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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    I am getting so discouraged with this whole process.  On Friday when I went to my PS, my drainage level was at 50 ccs.  Ps thought I would be ready to have the drain pulled this week.  He also told me to start emptying the drain 4 times a day instead of 2.  Well, the damn levels shot back up to 80 ccs on Saturday and 85 ccs on Sunday.  WTH???  The area around the drain site was super sensitive and sore to the touch yesterday.  The pain has subsided some today but is still there.  I will be at 4 weeks on Wed - also have a follow up appt.  I am really thinking about just cancelling my appt and reschedule for next week.  Can't take the having to drive 40 minutes round trip for a 10 minute appt and walk out with the drain still in.  Can anyone talk some sense into me????  I just don't know what to do at this point, keep the apt or reschedule.  Sorry to whine but there are days I just want to sit down and have a good cry.

  • jlmg
    jlmg Member Posts: 27

    Hello jo,  I had the same issue with my drains, and it helped to put lotion around the drain site and situate a gauze around it.  I used Lubriderm.  I also used salline water to calm them down, but the ps said not to do that, even though it felt good.  Maybe your PS would let you do it.  I'll join you in a good cry and then smiles issue with the flap is 2 holes reappeared and they are draining.  I'm at 200 cc for the fill, and this is very discouraging.  I'm on a second round of IV Zyvox, and I've had 2 clear readings.  But I don't know why the flap skin would be separating from the incision line.  I'm getting a second opinion today.  Good luck.

  • jeria
    jeria Member Posts: 12

    Hey my LD friends, I will be 4 weeks post opt this wed 5-16-12 and really feel like i need to stretch or something? i feel tight, etc. my ps dosent seem to want to spend as much time with me since surgery (wonder why?). Dont want to mess up while all is going good. All 6 drains out at 2 wks post opt. Left radiated side has a TE and right breast had a skin sparing MX and full implant at time of surgery 4-18-12. I go for my 1st fill on my TE Tuesday/tomorrow 5-15. The port is abt 2" under the crease my TE which I thought was unusual. I want to stretch or exercise so bad, i know i would feel better, my back still hurts allot and the skin where hopefully i will have cleavage is very sensitive to touch. PS doesnt want me to wear any support bras ??? "just let it fall into place" he says and when I do, my right side with  the full implant becomes very tender. Any advise? And Also, Jo, hang in there on the drain issue, my PS told me in beginning to put neosporin or some other antibacterial cream around the drain hole going into the skin and I put paper tape over it so it would not move or  pull as bad as my drain was also sentive when it moved. Have you tried this? What did PS tell you why you were still draining so much this long after surgery?  This is not very common is it? I would email or call abt the appt and get a nurse or PS to call you back asap. Why waste time at dr. office when what he can tell you over phone would be my adivse. I know you cant wait to get the damn thing out!!! Your in my prayers!! Jeri

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    I just want to chime in about the drains.  I found that taping mine well helped as the less they moved, the less they irritated me.  Everyone heals differently, so I think that's why some of us needed the drains longer than others (which doesn't make it any easier to bear!). 

    I'm still dealing with the wound issue and the surgeon recommended I drink a supplement called Juven.  I wanted to tell you guys about it as it's specifically for people who've had surgery or have wounds.  It helps with tissue re-growth and muscle mass.  The reviews online were 100% positive, so I'm giving it a go.  I got the orange flavored powder.  You just add it to water and it tastes a little bit like Tang.  My fingers are crossed that it makes a difference - I'm sick of packing this hole.

    Hang in there, guys.  You don't want them coming out too soon.  It's no picnic having the surgeon tap you and manually drain you either.  I head in for that pleasure today at 10.  Tongue out

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    jeria - My PS doesn't know yet that I am back to draining alot.  That is one thing I need to bring to his attention.  I will also be 4 weeks post-op on 5-16-12.  I found some simple stretches on the internet to do.  I googled "stretching exercises for latissimus dorsi after breast reconstruction."  I do 2 exercises twice a day  and it has really helped.

