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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • dnadebbs
    dnadebbs Member Posts: 34

    hwranch:   i read through all your posts and yours was one that helped me because you were able to make note of everything as you were going through it.....i was sooo appreciative to you and the ladies who commented with advice and encouragement.   

    jwilco:  you too....i have been reading through everything everyone was posting and i remembered you said you slept in the recliner......and just earlier tonight i was telling my son that this is where i will be sleeping for a while after a few days!  lol!

    you have all made it easier for me to deal with doing it.....if i can get through everything i have already gone through....i can do this, right?   lol!   i think its the drains i'm dreading the most.....they sucked hard after my mast......and now there will be more.   i had them for about 3 weeks for that surgery......i just know i will have these for far longer than i would like.   ugh!   but they too will pass.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    I was 55 when I was diagnosed and 57 when I had my lat flap done.  For some time, I was convinced I was too old for recon.  This thread changed  my mind and I had not regrets.   I also drank lots of water and ate lots of foods packed with protein.   Attitude does play a big part in recovery.  After I met with my PS for the first time, I was so excited about moving forward and had to wait a couple of months due to my job - I was in my busiest part of the year and had to wait for it to settle down.  Once I reached that point, I would not wait to get started.  

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    Dnadebbs, Thanks so really makes me feel great that I was able to lend you some comfort with my story. That's why we are all here!!!

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Happy New Year everyone! I am scheduled for my operation next Monday, but I think they will reschedule it, because I had got cold...chills, throat hurts,runny nose, fever , though...Any body had such an experience? what a bad luck!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    olgah - You still have a few days.  Maybe you can shake this darn cold and get on with it.  Rescheduling is a bummer.  Hope you can get it done soon.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Happy New Year!  As I look back on my past year of worry, revision surgeries, etc., I'm so ever grateful for the way it has all turned out for me.  I'm wishing for 2013 to be a happy and healthy year for myself and all of you.   Part of my New Year's resolution is to start doing more for myself and others.  Find a way to give back and help other women facing BC.  Also to allow myself to be happy and stop the worrying from taking over. 

     I value all of the advice I've ever gotten from this site, particularly this section.  You ladies are great!  I wish you all the best in your surgery and recovery. 


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Jen - I also have gotten alot of good advice and information from this site.  I am always looking for ways to give back.  It gives me such a good feeling.

    I am hoping for 2013 to be a happy and healthy one for not only me but for everyone.  This time last year, I had no clue that I would be doing reconstruction and am so glad I checked it out and made the decision to go through with it.  No regrets.

    Best wishes to those who are recovering and to those who are about to have surgery.

  • Nicole4
    Nicole4 Member Posts: 56

    happy new year!  I can't remember if I have read this in the past, but is it normal to have different sizes with this surgery.  I can expect the breast with the lat muscle to be larger, I have two more fills and I am wondering how much it will take for the left one to catch up.  I would say the difference is a cup size.

  • sunny2
    sunny2 Member Posts: 29

    Happy New Year!  I have gained so much info from this site.  Thanks to all.  I called this morning to schedule my surgery...February 7 here I come.  I am quite ready to take this on.  Blessings to you all and may 2013 be a year of healing, health and wholeness to all. 

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    Nicole, I am going through the same thing.  5 total fills with 6 on the non lat side and the lat side is still bigger.  It is the size I want to be so I'm sure I'll still going to have to have a couple more fills on the non lat side to catch up.  The nurse also mentioned that he could put a high profile implant on the non lat side to help give it more volume.  Right now the lat side really sticks out there, lol.

    Remember we came out of surgery with that muscle and tissue and expander on the lat side...the other side had nothing.

  • mimi791
    mimi791 Member Posts: 53

    Hi Ladies:

    Happy New Year!!  I hope we all have a nice healthy one this year.  I went back to work today at the 4.5 week mark and other than a head cold that has been kicking my butt for over a week, the lat side felt fine.  Therapy is moving along, more exercises each time, but I only have to go once a week and the scar work is the ouchiest part.  I did notice after the swelling went down, I did feel a little weird, like my scapula was just kind of floating around back there.  Exercise is helping this a lot, just wondering if anyone else had that kind of sensation.  Also, I have a poof where my deltoid is where the lat was removed and I am thinking that might always be there....c'est la vie, right? Smile

    Good luck to all the ladies with surgeries scheduled in the next couple of weeks.  I was much better prepared after the mastectomies, so I showed up with a toothbrush and lotion and my favorite squishy socks.  Made the hospital stay much more pleasant!



  • Bellz
    Bellz Member Posts: 10

    it will get better...I had physical therapy eventually to help stretch things out. I had what I called "zingers" where it was just an instant shot of pain from my lat flap area on my back. It has been awhile since I have been on the boards, so it's also been awhile since I had my surgeries. Don't make the mistake I did though. I used a heating pad to help relieve the pain, blistered my skin because of all the numbness. 

