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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • dnadebbs
    dnadebbs Member Posts: 34

    thank you!

    pre-op went great.....i'm far more confident in my new PS then i was with my last.  he just has a much better attitude and so much more confident and encouraging.  you would've thought i would've got that from my female PS the first time around but she was the opposite.....more like a "suck it up buttercup" attitude.   lessons learned!

    anywhooo......pre-op was good....feeling way confident in the surgery and my PS and am good with whatever the outcome is.  he said i will come out of surgery with "mounds" and the TE's will be half full already.......i'm excited to actually be able to fill out my summer dresses again!   especially now that it's FREAKIN HOT HERE IN AZ!  lol!

    thanks for the encouragement ladies!

    stay tuned!   (i still might need your help!  lol!)

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    dnadebbs-So glad your appointment went so well.  It is so important to have a good relationship with your PS.  I do and have had a good experience so far. I also was" half filled" in the start.  Nice to wake up with something to start!   I hope he will continue the filling process this next week.  Hope you can enjoy your weekend and not worry too  much about the surgery ahead.  

  • Kc2009
    Kc2009 Member Posts: 2

    I am scheduled to have ld on my right side on June 21st. My ps wants to do the right side and then do a mast on the left with immediate rcon. I dont understand why I couldnt have both done at the same time. What are your thoughts on this?

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    i had both done at once - not sure why he/she would not want to do that - pretty common

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    Kc2009-I had bmx with LD both done at once.  He and the BS had to have a partner come in and help to get it done in a reasonable timeframe.  That would be the only reason I could see to do 2 surgeries and put you more at risk.  I would ask him why both couldn't be done.

  • rallytay
    rallytay Member Posts: 7

    Hi all!  Just found this page and am LOVING reading all about everyone's experiences! It's so great to see how many amazing, strong women are out there.  I'm 31, tested brca2 positive in January and am going in for BPM with Lat Flap on Friday.  I believe PS is putting in TE, but just to be used as a placeholder until I'm healed enough for exchange to implant 3-4 months later (fingers crossed!)  I started reading through this blog and found some great tips, but seeing that there are 86 pages got me a little overwhelmed, so I thought I'd throw out the question again to see if anyone has any new input for me.  I was able to speak with a women who used both of my surgeons and she was superrrrr helpful, but I'm a need-to-know type person, so the more info I can go in with, the more prepared I am for when I get out.  I've read through all the pre/post op checklists, but there's nothing like hearing it first hand.  Prepare me!  What do I need?  What can I expect?!  I know every situation is different, but I love knowing allllll my options!  Thanks so much!!

  • MsBoniqua
    MsBoniqua Member Posts: 4

    Rozem, I already had LE prior to the surgery and mine seems to have improved.   I'm getting the TE exchanged on Thursday and a lift on the other side.   I'm hoping that getting that heavy TE out will help even more.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    rally - is there a reason the PS is recommending the lat flap for you?  if it is just a prophy on both sides there is no need to use the lat muscle.  Most of us have had it because of rads damage.  I would not sacrifice both muscles for a prophalatic mastectomy.  I will give you a synopsis of this thread (i have read the entire thing since surgery) since you said you did not - some have had zero issues with the surgery, others have had tons of pain/weakness/immobility issues with it.  This is a much tougher surgery to recover from than just TE surgery.  Private message me if you want any further info

  • rallytay
    rallytay Member Posts: 7

    Rozem- Thanks for responding!  I have chosen to go the Lat Flap route mostly because of the results.  After doing my research and speaking with both of my surgeons (BS and PS), we all agreed that while it might be the most invasive, it will also be the most natural of the options out there.  My PS is extremely reputable in the area (Philadelphia), specializes in this type of reconstruction, and you literally can't tell the difference between his before's and after's.  The idea of just getting implants was not really anything I was looking for at this point in my (relatively young) life.  I'm hoping my healthy, in-shape body will be able to handle the surgery and I'll be ok.  With 4 days to go, I'm not looking to start changing my plan :)

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    rally - well sounds like you are comfortable with your team/decision.  As for what to expect,  you will be in the hospital 2-3 nights depending on your PS.  First few wks are the most painful for sure - but you will have meds for that.  Make sure you take something for constipation b/c all those pain meds cause this problem.  Make sure you ask for a referral to physiotherapy so you can start as soon as you are cleared to do so.  This is important to regaining your strength and range of motion.  You will have trouble washing your hair/getting things on high shelves etc so you will need a lot of help around the house.  No lifting for a while - ask your PS for restrictions.  Make sure to get some button down shirts/pj tops -those are the easiest.  You will have drains in your back and front - those are the worst but hopefully you will be one of the lucky ones and they come out quickly (i had mine for 12 long days)

    good luck and keep us posted!