    As far as the sensitivity around the drain hole, this just started on Saturday.  Up until then, no problems.  I would love to be able to tape it down but I am so sensitive to tape - it makes my skin blister and skin will come off which really, really hurts.  

    Jen78 - Hope the manual drain doesn't hurt too much.  I had several seromas after lumpectomy that had to be drained manually and it was not picnic.  (((HUGS)))

  • joan888
    joan888 Member Posts: 711
    jo1955... I had an appt for Wednesday this week hoping to get my drain out then, but I called and postponed it until Thursday. I am still at 45-50cc's after 5 weeks and don't even think it will be able to come out on Thursday.  Just wishful thinking, I guess.  My PS told me that he had to remove alot of scar tissue that had built up from my cellulitis infections and that he expected this last drain to be around a while.  I just didn't think it meant THIS LONG.  Uggh!  I don't have any irritation from it at all though.  Shoot, I think this tubing has really made itself to home in my body.  I don't feel it all, even when the drain is free falling from my body.  I could swing it around my ears and not feel a thing.  My PS's nurse told me that the longer they stay in, the more difficult they come out.  Yikes! I am so looking forward to being able to get dressed without making concessions for this thing, especially with the warmer weather we are having now.
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    joan - If it weren't for some burning pain at the drain site, I would postpone when I get my reminder call tomorrow.  Up until Saturday, I did not feel it either.  Sometimes it would fall and swing around and I would not know it.  I know my drain is not coming out.  The problem got worse with more times emptying the stupid thing. I will let you know how it goes.

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271

    Jo and Joan,

    Are you on antibiotics?  For both my surgeries with drains, the surgeons prescribed antibiotics to be taken until all drains were pulled.

    It's such a huge relief to get those d--- things out.  :)

  • joan888
    joan888 Member Posts: 711

    I was on twice daily IV vancomycin for nearly 4 weeks prior to my surgery and another 3 weeks of oral antibiotics after surgery.  I am fresh out of them for now.  I guess I should break down and confirm with him if that is okay.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    PinkHeart - I was on IV antibiotics the 4 days I was in the hospital and then 5 days of Keflex when I was discharged.  That has been it.  Maybe I should ask about that on Wed.  Not convinced I am ever getting this damn thing out.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    I have a question for you ladies.  My drain levels were going down - was at 50 ccs a day and emptying twice a day.  My PS told me to start emptying 4 times a day.  The levels jumped up to 80 and have been holding steady at 70 for 3 days now.  I get the most drainage over night - 40 ccs the other times are 10ccs.  I am 4 weeks post op tomorrow.  Has this happened to anyone else?  

    I hate waking up in the morning to see all the fluid and hate it that I burst out into tears.  I have already cancelled plans I had for the upcoming Memorial Day Weekend.  I am not going out into crowds with this damn drain.  

  • joan888
    joan888 Member Posts: 711

    Jo1955..... I had the same thing happen yesterday. I had been down to around 45cc a day for 3 days. I have always emptied 4-5 times a day. Yesterday, I did go on a brisk walk which I really needed and ended up with 75 by evening. Today is already looking like a big day. My DH and I are supposed to fly over Memorial Day weekend and we have had to discuss the possibility of canceling our trip. Anybody ever get thru TSA with drains?

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Yes --- I had my final drain for 7 weeks.  From reading I knew that more activity (I walk a lot) increases output, however did not want to limit activity, have the drains pulled, then go back to walking and develop fluid build-up.  Drains are horrible, but needed.  I also drained a lot overnight. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    I have much less drainage during the day.  Heaviest at night.  I know they are needed but really frustrated at this point.

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    Jo - mine went up for about 4 days before I finally saw them come down to the level where I could take them out.  I don't know why the output suddenly increased, but it was temporary.  The decrease was just a sudden and I finally got rid of them. 

    I had 80 cc's manually drained from each side yesterday.  I feel the fluid when it's building, but then it all settles down low and I don't notice it much.  Weird thing yesterday was that after she drained me, I felt lightheaded and kind of sick for a bit.  I had it last time, too, but didn't associate it with the draining. 

