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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    My TEs were further apart until filled then moved closer together yet still a little apart.  Lefty has shifted a little down and more toward the armpit.  Have a slight cleft at the upper pole.  This muscle is really trying to return to it's home, LOL!  PS not worried can fix at exchange. 

    momof2-What a journey you have had so far. I am improving my strength with PT.  Feeling it return gradually.  My fatigue is still there but still many causes besides this surgery (4.5 months out!) I hope you find a way to get the results you desire.  Lat flap will seem easy compared to what you have already been through.  I hope it works our for you.  Sending you many (Hugs)! Let us know how it goes. 

  • mmadrigal05
    mmadrigal05 Member Posts: 12

    rozem & mamasix: thanks for the info ladies! I knew the swelling that's there now would go down but I wasn't very confident that the bulges would go away. I was starting to think I was gonna look like the Incredible Hulk's back from the front:). I may just be overly tired but I can't seem to get comfortable in any position so sleeping isn't something I'm doing very well right now. I have a little tightness and soreness but nothing unbearable. Just when I find a somewhat comfortable spot my butt starts to hurt so I have to get up. Are there any tips u may have so I can get some sleep? My PS said I have to lie sitting up with my arms propped to keep proper circulation to the flap. Not a very comforting position.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    mmadrigal - i slept on a recliner for a long long was the only thing that was comfortable.  Im almost a year out and sleeping on my stomach again - didnt think i could ever do that!

  • Rosesark53
    Rosesark53 Member Posts: 16

    Hi, well I went to my appnt with the ps. I carried a list of questions and of couse didnt get the big question in! 4 years since my unilateral mx. There was very little skin left there, so ps says lat dorsi, with stretchers. If I am able I will get the right breast removed also. He said lat with that one also. I looked at pics in office, but of course you see best ones. He did say that my scar will be under the bra band, but I didnt have him show me how long the scar will be. I am to call them when I make my decision on right breast as they have to start getting ins going. I think I may have a fight on prophylactic as I am on arimidex and cancer was caught very early, so we'll see how that turns out. Either way they have to cover the mx side with lift on good breast. So, being as I have delayed 4 years and may get both recon, I am of course trying to find everything I can to be prepared. So, doing double lats with stretcher under pec, is a real doozy?? Seems like most have skin sparing, nipple saving, immediate recon.

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    Roseark53-I did it all at once which is a doozy! Bmx, LD flap, TEs all at once. But I made it through and will have exchange to implants in Sept. The recon is still a big surgery even delayed, but many have done well.

    mmadrigal-I too slept in recliner for the first 8 wks post LD. Then I tried my bed with many pillows. Some nights getting up to sleep in the recliner. Now at 4.5 months I am able to sleep in bed all night with a couple of pillows. The TEs make sleeping hard as they wake me up if I try to sleep on my side.

  • Rosesark53
    Rosesark53 Member Posts: 16

    Thank you. If you dont mind my asking, where does your incision start and stop for the skin and muscle? Pics online really dont show it, just gives a drawing. But rarely shows where it really starts and stops.

  • HotPinkMess
    HotPinkMess Member Posts: 18

    My LD with TEs  is scheduled for September 10th, after MAJOR failures of Nipple Sparing and Straight to Implant procedures.  Do any of you LD ladies regret having it done?    I'm so discouraged at this point I might bag it and stay flat. 

  • mimi791
    mimi791 Member Posts: 53

    Well, 4 years later..the final exchange on the affected side took place on Thursday 08/08 :)  I feel good, but itchy, but ok, will see it tomorrow at the PS office.  He did do some lipo and some skin revision to get it to match as well as he could to the side with the teardrop silicone.  I'm going to have some perky bewbies, that's for sure.

    @Roseark53, my scar goes vertically down my back and it's about 6 inches.  I've resigned myself to looking a little like Sally from "the nightmare before Christmas" but after 2 years of stuffing a cutlet in my bra, I'm much happier.  I can put on a bathing suit and not worry about my boob floating away on the tide.  I can wear normal shirts and I don't have to wear a bra. 

    @mMadrigal05 The blob under my arm took a good 6 months to atrophy, but it's much better now.  I bought a body pillow and have used that for 4 years now, it lets me lay on my side without rolling onto my stomach and it made sleeping much, much better. 

    @hotpinkmess, I was flat on one side for 3 years after a staph infection stole my first expander after radiation.  I can only speak for myself, but it was a huge psychological victory to see normal bumps in the mirror.  I'm very happy I had the surgery and I have had a positive experience with it.  I know there are folks who have had a bad go of it, but I played golf 12 weeks after the initial surgery.  The only things I have trouble with are closing a window with one arm and sometimes opening jars and bags (like chips).  My range of motion was never really affected.

