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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    hey lat ladies...havent heard from you all in a long time.

    anyone other than Jo done pain injections?  i am pushing for them and hoping they give me some relief - the pain doc is hesitating because she said it might make it worse, good grief, i can't handle worse at this point.  I started working with a personal trainer, hoping that helps.  I cant believe the re-hab nightmare i am in!

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    Rosem-sorry for all your pain issues. I made it thru my incisional infection still need more skin to heal around the flap. But, luckily no pain issues except for some "Burning" that is relieved by motrin. 7 Weeks out and going back to work. Will see how this "new normal" goes at work. Good luck on the injections and hope they work to get you relief at last.

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    Rosem-sorry for all your pain issues. I made it thru my incisional infection still need more skin to heal around the flap. But, luckily no pain issues except for some "Burning" that is relieved by motrin. 7 Weeks out and going back to work. Will see how this "new normal" goes at work. Good luck on the injections and hope they work to get you relief at last.

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    Ugh...I'm sorry for those of you having pain issues.  I have had none.  My surgery was November 2012.  The muscle seems to be getting softer and more flexible...I do experience muscle spasms at times.  It's always when I am setting or leaning a certian way.  I did have some issues that my massage therapist helped me correct.  I was very contracted on my lat flap side and it was really cauging me to be out of wack.  I think I've gotten that straightened out.  I do have a couple of ridges I can feel on the top and bottom side of the breast but Dr told me this morning that it is scar tissue.  We are going to do liposuction on the transfererred tissue as it is puffier than the breast itself.

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    Rosem- what is in these pain injections the Dr is offering? Cortisone?

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    not sure...we havent explored that option yet.  I dont see her for another month or so

    i think its lidocaine? maybe?

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    rosem: lidocaine will act for only about  6 hours. Cortisone is for inflamed muscles and works for about 6 weeks. I just had an injection in my shoulder for bursitis (overuse and old age) and within 15 minutes afterward I could move my arm almost 100% . In an hour all pain was gone and I had 100% of my flexibility back. Good stuff! And you can have it more than once if the area does not involve a torn/injured muscle.

    But thinking of the lidocaine. Maybe since I quit nursing in the US they have invented a long acting lidocaine. Would be nice as it numbs everywhere it's injected. It's used here for minor procedures in the Dr's office, like removal of a cancerous lesion.

  • LoriBach
    LoriBach Member Posts: 38

    I am sure this question has been asked before and I probably missed it.... I am 6 weeks postop from a double lat flap with expanders surgery.  I finally had my last drain removed earlier this week.  I asked my PS about restrictions (lifting weights, etc) and the only thing he said not to do was mud wrestle and bench press.

    Here is my question...did anyone still have restrictions after 6 weeks?

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    LoriBach- We are really close, mine was 8 weeks ago.  My PS released me with no lifting restrictions after 6 weeks.  Just returned to work this week.  Had 2 more weeks off due to infection issues not lifting retrictions.  I need to heal the incisions more before starting the fill process so I will take it easy on the job and at home, but at least I could return to work.  I would take it slow and build up your strength gradually, you listen to your body. How are you feeling otherwise?

  • LoriBach
    LoriBach Member Posts: 38

    I am actually pretty good.  I am still getting used to the muscle being in a different spot.  Certain movements now feel weird.  Also at this point it looks like the "twins" are running in opposite directions - bigger under my arms...haha  I am guessing this will work itself out.

    I will start fills next wednesday.  I just want to get the process done!

    Other than your infection, mamasixtaz, how are you going with the surgery?  Did you do any sort of PT?

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    lori - yes i would HIGHLY suggest PT - none of my doctors did, this is a big surgery and your body has to re-learn a lot of things since those muscles were displaced.  You need to help your other muscles compensate, regain range of motion etc.  I think at 6wks post-op you are good to go with PT.  I really envy you ladies who have had no issues with this, especially you double lat girls.  Im still in pain from this surgery and i only had one side done. 

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    All the same for me, lots of underarm "boob" especially on the left the cancer/lumphnode side.  My Right side has some but is much decreased and not bothering me at all.  So, the hope is the left needs more time to heal as it had the necrotic/tissue healing issues as well.  I have seroma build up in the left side as well and have needed it drained weekly since the drains came out.  I went 2 weeks this time and only had 70cc drained, still feels so good to get it out!  It is decreasing gradually so will be gone soon. PS put in referral for PT but wanted to get all incisions healed first. I have good range of motion and can stretch over my head well enough to hang IVs for my nursing job so I dont't think it will take much.

