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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91

    Nicole!  Great news!  Here's to a smoother road to your new foobs!  :)

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Nicole - Good News!  Now go out this weekend and celebrate.  You deserve after all that you have been through.

  • I see a lot of people on here that had some form of mastectomy on both breasts when they had cancer only in 1 breast .I had a mastectomy in my right breast only .the left breast was okay .no 1 said anything about removing it . at surgery I had a expander put in the right breast ...nothing was done to the left at that time . it wasn't until I had breast reconstruction that my PS decided to put a small implant in my left breast because my right breast now was bigger than the left ...I don't like the idea that my healthy left breast was messed with but my head was in such a fog during surgery I don't know where I was has anyone had a similar experience?

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209


    I had just a UMX, on the left side LD flap straight to implant.  For me, no one mentioned the option of doing both sides.  I think that is because mine was very slow growing.  I don't know what other factors cause one to do both.  My drs never mentioned and the thought never crossed my mind. 

    Having an implant in the non BC side is normal.  Sometimes it is needed to make the two sides look more symetrical.  I had implants prior to my BC so for me it was just a swap of the old with a new on my non BC side.

    One thing I have learned is that nothing happens with just one surgery.  Also, if you aren't happy with the way they look you should be able to ask for revisions.

    This summer I had my nipple done on the lat side and just last Friday I had the nipple tattoo.  Big difference!!!!  However, sometimes I feel like my lat implant moves around too much.  Maybe there is still a revision in my future. 

    I think that it's totally normal for people that have a UMX to have something done to the other side to help it match up better.

  • Flintviolet
    Flintviolet Member Posts: 33

    I did a double mx because in 2007 I had cancer in my left side and had a lumpectomy and chemo. In Nov 2011 I found a lump in the right (one month after having a mammo that was all clear!). They did a lumpectomy but the dr couldn't get clear margins. At that point the dr didn't go farther with the lumpectomy because she wasn't sure I would have much breast tissue left. I made the decision to do a double mx for several reasons including not wanting to deal with a reoccurrence down the road in either side and also for asethics in that if I was going to have it on one side ( the newest episode) I wanted both sides to kook the same.

  • Jwilco.....thank you that was some good information . no, I'm not happy with the way they look .1 thing that really makes me mad is they are not even .this is my second reconstructive surgery with this doctor .the last time I saw him 2 weeks ago he looked at them and said they are even .well I don't know where he was looking whether he was looking at the top of my breast or what beats me ....but the right breast the BC side does not project as far out as the healthy left side does .and I can't help but think all of this and I'm still not even .looks like I'm going to have to use some kind of padding for my right side .he told me the last time I saw him that the nipple will be the next step .well he didn't tell me what all that involves ...and before I could ask him he said see you 1st of January an out the door he went .I look at the nipple as the finishing touch when I see him again.I will certainly have a talk with him .I think putting the nipple on the right breast that does not project out as far as the left would be like putting a bell on it .....

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209


    I was very reluctant to get my nipple done prior to being happy with exactly where it would be.  On my lat side I had skin sparing but couldn't keep original nipple.  So, there was my breast skin with a circle of lat skin.  However, it was really out on the left side.  Now, looking at my original nips  they were set out rather wide.  But not so much as this cirlce of lat skin.  I didn't want my nipple created until I was happy with where it would end up.  Eventually for me that meant a slightly smaller implant on the lat side and he somehow managed to move that circle over a bit.  Now it's ok. 

    So hang in there!  Keep pushing for what will make you feel good again. 

    Even if it means a second opinion.  I know, that can be really overwhelming.  So if you are ok with your PS then just tell him/her what you want.  What will make you feel ok with all this BC recon stuff. 

    That's my opinion at least.


  • thanks Jen I'm going to do just that have a nice long talk with him .I don't feel he gives me enough time . and forget about him returning phone calls ....he's 40 years old extremely handsome.the dark hair, the dark eyes .....all the younger girls go to him for breast implants .and I feel he spends a lot of time with them .way I see it there healthy there just worried about their vanity ....I would just like to get a portion of my life back . I wear a bra even to bed because I just don't want to look at my right breast .he did a breast lift on my left side and that left me with a circle all the way around my left a long ugly scar along the fold lines of my left breast .the to breast have 1 thing in common ...they both are numb .I'm wondering if I will ever get the feeling back in my left nipple .......sorry for the venting ....

