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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    I'd rather be diagnosed with ringworm than cancer.

    And in case anyone is wondering - The healing time on most facial cosmetic surgeries is about a week. And no drains! Yes, I asked. And the price tag is a lot less than I guessed. He billed 40K for my LD and yet my nose and eyes for all bills combined is around 12k. I guess that is the difference between cash and insurance.

    And for anyone considering a tummy tuck...guess what? Drains!

    My new goal in life is to make it to the grave without ever having another drain hanging out of me.

    Also, for anyone concerned about skin discoloration, you can have it lasered or use the skin blending products such as Obagi. Anti-aging docs can advise. I was told my scars can be lasered but I doubt I'll bother.

  • Ruth7733
    Ruth7733 Member Posts: 35

    Drains, really? Ugh. Figures😕

    My ps recommends Obagi products for various skin issues. I never thought to ask him about it for this🤔. Something to file away for the future.

    Well less than 3 days to go for me. I'm ready for it to be done and to be on the other side of anesthesia. I'm a little frustrated at the hospital. They were suppose to call me today to verify but didn't. I've already called once to see what was up and was told they would definitely call today. This is the same hospital we went to earlier this year and we had a great experience. Hopefully it is just a miscommunication somewhere.

  • Ruth7733
    Ruth7733 Member Posts: 35

    Drains, really? Ugh. Figures😕

    My ps recommends Obagi products for various skin issues. I never thought to ask him about it for this🤔. Something to file away for the future.

    Well less than 3 days to go for me. I'm ready for it to be done and to be on the other side of anesthesia. I'm a little frustrated at the hospital. They were suppose to call me today to verify but didn't. I've already called once to see what was up and was told they would definitely call today. This is the same hospital we went to earlier this year and we had a great experience. Hopefully it is just a miscommunication somewhere.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Ruth, I hope you got that call.

    I'll have to look up Obagi. Nobody I asked had any suggestions for dealing with the radiation darkened skin other than live with it. Warrior, have you actually seen it work on somebody? I've tried so many things on my scars that I had been told worked, but none of them seem to. About the lasering, I'm assuming insurance doesn't pay for this to treat scars or skin discoloration. Or am I wrong? I'm seriously considering a tattoo to cover some of the mess even though I'm not a tattoo fan or haven't been until now. Insurance will cover it. But if insurance would pay for laser treatments , I definitely look into it. Sadly, $12k is beyond the level of my disposable income so I won't be getting a face lift. Right now, I'm spending that on a bathroom repair and remodel.

  • Oh goodness the flu! It's so horrible. Even now after 6 years if I get to cough a few times my foobs hurt, then all my ribs start hurting like I broke some.

    I will tell you all a piece of advice I got from an ER doctor - who I managed to know quite well during about 4 years after the first surgery, just because I had to go to the ER quite a few times.

    Anyway, back in 2010, I dutifully had the flu shot in September. Then in December I promptly got the flu, which landed me in the hospital mainly because of horribly painful cough. Of course they did the swab and I had type A, the most common, and definitely covered by the flu shot of that year.

    After getting treated, and especially after an OMG YES PLEASE breathing treatment, the nice ER doctor told me that from his several decades of experience, he advises me to get TWO flu shots every year for five years, one around end of September/beginning of October and another one in January, because he had noticed that in people who had chemo the flu shot doesn't cover the normal six months but about 3 months only. So I paid the $30 out of pocket every year - as the insurance only covers one flu shot a year - and I didn't get the flu anymore. I know that the flu shots don't cover all the strains, but you might give it a thought. It's not a huge amount and it saves a lot of pain and discomfort.

  • Ruth7733
    Ruth7733 Member Posts: 35

    Viruses are nasty and I seem to catch every one I come near since the great adventure with chemo. If my son comes home sneezing, a few days later I've got the flu. He tells me his throat is scratchy, I get strep. I once dealt with a deli worker who was coughing, it took me 6 months to get completely over the pneumonia I ended up with 😡

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    seachain, that's interesting about getting a second flu shot, but it makes sense. My immune system is also impaired from the lymphoma that I have so maybe a booster will be in order. What I had this time wasn't actually the flu according to my doctor. Some other virus. It's really going around here. Amazingly, I don't seem to get sick any more often than most people. Must be my clean living. Happy

    Ruth, that deli worker should slathered in dijon mustard and ridden out of town on a rail.

