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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Scareds,   I am sorry you are not happy with the lat flap.  I had it done just on my left side to correct a significant lumpectomy defect and I am very happy with mine.  I don't have the bulge under my arm and have great range of motion.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Just an update on my appt issue.  This morning I phoned to try making the appt again, this time I read what it said on the dr's orders and there was no problem with them making it for Aug 10.  It was also a different person on the phone.  Hopefully there won't be an issue with insurance and I can keep my revision surgery date. 

    Scareds - I too haven't had any range of motion problems with my lat side.  If I raise each side to compare, yes there is a slight difference in how it feels.  But I can reach the same.  I've heard that physical therapy has helped others that have had this problem.  Have you asked about that?  Some surgeons include it and some, like mine, you have to request it. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    jwilco - Hope everything gets worked out for you.  Sometimes it does make a big difference in who you are talking to at the time on the phone.

    My PS did not say anything about PT.  In fact, I asked him when I could start does exercises.  I do water aerobics and the bonus is I have a pretty niice tan.

    Here is an update on my revision.  I was scheduled for Aug 6th.  When my appt was originally scheduled back in June, it was going to be 2 months before I could get back in.  This PS is really busy and I can see why.  Anyway, I called this morning to see if they had had any cancellations and to call Thurs afternoon to see if they had anything for Friday.  Not more than 15 minutes later, the nurse called and said they had a cancellation for Monday, July 23rd at 1:00.  So instead of waiting 3 more weeks, I am down to one week.  I am really excitied about this.  Maybe, just maybe I can get this done and August can be an appt free month. Here's hoping..... 

  • jlmg
    jlmg Member Posts: 27

    Hi, I haven't posted for a while, but I'm wondering if anyone has had to make four or more attempts to get a decent reconstructed breast?  I had a lat flap (3/14/12) after 2 implants were removed for infections.  The TE for the flap also became infected, and it was removed on May 15th.  I developed MRSA after the flap surgery and was on IV infusions for 7 weeks or so.  I went to a new PS to have the TE removed.  We met today, and a tummy flap is not an option.  I may go with a TE, use alloderm to try and strengthen the weak spot, and he would enter the flap from a different place than the same spot that was had been used for all the other surgeries.  I am taking a break until November.  The right reconstructed breast is doing fine.  I want to get a decent match.  I need some encouraging stories!  Thanks!

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Well I phoned the scheduling back today and spoke to someone new.  I asked to make sure that my insurance will cover my tests and she said yes.  So I feel better about that.  Maybe the first person was incorrect.  We shall see.  Now I will try to remain calm and keep the worries at bay until after my mammo/US.  Then it's on to what I hope will be my last revision on the LD side.

    Jo - How great to get your date moved up sooner.  It will be nice for you to be able to know you will be all healed up nice before your vacation.  I will be thinking of you and sending happy thoughts for a smooth surgery and speedy recovery.

     jlmg - It sounds like you've had more complications than the usual which doesn't help cut down the number of revisions.  I didn't have TE's as I had already had implants prior to BC.  So I went straight to the implant on my UMX/LD side.  That said, I will have my second revision surgery on Aug 20 since my original UMX.  Sometimes it can take more procedures to achieve the look you want.  But hang in there.  Hopefully the break you are taking will help your body to regroup and be ready for the next surgery.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    jwilco - So glad things are finally working out for you.  Now, just sit back and enjoy yourself until the mammo/us.  You are going to great - clear results.  I will be in your pocket that day and of course when it comes time for the revision.

    I am hoping for the one revision and I am glad it will be done in the office.  I am tired of hospitals - but then again, aren't we all??   

  • debbis
    debbis Member Posts: 4

    After reading & re-reading a ton of postings before my reconstruction surgery, I was scared. But now, 6 weeks post-op I would like to report GOOD NEWS! Hopefully this will encourage someone else....

     I had stage 2b breast cancer dx in 2/11, and a mastectomy in March. No reconstruction, and I was ok with it. However, in Nov, a routine mammo on the other side showed abnormal stuff & I decided to get rid of the whole thing. I was in the middle of radiation at the time, so I had a biopsy done & the mastectomy had to wait. June 6 I had another mastectomy & bilateral reconstruction- one side using the lat flap with TE on both sides. Big long surgery (6-7 hours) 3 days inthe hospital & a decent amount of pain for about 2 weeks. went home with 6 drains, 3 came out after 1 week, the other 3 after another week.  !st TE filling took place after only 2 weeks. After a month, fluid accumulated in my back, was removed in the office, and another filling on one side. I was told then I was to start walking, and I was good to swim & start moving.

    6 weeks later, I am walking daily in the mall for 45 minutes, shopping, driving, doing laundry & dishes with full range of motion. I LOVE having 2 boobs again!!! And going from a 44DD to a 40 C is a plus as well. SHopping for clothes is already fun, and I'm not done yet. PS promises that inthe revision surgery this fall he'll fine tune so both look as close as they can to each other. (I'm 56 & overweight- don't really care how I look naked!)

    ANyone who is me. It really wasn't such a big deal. DOn't listen to the horror stories.....your mind set will determine your outcome almost as much as your PS will!

    Debbi S

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Like debbis I have regained full range of motion - a few months ago did not think that possible. Have had first revision (added a small implant to even out breasts and fill in a small indention) at hospital as outpatient and going back in Sept for nipple.  I am happy with my decision to use, as some have said, an 'outdated' surgery.  For me, this was not outdated at all and the PS did a great job.

