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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • weety
    weety Member Posts: 378

    Yeah, I think you are right.  It is like specialists (oncs, breast surgeons, etc) only look at the piece of the puzzle that pertains to them only.  Once they are done with their part, they're done.

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Just as not all surgeries are the same, not all PSs are the same.  All my surgeries are over yet I have a three month check up scheduled, and will see PS every year 'just to check in'.   I think I have been very lucky  as there are no major issues - so far.  I was even one of those who had the nipple tattoo done at the PS and it looks great.

  • IllinoisNancy
    IllinoisNancy Member Posts: 99

    I had the LD followed by immediate reconstruction on both sides.  It was difficult to have 5 drains in at once but after a couple of weeks, I was feeling much better.  I had problems that you will not see since I had radiation 4 years prior that left my skin in a mess.  The PS had to do a minor surgery one week after the major one to help the incisions heal.  I'm feeling great now and don't regret having everything done at once.  Good luck and please know that good days are ahead.

    Take care,


  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    I had my TE removed and perm. to put last Thursday...I am not happy with results. Right one looks bigger and red, left one looks like pancake.. called them and sent pictures, they said it happens ...sometimes....feeling week and nauseaus all the time...

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    sounds like right one has more swelling around it. It's really too soon to see your final results. You will be weak due to the loss of blood and time in bed. Nausea doesn't have to happen. Call your Dr. Before panicking, allow 6 weeks for the swelling to go down.

    Sadly, many of us require a revision or two even after this, but there will be a end to this! Olgah, don't give up!

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    6 weeks? OMG!I will go to work in 6 weeks..Nausea happened because of Bactrim, they changed it today to Clyndomicin and it stopped....

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    olgah34: didn't mean to put you in a panic. I'm sure when you go to work no one will even notice your new boobs. It's you that sees everything now as you stand in front of a mirror 'a la natural'. It just does take up to that long for all the swelling to go down and for your body to adjust to the new implants.  That's why (or so my plastic surgeon explained) that any revisions or 'tweaking' should not take place until 3 - 6 months after the original surgery.  PS had me wait 6 months as my LD muscle was quite built up from the heavy lifting I used to do and then she went back in and tightened it up and as by then the muscle had atrophied, so that breast was a bit smaller than the one without the flap, she put in a slightly bigger implant to equal the other side.

    And remember, implants will never have the shape of our natural breasts, which is more like a cone than the 'hamburger' shape of the implant.

    I tell you, with clothes on, even though I went for little implants as I didn't want to do the temporary  ones and fill them, I feel very confident....and I don't feel bad when I see myself in the mirror when I get out of the shower!

    Glad your nausea stopped.  Now just rest and heal so you are feeling ready to go back to work!

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Just a girl...I have leakage from incision for 2 days....with drains....scared

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Is your incision leaking into the drain or around the drain?

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    sorry, I did not explain right...leakage is on left breast can it be, because I have drains?

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Fluid does build up behind incisions and depending on where the drain is placed, it might not be able to drain all the fluid.  My incision leaked (it wasn't blood rather clear fluid) a bit and I cleaned it with water only.  If you are concerned go the to ER or to your doctor.  And don't be afraid to go!  By week six my drain was no longer draining properly and the fluid smelled really bad.  Seems there was a slight infection.

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    olgah, this is the nurse in me and the LD patient: the leakage if the drainage is clear and light pink is just extra fluid draining from your incision. If the leakage is around a drain site, and the drain isn't putting out much, you might need to 'milk' it as it might be blocked. If the drainage isn't around a drain, you need to advise your doctor. Keep a sterile dressing over it and change frequently so the dampness doesn't sit on your skin. Let the Dr know if you can 'smell the drainage' - that usually is a sign of infection but then the drainage would be yellow or greenish in colour.

    But how much leakage are we talking about? a teaspoon, a tablespoon, more?

    Your internal tissues were very swollen from the irritation of being cut and moved around and stitched up. This makes fluid rush into the area as a form of protection. As the area heals, the extra fluid isn't needed there anymore and has to come out.

    I had 6 drains with my LD flap on the one side and just a regular mastectomy on the other and still had drainage here and there.

    Main thing is if drainage if by drainage tube  the tubing may be blocked - so it's the Dr or the nurse may ask you to 'milk' it yourself by wrapping the drainage tube around a pen tightly  and then releasing it. Sometimes little clots of tissue can block the drain.

    I'll check back later to see how you are. First rule. Don't panic! Easier said than done but drainage is better out than in!

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Hi, Just! The leakage is from incision on my left foob, I had it days  in the row, color was red-yellow, size like dime.

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    Olgah -if the leakage isn't where a drain tube goes in, dime size isn't much. And you are on antibiotics for the yellowish tint of the drainage...and yellow doesn't always mean infection. Your surgery was just last Thursday, so drainage along the incision line, other than through the drain can happen. Just be sure to change your dressing every day and maybe put on some antibiotic cream which you Dr can prescribe. Dampness next to an incision doesn't promote healing.