    Hang in there - I know how frustrated you are.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    jen78 - Oncc you saw the decrease, how long before you got the drain out?

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    Hi Jo - It dropped on a Friday and I had them pulled on Monday.  My PS wanted them at 35 or less for 2-3 days, so I called right away Monday morning!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Jen78 - That's cool. I wish I could wake up and the levels were super low.  That is the one I am having problems with - that overnight one.  If you don't mind me asking, how many times a day did you empty your drain?

  • joan888
    joan888 Member Posts: 711

    I emailed my PS today to let him know that my drainage had suddenly almost doubled. He moved my appt for next Thursday up to Monday.  Maybe things will settle down again by then, but I am feeling some of that old rumbling around in my back that had gone away a couple weeks ago. Must be something going on. And so it goes....

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    I stripped/milked my tubes kind of obsessively for the first couple of weeks (hourly - I was fascinated by the whole thing and it gave me something to do!).  I ended up springing a leak and the PS told me to cut back to a few times a day as I was wearing the tubes thin.  I think I always did it at least 4-5 times a day.  I emptied the drains themselves twice - usually at 10 a.m. and 10 p.m.  I always had the most drainage overnight which I never understood.  When I got down to the 40-50 cc range, at least 35cc's was from the overnight drain.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    joan - My drainage jumped big time when I went to empting more times a day.  I was much better off on the twice a day schedule.  I 

    jen78 - I also get the most drainage overnight.  At this point, when I see how much is in there I can't help but break down and cry.  I am so very discourged but realize that this is a necessary evil. 

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    Jo - I got very depressed at about the 3.5 week mark, so I understand where you are.  I was feeling better physically; up and around more.  But, the stupid drains were in the way and I felt like they were holding me back.  Then, when they stayed at the 50-60cc mark for over a week, I was convinced I'd be stuck with them forever.  I was crabby and complained about them to anyone who would listen (including you lovely ladies!).  They're just a really uncomfortable part of this procedure. 

    Hang in there - try to do something nice for yourself.  I went and got a pedicure one day - having pretty toes made me feel better for at least a little while.   

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Jen78 - I tried going fabric shopping - I love to make quilts and walked out without buying a thing.  That is so unlike me.  I usually have to buy at least one piece with the intention of using it later.  This whole thing has really gotten me down.  I have a PS appt in a couple of hours.  I am going to set up the next one for Friday of next week or right after Memorial Day.  I have already cancelled all my holiday plans so it doesn't matter when I go next.

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    Jo and Joan - So, so sorry you still have your drains.  I can't imagine having them that long, but in 4 weeks I will have them again, so dreading it more than anything.  We made reservations to go to Florida 17 days after my exchange surgery.  Saw the PS yesterday for preop stuff and they had me sign the permit which also included fat grafting.  I had no idea I would need that too.  So that means more places to heal.  She said it is basically liposuction, which I could really use, but not looking forward to it.   His nurse said he does it on everybody that has LD flap.  She said I would be cutting it close with leaving that soon.  I haven't even told my DH that we may have to cancel.  He will be so disappointed.  He works his hind end off all year to go to the gulf.  He has been talking about it every night....what restaurants we will eat at, etc.  I know I won't be able to get in the water but figured I could just sit on the edge of the pool.  

    Jen - I drank Juven when I had the wound vac and the home health nurses were amazed at how fast my wound shrunk.  I also drank protein shakes.   

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    Nurseronda - I'm so glad to hear that the Juven helped you.  I've been drinking it diligently hoping that it'll do the trick!  I noticed that the edges were more defined yesterday, which makes me think it's starting to heal.  It definitely hasn't gotten bigger in the last couple of days - which is a huge victory already!

    I'm sorry to hear you'll have drains after your exchange...I was hoping that the exchange would be a piece of cake, but it sounds like it's a bit more involved than a standard augmentation.  For me, I know the PS will be fixing my dog ear things on my back and now she'll be working on my nipples trying to fix the damage this wound has done.  Do you know where they are taking fat from?  I hope you're able to go on your trip!  We've already given up too many fun things to deal with all of this.