  • thanks Jen I'm going to do just that have a nice long talk with him .I don't feel he gives me enough time . and forget about him returning phone calls ....he's 40 years old extremely handsome.the dark hair, the dark eyes .....all the younger girls go to him for breast implants .and I feel he spends a lot of time with them .way I see it there healthy there just worried about their vanity ....I would just like to get a portion of my life back . I wear a bra even to bed because I just don't want to look at my right breast .he did a breast lift on my left side and that left me with a circle all the way around my left a long ugly scar along the fold lines of my left breast .the to breast have 1 thing in common ...they both are numb .I'm wondering if I will ever get the feeling back in my left nipple .......sorry for the venting ....

  • Flintviolet I wasn't given the option of having the left 1 removed and I don't know why....Callie

  • kerrberlady
    kerrberlady Member Posts: 42

    Within the last week I have had my port removed and my fipples tattooed!  Within the past month, I did my last herceptin.  I am ready for the holidays to celebrate the beginning of a new year, a new life, and mimimal doctor visits.  I'm ready to be move forward with my life.  Happy Chanukah everyone!  

  • mimi791
    mimi791 Member Posts: 53

    Hi ladies:

    I had my surgery on 11/29.  I feel good.  One set of drains is out, and I can even lift my hand up over my head.  Yippee!  It took me 3 years to decide to do it after the staph infection, but I'm glad I did.  Thanks for all of the great posts that gave me courage :)


  • Floridakt
    Floridakt Member Posts: 11

    Kerrberlady, congratulations! I am so happy for you. Being through with doctors, meds, etc. is thebest Christmas gift ever.

    I have a question. I am just 7 days out from my lat flap surgery and am still quite uncomfortable, especially in the morning. I am trying to ween myself off the pain pills, but still need them. When does the feeling of having a hot, thick belt clamped around you go away? Also, I have significant swelling under my arms. Am I being impatient? Any feed back on when I may feel half way human again will be appreciated.


  • kerrberlady
    kerrberlady Member Posts: 42


    For me the tightness around the middle and the discomfort went mostly away after the TE's were removed and implants went in.  For me I think that was about 4 or 5 months.  I can't tell you how much better you will feel after the TE's, I would never have believed it if someone told me, but it was 1000 times better!  

    And thank you, I am looking forward to the Holidays with my family without having to worry about hurrying home for doc appts!

  • jleemac
    jleemac Member Posts: 6

    My surgery was 11/29 so I am about a 1 1/2 weeks out.  First time I have posted since my surgery.  I had lat flaps done on both sides and my main concern is not so much the pain which is manageable now (worse at night though) but this overwhelming fatigue and lack of energy.  I keep thinking that tomorrow will be a better day but then I still spend much of the day in bed.  I still have all six drains in so that is a pain but I am going to go out tonight for my daughter's 19th birthday.  I may pay tomorrow.  This is a long slow recovery.  I am amazed at these sisters who go back to work in 3 weeks.  Way to go!  I too am extremely tight around the middle.  I had bilat in June 2011 but also had a staph infection so that is why I waited almost 1 1/2 years to go through this.  Thank you for all your posts.

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91


    For the first 2 weeks I had the pattern of a newborn. I woke up to eat, go to the bathroom then right back to sleep. By the 3rd week I was still feeling driained but didn't sleep quite as much. I chalked it up to my body forcing me to rest so I could heal.

    It is amazing how much this surgery takes out of you. I am 3 mos out from surgery and my energy level is still not as high as it was before. When I come home from work, I crash!

    Hopefully, one day soon, I will be back to 100%!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    jleemac - I had the lat flap on one side and I never took a pain pill and went back to work 10 days after I was discharged from the hospital.  Guess I am able to recover pretty quickly from surgery.  It really does get better.  I am 8 months out from mine and I am pretty much back to normal.

