing it a bit further each time. My rom has surely improved, - but not completely. Did you take you this long??

    I, too, dislike the feeling of the tightening pec muscle, which happens even when I get cold! It also feels weird to rub when washing or putting lotion on!

    I am due for fg, but putting it off for now. I want to feel better before more procedures!.

    Thank you for posting good updates!!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    anotherNYCG, I'd ask for a referral for PT if I were you. Maybe you'll regain your range of motion without it, but they can surely speed it up. I didn't have nearly the trouble you're having. I never had any significant impact on my range of motion other than tightness from incisions. The usual stuff you'd expect while healing. I think I was pretty lucky in that regard for some reason, but still it seems like you should be feeling better by now. I don't know why these surgeons seem reluctant to refer you for PT. If your PS won't, maybe your PCP will. Good luck.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Checking back in with everyone...

    Tabbies - I left all decisions to my PS and he went with rounds. I like how I look now a lot. I'll post pics once I get the tattoos. I had the fat grafting yesterday and it is no big deal. The bandages are still on but of course I've peeked. They look very natural in a perky and youthful sort of way. Now how to fix the rest of my aging drooping body.... LOL! I'm asked to stay quiet for the weekend and then gradually get back to my exercise routine.

    Ladies considering LD flaps. I had the surgery a year ago and I am doing great. My advice is to go with a PS who does this all the time. Not all produce good results. Also, PT made a huge difference difference. My elastic band sensation is barely noticeable, my strength isn't impacted, my ROM is perfect and I have 0 discomfort. I am extremely happy with the aesthetics. You will see here, however, that some of us are not happy with the results and have experienced disruptive and concerning outcomes.

    Wishing everyone well.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, you're lucky. I wish I could say I'm thrilled with my outcome. I honestly think a lot of women would be so maybe I'm just being contrary, or it's my depression talking. Are you on the picture forum? If so, would you look at my photos and tell me what you think? If I recall, your flap was small enough to be covered by the areola eventually, right? That's part of the reason for my discontent, but there's nothing I can do about that. I'm considering a tattoo to cover it. I never, ever thought I'd consider a tattoo. All that aside, I'm not sorry I did it. I look 1000 times better than I did before - concave with an empty pocket of skin on the "good" side. And I've had no problems with recovery. The surgeon's assistant just called, and we scheduled my next procedure for January 14. Supposed to be building nipples and getting rid of some excess fat left behind on the non-cancer side after the mastectomy. I asked her about doing a little lift. She said she'd talk to him Monday and get back to me.

    In the meantime, just to keep life interesting, I tripped last night at midnight an cracked my head on a big ceramic plant pot. I spent several hours in the ER and now have 4 stitches in my forehead. Another scar for my collection!

    I hope everyone else is having a good weekend, and that those of you recovering from surgery, etc. are feeling better.

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    My scars all look AMAZING! That is the ONLY thing I am happy about with this procedure!!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, my scars are still red from my surgery at the end of June. They aren't tender at all, but they're still red.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, I have some of those little blood vessels too.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, I don't blame you for being paranoid aftet all the complications you've had. In fact, I wouldn't call it paranoia.

    I don't mind at all if you pray for me. I appreciate it. I'll do the same for you. I hope your back pain settles down. Isn't it fun when the medical professionals can't agree? Bawling

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, as the old joke says, that's why they call it "practicing" medicine.

  • Tapanga
    Tapanga Member Posts: 17

    27heart: Drains. Despite the infection and pain, they were probably the worst thing for me. But saying that, they didn't hurt, just got a little irritating and annoying carrying them around and having to be careful on that side (I just had my right breast removed). My husband took care of cleaning them each day. The worst part was getting it out. I know other people didn't think anything of it, but it hurt me!!! And then the second time I had to get it removed (I had another placed when I got the TE removed due to infection), I was really dreading getting it out, and unfortunately for me and the doctor, they missed the stitch that was holding it in place so it didn't move despite her pulling on it. "What do you mean it isn't out?!" Now in the end it was sore for about 30 minutes, so not the end of the world. I'm having surgery again in November and on one hand it is nice to know what to expect from the drains and their care, on the other hand I'm not looking forward to having them again or getting them removed haha!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Tapanga, that was sure rude of that doc to miss a stitch holding in the drain! Owie! I had only some minor twinges when mine were removed. With some of them, I didn't feel anything.

