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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • mclark55
    mclark55 Member Posts: 92

    Jeria - I did get your reply and just sent you another email of info.  Glad you like the blog - appreciate your comments.  My newsletters contain some info about nutrition, oils, yoga, meditation (I even include links to some of  my favorite YouTube videos of meditation) so lots of good stuff coming your way.  When you describe having a "burning pain" (being a massage therapist), I always think of inflammation.  Try icing the area.  Also you might think of modifying your diet - if you are too acidic, that feeds inflammation.  I wrote an article on alkaline foods and acid foods: that might help you a bit.  Numbing pain in arms and fingers usually means your neck muscles are too tight - they are compressing the nerves that pass through that area that ennervate the arm and hand.  Go get a massage girl!

    With love, 

    Your Ta-Ta Sister :-)

  • mclark55
    mclark55 Member Posts: 92

    Jeria - I did get your reply and just sent you another email of info.  Glad you like the blog - appreciate your comments.  My newsletters contain some info about nutrition, oils, yoga, meditation (I even include links to some of  my favorite YouTube videos of meditation) so lots of good stuff coming your way.  When you describe having a "burning pain" (being a massage therapist), I always think of inflammation.  Try icing the area.  Also you might think of modifying your diet - if you are too acidic, that feeds inflammation.  I wrote an article on alkaline foods and acid foods: that might help you a bit.  Numbing pain in arms and fingers usually means your neck muscles are too tight - they are compressing the nerves that pass through that area that ennervate the arm and hand.  Go get a massage girl!

    With love, 

    Your Ta-Ta Sister :-)

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Glad to see you back Day!  I had first revision on Wednesday.  Small implant added to Lat Flap for symmetry.  Doing ok, a bit of pain, but am up and about.  Hope this is the only revision.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    fitzdc - Glad you are doing well after this revision.  Will keep fingers crossed this is the only one.
  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    Boy, was this second part of reconstruction rough.  I feel like I have been punched and whipped.  Lots of bruising from the fat grafting and the two drains I had were so painful.  Got one out this morning.  I think this surgery was worse than the LD flap.  I think the abdominal binder is the culprit as it feels like it is rubbing my breast incision on the right.  Burns like fire.  I try to keep it folded down when I am moving around.  

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    nurseronda - Sorry to hear you are having such a rough time with the second part of your recon.  Congrats on losing one of your dangling friends.  Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Can't wait to have my revision done in Aug.  It will be done in the office and hope to get it over with, have maybe one followup and then say good bye to my PS.  I do like him and he has done an amazing job but I am sick of all the doctors.  Have slowly gotten rid of them all with the exception of my GP, GYN, and MO.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    Jo - glad you will soon be rid of your PS too.  :o)

    The stinging is coming from incision under my right breast.  First I thought it was from the drain, but the drain is gone.  Then I thought it was from the binder, but took the binder off for a shower this morning and it was still there.   It is so uncomfortable.  Anyone else ever had this?  Hopefully, it will subside as I heal.   

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509


    they do the most advanced methods of breast reconstruction

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    nurseronda10 - I must have missed a post on your latest surgery.  Glad you are doing well.  Could the stinging be a stitch or something?  I've had random pain in spots that I couldn't figure out but more of a soreness than a stinging.  Stitch was what first came to my mine.  You mentioned a binder, did you also have lipo for fat grafting?

    Jo - glad you will be saying later to your PS.  Very lucky to be able to like what you see and move on.  I can't wait until I'm there too.

    For those that are new to the LD surgery and wonder about activity after.  (I had UMX LD on left side).  I was visiting family this weekend and spent the day at the lake.  I went kyaking (did I spell that right?)  and I did feel like I would get tired sooner.  But I could do it!!!  I didn't end up paddling in circles. LOL  I did feel like I needed to relax a bit and not try to do more with my right side to compensate.

    I had my original surgery on Oct 11, 2011.  But recently, like in the last week or so, I've noticed that if feels like my back area where the lat was taken seems a little tighter when I try to move and stretch.  I'm wondering did anyone have this type of feeling so many months after their surgery? 

    I bought a beginning yoga dvd today in the hope that adding that to my life will not only help me relax but help me stretch more.  I do work out but I'm not very limber at all.