  • Colcol
    Colcol Member Posts: 4

    Rallytay, what PS are you seeing in Philly? My surgeries and doctors are located at JEFFERSON hospital. I was diagnosed at 35 with stage 1 BC. I had BMX w/ lat dorsi on both sides. I did not have any radiation treatment. Like you my PS thought this was the best surgery for me. My main complaint about the recovery were the drains. The most pain I was in was after the anesthesia from the surgery wore off. Once they found the combo of pain meds (valium/percocet)that worked for me it was tolerable. Sleeping was tough because I am a side/stomach sleeper. I returned to work 3 weeks after my surgery. One of the main reasons being that I didn't get paid for my time off. Also , I really needed to get back in a routine. I also started physical therapy two weeks after my surgery. I am 7 months post surgery and can do all my normal activities. Hope this helps.

  • rallytay
    rallytay Member Posts: 7

    Thanks Colcol!  It definitely helped! My breast surgeon, Dr. Brill, is actually out of Cooper, but she teams up with plastic surgeon Dr. Copit at Jefferson, and he comes to Cooper for the surgery. Is that who you used? I have spoken to tons of other physicians and as soon as I mention Dr. Copit's name, they tell me to look no further, he's the best of the best.  One dr even referred to him as the "Michelangelo of breasts!" haha! 

    From alllllll I've read, it sounds like (assuming everything is healing properly) the drains are by far the most annoying parts of the surgery.  Most people are saying that once the drains come out, you feel 1000x better.  

  • Colcol
    Colcol Member Posts: 4

    Yep, Dr. Copit is my PS. One of my friend's used Dr. Copit for her reconstruction and it looked very natural. My BS also recommended him. I am very happy with my results. What did you think of him when you met him? I was warned that his bedside manner wasn't the best, but he does the best work.  When I went for my first consultation he was very matter of fact about what he was going to do. The morning of my BMX he was very personable and talkative. For my post-op visits he was in and out, which I guess is a good thing since that meant I was healing well.  Every doctor that I have seen since my surgery have complimented his work:)

  • rallytay
    rallytay Member Posts: 7

    That's so great to hear! I must have caught him on a good day for my first consultation, because he was very personable; joking around with me, making me laugh and feel very comfortable and answering all of my questions.  He had a certain aire about him that I could see comes across as a bit self-assured, but that's honestly what I would expect in a PS.  I want someone confident in what they do! So glad your friend had good results, and that you're happy with yours thus far!! The patient I spoke to who used both of my surgeons told me at the very start of the conversation that I'm going to look better than when I started, so that has certainly helped calm some of my post-op fears! :)

  • Colcol
    Colcol Member Posts: 4

    Good Luck on Friday !!! Please update when you are feeling well after the surgery.

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    ralllytay-Good luck on your surgery Friday.  Remember to take your pain meds and stay ahead of the pain, don't be a hero.  The recliner was my favorite spot to eat, sleep and hang out.  Hope you have some help around the house and with the drains for the first week as it is hard to manuver all by yourself the first 2 weeks.  It then gets better every day.  I used my  jackets with inside pockets for the drains but since it is warmer you may want to use pink pockets.  The pins to hold the drains are hard to function when taking narcotics!  The surgery discussion boards have great information as well.  I agree with rozem it is a big surgery so take it easy and let things heal.  Hope all goes well, look forward to hearing from you on the other side.

    Many ((HUGS!!)) 

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404

    My surgeon gave me a very comfortable velcro belt to wear under my clothes that had little velcros loops to hold the drains.  It was a life saver.  The kit also came with a thing to wear around your neck to hold all the drains while you showered. I saved it because I knew I would need it for stage 2 recon. So, ask you surgeon about it.  A lot have them in the office to give you.

  • blaze911
    blaze911 Member Posts: 2

    Hi Rallytay, 

    I had BMX in 06 and due to an skin infection I had a LDF in 08.  This was something I didn't have a choice of, my inital surgery result looked pretty natural. I will say that the LDF for me isn't cosmetically as nice.  Just some things I experienced with my flap was, I initially had some weakness, but with time and strength training, that was not a issue. I am a Firefighter and strength training is a must! You may find minimal defecitin that area. What I did experience and still today is sometimes in certain lifts/positions I did have some spasms/cramp as well as tight feeling across my breast towards my back. When you flex your muscle on that side, you may see your breast flex as well.  I wear a lightly padded bra, so that isn't so noticable. With time stretching and strenght training you can get back into shape. I am back at work as a FF for 5 years now and have no deficits that hold me back from doing what I love at work or in my personal life. 

    Good luck and God Bless,


  • blaze911
    blaze911 Member Posts: 2

    Hi I know your surgery is scheduled for June 21st, but unless you PS has a really good reason for not doing both, I would seek other professional opinions! This is done all the time and the less times we go under the effects of surgery, the better.  Matter fact for cosmetic reasons, when they are in there performing the PS side of your surgery, they are comparing both breast to make sure they look asymmetric. Be in charge of your care.