  • mstrishj
    mstrishj Member Posts: 7

    Hello Ladies, I had bi-lateral with lat reconstruction in 2007.  For those that haven't had surgery yet, my advice is to find a physical therapist that specializes in breast cancer patients and get your muscles strong and prepared prior to surgery.  My advice for those that have just had surgery, immediately find a physical therapist as well that specializes in breast cancer patients.  I wish someone had told me this, because my doctors certainly didn't.  They gave me a few exercises to do, but it wasn't nearly enough.  I am grateful to be a survivor, but am still experiencing pain, tightness and discomfort from this surgery.  My upper body strength isn't close to what it was, but my ROM is fine.  Yes, everyone is different and I pray that none of you experience what I've experienced.  Physical therapy, massages and excercise are key....and you have to continue doing it because you'll tighten right back up.

     Wishing you all the best.

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Agree with comment about PT - it was so helpful!  Also, massage, massage, massage.  Not just the back, but the new breast area as well.  I was told to begin one month after surgery to massage every day for 10 minutes to keep the tissue soft.  And now with the revision and small implant, was told to massage again for 10 mintues a day.  I was nervous that I might 'injure' the new boob, but PS showed me how to do it - "Grab and rub".  It is strange the difference in PS techniques as I know many women were told not to massage at all.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    fitzdc - You are so right about the differences in PS.  Mine never said anything about massaging the new boob.  Just another thing I learned here from all the wonderful ladies.

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Strange isn't it.  But maybe some PS don't want that level of massage?  I have even read not to touch/massage the breasts after an LD or an implant placement - I have both and my PS tells me to, so I do.....

    There are such varying degrees of treatment - from drains, to PT, to massage, to lenght of time for revisions.  I just have to trust my PS and hope it all works out.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    fitzdc - As we all do.  We have to put some level of trust in them.  You do bring up a good point about revisions.  My PS did not specify any length of time from surgery to revision.  Mine happened to be 3 months out and that just happened to be when I could get in again to have it done.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    I'm trying to remember if my PS mentioned massaging after my first surgery.  I don't think he did, but he did after my second with the fat grafting.  Which I didn't think would be when I should be massaging.   I think it's all up to the surgeon and you are right, at some point we have to trust them to know what they are doing. 

    I'm glad to see others post that didn't have major problems from this kind of surgery.  Sometimes I see posts where people are almost made to feel like they made a bad choice, but really it's a choice based on the recommendations of doctors based on each individual's situation.  I have learned that BC has many many variations and to try to keep positive with my own decisions that I made based on my doctor's advice. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    jwilco - I have to say even before my upcoming revision, I am very happy with the results and am glad I chose this surgery.  The scar around the "patch" looks tight and makes the patch hang down like a small bubble and that is going to be fixed next week.  Once that is done, I hope I am done.  What I try to do is keep exercising the back muscle to keep it loose.  I know it will never be like the right side but I am used to it now and have really good range of motion.  Like you, I have read so many horror stories about the LD flap and that was scary in the beginning and it can make you feel like you made a bad choice.  Goes to show you how different each PS can be.  BTW!  Where in CA are you.  I am originally from Riverside in Southern CA.

  • sunny321
    sunny321 Member Posts: 37

    I'm glad many of you are happy with your LD flap surgery.  I get nervous about my upcoming LD flap surgery at the end of August when I hear the stories of those unhappy with their results.  I'm also grateful for all the tips you guys give on here, such as massage.  I'll be sure to do that when the time comes.

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Also Sunny, ask your PS about physical therapy.  It was so important for me to have a professional therapist work with me after surgery.  I had no idea how much to stretch or to move post LD or even how to stretch without pulling the staples in my back.  I, too, read the negative info about the LD surgery, but never even seriously considered anything else.  .

  • sunny321
    sunny321 Member Posts: 37

    I'll be sure to ask my PS about physical therapy, but I can't imagine my insurance covering it.  I wish that kind of thing didn't have to be so expensive :-(

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Jo- I'm in northern CA on the coast about 20 minutes from San Francisco.

    My PS didn't volunteer any info about physical therapy, but I think I had pushed it he or the BS would have gotten it for me.  I workout and after my initial surgery I just started doing it again.  I think that maybe has helped me stay stretched.  I also bought a yoga DVD, but have yet to try it.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    jwilco - I lived in Novato for some time.  Went to my first 2 years of high school there.  Once upon a time, there was an Air Force Base there.  I think I was in my early teens - whew!  That was a long time ago.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Hello ladies - Having my revison done on Monday.  It will be an office procedure.  Have been excited about this but now that it is almost here - now am really nervous.  Can't wait to get this done so I can close another chapter in this long BC journey.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Hi Jo - Good luck!!  I'm sure it will be fine.  You are tough and have a great possitive attitude.  I will be thinking of you on Monday and sending healing thoughts your way.


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Thanks Jen - I will keep you updated and let you know how it goes.  Have a fantastic weekend.

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    Glad to here you are close to the end Jo. Good Luck!

  • sunny321
    sunny321 Member Posts: 37

    Good luck with the revision Jo!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Thanks everyone.  This whole recon process has not been too bad.  It is just the waiting that is hard.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Hi everyone!  Had my revision procedure done today.  Took all of 20 minutes and the results are absolutely amazing.  I am a bit swollen and that is to be expected.  No swimming for 2 weeks but I will be able to go snorkeling in Sept for the cruise.  Will see my PS on Aug 2nd for a followup and hopefully this will be the last appt.  My PS is super nice and amazing but it is time for me to mark another doctor off my list.  Thanks everyone for going with me today.

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    Great News Jo!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Thanks Beth.  I am so glad I decided to have the LD flap done.  With the results I have, it has done wonders for my self-esteem. 

  • sunny321
    sunny321 Member Posts: 37

    Jo: Congrats on being done with surgeries!   What exactly did the revision surgery entail?  I'm kind of clueless about what gets done for revision.