    Jo, I hope your exercises and rest do the the trick with time. That's the kicker, isn't it. Everything takes so long. I forgot to mention when we were talking about the redness of the scars that I also have an area around a smalls section of one scar that has gotten red. It hasn't gotten and bigger and has been there for a while. I guess I forgot to ask the PS about it last month. I see him again on Friday and will ask him, but I'm not concerned. It's not warm or painful. So, you aren't the only one with these spots, but I understand your worries given your history.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    With good reason, Jo, with good reason! But it doesn't sound serious. It might be where a stitch caused irritation as you said.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, I didn't know we weren't supposed to post photos of breasts and know I've seen some! So I wouldn't worry about what you've posted. I'm not sure I can help with your questions. Your incision is pretty red. My first thought was inflammation. If your PS has seen it and is not concerned, I guess I wouldn't be unless it gets worse. I just looked at mine. It's not as dark red as yours but otherwise similar. Don't know if that helps.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Jo, - My incision marks are only slightly lighter than yours, - and my procedure was a month earlier. My ps doesnt seem concerned either...

    (i dont know how to post photos or I would show to you)

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, my redness is a bit on either side of the scar like yours. I guess it just take some time for the skin deal with the inflammation. For me, my scars always retain some pinkness, but the skin on either side should eventually go back to normal color. I don't know if the anti-inflammatory you take arthritis would help in this type of healing.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Jo - It's hard to photograph scars clearly but I would not call that red and inflamed. Mederma and BioOil helps fade scars.

    Tabbies - I have such a hard time maneuvering on the photo site. As soon as I have a chunk of time I'll try to get over there to see, I'll have pics of myself as soon as I'm all done.

    Fat grafting is a very easy surgery for anyone considering it. It smoothed out my implants a bit and the symmetry is pretty good. I'm not 100% happy but I am thinking that after the tattoos I am done.

    I hope everyone is well.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, thanks. I'll be interested in seeing your photos if you get them posted. The picture site isn't the easiest and most intuitive forum. I had a long talk with my PS Friday. He said he was my "plastic surgery slave" and would do whatever I wanted. I do love his attitude. Plastic surgery slave! Cracked me up. I said I thought I needed a lift, but he said there isn't enough loose skin in my right foob to take the tuck he would need to take to do a lift. He also said that the positioning and shape I have is close to what a study of both women and men said was ideal aesthetically. Who knew they studied this stuff? He said he'd show my photos at a PS conference with pride. (Only the foob part, I'm sure. I gagged at how my belly looked in the photos he took. Got to lose the last 10 lbs of the weight I gained during chemo and rads.) If I want, he's willing to switch out the implants for rounds and try some fat grafting to deal with the "step off" even though both he and his assistant thought I wouldn't like rounds because of that step off in the upper pole. In their experience, most of their patients didn't like them. He said I could go back to anatomicals if I didn't like the rounds. I don't know if I want to do that. It's a lot of surgery. I'm hoping that getting my depression under control will help me to feel better about my foobs as well. On days when I'm not depressed, I don't feel like crying when I look in the mirror. I might not be thrilled, but I don't feel like crying.For now we've settled on doing some fat grafting in the upper pole of lefty (the LD flap side), and some liposuction in the upper pole of righty where more fat was left after the mastectomy. That should even out some of the asymmetry that bothers me. It will also change the profile a little hopefully for the better. We'll also build nipples. He swears that makes a huge difference in the look. We can do more later if I'm still unhappy. He encouraged me to "continue my research." As I said, I really like him. He does not have a big ego and takes none of this personally. When I'm talking to him, I get the impression that it's all about me.

