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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • mira845
    mira845 Member Posts: 23

    I'm sorry for all your pain Jo-5!!

    I have swelling under my arm more towards my boob than my back. It seems to get better then swell up again, back and forth for weeks now. I wonder if it will ever go down completely or I will just get used to it. It's been about 10-11 weeks.

    The PS used my back muscle to fill in the giant lump taken out of the top of my breast above my nipple. It's kind of weird because he used a piece of my back skin too to fill in the hole. I have this patch of skin on my breast that doesn't really match and is attached to muscle so it flexes sometimes when I move a certain way.

    And now starting radiation, I don't know what that's going to do to the whole thing!

    It really is franken-boob-ish!

  • Jodi040812
    Jodi040812 Member Posts: 15

    Jo- I also received the chip bag! I wear it at home and it does help. And odd thing to look at, and I don't know how it works, but it does! I also have a machine thing that I wear a suit with tubes. The machine performs the LE massage automatically with a timer in the proper order. It puts me to sleep it is so relaxing. I have not used it post op, but I should. My insurance covered the cost. You might want to ask your PT about it. Maybe you could get a RX for it!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    mira, that flap of skin is pretty common wwith the LD flap procedure unless they can keep it all enough to be covered by a rebuilt aureola. I've got a football shaped patch. It doesn't match the surrounding skin either because that skin was darkened by radiation. Yup, Frankenboob.

    Jo, could the swelling on you back and under your arm be a seroma rather than lymphedema? Seromas on the back in particular are pretty common after an LD flap.

    I'm beginning to think I need an LE pump fot my stupid leg. It's getting worse and worse.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, I what did you learn from your PS about the graft? Regarding the loaf and the fluid on your back, if they can't fix it treating it as lymphedema, one would think they'd reconsider the diagnosis.

  • sam2u
    sam2u Member Posts: 43

    Jo you don't seem to be able to catch a break---gentle hugs to you!!

    I know my situation is very different, it was on my leg but it was a wound that took forever to heal. The MO tried the cleaning and silver cream route(that is similar to silver nitrate), nothing seemed to help it close-it was a 1/2" x 3/4" hole in my leg. Eventually he went real old school, we treated with a diluted distilled white vinegar and that was it.

    Hope you heal soon.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, I'm so sorry you're still having such a hard time. There seems to be some disagreement about silver nitrate as you probably found when you researched it. When I was getting radiation, I had a blister under my arm. My RO was out, and the guy who was covering for her put silver nitrate on it. The next week when I saw my regular RO, she said she didn't use it. The blister did heal. It seems like you should be seeing a wound care specialist. Have you thought about getting a second opinion from a different PS? I think I'd do that before having another surgery. It's just not fair you've had to deal with so much.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Jo, I'm with you on calling your other surgeon. You don't need to be a PS to know about surgical complications. If you had to, could you go outside your area for another opinion?

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Jo, - I did have a skin graft along with the lat, and am also a slow healer. My graft is not yet 100% healed even after almost 4 months. I have not used any moisturizer or lotions.

    If I were you, I would see a wound care specialist. Make sure to select one that has stellar references.

    Enough is enough with your PS!

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Just wanted to let you all know I have now got confirmed that my PS cut my long thoracic nerve when I had surgery. This explains my major pain and ROM problems over the past 18 months. I will now go see a specialist at the Mayo Clinic to see if it can be repaired or if it is permanent. It is VERY RARE but please keep in mind this can happen and it did to me so address this with your Doctor when asking questions before you have this surgery.......

  • sam2u
    sam2u Member Posts: 43

    Oh Tangles, I am sorry that the nerve was cut. I know this has been a long journey for you and this has really caused havoc in your life. Hopefully the Mayo Clinic can provide some help---(((hugs)))

  • BigSister-2015
    BigSister-2015 Member Posts: 298

    Jo-5, you mentioned that you have a good relationship with your original breast surgeon. I would make an appointment with him. I was having trouble with my PS--not nearly as bad as you have--and finally made an appointment with my original surgeon to get his opinion on what was happening.

    It was the best thing I could have done! He set me up with another PS that is not too far away who has a whole different way of working, and I couldn't be happier. Of course, I am still looking at reconstruction. Since you are not planning on reconstruction and just want a surgical wound to heal, any surgeon should be able to help you, and he would know if a wound specialist would be the best consult for you.

    I think you need to be done with your PS. After all, their focus is often on reconstruction. They can't see much beyond that, sad to say. And you have been patient long enough.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    jo, I agree with BigSister.