  • 2Tabbies, it worked, and I never got the flu again, or even a cold, for that matter. 2016 will be the first year I will try to get by without the "booster". But I am also faithfully taking 500 mg of Vit C daily. Also getting ready to make this week another batch of my homemade "citrus butter" - don't know how to call it otherwise as it's not just preserve and not jelly and not marmalade. I make it sugar free, just with some pectin added, and it really helps in winter. I've been on a "no sugar" diet for about 7 years now and on a low carb one for almost a year. And will keep it on. As it makes sense to me to avoid carbs - after all, the PET scan is based on the peculiarity of cancer cells to be sugar avid, so I'm thinking that if there's any of them lurking somewhere in my body, by not eating carbs I do not give them food and don't allow them to grow - and that keeps me motivated to not crave sugars and carbs better than anything.

  • Tapanga
    Tapanga Member Posts: 17

    2Tabbies - You were right (not that I doubted you)! There was a magnet to line up to the port then she just stuck in the needle! Got 60cc injeected. Didn't hurt at all, although I bled a little bit more than she expected when she took the needle out. I could feel pressure when the saline was going in, but no pain. I'm thankful that this tissue expander is on top of the pec muscle! Back looks good too, any fluid build up from when the drain was taken out a little early is pretty much gone. Cleared to wear sports bras (I have a few Genie bras and a couple Handful bras which I love, I need to buy another) and no restrictions. Just do what I can and keep stretching etc. to work on range of motion, etc. which means no more excuses at the gym. Only bummer is that with the PS schedule + her vacation, I have to wait until Jan 20 for my next fill. Today is exactly 4 weeks since my surgery.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Tapanga, congrats on your first fill! That is a bummer that there's such a long wait until the next one, but slow isn't always a bad thing. I think mine were 3-4 weeks apart. My PS took things slower than a lot of them do. I don't know if that's why I've had no complications, but it certainly can't have hurt. Since your TE is on top of the muscle, I'm guessing you won't have any muscle spasms from the stretching. I didn't either, but some women suffer with them.

    seachain, the citrus butter sounds interesting. I'll have to look up a recipe. I try to avoid sugar, but I'm not a purist. All cells use sugar in the form of glucose for energy. I suppose since cancer cells reproduce rapidly, they might use more than normal cells. In any case, there are a whole host of other reasons for avoiding sugar in the diet. I just wish I could convince my husband of that. He's a real sweetie.Winking He craves it like you said you do. Sugar and white bread. Sigh.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    The scoop on Obagi - It's a line of anti aging cosmetics along with others such as Skinmedics. I have used the stuff on my face for years and it gives my skin a bright glow with an even tone. At 54 I have no red or brown spots at all on my face, neck or chest. Will it work to even skin tones on boobs? I don't know but I would think it would work the same on any skin. A friend had a lot of sun damage and all of her brown spots are gone from the Obagi. I'm thinking the clear and the blender and maybe the exfoliate. I really doubt insurance will pay. However, if you have a medical savings plan at work to pay with pretax dollars that will save quite a bit. I'm just guessing at this. A dermatologist or anti-aging doc could advise. If you get something prescribed insurance may pay. I'm betting that lasers would be no more expensive than a tattoo.

    Tapanga - Glad you're hanging in there. I was reminded many times that this isn't a race. Most of the time it felt like a marathon.

    Ruth - By the time you see this you will hopefully be doing well.

  • Ruth7733
    Ruth7733 Member Posts: 35

    Thanks WW, I am doing ok. The surgery took 3 hours and I did end up with 2 drains. The back drain isn't putting out a lot. But the front drain is filling up fast over & over.

    PS told my husband that he scraped a ton of scar tissue out and that he expects I will be doubly sore because of it. He also thinks that I will stay in the hospital 3 days.

    I'm laying in a hospital bed at midnight, feeling wore out but cannot sleep 😔. I wonder if ps wouprescribe me a sleeping pill if I ask.