    Jo - Hope your PS appointment went well today.  I'm sorry the fabric store didn't hold its usual draw.  You'll be back to yourself soon...

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Back from the PS.  He seems to think Monday will be the day to get the drain out.  I asked why I had so much drainage overnight and he said it is because I am laying down and the fluid will pool in one place and the drain picks it up.  Guess what?  I am going to sleep sitting up as straight as I can in DH's recliner.  I so want this stupid thing out and if that is what it takes then I will do it.  The literal pain in my side is the stitch pulling.  Will just have to put up with that for hopefully a few more days.

  • Belllisarah
    Belllisarah Member Posts: 1

    Hi ladies, I am fairly new to the site, and have been reading about your experience and comments after having LD surgery. I am currently waiting to be scheduled for LD surgery sometime in the next couple of months. I hope anyway, PS seems to be pretty busy. I'm not sure what to expect as far as pain after surgery, but I know what it's like having those d... drains in. I was so desperate once after one of my surgeries that I even called a nurse friend of mine to ask if she would remove the drain for me. She said no, and gently talked me down. It's like having an unwelcomed parasite attached to you, and all you can think of is how to ditch the little bugger.

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    OK Ladies, I have a question for those of you who had your LD flaps done at least a year ago.  Mine was done  March 5, 2011 and I ended up with a 12 inch scar on my right side of my back starting by my armpit and curving downward.  Everything healed well and I did PT and regained full range of motion and did some strengthening exercises. But since about 6 months after my surgery, I have searing, aching pain right along the scar, even on a day that I behave and don't do any chainsawing, reaching up or heavy lifting in the garden.  Raking leaves can set it off.

    In the beginning of February I found out my lower back pain and sciatic pain on both sides was due to two bulging discs so I have not been allowed to run or go on my hour long daily walks and after 2 months of extensive PT, am slowly being allowed to do things again.

    But, and this is it, even when I have a day, or two or three in a row, where I am not vacuuming, lifting a laundry basket or doing anything more strenuous than computer work, reading or needlepoint, by 4pm I am screaming with pain which runs right along the LD scar.  I have to take valium, use a deep heat cream and heat packs to calm the pain down.

    Now, I'm kind of thin and I was wondering if it was possible that the scar tissue on my back has adhered to my ribs as there isn't any fat there and you can clearly see my ribs on the LD side, where it is not so visible on the other side.

    Any ideas or suggestions?  Has anyone else had this happen?  Everything else done with my double mastectomy and reconstruction is fine and the scar on my back had faded to almost nothing. I am finally making an appointment with my plastic surgeon as this is affecting my quality of life, my mental status and creating an inability to get a good nights sleep.  Plus my poor husband gets the brunt of my anger, pain and frustration, which I don't mean to do and I hate myself for it.


  • mclark55
    mclark55 Member Posts: 92

    To justagirl - I also had the LD flap done (I lived in Perth, Australia at the time!  Now I am in Denver, Colorado) and that was 8 years ago.  I had to do lots of yoga and lots of massage to keep the adhesions from hampering my ability to raise my arm above my head.  Yoga was uncomfortable at first and I really thought sometimes I'd made a big mistake having the LD flap.  But I kept at it - stretching and stretching - and also had deep tissue massage done over the scar and all around it and that really helped me.  I suspect that adhesions may be your problem - I'm a massage therapist myself - and I strongly recommend you go to someone who knows how to get the adhesions settled down.  That won't be someone who has taken a weekend massage therapy course - go to ANTA (Australian Natural Therapists Association): and look for someone qualified in your area (if you don't already know someone).  I would also recommend icing the scar - not just heat packs - as this will decrease any inflammation in the area.

    Feeling for you!  And your husband.  Don't beat yourself up too much, my dear.  Pain makes us do things we ordinarily wouldn't do!

    Sending you loads of love and healing today.

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    Debbie ~ we need to catch up. Not sounding like things have been too good. Thinking about you, my friend.