  • cagomea
    cagomea Member Posts: 1

    i am a plus size woman. 5'10" , 250 pounds pretty solid. i wanted to know if any other plus size women had ld flap with implant and are happy with the outcome. im really worried i'll be flat. i really dont want to be an A cup. did anyone have fat grafting after or was it just fine with only the implant? i will be getting my exchange next month. its been a yr since the LD was done

  • ahdjdbcjdjdbkf
    ahdjdbcjdjdbkf Member Posts: 188

    I'm grateful the VLNT surgery and my yoga practice both seem to be positively affecting my condition. I'm thrilled as can be to be doing such a challenging yoga practice after latissimus-dorsi reconstruction just 6 months ago.

  • BigSister-2015
    BigSister-2015 Member Posts: 298

    Cagomea, talk about this with your plastic surgeon. I trust that your PS put in expanders which he has been filling during this past year. They would usually over fill a bit so that you will be just slightly smaller right now when you get your exchange. If you are not happy with the size you are now, tell him.

    Does that help?

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    How is everyone? I hope well.

    I'm having fat grafting next Friday to smooth out the upper pole. I'm looking forward to being done with this. Last thing will be the tattoos in January.

    I'm 10 mos. from my LD and really feel fine. I rarely think about the tight band sensation. Some of it may be recovery and some may be that I've adapted to it.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, it's good to hear from you. I'm glad you're doing well. Do you have a tight band feeling all the way around your chest? For me, it feels like somebody is squeezing my boobs. Not to the point of pain. Just tightness. I assume it's the muscles contracting over the implants. I have no tightness in my back except on the LD scar. I'm hoping to work that out with time.

    I'll be scheduling my next procedure as soon as the insurance ok comes through. It will just be some tweaks and building nipples. Unless I ask him to try different implants. To be honest, I'm not thrilled with my results despite the fact that my PS says they're fabulous. I was hoping the shape would be more like my originals. Did you get shaped implants or round? I went with "anatomically" shaped because that's what tbe PS said would look more natural. I don't know whose anatomy they based these on, but it wasn't mine. To me, they look droopy, and I was never droopy. I also found out he can't put the nipple in the center of my "good"side because the scar goes right across there. Not his fault. That's where the breast surgeon put it. My question is, why on earth did he do that? Off center nipples. Lovely.When I think rationally, I realize these are small concerns. Unfortunately, that news hasn't reached whatever part of my brain produces my emotions. The PS says to give it time. Not sure how long I can stand feeling this way. Sorry for the negative post. Others have it much worse, I know.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    jo, thank you for being so kind about my complaining of my relatively minor problems. To be honest, I don't think I am completely sane. When I lose estrogen I get horrible, uncontrollable mood swings. It happened 12 years ago when I lost my ovaries to cancer. It was solved then with an estrogen patc. Since the bc fianosis, that's no longer an option. Tamoxifen has made it worse. Antidepressants and anti-seizure drugs help some, but I still feel like crying or putting my fist (or my head) through the wall much of the time. My meds are being adjusted. Maybe that will help.

    I'm glad your PS finally admits that at least part of your problem is a seroma. I hope and pray the antibiotics clear up the inflammation. I wish you didn't have to think about a possible recurrence of the angiosarcoma. Many prayers that it never happens.

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    Hi Ladies - I haven't posted in a long time, but I saw that some are having issues with tissue healing. I had an open wound after my reconstruction for weeks - I had to pack it myself multiple times per day. At some point, my PS suggested a powder drink called Juven. I ordered it and saw a lot of improvement. If you go on Amazon, it's meant for body builders, but as you read reviews, most people use it for wound care. Maybe check with your doc and see if he's comfortable with you trying it. It stimulates tissue growth/repair. Good luck

  • 27heart
    27heart Member Posts: 83

    I am most probably opting for ld in my bmx coming in Jan 16. Could anyone please share more about the drains? The idea of having tubes in me makes me really squirmy. I'm also seeing my PS, and the next appointment will be on the actual implants to we'll be going for. I thought teardrop shaped implants would be good, but I've read some pretty discouraging reviews on them. Would anyone like to share their experience with me please? Thanks!

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Tabbies I agree I am NOT a fan of the shaped implants. My PS said they look more "natural" I disagree they are droopy. Mine have to be fixed again anyway so next shot I am going round no matter what!!!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    tangles, I think my implants would be ok if they were higher. I'm going to ask my PS if he can give me a lift. They do that on real boobs, don't they? Surely, they can do it on foobs.