    Best wishes,


  • rallytay
    rallytay Member Posts: 7

    Hi everyone! Thanks so much for all the support and great tips! It's 2 days away and the emotions are really starting to take hold. Luckily I'm still working right up until Thursday afternoon so that will be a good distraction. I've already been to the PT for a pre-op appt and going back again today. He's really awesome and specializes in working with patients after this type of surgery, so he already has me on a plan for post-op. I will be going to my mom's after the surgery so she can help take care of me, and my sister is bringing over her recliner since I keep hearing how life saving they are. I've also heard the horror stories about constipation so my mom is well stocked up on all the things I'll need. I'm thinking of starting to take something Thursday, just to get it in my system before the surgery. I'm definitely nervous about the unknown... What kind of pain, how long the pain will last, range of motion right after and in the future. Everyone's situation is different, so I guess it's just the waiting game! I have an incredible support system and tons of friends begging for me to tell them how to help me, so I guess it's time to accept my fate and take the plunge! Thanks again for all your help and support!!! I'll let you know how it goes, hopefully after I'm off some of the pills. If it's during my drug-induced state, I apologize ahead of time for whatever I may say!! Haha :)

  • dnadebbs
    dnadebbs Member Posts: 34

    good luck miss rallytay!  i'm having my surgery on friday 5/31 as well! i'm excited for you and to hear how everything goes. you're in my prayers!

    ladies!  thank you for all the information you shared with sure helped me alot too!  i'm having both done at the same time and am praying it goes well.  this is my 2nd attempt and i'm far more confident!

    i'll let y'all know how it goes next week sometime!   ;)


  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404

    mamasix, may I ask why lat flap was your only choice for reconstruction.  I too have been told I can't have implants, and I might not have enought tummy fat, so there are leanings toward the lat flap.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404

    mamasix, may I ask why lat flap was your only choice for reconstruction.  I too have been told I can't have implants, and I might not have enough tummy fat, so there are leanings toward the lat flap.

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    Goldie4040-I am overweight and large breasts so just TEs were not recommended due to PS did not think we could expand to the size we would need and skin being too thin. He felt the added muscle would add vol and support the implants after using expanders to stretch it out. I was not a TRAM candidate due to abd surgeries, so thats why LD was done. I had 2 PS consults and my BS also encouraged the decision. I really trusted the BS and PS who did my surgery, result was great so far and not as bad as I truely had imagined.

  • rallytay
    rallytay Member Posts: 7

    Thanks for the info, blaze!

    And good luck to you, dnadebbs!!!  I'll be thinking of you!  Someone on another page who is also having surgery around the same time as us called us "recovery sisters."  I liked that!  So... Good luck, recovery sister!! Keep in touch and let us know how you're holding up, and I'll be sure to do the same! :)

  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    Good luck with your sx girls! I am just two weeks out of BL latissumus, (12 hr sx)I came out with six drains and pain pump. Surgery on a Monday and home by wednesday. First week was pretty rough, I am down to 4 drains with minimal drainage. Hoping to get two more out today! Using OTC meds for discomfort occasionally. I will give you one good tip that helped a lot, biotene moisturizing mouth spray and a good chapstick at your bedside. Post surgery you will be real dry and potentially overdose on ice chips, then N/V is no fun. I am very pleased with the results so far!

  • dnadebbs
    dnadebbs Member Posts: 34

    jeepster!     12 hours?   why did it take so long and why did you have 6 drains?  i was told i would only have 4 and my surgery would be 5.5 hours.   wowzers!   great to hear that it went well andyou're happy with the results tho......yayyyy you!

    rally!   yes please!  i would love to hear how everything is going for you.   

    God bless Recovery Sisters!

  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    The first four hours was the PS harvesting the muscle, tucking under the arm, the next four hours was the BS doing a tissue sparing mastectomy, then the PS comeback to finish with tissue expanders and muscle re attachment. I had four back drains and two breast drains. Two back drains came out today and a 60 ml fill to the expanders! Hoping next week the next two drains will come out.

  • dnadebbs
    dnadebbs Member Posts: 34

    ohhhhhh!  you had the mastectomy at the same time!  gotcha!   wowzers!   you are such a trooper!   mine is just the LD recon.....i had my mast last year.

    well happy healing to you sweety and i'm hoping those drains come out quickly for you as well!


  • rallytay
    rallytay Member Posts: 7

    jeepster you're making me nervous! I'm having the mastectomy at the same time as the LD flap, and was told by my surgeons it'll only be a 5-6 hour surgery!?  My mom said that while she was in radiation today she mentioned to her nurse that I'm going in tomorrow, and the nurse told her it would be 12 hours.  Now I'm so confused!