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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Jo - I hope your biopsy will be fine.  I'll be sending positive thoughts.  When I saw my gyno she mentioned a biopsy would be done if they saw anything but I think I wasn't ready to ask what they could see.  I'm getting checked to see if I can have an IUD (no hormones) and I already knew I had a small submucous (?) fibroid so I thought she wanted to check that.  When she did my pelvic she said the uterus felt good. 

    Are they doing the biopsy because the lining is different due to the Tamoxifen?   I haven't had any irregular periods or anything.  This stuff just never seems to end.   

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    westieluv - a trip to Vegas sounds wonderful, but I have been off a total of ten weeks this year for surgeries.  My supervisor wouldn't let me have off to go to Florida, so we are having to go while I am still off on leave from the exchange surgery.  

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    jwilco - Tamoxifen tends to keep the uterine lining a bit thick which is nothing to be concerned about.  In my case, it is really thick - so much so that it looks like a sponge.  My gyn also found a 1.5 cm fibroid tumor last year wheich he biopsied but did not remove.  Said he would leave it there unless it started causing problems.  Well, this time the sucker is coming out.  Don't want to have to think about that again. This is the second year in a row for this.  Shees!  Give me a break.  I am postmenopausal so can tell you anything about how it would affect periods if at all.  I know what you mean when you said this stuff never seems to end.  I am coming up on my 2 year cancerversary the end of Aug and it seems like the appts have not slowed down enough for me.
  • jeria
    jeria Member Posts: 12

    Marnie, still learning how to use this forum!! Just now saw your msg. You are sooooooo correct on the massage!! My husband is trying soooooo hard to give me the massage, but I dont have the heart to tell him after several timeswhere and how, and even showing him on his back. My PS who is 5 hours Round Trip would not refill my meds when I rescheduled my next TE fill (going out of town), will be 2 weeks b 4 I can c him. I wont go into details, but after I emailed Him this a.m., he called me this p.m. to discuss. He**, i dont want to take this sh** worse than he wants to give 2 me. Gotta see if He will give me script for a special PT so my insurance will pay. Gotta Go, your ta-ta sister, Jeri

  • mclark55
    mclark55 Member Posts: 92

    Hey Jeri, nice to hear from you.  It's just too bad mainstream medicine doesn't realize the healing power of massage or everybody would be getting prescriptions for it!  Good luck with your PS.  Wish we were closer, I'd show your husband how to massage that area.  Could be the inspiration for a new You Tube video!

    Speaking of You Tube videos, I found a good one for you ladies on this particular thread.  I've been reading how much trouble you've been having with your post-surgical soreness and tightness and lack of range of motion, so I wrote an article about it today, here's the link:  This particular yoga position helped me SO MUCH after my LD flap surgery.

    Jo - good luck my dear!  Sending lots of good vibes your way today.

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    Hi I haven't posted here in a while. I have had trouble with the Lat surgery I had but I think I've been confused about where the pain is coming from. My surgery was March 2010 so over 2 years ago. Well I have double MX. My right side which had the cancer is OK still have some issues but basically OK.

    Now my left side I have this what I call a pillow under my arm. My PS said it was fat that got caught up when he was bringing the muscle around.But he couldn't help me unless I wanted to pay in full as he said because of using lipo it wouldn't be covered (I do not believe this to be true). Well, as much as I hate the pillow as it bulges out over my bra so I can't wear anything but a sports bra and can't wear any of my nice clothes. Of course the Doc's don't understand why this would be a problem. However one reason I can't wear the bra is how painful it is. I have thought all along it was just the fat or muscle but isn't the whole pillow part it is actually the back part of the pillow and  right behind on my back - it is amazinly tender and hurts! I'm thinking this is also why I can't sit in any chair that isn't fully upholstered - I still have to take a pillow with me everywhere. Now this cannot be right! Anyone have any idea what it could be. I still find myself crying because of all this pain... 

    The other issues I have are these two odd dents in the top of my back and two in my lower back??? No clue what these are - my PS said he didn't know either! But certainly were not there before the surgery. Plus he admitted he wasn't paying attention when he drew the lines for the back scars so one is higher than the other! Oh lovely. the of course there is the line across the front where the muscle and implant starts and the chest begins. Also a dent on the pillow size where the pillow starts below. Then of course the nipples and areolas are just bad... 

    So obviously I didn't have the best surgeon. I'm trying to find somone who could help me but no one except my surgeon does lat and I did look at NOLA and Massy but they don't take my insurance. 

    Anyone else have things like this or have any thoughts or advise? Thanks so much, I feel like I can't move forward cause I'm so miserable and in pain.

    Oh my PS told me the reason I had back pain was because I was divorced and didn't have anyone to help massage the scars after the surgery! So I guess it is all my fault.  