    I'll be back tonight if you have any more questions.


  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    why do I have chills, Debbie? I did have it after LD too, no fever, it wakes me up at night....thank you!

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    olgah - sorry you are having so many issues.  Hope they resolve soon....

    does anyone know what happened to DAY?  looks like she changed her screen name - hope all is ok with her

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Have not heard from Day in a while.  Hope everyone is doing well.

    Olgah - perhaps the chills are realted to hormone therapy?  I am on Tamox, too and for the first few months I had hot flashes - the thrid month that was replaced by night chills.

  • sherrybaby
    sherrybaby Member Posts: 18

    Just wanted to let you ladies know that I made it through my surgery on Monday. The surgery was 30 minutes shorter than the PS originally estimated. He said everything went very well. I have just been napping off and on since I got home yesterday. Olgah--hope you get feeling better quickly. I hope everyone else is doing fine!


  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    Good News sherrybaby... I think mine was shorter also.  I think they give you worst case time frame, lol.  Glad you are doing well.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    sherrybaby - wishing you a quick recovery!

  • kaza
    kaza Member Posts: 122

    sherrybaby..thinking of you x

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    Olga: if you are having chills which wake you up at night I would say you are just like me and it's all thanks to the Tamoxifen. First take your temperature. If it's normal, then it's not infection and you wouldn't just wake up with chills but have them during the day.

    I was on Femara almost 2 1/2 years before they switched me to Tamoxifen in January when they found the mets. I had had some night sweats with the Femara but the Tamoxifen leaves me drenched so I am shaking - my short light pj bottoms and light cotton tank top are sticking to me and my hair is wet to the point of almost dripping. Up I get, change pj's, wrap my hair in a towel (it's longish now) and put a towel down on my side of the bed and try to go back to sleep. I get these flashes during the day but not as bad but the night ones always wake me chilled and then when I go back to bed I pile on the quilts and probably help to bring the next one on! Oh how I love Tamoxifen and to think I will take it or something the rest of my life.............I can do it!

    I just have a sneaking feeling it's the Tamoxifen but you can always check with your PS as you are just a week out from surgery. 

    How is the leakage going?  Much in the drains?

    I'll check back later today - it's just 8:45 here in Australia.  debbie

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Hello, everyone I am better Thank God! They removed drains yesterday chills gone, leakage too. But I still have to keep arms down till Monday. I had seroma problems 1, 5 months after LD, they removed it manually, then put drain back....uuuggh.. Debbie , I am on Tamoxifen 1,5 years, hot flashes and sweat, of course, but not chills...they were after both operations- LD and exchange- weird...thank you for advice!

  • sunny2
    sunny2 Member Posts: 29

    Hello all,  I am 3 weeks out from LD surgery.  All has gone well.  I am wondering how long it took for you to raise your arm above your head.  I continue to improve on range of motion but I'm not there yet.  Any thoughts?  Thanks!

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    Sunny2 I can't remember for sure but it did take awhile to get some range of motion.  I think about the time I was really doing good my TE's were expanded and that didn't help.  I had lat surgery in November of 2012 and TE Exchange March 1, 2013 and I feel like I am just now getting some good range of motion.

  • sunny2
    sunny2 Member Posts: 29

    Thanks hwranch, I figured it would take more time than I would like.  At least I am seeing improvement...just would love to stretch my arms out over my head first thing in the morning!  

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    olga, so glad you are better and the chills are gone. Yipee!

    sunny: I wasn't told to try any range of motion until 6 weeks after surgery but to move around. At 6 weeks I started with PT and within 3 or 4 once a week sessions and the exercises she gave me each time, I had all my range of motion back!

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    hi lat ladies

    i dont expect any answers but i just wanted to im 6mos post op and still feel horrible.  Actually i think it is getting worse or i am just so tired of the pain that it feels worse.  I cant believe what this surgery has done to my QOL.  I am so angry at myself for allowing this to be done to me.  I am so at the end of my rope.  Please dont tell me about PT, massage etc etc as i have tried it all and still trying it.  The meds they gave me barely touch the pain.  The next step is the injections which i pray help me.  I dont know what to do, where to turn, all the medical "professionals" are at a loss as to what to do with me.  I cant live this way

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    Rozem - I'm so sorry that you're having such a hard time and haven't been able to find any relief.  I really hope that the injections end up being at least part of an answer toward improving your quality of life again.  Hang in there...

  • kaza
    kaza Member Posts: 122 sorry you are dealing with you same surgery LD ..i am in pain most days, i certainly would not of had this surgery, it is strange i had a real gut feeling..this was the wrong way to go, but we trust people and we are vunerable when dx..

    I take pain relief most days, i find stress makes the pain worse, and tightens everything, hot show onto my back does help a bit, i also do stretching exercises daily, what can we do there is no reversal for this surgery..just hoping it will get easier...sending you a hug kaza xxxxx