    I did not get to start my fills yet but he started me out in surgery pretty good at 500cc so no hurry.  Need more healing as the incisions are really slow getting there. Going in the right direction though so just need to be patient.  Foot in Mouth

    At least I can now lay down in bed, and on my side with lots of pillows.  It is the TEs that made it so uncomfortable along with the incisions burning and stinging.

    Hope the fills get started for you and put you on your way to exchange soon!

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    My PS said if it hurts dont' to it.  Use common sense and other than that I had no restrictions after 6 weeks.  I only had the left side done, in November 2012 and I am just now getting used to how the muscle works in it's new place.  It felt very strange for a long time.  Please do lots of stretching, I had problems because my left side got very contracted.  Fortunatelly my massage therapist got me straightened back out.

  • sherrybaby
    sherrybaby Member Posts: 18

    Has anyone had any problems with cording after LD surgery? My surgery went well, I am healing fine. We are waiting for swelling to go down before starting the fills, but I have this pain in my arm that showed up after surgery. I just thought it was from being in a strange position during surgery or the way I had been holding my arm. The pain has not gone away or really gotten any worse and it usually only happens when I try to reach for something and stretch my arm completely out. Early this week the cord showed up though. I can feel it in my armpit, then it disappears until it shows back up just past my elbow. 

    I asked my PS about it and he called it Mondor's disease and said it should go away on its own. I did some reading on my own and found that Axillary Web Syndrome (AWS), or cording, is considered to be a form of Mondor's disease. This issue is that the Mondor's disease that he seems to be referring to affects blood vessels while I really think my issue is more with the lymph system. Since we are waiting for my swelling to decrease I don't go back to see him until late June. The reading I have been doing indicates that AWS should be treated quickly while if it was normal Mondor's it could be left alone. 

    I guess I am asking if anyone else has run into this because most cases of AWS don't seem to come up after this surgery, or at least I haven't read of any. It normally happens after SNB or axilliary dissection. Ugh, I am just confused and unsure of if I should call his office and request a PT appt if I can find one that does lymph related therapy or if I should just wait until I see him again in June. 

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    sherrybaby - i had the cording after this surgery, it felt like several thick bands in my armpit.  I went to a massage therapist who had lymphadema knowledge and she worked on it.  I had to go a few times but it worked and i dont have it anymore

  • sherrybaby
    sherrybaby Member Posts: 18

    Rozem - thanks for the info. My step daughter has a good friend who is an OT that specialized in LE treatment. She said she is going to talk to her and see if she also has experience with cording and if so can she give me some pointers about things I can do at home. I went to a couple LE sites and realized there are very few therapists in my area and of course none of them are covered by my insurance company. I have gone out of network twice before for other issues and it was a nightmare both times. I just don't care to repeat that experience so hopefully her friend can provide some help. Thanks again for the update.

  • LoriBach
    LoriBach Member Posts: 38

    What causes the "underarm boob" and how long does it take to go away?

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    the underarm boob is the muscle - some have a very pronounced one, others have very little.  I believe it gets better with time - i didnt have it, just really really tight under that arm. 

  • LoriBach
    LoriBach Member Posts: 38

    Mine is pretty significant on both sides.  I really hope it goes away.

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    Mine is significant on the left and gets larger by the end of a busy day. The right was large but has gone down to a small roll. My PS says the muscle has to atrophy and the boob will be smaller but may never go completely away. I hope it goes away too, it is uncomfortable esp in evenings. Do u get "burning" pain in both the foobs and back? I dont take much for pain but motrin doesnt relieve it much anyway. Hits especially when tired, probably telling me to slow down, lol.

  • kaza
    kaza Member Posts: 122

    Hi, i had L/D surgery Oct 09 to left side. I still have swelling under my arm, which is also worse at the end of a long day, stressed or very tired. I find when working night duty it is more swollen tight and painfull. I was at the hospital yesterday i did mention it again, he said sometimes it never goes away and physiotherapy may help and massage.  