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Seriously???? you have back pain because you didn't have anyone to help you. That is totally amazing that any doctor would say that.  And, if he really believes this, why did he not give you a referral for physical therapy or for massage?  I am so sorry you are having these issues.  I, too, have the 'pillow under the arm', however it is not as painful as yours and tight bras seem to help. I also can't believe he wasn't paying attention when he drew the lines!!!  If NOLA doesn not take your insurance - are there any breast centers in larger cities that do?  I have heard good things about Cancer Treatment Centers of America, too - however their main focus is on late stage cancers.

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519


  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Day - nice to see you back!

    And Day is correct - insurance will cover revisions.

  • mclark55
    mclark55 Member Posts: 92

    stanzie - I loved fitzdc's response (seriously????).  I agree.  That PS is a JERK.  I definitely would NOT go back to him or trust him with my body ever again.  You should not be in so much pain, I would definitely get another opinion.  I'm so sorry you're having all this anxiety and pain, not good!  What a wanker to suggest that you had back pain because you were divorced.  Imagine saying that!  I'm livid!  He should be run out of town on a rail.

    Please - find another PS and have him look at it.  Can you take a friend with you?  (2 sets of listening ears is better than one).

    Sending you lots of love today (and don't let the bast***ds grind you down)!  You will get on top of this and get past it.  Onward!

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    Thanks everyone so much... You know the worst part is up until all this I had liked him but I don't think he is very good at his work. I have been looking around... no one really seems to do Lat around here - which is interesting... I'll keep researching as if I need to go out of town I will just someone who takes my insurance. 

    Seems like if it is mandatory to be covered seems then like they would have to take whatever insurance you have but guess that isn't the way it works. 

    I agree in hindsight- wish I had said why not send me to a massage therapist. He told me to try and get my kids to do it! Really? There were so totally freaked out and being at that time almost teenagers - wouldn't have been that helpful I don't believe. I did try a couple of times. Funny he said if there was a lip maching then it would never be covered so now that I know about fat grafting and such I understand it not to be true. But glad I didn't do it with him as I think he may have caused more issues. Thanks again to everyone!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Hi Everyone - Haven't posted in a while.  Had other issues going on.  For the second year in a row I had to have a hysteroscopy and a D&C due to taking Tamoxifen.  This year I had a 3 cm polyp removed - yikes! that sucker was big.  Discussed this with my gyn and I think the plan for next year is a hysterectomy.  Decided not to do it this year.  Too many things coming up that I can't put off.

    I will have my revision 4 weeks from tomorrow and I am really looking forward to it.  Most of the swelling is gone and I have just a little fullness under the armpit.  Not even enough to really worry about - I just know it is there.  I have been playing a lot of golf and doing water aerobics everyday and the back muscle is feeling a lot less tight.  Hope everyone is having a good weekend. 

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    Just checking in...haven't posted in a while.  Got to go on vacation.  Had a wonderful time just relaxing in the sun.  I followed doctor's orders and stayed out of the pool and ocean.  So glad it was cooler there than it has been at home.  I go back for follow up appt Tuesday.  Hope he says I can wear a "real" bra soon.

    Jo1955 - that was a huge polyp! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    nurseronda - Yes it was.  Doctor said it filled my uterus with very litte room left over.  Oh well! That sucker is gone.  

    So glad you had a nice time on vacation.  Where did you go?  DH and I are heading out on a cruise the end of Aug.  

    Why did you have to stay out of the pool and ocean?  You may have mentioned it at one time but my memory is not what it used to be. 

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    Stanzie,  So sorry you are having to deal with this.  Do not go back to this PS...he does not know what he is talking about. Your insurance will pay for a revision but do not let him touch you again...if he could not get it right the first time he sure as hell won't get it right the second time....don't even let him try.  I am really pi$$ed about this.  This PS is really stupid to think that your problems are because you had no one to massage the scars....well I am married but still my scars did not get massaged and I did not have any complications.  I think he is just grasping at straws...he does not know what to tell you because he does not know.  Find a support group in your area and talk to the women there about their recommendations for a PS.  Since you are in GA you may want to check out Birmingham....there's a Dr Fixx at the B'ham hospital that is very good.  Yes, that is his name....a while back his name kept popping up on the boards so that is how I know he is a very good doctor and with a name you don't forget. 

    take care and keep in touch....praying for you to find the right doctor and get this resolved

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    Stanzie ~ I agree with everyone's comments.  Get thyself to an expert in Lat Flap.  Revisions are covered.

    I've been busy with work and home life.  My first grandbaby is due later this month.  Washing and folding little clothes is nice for a change.  I've been assemblying baby items for my house.  I'm amazed at how much things have changed.

    I was supposed to have another revision surgery with fat grafting on the 18th, but I post poned to January of next year.  I read about the number of patients that need multiple fat grafting procedures and I don't want this to stretch into 2 years since I have a huge health ins deductible.  PS didn't think that waiting was any problem, so I put it off until January so I can have multiple surgeries in one year if needed. The timeline I had in my head for all of these procedures has not been anywhere near what actually happens.   Knowing that, I didn't want to chance doing a procedure now and then not being able to get another one in before the end of the year.  My PS is really busy with alot of new patients.  There is about a 2 month wait right now for a surgery date.   It will also be nice to be able to hold and care for the baby without worry of post-op injury.  The surgery can wait.