    27heart, welcome to the club none of us wanted to join! Don't worry too much about the drains. They are inconvenient, and we all hate them, but they aren't horrible. Do you have someone who can empty them for you if they make you squeamish? It's simple to do it yourself, but if it creeps you out, you might want to have a helper do it. You have to keep track of the amount of drainage so the doc knows when it's ok to remove the drains. Your skin can get a bit irritated around the drain, but other then that, I didn't find them uncomfortable. If more information would help ease your mind, this web site looks pretty good. If it's going to make you more worried,skip it. Regarding the shaped (teardrop) implants versus rounds, I think it all depends on the look you want, the shape of your body, and your surgeon's skills. You might have read above that I'm not thrilled with how my shaped implants look. But I don't think it's because they're shaped versus round. Some of the photos of what you can get with round implants are definitely not what I want. Others look great. My PS likes the shaped ones because he thinks they look more natural. Mine look fairly natural, but are sitting kind of low in my opinion. Now, that's just my opinion. I asked an acquaintance in the locker room at the gym (yes, I really am that pathetic), and she said she thought the height and overall look was good. All I can say is discuss it with your PS. Make sure he/she knows what you want to look like. Ask to see photos of the results he/she has gotten with different styles of implant. You might also want to read the Breast Implant sizing 101 thread. It's a primer on implants. If you contact Whippetmom, who wrote that thread and is our local implant guru, she can give you suggestions. You'll need to give her some of your measurements. That information is in the thread.

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    27heart don't worry about the drains they are not horrible. I have had them 4 times. Not fun but you will get through it!

  • sam2u
    sam2u Member Posts: 43

    2T--Tamoxifen was unbearable for me. The anxiety, mood swings, depression, etc. It was AWFUL. My mo swore it wasn't the tamoxifen, but I quit taking it for 45 days, and it was like a slow awakening from a fog. I am now on the aromasin generic. The depression is still there, but the rest is much better. It may be worth a try.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Sam, I'm going to ask my MO about switching to an AI in November when I see him. I also just read that they're more effective than Tamoxifen for lobular bc which is what I have. That's more likely to sway him than my mood swings.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Hi All -

    I have not been on this thread for a while, but just read through a fairly large number of posts to catch up. I am a year and a half out from bmx & double LD surgeries, & almost a year out from exchange. It wasn't an easy road, that is for sure, but based on where I am at now, it was definitely worth it.

    For those just starting the journey, I wish you much luck & positive thoughts. It's difficult at times, but we are all so very strong. Just look at what we've had to deal with just to get to this point.

    For those that are dealing w/ new & ongoing challenges, you are in my prayers. This is such a new normal, & I am a firm believer that 'this to shall pass.' Maybe just not as quickly as we would like.

    One thing is certain, cancer sucks! But, I am grateful that I am hear to say it!

    Soft healing hugs to all...

  • Tapanga
    Tapanga Member Posts: 17

    I have my date for my Latissimus Dorsi reconstruction in about 7 weeks. My reconstruction at the time of the UMX became infected so everything came out and I did radiation while still flat on that side. I am willing to try reconstruction one more time. But here is my big question (which I will also ask my PS when I have an appointment with her in a few weeks): what happens if there is infection, complications, etc., is there an option to take everything out (knowing that I would still lose my back muscle) and go flat again? I am not worried about the surgery or even the immediate recovery time afterwards, but I think I'd feel better knowing that in the worse case scenario there is an "out".

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Tapanga this is a good question and I will look forward to answers....My LD surgery failed I have spoken with a PS about removing the one implant and replacing it and he says yes we can. As for the radiation side he says he would just leave it alone as the skin is so fragile. I am going to see a PS at the Mayo and going to ask him about the new brava method to see if maybe I could do that.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Tapanga, most of us here who have had the LD flap have gotten pretty good results without a lot of problems. My understanding is that it has a low failure rate. I'm only guessing here, but I would think that there is certainly the option to go flat again should the procedure fail. They'd just remove the implant. There isn't that much bulk to the lat muscle so I don't think it would provide much roundness without the implant. I know mine wouldn't, but that's something to ask your surgeon. But I think there is certainly an "out," as you put it, should things go wrong. I didn't want this procedure, but went with it as it was my only option. It's turned out ok. I look decent in clothes and even in a bathing suit. I have no pain. I don't notice any loss of strength. I can do everything I did before including swimming. Good luck! Let us know what your surgeon says. I'm curious.

  • Debe772
    Debe772 Member Posts: 1

    I am debating the lat flap surgery just over fear. It's necessary in order to fix the damage done to my tissue during my mastectomy. Right now my right breast does not hold the mesh tissue in place, therefore my implant sags considerably.. It is very uncomfortable, has shifted under my arm and is now a cup size bigger than my left.

    Anyway ,my question is for those who workout and lift weights. I am big about weight lifting and cardio training. I've heard that the lat flap surgery will take away most my strength and range of motion. I know that recovery will take a while, but long term, can I get back to weight training and cardio high intensity workouts?