    JO, my PS said that it doesn't matter what product you use on your scars as long as it moisturizes the skin. That's the key to healing. I've been using organic coconut oil. It comes in a jar. I put it on at night then put on an old t-shirt because it's messy. During the day, I just use Cetaphil cream. I don't know if either is helping fade the scars, but I have the softest fake boobs in town. I wish the skin on my face looked as good. In fact, I think I'll start using the coconut oil on my face. It smells like a coconut macaroon. Yum!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, good for you! I had an older friend who once told a doc, "Sit down, young man!" when he was on his way out of the room before she was done with her questions. My PS spent a lot of time with me the other day, and that's not the first time he's done that. I think the radiation damage to our chest is why the coconut oil doesn't doe as much good there. I didn't know it damages the muscle and everything.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, I wouldn't have dared refuse the boosts. I assume there's a good reason they do them. I hope they're researching better was to kill cancer cells though.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Many here have donated . Thank you !........Wandering around and cheerleading again :)

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  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    Jo-5, Tabbies, NYCgirl et al, I haven't seen any new posts in ages! Wondering how you are all doing!!! Sending hugs and healing thoughts to all the women on here--those who post and those who don't. Honeybadger

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Hi Honey, - Thanks for thinking of us! Hope you are doing well!

    Hi 2T, WW, and every one else, too!

    Jo, - I will send PM.

    Hugs from NYC!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Hi, everyone. I haven't had anything new to post. I'm just waiting for my January surgery date. In the meantime, it seems like all I do is work and go to medical appointments. Still depressed, but the higher dose of Effexor has helped some.

    Jo, I've been wondering how you were doing. Sorry to hear about your colon. You are NOT a wimp. With all you've been through, it's no wonder you're worn out. I'm tired, and I haven't been through nearly what you have.

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    Thanks Jo for responding. No, I'm not sorry I asked. I can't understand why you are having such a tough time. Life can be so unfair. 2 Tabbies, so sorry you are depressed. I know many of us can relate. NYC girl, thanks for the hugs. I had a CATscan, for the third time, checking nodules in my lungs. Which may or may not have been caused by radiation. No, I never smoked. Im a personal trainer who's always had a healthy lifestyle..Until breast cancer I was one of the healthiest people I know. Very humbling. So sick of seeing Drs. I miss the way I used to feel about myself. I know it's a new normal. Feels more like a new abnormal. Can I ever face the lat flap? Well, I won't do it unless/until my lung situation is resolved. Uggh. Sorry for the rant.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    2T and Honey and Jo, yes, this is a new normal, but I guess we are not yet adjusted to it?

    There are too many dr appts, discomforts, and changes in appearance, but I am sure we will get there.

    I am one of the few whose hair came back very thin and whispy, so that is another thing that bugs me. I just ordered a top hair piece because I cant always wear my baseball cap! I hope it will look ok.

    I am meeting with a PT place next week because my shoulder and arm are sore on lat flap side. (Honey, - it's not so bad, I am just trying to see if PT may help.) All in all, I look back and am grateful for getting through so much, and of course I am lucky to have gotten this far.

    Gorgeous leaves on the trees and beautiful weather here in NY! It is a big help to my attitude!

    Let's keep getting stronger and better!!

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    PS. - Honey, - the lung nodules can be from any cold or cough that you've had recently!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Honeybadger, I've always had healthy habits too - regular exercise, healthy diet, never smoked, very moderate alcohol consumption - and I've had 3 cancers. No good deed (or habit) goes unpunished. FWIW, the lat flap wasn't that bad. The only part that really bugs me is the scars and the flap of back skin not matching my radiation burned chest.

    AnotherNYC, I'm afraid I agree with Honeybadger. This is a new abnormal. But I'm stuck with it. We've had some pretty leaves too, but not as nice as you in the northeast. I grew up in upstate NY, and miss the beautiful fall. It's nice here, but no comparison.

  • Honeybadger
    Honeybadger Member Posts: 51

    Thank you NYCGirl & 2Tabbies, your positive words and encouragement really help. I am so sorry that you can relate all too well. Gosh, Tabbies, nobody needs that much punishment for their good deeds/habbits! A friend asked if I was just going to chuck exercising and eating a healthy diet because she felt like, "What's the point? You got cancer twice anyway." I still believe that maybe my cancer would have been worse. We know good habits help. In life there is just no guarantee. Agreed with NYCG, LET'S KEEP GETTING STRONGER AND BETTER!