  • cat24
    cat24 Member Posts: 47

    I was surprised how painful this surgery was.  I had a tram flap in January and thought that was bad.  I honestly think this is worse.  In the hospital I was on percocet and morphine and continued percocet around the clock at home for probably two weeks.  At a little over three weeks out I just took some ibuprofen today.  I still have two drains and they are really painful. Today was the first time I drove since the surgery and I could feel pain around the drains with every movement of my left arm while driving.  I had said I would be back to work on 12/17, I don't see that happening.  This week I'm going to try to increase my activity a bit, so I can build up my stamina and return to work at some point.  Right now I know I could not endure a full day at work.

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    waitingtoexhale, I don't know how far you are from Nashville, but if you are not satisfied with your current PS, then you should see  Dr. Patrick Maxwell.  He is a genius in the breast area.  He holds several patents and was the first PS in the United States to perform LD flap back in the 70's at Johns Hopkins.  I virtually had no skin left to do anything with after mastectomy and then debridement and a wound vac 2 weeks later.  He removed my good breast at the same time of the LD flap and it looks better than before.  They are perfectly symmetrical.  He is an amazing surgeon and has all right to be arrogant but he is not.  On my first visit, he said he was there to serve me and take the best care he could.  I cannot say enough good things about his staff either.  I was so scared and didn't know if I would ever be able to trust another physician after how I was treated by my local surgeon when I had the mastectomy and got a massive infection because he wouldn't take my drains out.  

  • Wow, that was alot to take in from all of you. So, i don't know how some of you pop back up so fast after surgery either. I am 5wks out and just went to work today for 3hrs and i was pooped!!! As for the tightness in the back, i used the muscle relaxers.(robaxin) For the past 2 wks I only take a pill when i absolutely need it. Sometimes just half of one. Don't be afraid to use them when needed. This is major surgery and the nerves are all confused. I kept my left boob also, but now looking at how one boob is fake and the other one is not... it would be easier for reconstruction if i would have done both. I am 42 and really wanted to keep one for "relations". LOL but if they cut and move the nipple for the lift, will i feel anything anymore??? this is soooo frustrating. One day at a time. I just met a girl in her 30's that just had both sides done, she was home alone after 5 days??? I was shocked, i had people around for almost 2 wks. I went and visited with her and she said she was fine. She is definately stronger than me. So happy for all of the good news on here!!! Keep on fighting girls!!!  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Kiss

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    julee - I consider myself the exception, not the rule.  I did not take pain meds while I was in the hospital and did not take any once I got home even though the doctor gave me some.  I decided to go back to work after my first follow up appt.  I felt pretty good and was bored at home.  I don't know how I do it.  Pure determination.  Cancer has taken enough from me.  Not gonna let it take my spirit.  That's not for the taking.

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    Julee - I am 54 and the LD flap surgery took a lot out of me also.  I was off work for 6 weeks and my mother stayed with me for the first couple of weeks.  Don't know how I would have done it without her.  It definitely is a painful surgery.  Took pain meds to help me rest.  I never had any tightness in my back though.  

    To all those who have just had this surgery, I wish you a speedy recovery.

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

     Just remember that everyone is different and our bodies respond oh so differently.  Also, remember that not all lat flaps are the same!  For some of us we had both done, for some, just one.  Some of us had TEs, so had implants, some just the flap. Some had complications, some not. Listen to your body and don't compare your recovery to everyone else's recovery.

    CAT - surprised you are driving.  My PS told me not to drive until the drains were out as the motion could 'pull' on the drains.  And yes, all PS have different rules, I know.

  • cat24
    cat24 Member Posts: 47

    I thought they just said not to drive while taking narcotic pain pills.  I did notice that it did tug at the drains a little.  I'm hoping to get another one out this week.  I restarted my Tamoxifen last week and have felt nauseated ever since and have been having depression and anxiety issues so this has been kind of tough.  I did not have the emotional issues when I had my mx and tram flap earlier this year.  I think dealing with this a second time in a short period has taken its toll.  I had considered myself a strong person - maybe I'm just not as tough as I thought and that has bugged me too.