    It seems once surgery is over we are left to deal with the outcome with little support x 

  • LoriBach
    LoriBach Member Posts: 38

    You know I never really thought about it being more swollen at the end of the day, but now that I read this, I too, have the same problem.  Fortunately I do not have any pain in my foobs or back.  I have good range of motion in my arms, but I find twisting difficult.  The muscle on the side also spasms sometimes.  It does not hurt, just feels weird.

    So here is a question...if you have to wait for the muscle to atrophy...will it still atrophy if you are doing strength training???

  • dnadebbs
    dnadebbs Member Posts: 34

    phew!  i'm back!   so i'm getting ready for my 2nd attempt at this reconstruction thing and i'm going in for the Lat Dorsi Flap.    My pre-op is this thursday so any advice on what questions to ask would be welcomed.   In Jan of this year i had a simple TE surgery done...both sides....and both sides got infected.....had them both removed on 1/31.   Come to find out from my new PS as well as others "in the know" that this type of surgery has only a 70% success rate on radiated skin.   i was devastated....but not ready to give up.   so we're trying it again and with a good PS who was highly recommended.   

    My surgery is scheduled for 5/31.....and again.....any advice on questions to ask and how to prepare myself would be much appreciated.

    Thanks again for all the great messages for us to educate ourselves on.


  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    wondering the same thing on the muscle atrophy...i am doing light weight training right now - no lats or pec work but thats hard to avoid with any upper body excercises.  My PS said no restrictions, but he also said i would have no limitations from this surgery and we all know how that all worked out! I am meeting with a sports medicine doctor on Thursday to ask him what muscle groups i should be working on and to get a weight training program - he is apparently the best in the city (my GP pulled strings to get me in) he apparently works with injured elite athletes.  I will report back

    dnadebbs - i would start some sort of PT as soon as you are cleared to do so, I think a lot of my problems started because i was so immobile after surgery.  Make sure to get a referral now and have someone in place.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    dnadebbs - good luck with your preop and lat surgery.  I had my UMX on left side in Oct 2011.  I didn't have rads.  I did have direct to implant, no TE.  I am happy to say I'm doing ok.  I am able to exercise and have pretty good symetry.  I wish you the best of luck on your upcomming surgery.  I hope it goes well.  Positive attitude will be the best advice I can give.  That and give the recovery time.  When allowed be sure to do some stretching exercise so you don't get stiff.  You will feel better as the days go.  I wish you well!

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    Dnadebbs-So glad you are back! Hope your surgery goes well and turns out good for you. You have been thru so much, this is a hard surgery but when the options are limited to none other it is doable.

    I cant think of what to ask at your this time you have researched and decided to go with this surgery. Trust your Dr to get it done. Will be thinking about you.

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    dnadebbs: preop ask your plastic surgeon to mark on you with a pen where he will be making the back incision and where he will be threading the muscle under your arm and how it will wrap around the breast area. Also have him show you photos of women he has already done.

    ask about pain medication and muscle relaxers after the surgery. ask how many drains does he expect to use. ask if he will give you a dose of antibiotics during the procedure, and then IV antibiotics until you leave the hospital which is when he should give you oral antibiotics. Truly, you should be on antibiotics for about 2 1/2 weeks.

    get his number where you can reach him at any time once you are home and also the number of his nurse who might be able to answer your question/concern first.

    I'm glad I got my lat dorsi flap, because without it, and due to the radiation on that side, I know now just putting any implant in and expecting the pec muscle and dermis (skin below top of what we see on the surface) to support it, even a small implant like I had - 225 cc would of failed.

    also make sure you are ok with the size of the implants to be used. You can go smaller than what your actual breast was as the silicone will stay firm and perky for the rest of your life. Even as small as my implants are, I have cleavage without even a bra on.

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    also ask about physical therapy.

  • dnadebbs
    dnadebbs Member Posts: 34

    Hi ladies!

    Rozem/fitzdc:   Def going to do the physical just makes sense to me.....and i'm at risk for lymphedema so i will definitely take part in this.

    mamasixtaz:   you got that right sistuh!   i do trust this PS far more than the first one....i really wanted her to be successful but so disappointed that she didn't know as much as she claimed and i paid the price.   note to self.

    justagirl:   thanks so much hun!   great information and i wrote it all down to bring up to him this afternoon.   thank you also for your insight to this surgery.  i wish i had known what you did the first time around but i trusted my PS.  i'm far more confident now....and know way more than i did before.  

    Thanks again Ladies!  

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    dnadebbs: the best to you!