    I hope everyone had a great weekend.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    jwilco - I just need to have my revision on Aug 6th then I would think one follow up and that should be it.  I am hoping they call me with a cancellation and I can get in sooner and get this over with.

  • mclark55
    mclark55 Member Posts: 92

    jwilco: Just read your post about wondering if anyone had problems so many months after their surgery - YES!  Believe it or not, I had the same problems a few months ago and I'm 8 YEARS post surgery!  I realized I've been used to getting deep tissue massage over the LD flap scar on my back and recently got too busy to look after it properly (even though I was still doing my morning yoga) and it began getting really achy and causing me a mild degree of discomfort so I went back to getting the deep tissue massage and problem solved.  Surprised the heck out of me!

    Definitely recommend deep tissue massage.


  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    I also think it makes a big difference. I just wish it was covered by insurance for unfortunate girls like us.

  • mclark55
    mclark55 Member Posts: 92

    westieluv:  I totally agree.  Massage SHOULD be covered by insurance - it is in Australia.  I think some insurance co's do cover it here but I don't know which ones.  The only reason I get it regularly is because I'm a massage therapist and I trade with my friends who are also MTs.  I'm all for the barter system!

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    jwilco - it must have been a stitch pulling.  The sensation is still there at times, but is fading the more active I am.  Got second drain out today.  I did have lipo for fat grafting.  Still sore and bruised.  I go back Friday to get the sutures out and hopefully can get rid of the binders.  

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Just wanted to share something with everyone.  I was trying to find a good way to stretch out my back muscle - or what is left of it.  Anyway, I started doing a water aerobic routine and it has done wonders.  I am nine weeks out from surgery tomorrow and I can hardly tell I had anything done.  The bonus is I am also getting a nice tan.  I am not one who lays out in the sun, it is just whatever I get being outside.  

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    I may have to try water aerobics.  I'm going to try my yoga dvd on Saturday.  jo, use sunscreen.  :-)

    nurseronda - where was your lipo?  Spanx are a good investment and good to wear after libo.  It really helps healing to keep everything compressed and they are way more comfortable than a binder. 

    I have my nip surgery on Aug 7 and will be having more fat grafting.  Not sure where he will take the fat from, not that I don't have any.   It's just that my skin doesn't snap back very well so I get concerned about that.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    jwilco - My revision is scheduled the day before yours.  I'm not really sure what he is going to do but it will be done in the office - no trip to the hospital for me.

    And yes, I am using sunscreen.  I have to take advantage of having a pool to use whenever i want.  It's great.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Jo - that's good.  we can recuperate together.  Mine is in the hospital but for once it's outpatient.  I'm really getting tired of surgeries.  I just want to move forward and be myself again.  I can't believe that I'm only a few months away from my actual diagnosis.  It was at the end of August last year.


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    jwilco - When at the end of August?  Mine is the 30th and it will be two years.

    My biospy was Aug 17th, told I had cancer on the 20th and surgery on the 30th.  I use my surgery date as my dx date. 

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    jwilco - yes, the fat was obtained from my sides and abdomen.  The nurse did mention "spanx" for after the binder.  I already have some, but, at this point, would not be able to use my arms enough to get them up and down.  Hoping the PS will tell me Friday that I can use my arms more.  My daughter is helping me with the binder.  Don't think she would enjoy pulling spanx up and down every time I have to go potty.  Lol!.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Nurseronda1 - I had the pair of spanx that had the hook things in the crotch so I didn't have to pull them up and down.  They were open in the boob/foob area so you wear your own bra.  But I understand about the pulling with your arms.  Once you are able to switch you will find either spanx or some compression garment way better than the binder.  But binder is better than nothing.