    Oh when I look at the bandage and my chest area, it seems like it sits way over to the left (close to armpit) 😕. I hope this is not the final resting place.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, thanks for the info on the Obaji. I can ask about it. I haven't bothered getting a medical savings account in a number of years because the tax benefit I got wasn't enough to make it worth it. It also pisses me off that what you don't use vanishes into the ozone. Who thought that was a good idea?? In any case, our open season for changing health benefits was in October. I'd have to wait until next October to get one now. Insurance will pay for the tattoo because it's done for mastectomy scar coverage. You'd think they'd pay for lasers as an alternative.

    Ruth, I'm glad to hear you came through surgery ok! I think you should ask the nurse for a sleeping pill. Your PS might have written an order for one. If not, the can call him. I did that many times when I was a nurse. It's not good for you to lay there awake.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    I wonder what will happen if I submit Vinnie's tattoo bill to my insurance.

    Tabbies - Your insurance will cover the tattoo but have you asked about lasers?

    Ruth - I remember nothing from the hospital. I'm glad you're managing.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Warrior, I haven't asked about lasers. I'll look into it. I would think nipple tattooing is covered. I'm sure it is if I have it done at the PS's office, and the tattoo artist I talked to says she bills insurance.

  • Ruth7733
    Ruth7733 Member Posts: 35

    WOW, I'm sore!

    PS came by and took off my bandages. He was pretty impressed by his handiwork LOL. He said it looked great & that if we can manage the pain and get me walking a bit, then I can probably go home tomorrow.

    After pain meds, my level drops to about a 3 but the minute I get up (just to go to the restroom), the pain goes back up to a 5-6. Getting back in bed is a bit of a painful situation.

    I took some pictures and will try to put them on the picture site soon. Unfortunately I'm having an issue with my phone so I probably won't be able to put them up until I ghome.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Glad to hear you're doing ok, Ruth. I hope you can get the pain under control. That's why I find it so confusing that nothing was ordered round the clock. I was in the hospital 2 nights for my LD flap. I had a morphine pump. I think that was discontinued after about 24 hours, but the nurses were on the ball with asking me if I needed pain meds.

  • Tapanga
    Tapanga Member Posts: 17

    Ruth- glad you are hanging in there. My drains did the exact opposite - my front one was minimal output, and the back was a lot. I also was more sore being upright for the first little while as gravity did its thing. had me taking my pain meds on schedule so although I remember aspects of my hospital stay, I did do a lot of sleeping on and off regardless of what time it was and what was going on. Keep on resting and take one day at a time, it sounds like you're doing great so far!

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Ruth, - I hope that the pain is easing up!! Like 2T, I had the pump for 24 hours, then it got more manageable.

    2T, - How are you feeling? Virus gone yet?? I hope so!

    To those of you who had nipples done, - was it with a skin graft from the groin?? Yikes!! I saw my PS yesterday, and that is how he does it. He takes skin from where panty line on leg is. That seems VERY uncomfortable! Sad He wants to fat graft above the implant (it is much needed) and asks if I want to do nipples at same time, or wait for the second round of fat graft. I asked about just a tattoo, but he believes that this would look better, and that tattoos need repeated applications. He is amazing and I love and trust him, - I am not looking for more pain though!

    WW, - I kiddingly asked if he could also get rid of my wrinkles and make my hair grow, - he said that he could use some of the fat that he harvests for my face wrinkles!! I thought of your upcoming procedure, - I just may have him do it! I will research facial fat grafting and decide! Winking

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi ladies, to those who know me. Hope all are doing well, I wish all good holidays and a healthy and happy New Year. 2Tabbies and Warrior Woman: I am having under the armpit problems like crazy. Have not ready all through the threads but am seeing a completely new PS on Monday because of uncomfortabless, pain and of course scar tissue problems. Also boob feels like it is always digging in with bras.

    On Dec. 14 it was one year since I had to be retacked bc the pocked opened. My PS said he would take it out for three months and leave skin hanging if I felt different, but I am going to a completely new person who can possibly take care of mysterious boob and ailments. Just wanted to say hello.


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    anotherNYCG, I'm better than I was. I was able to drag myself to work this week. Still tired, and my eustacian tubes are very congested. I can't hear well at all. It will be a real relief when they open up. I haven't had nipples done yet. That will happen in about a month. But my PS doesn't use skin grafting. He does the "slice and wrap" (my term for it) method where he makes an X cut then wraps the flaps of skin around each other.