  • Nicole4
    Nicole4 Member Posts: 56

    I am trying to get access to the picture forum, I requested access on Jan 1 and still do not have it.  I keep getting an email every day with another question to answer or to clarify something and then it takes another day to get a response.  I am only interested in viewing different sizes to make a decision on my own size, is there an easier way to obtain access?  7 days and I still do not see any progress.  It is easier to get a loan online.

  • sunny2
    sunny2 Member Posts: 29

    I like your humor Nicole4 Laughing  I too have requested pictures but have not gotten a response.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Hello, everyone! My operation is postponed to 22 of January due to my virus infection...I will keep my fingers crossed...And I hope we won't get any snow storms, here in NC weather is going to be 74 on Sunday...but it can change any moment...

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    Thought I would update you guys, had an appointment with the PS today and I am done with fills. My lat side has 330cc and my other side has 390cc. The lat side can hold no more, the skin is very shiny and it is filled as much as it can stand along with the muscle and tissue. The lat side is very cone shaped and not very wide. The other side is very wide and does not project as far out even though it has 60cc more. To fill it more would only cause it to be wider. PS said once he removes the expanders and scar tissue they will not project as much. He plans on putting in a narrower high profile insert on the right and using a low profile wider insert for the lat side to try to get as much symmetry as possible. Anyway, the lat side is the determining factor for size, depends on how much you can get the radiated skin to stretch. My exchange is scheduled for March 22nd.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    hi all

    i started a new thread on this forum about all the lower back pain i am having after this surgery.  I wish i had read through this entire thread because it really seems that  A LOT of people have had ongoing pain/back issues with this type of surgery.  I just wanted to post for any newbies that are considering this surgery.  It can, for a percentage of us, cause permanent muscle weakness.  This is not just trouble "putting your hands over your head" as I was told but lower back/spine issues.  I am so disheartened by the entire ordeal.  I don't think PS lay the cards on the table when recommending this type of surgery, and in our quest to be cancer free we may make descisions in haste  I am happy to hear that some of you are doing well after this surgery but there are just too many of us suffering from it. NOT ACCEPTABLE especially after all the gruelling treatments we have already gone through

    I hope my experience helps someone else

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    rozem - You are so right.  The doctors do not lay all the facts on the table.  They think about the almighty dollar and that is it.  I am in constant pain.  I have this area just above my back incision that is getting to the point of being unbearable.  What makes it worse is, I sleep on that side and can feel it when I lay down. And add to that, the constant tightness - now that is no fun. I had a steriod injection in that area back in Sept before going on a cruise but that was like putting a band aid on it.  I don't know if I should go back to my PS or what.  I want some relief but also don't want to be seen as a whiney pest.   I just want some relief.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    jo - I am contacting other doctors for a second opinion although I doubt there is much they can do at this point.  Not like they can put the muscle back.  The tightness comes from the muscle being tunneled through the armpit to the front - and from what i am learning it gets better but never goes away.  I would go back to your PS if only to spare another women the nightmare of this surgery.  I already wrote a long email to the Plastics Dept at the hospital where Im being treated.  I highly doubt there are no other cases like mine, I just don't think they are being upfront.  As for the money issue, I know thats not the case as im here in Canada and we have public healthcare, which is why im completely stunned that he would recommend this surgery for a young, active women especially when he does more diep's then lat's.  He said i didn't have enough to do both breasts but i would have just done one diep and one implant if i was aware of the complications.  I guess i should have figured it out - how can they move such a large muscle without any long term effects?

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    just adding that i know they can't move the muscle back but geez they transplant hearts and lungs why is this not possible...just wondering

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519

    The only thing that helps with the tightness (and at this point it's not an "iron bra", it's a freaking iron corset!) is massage therapy, done by a physical therapist.

    I'm among the people who have serious pain issues. It's not just the spine, it's the muscles in the back, especially the spinal ones - and they definitely cannot compensate the loss of the LD. I'm 3 years and 3 months post surgery and the pain is not getting better - if anything, it's getting worse. It's considered chronic at this point and opiates barely take the edge off of it, enough to allow me to function. And yes, my PS also said "you will have problems only if you try to do pro tennis or pro swimming". Big big pile of cow manure.

    I DID work out, I DID stretches, I did everything you can imagine, from Pilates to yoga and the in-between, trust me, as an ex-gymnast I know A LOT about how to work muscles in my body.

    I think that the worst hurt by this type of recon (among the members of this forum, I mean) were nosurrender and me. I know that nosurrender in the end had the LD muscle completely removed and a different reconstruction done. I used to be a gymnast. She used to be a pro swimmer.

    As true as it can be that some women have no problems with this type of reconstruction, one needs to be aware of the possible bad outcomes too.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    DAY - did removing the LD muscle completely and having a new reconstruction help nosurrender? do they just completely remove not re-attach correct?