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271

    westieluv~   Congrats on about to be coming a grandmother!  Enjoy every blessed moment hugging your new grand daughter/son.  I don't blame you for wanting to wait.  At least you have the hardest part over surgery over with!  I had a surgeon that said I could have one fat grafting surgery done and go straight to Vinnie the next day!  No way....

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    westiluv - Congrats on the upcoming new grand baby.  I don't blame you for postponing surgery.  The biggest part is over and now it is time for you to join hugging and spoiling that new baby.

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    Thank You all so much!!!! I have felt so down for so long and it wasn't until recently it even occured to me that maybe I could do something about it. Linda thank you so much for the recommendation - also heard about a Doc in Nashville... I just need to work out or figure out the insurance issues and then of course the whole how to schedule something in another state! Seems overwhelming but I know a lot of people have done it and if it will get it done correctly then that would certain be more than worth it. Thank you all again!!!! It is astounding how much it really matters to feel Ok about all this. I always thought that was why you did reconstruction but then they made me feel like I was ungrateful for not just appreciating that I now had something no matter how awful it felt or looked. Thanks!!

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    Jo - We went to Seagrove Beach, Florida.  My incisions from the exchange and fat grafting were all healed, but he still said he didn't want my breast incisions in pool or ocean water "to be on the safe side."  I was only 17 days postop when I went.  

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271

    For those of you making decisions on whether or not to have a lattisimus flap reconstruction surgery, here is an interesting short article from our country's "leading expert" about her opinion on using lattisimus flaps. 

    You may want to use this article for discussion with your plastic surgeon opinion/consultations.  It doesn't mean it's not right for you, but has info which you may wish to show your local PS.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    nurseronda - Thanks for the info. I will be having my revision on Aug 6th which will be a small incision made in the PS office.  We won't be going on our cruise until Sept 2nd so I would think that would be enough time to heal.

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    I may be one of the very few that had improvement of LE with the LD flap.  So very thankful and hope it stays that way.  

    Jo1955 - You should be healed in time for your cruise.  Sounds like a wonderful vacation!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    nurseronda - I hope that LE stays away too.

    I sure hope I am healed too.  I will have about 3 weeks. 

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Hi Ladies,  Well I have a surgery issue.  I was scheduled for some more revisions on the Lat side and a nipple for Aug 3.  Well, it was changed to Aug 20.  Ok.  No problem.  I saw my BS last week for a followup and things felt good.  But I am also due for my mamo/ultrasound on the NON BC side for August.  Well, I phone to make that appt and am told, "Ok, Aug 21?", I have surgery on the 20th.   Apparently due to insurance, my mamo/US has to be Aug 21 or later.  ?????? 

    I think part of it is my concern that heaven forbid they see something.  I don't want to have surgery and then have to have it again.  But that could be my paranoid worrying.  My other concern is that I don't want recent surgery to interfere with what might be seen on a mamo/US.

    I left a message with the BS hoping she can get the insurance to allow it to be prior to Aug 20.  But I haven't heard back yet.

    I can try to reschedule the PS surgery for later, but it's difficult with work projects.  Also, I got my head all geard up for another surgery.

    I feel like it just never ends.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    jwilco - What a dilemma you are in.  Insurance companies sure do mess with our minds.  I know it is always a concern when the mammo/US time comes and rightfully so.  I would try and push the insurance to do the mammo before the revision - that would make the most sense to me.  I hope it all works out for you.  Please keep us posted.

    I have my revision 3 weeks from tomorrow on Aug 6th.  Looking forward to closing this chapter in this very long BC journey.  My revision will be done in the office.  I would expect one follow up after that and then good bye PS.  Don't get me wrong, I love my PS - he is amazing but I can definitely live without him. 

  • ohio4me
    ohio4me Member Posts: 323

    You must be scheduled for a screening mammo which insurance companies only reimburse annually. Your BS could order a diagnostic mammo which would be reimbursed but you would some kind of diagnosis for a diagnostic - pre-op usually is not a reimbursable reason.

    Talk to your BS - maybe they can help.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Thanks for the advice.  I'm going to call my BS again on Monday.  I'm supposed to get a mamo/ultrasound on the non BC side at six months.  So they are saying that the six month time frame is on or after Aug 21, but my revision surgery is scheduled for Aug 20.  I'm hoping she (BS) can put in to have it done at least the week before the surgery.  If not, then I guess I'm rescheduling my revision yet again. 

  • scareds
    scareds Member Posts: 20


    NoSurrender went in for a Diep? How do you know that? I thought she was okay with her lat flaps?  I agree-- I think lat flaps are a rediculous breast reconstruction option. I would never do it again. It is not needed in today's world of modern medicine. 

  • scareds
    scareds Member Posts: 20


    Wht do you do for the bulge under the arm? I tink I might be getting shoulder impingement from it--but I'm not sure what to do about it?