    Ronna, it's great to hear from you! I've been wondering how you were doing. I'm sorry to hear that you are still having problems. I hope the new PS is able to give you some relief.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi all, well this morning I went to a new PS a group that is well trained in all the new microsurgical tecniques. He was trained under the Robert Allen everyone on the other sites speak of in SC. Anyway, I spent an hour with him, he examined me, after telling me I am not a candidate for a diep due to not enough fat in belly (my right side already with fatgrafting and appending) could not achieve this. He did say I am not alone in complaining about the loaf under the arm. Many of his patients complain about it. They do not do trams.

    He thoroughly explained that the "foreign" object in the body is my problem and the capsular forms around the implant but happens to bother me as well. We spoke about the mesh cadaver leaving implant but scar tissue could still develop. He agreed with the my PS who said take it out for awhile and see what happens. I can't I told him I could not wait to get to his group because perhaps I wanted something out of the box and they are so skillfull in their work. I appreciated his honesty but back to square 1. He looked out my "resume" of surgeries and agreed it was not fair to me that I landed up with this situation. He did say he would talk to his partners and discuss my situation and also call my present PS, they all know each other up here.

    Just as an update.

    Hugs, Ronna

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    NYCG - You're not the first to ask your PS about fat injections in the face. He said he doesn't do it while the patient is asleep because the face is too relaxed to determine the end result and it can look unnatural. And so, it good old radiesse and juviderm for me. Got my lips done last week and they look very natural. I don't look like a fish. I guess we want to maximize any benefits we can gain from stupid cancer.

    RONNA! I'm so happy to see you but very sorry it is still a difficult time. I doubt this will help but I was told to massage and stretch my scars everyday to soften them and I also move all the skin around my implants and move them around the pocket to keep them from sticking. I also push the skin to try and prevent scar tissue from hardening. I was told there is no guarantee but this may help.

    I wish everyone a cancer free 2016!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi Warrior Woman: so great to see that you responded. Yes I do massage and massage and massage. Since my implant remained during LD as my 2nd opinion dr explained your body sounds like it is rejecting implant due to foreign part. I thank G-d for my therapist at JCC who is with me all the way.

    I had another appt with a microsurgical up to date dr who shares office space with my original PS, but they called at last minute to cancel until Jan. 6.

    What bothers me most is the loaf under the arm. 2nd opinion dr. said if you remove it you would still have a bump from the ld muscle and would no be completely flat. It is not vanity on my part, I give credit to those gals who do not reconstruct. Somehow I cannot go there after much thinking. I am blabbing away, so please forgive me. Thank you again, Ronna (from East Hanover, NJ). Have a Happy New Year.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    No, Ronna, it's not vanity. I, too, give a lot of credit to those who are happy without reconstruction. But we're all different. Some of us need recon to feel like ouselves again. To feel whole. I hope you can get the loaf reduced. I don't notice the lat muscle under my arm.

    Merry Christmas, all, and peace.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    2Tabbies: Thank you. Merry Christmas. On top of this, no heat today. OY!!!!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Oh, good grief, Ronna! I hope you got your heat back.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    2Tabbies, yes I got heat. Thank G-d. Then I got my EOB from Medicare. They would not pay my PS and my supplement turned down a bill too. I will be responsible for a bill? Although just 85.00 I presume for the Botox injection to kill or slow down nerves for acute issue, completely absured. So what are we advocating Breast Cancer research for if I have to pay for it saying it was not in the Plan. Screw the systems. Sorry Moderators. I am at my wit's end.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Ronna, appeal that decision by your insurance.

  • Ruth7733
    Ruth7733 Member Posts: 35

    Just to update: I've been home since last Saturday night. That night my back drain stopped having any output but the ps left it in as he said that usually the back has the most output. We kept stripping it but no luck. The nurse removed both drains yesterday (Hallelujah). Within a minute or so the back hole began to pour fluid. It took over 5 minutes before it slowed down enough to put a bandage on. By the time I got home, that was soaked and had to be changed. It had stopped though by bedtime, thankfully.

    The ps thinks I'm looking well and doesn't want to see me for 2 weeks. However, he stressed that I take it easy.

    I hope you are all doing well and that your holiday was wonderful. Happy New Year! 🍾