  • Nicole4
    Nicole4 Member Posts: 56

    I wanted to chime in and let anyone know that is about to have, or is considering this surgery that I am doing really well.  I am 43 and three weeks out today, I have been working for a week, driving and even painted the closet.  I was so tired of sitting down.  I had one drain out a day after surgery, on the fifth day they were all gone and I was back to feeling myself.  I truly think the drains are the hardest part.  One drain that caused the most pain was in my back along my scar.  That came out on day 5 and since then I have stopped my pain meds all together.  I am a single mother and did not have any help at home from anyone except my darling 18 year old daughter of course.

    I have had my first fill 60cc in each, my next is scheduled for Dec 17.  I am thrilled to have shape, its a pleasure to get dressed again and I would do it again in a heartbeat.  This has been a huge boost for me!

  • Amy4978
    Amy4978 Member Posts: 33

    Hello I am new to this thread but not new to these boards. I am currently going thru chemo and am having serious thoughts about surgery which is coming up in early Feb I am so undecided about a lumpectomy or mastectomy... If I choose a mastectomy I am very interested in the dorsi flap reconstruction. I read a lil ways down this tread and realized you have a picture thread? I would find this to be very helpful since I am worried about scaring and the actual quality of the breasts they can create. I did read to PM timtam but when I searched it pulled up nothing... Please help me lol I will def continue reading your posts to get more info since I have only a short time to make this life long choice... Thanks ladies

  • mimi791
    mimi791 Member Posts: 53

    Dear are totally normal my friend.  When I had my staph infection after I finished treatment and had to take the expander out...I was MAD!  Really, really mad.  It took me a long time to be ready to have another surgery again....(3 years) and it's still tough to have to go through it again, even though I feel good this time and know that once the drains come out it's all downhill from there.  Don't be too hard on yourself, we can't always make lemonade out of lemons....sometimes they just suck :)  It will get better, and so will you.  I'm just 2 weeks out an took my dogs for a walk at a time of course and that felt just wonderful.  I advocate a good scream and maybe some jumping up and down and ranting....that feels pretty good too!  Keep your chin up!  And like Nicole4, I am 43 and feel really good.  I am fortunate that where I work closes for the week between Christmas and New Years, so I will have a full 4 weeks off, but TBH, I could get away without taking all of them.

    So happy that I did this....I'm thinking of having a ceremonial chicken cutlet burning (prosthetic) for the holidays.  Keep on keeping on ladies!!


  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    Fitzdc that was a very good response...the best one I have seen on here.  I am 5 weeks out today and just noticed that today I felt really good!! Everything is getting more supple etc...Ready to start doing some light stretching to help it along.  The fills are hard on me.  I do get really sore and extremely tight the day of the fill and into the morning after.  It seems to wear off after that.

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    Amy, your reconstruction will really depend on what type of surgery you have and if you have to have radiation.  If you don't have to have radiation and can have a skin saving  mastectomy then you won't need a LD flap.

  • jleemac
    jleemac Member Posts: 6

    Hey Gals,

    I had 2 drains (out of 6) removed yesterday and my first fill.  Not terrible.  I am 2 weeks out, still sore but not as fatigued as I was.  My underarm is hurting on one side and I am wondering if I have swollen lymph nodes or is it just the fill.  I am still also sleeping in the recliner because one side starts throbbing after I have lain flat for 30 minutes.  Weird.

    Mimi791, I also had a staph infection after my bilat (on one side) and it took me a year and a half to face another surgery.  That has been one of my fears with this surgery.  My infection started the day after my drains came out and my Doc went on vacation.  I am taking Cipro and will stay on it several days after these drains come out.

    Amy4978, I am a two time survivor.  2nd diagnosis was 8 years after the first and I am not even sure what I would do again.  I had a lumpectomy and radiation in 2003 for DCIS and the cancer came back in the same breast and the 2nd time was invasive so I didn't think twice about a bilateral.  It is a great feeling knowing I will never have to have another mammogram but the other side of the coin is that I kept my breasts for 8 years.  I was 40 the first dx.  In hindsight, I would have benefitted from the bilat the first time but I know that I am unusual.  I also have a tendency to form bloodclots so I was not a candidate for tamoxifen which also could have made a difference.  I am sorry you are facing the decision.  It is hard when it is not clear cut. 