    Jo-my nip/fat graft is in early August,  on Aug 7.  That's great you are almost at your two year anniversary.  It really helps hearing from ladies like you that have dealt with this beast and moved on and are doing well and still positive attidude.  Give's me hope I can get there too.  I'm working on the worrying.  LOL

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    Saw the PS today and he said I could wear spanx, but they are so hard to get up and down.  He said it wouldn't be detrimentral if i didn't wear them, so decided to wear binder at least 12 hours a day.  He put me in a Coobie bra with a 4 inch wide binder instead of the wide wrap.  The binder is so uncomfortable.  He said it is to push downward on the breast and then push them together.  After having it on for an hour, I was hurting so bad, so I have had it on, off, on, off, on, off.  Lol!  Seems like something that causes so much pain can't be good.  Good news is, he said it was fine to go on vacation just no pool or ocean water on breast incisions.  Got all emotional when he said he would need to see me one last time in three weeks.  My eyes welled up with tears and he looked at me very puzzled.  He couldn't understand me because I was crying.  I was thinking what a long 22 month journey this had been and it was finally coming to a welcomed close.  I told him I never dreamed in a 1000 years that my breasts could look this good and that I was so thankful to have found him.  He grabbed a tissue and patted me on the back.  Hope I didn't make a fool of myself.

    jwilco - guess I could invest in the kind you have, but I figure in another week and I shouldn't need them. 

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    I know what you mean about the spanx, they are pricey.  I'm hoping my next fat graft libo will still be from my torso so I can wear the same one.

    I was thinking about my upcoming surgery.  It might be my last with my PS.  Seems weird to have it be maybe the end of things.  Part of me is really hoping that this time is it.  I will be done.  I think it can be very emotional to think of your time with your PS ending.  He/she has been there to help make you feel better and well, now it up to us to move forward.  Sort of scary.  Actually, based on my past experience with a PS before BC.  I had surgeries to remove extra skin after massive weight loss.  I swear not one surgery didn't require some sort of slight revision.  I think it it's just the way it is when one is getting reconstructive surgery rather than just a plain "boob job" or "nose job".  Things are just different.  You see this doctor through some emotional times.  Especially with BC reconstructions.  I think the tears and emotions are normal. 

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271


    Did your PS say how many weeks before you can swim in pool or ocean after surgery?

    It made me feel so happy reading your post that this time you had a great recon outcome and were pleased with your choice of surgeons.  I even got teary eyed!  After all we endure with BC diagnosis and treatments, we all deserve and hope for the best. 

    Have fun on your vacation! 

    Warm wishes always  :)


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    PinkHeart - I started doing water exercises as soon as the last drain hole healed. Both he back scar and "football patch" were healed so I did not see any reason why not.  I did not ask my PS - I just did it.  The exercises have been good for stretching that muscle in my back.  I go at least 5 times a week.
  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    pinkheart - He said he always tells his patients to wait 6 weeks from the day of surgery to get the breast incisions in pool or ocean water.   He said it would okay to get my stomach wet.  I only have two tiny places there where he did the lipo.  My breast incisions look healed.  Guess he wants to play it safe since I will be less than 3 weeks postop when we go.

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    Anyone interested in the 4th annual ta ta sisterhood in Las Vegas this Sept, let me know.  I have a room with room for 2 more.  Frosty1 from Seattle is on my roomie list but we have room for 2 more as it is occupancy for 4 (sharing a bed).  I'd love to have a Lad-D sister with us in our room.  Just FYI....we are located close to Laura's room so the coffee bar is very close for those addicted to caffeine like me.  A good time will be enjoyed by all the sistas!  I plan to hang by the pool and shop when possible.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Beth - I would love to go but I already have a 7 day cruise planned.  Maybe next year.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Hello ladies.  We fell down to page two so I thought I would say hello and see how everyone was doing and also bump up the thread for those researching the lat recon procedure.

    Life for me is ok.  Just patiently waiting for that nipple and more fat grafting/lipo on Aug 7 and hoping that I was told correctly and there would be no drain since I didn't take more than a week off work.  LOL

    Oh, and I have a pelvic ultrasound this Friday just to check on things since I've been taking tamoxifen since Nov.  But that's another topic for another section of the site.


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    jwilco - I am also patiently waiting for my little bit of revision work on Aug 6th.  Had my annual pap with a pelvic ultrasound and for the 2nd year in a row will be having a hysteroscopy (biopsy) and D&C on Friday - because of the Tamoxifen.  Guess my uterus loves the estrogen in Tamox.  Little different feeling this time - round 2 is a bit scarier.