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519

    Right. By what I remember, nosurrender said that her dr. stated that even if he would re-attach the muscle, it MIGHT have about 20% functionality. You can contact her on her website,

  • dnadebbs
    dnadebbs Member Posts: 34

    so i thought i would share my update!   it actually turned out far.   i was scheduled to have the lat dorsi procedure done on 1/3......which is why i was in here reading all your input and blessing each and every one of you for your kind advice and encouragement.   i was really nervous and soooo not looking forward to the pain and long recovery time.   

    i ended up going to my pre-op on 1/2 and my PS tells me that because i healed so well from the dbl mast and radiation.......and my skin looked really good......that she didn't think i needed this surgery and on 1/3 i ended up getting the basic bilateral TE only.   i was in and out of the hospital the same day and i'm doing well.   only 2 drains which are very annoying but manageable.   i'm off pain meds now.......still feel it but not like before.  

    my foobs look better than expected but i can tell the radiated side is a little wider.......i believe it's because of the way the muscles healed inside and my PS said that could be fixed once we're ready to insert the actual implants.....she'll do her nips and tucks then.    

    so!   we'll see how it goes!   i go in for my post op on monday and i'm not sure when she will start filling them......i can't remember how long it was for you before you got your first fill hwhranch?  i remember how tight you said they were!  lol!   

    i'm excited for you ladies who haven't done your surgeries yet.   mine was changed to something simpler but no matter what you get......i know now what all the ladies have been saying after everything is done.   its scary going in.....but once you do it and you see the results of having breasts makes it worth it.   i only have tiny mounds right now but they are better than nothing or concave.......and even the little pooches i have makes me walk a little taller!  lol!

    much love my sisters!    Smile

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    My first fill was done at my 2 week appointment.

  • mimi791
    mimi791 Member Posts: 53

    Hi Rozem and others have back paid issues.  I strongly recommend if you haven't had physical therapy, make sure you get it.  Try if you can to find someone who has treated other women who have had the surgery.  The tendency of your skin is to scar down to all of the muscles protecting your scapula, because your lat isn't there anymore.  I have a great therapist and managed a number of practices for years and I am home doing extremely specialized exercises and stretches every day in addition to my therapist doing some bigtime scar massage once a week to help with what I describe as the "sticking, pinchy, burning" ouch down the length of the scar.  Some surgeons don't believe in therapy and some just don't realize how much it can help a patient.  My therapist also worked on my front after my mx's and now on the lat to make sure it continues to move freely and not get encapsulated, another fairly crappy outcome that happens too frequently.  Feel free to IM with questions, I treated patients and managed physical therapy clinics for the better part of the last 15 years.

    Hang in there ladies, there are ways to feel better!


  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    thanks mimi, I just sent you a PM

    dna - so glad you were spared the horror of this surgery - i wish i had insisted i try the TE first and if there was a problem deal with it after

    day - i sent you a PM aswell - I did email nosurrender and she did not have the LD reversed/have a different reconstruction.  She said once she had revision surgeries that removed all the scar tissue she felt a lot better - so I am hoping for the same.  She said she didnt feel good for a long time with the surgery but eventually she did get better.  She was very encouraging (which I need right now) so I wanted to share this with the other ladies who are struggling. 

  • dnadebbs
    dnadebbs Member Posts: 34

    thanks hwhranch! that helps.....maybe in a week she will start filling.......monday will only be a week and a half......and that's ok with me.  i'm in no rush. far as the capsulating.......does it really help to do a lot of massaging to try to avoid that?  i've heard that it really doesn't matter what you BC.....its either going to happen to you or it's not.   i do plan on going back to my phys therapist who said she could help with the scar tissue from radiation after my recon surgery.....but was curious if massaging and stretching or whatever will really help avoid the capsulating.

    rozem......i was lucky.  i had no idea i was having this surgery until the day before at my pre-op.   i hadn't asked for it and didn't even know it was an option for me.   it was my PS who decided it was the best to do for now.   she did also say that if there ended up being an issue down the road that we would address it then but she really felt this was the better surgery for me based on my healing progress and my good skin tissue.  so God was really blessing me here.   

    but again matter what......there are far more ladies who have gone through these surgeries and made it through fabulously.   it sucked in the beginning but keeping a great attitude really helps the healing time fly by.   it is what it is.......and we are stronger than all of this!   Wink

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519

    The LD flap reconstruction has the lowest rate of capsular contracture. Doing a regular implant massage is fine, just check with your PS to see when you can start it (the tissue underneath has to fully heal, and it takes longer to heal than the outside). And not all PSs recommend the massage - it all depends how the surgery was performed, the type of implant, and ... how your own body reacts to it.

    mimi... you might want to go back and read my post - I said I DID PT and massages and exercises and yoga and you name it. It didn't and doesn't help.

    I think last time I "spoke" (virtually of course) with nosurrender was when she was going to try the removal of the flap.... so I thought she went throught it.

  • dnadebbs
    dnadebbs Member Posts: 34

    ahhhh!   gotcha!  good advice Day!    Smile