    Keep hanging on ladies!



  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    mimi - glad to hear from you...sounds like you are doing very well

    hotpinkmess - no, i would not do this surgery again if i had a do-over.  PM me if you want more details

  • kaza
    kaza Member Posts: 122

    hotpinkmess......i also would NOT have this surgery, if i could turn back time .....mimi....pleased you are doing well

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    I have bilateral lat flaps & I 100% would do it again. My back scars are mostly hidden in my bra line. No regrets. 

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    mimi - congrats on a successful surgery and being happy!

    Me, had my UMX lat in 2011 and have no regrets! 

  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    MMadgril05. Positioning in the first few weeks post was rough, I also slept on the recliner chair for the first two weeks, with pillows supporting my arms up. Sleeping in bed now with no problems. I took 25 mg of benadryl to help with sleep.

    @ Hotpinkmess NO regrets! Foobs look pretty darn good considering. I do have some limitations that I am working on. (only three months out from surgery)

    @ roseark53 my scar is vertical, 8 inches ad healing fine.

  • Rosesark53
    Rosesark53 Member Posts: 16

    Thanks, my ps said he was going to put my scar horizontal so it would be hidden under my bra band. I was trying so hard to get all the questions in, that when he ran his hand across real quick, my brain was spinning from trying to retain all the answers to the questions he had given me. It almost makes me want to take a recording device to listen to when you're back home.. I just didnt get if the scar starts at the mastectomy scar then goes back under the arm across back, or if new scar is started past the underarm then continues toward shoulder blade.

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    Roseark53-I have the elipical shaped flap scars on the front of the foobs but the back scars are vertical.  The latissimus dorsi was then tunneled under my arm without an outside scar.  It is internal work done by the PS.  So, the bmx was done first the the PS came in and made the space for the LD to come through then turned me over and made the LD incision.  My scar is vertical about 8 inches on each side.  The LD was then tunneled under my arm and then I was turned over and the TE was placed under the pectoralis muscle and the LD covered the TE and pec muscle.  The skin from my back is in the front of the foob in an eliptical shape. I know PS do it slightly different depending on training and etc but this is the way mine was done. Feel free to PM me for any more info.  They do go through things so quickly that having someone with you does help.  I had to go in for another appointment to get all my questions answered.  Made a list and wrote things down.  But it is so hard when they are talking about your body.  I still was very emotional and scared during all of this, I know it is hard to keep it all straight.

    Hotpink-I would rather have this surgery than be flat.  I am pleased with the result.  All sugeries have draw backs and I wish I felt better but have a little more time to go in my recovery.  I am looking forward to the exchange process and hopeful things will feel better after that.  I was so scared going into this surgery and it was nice to make the decision and get it past me.  My ROM was always good and the pain tolerable with narcotics the first week then just ibu and tylenol.  Now with PT I feel my strenghth increasing as well which I need in my job as a nurse.  I returned to work at 8 weeks full time 12 hr shifts in a busy Labor and Delivery unit.  

  • mmadrigal05
    mmadrigal05 Member Posts: 12

    Thanks for all the tips and good news ladies! I am feeling great except for theses stupid drains. I can feel them in my back and have a hard time sitting back. Pulse the insertion sites are getting itchy. Can't wait to get them out! A little over another week says the PS. I do feel pretty good about the outcome so far. I can't explain the relief I feel when I look down and see boobs. They aren't perfect yet but just knowing that that is where I'm headed feels good. For whatever reason I just could not feel like myself with out boobs. I know it's not the boobs that make me who I am but when I was flat I felt like a freak and definitely not whole and productive. Now I feel the wheels in motion to even more recovery from BC in general.

    Rozem & kaza- why would u not have the procedure again? Have u had not such great results or complications?

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    mmadrigal - if you look back on my previous posts you can read the details.  In a nutshell I have chronic back pain as a result of this surgery.  Not sure why me but it does happen with some of us (kaza and I have similar issues).  Unfortunately my other muscles did not "compensate" like I was told they would.  I have constant upper back, between my shoulders up my neck ache most days - some days worse than others.  I will be a year out in october so at this point it is considered chronic.  I have tried everything (PT, massage, accupuncture, chiro, meds, shots etc) to no avail.  I dont know why some of us have lasting issues with this surgery, but i can tell you its not because i did not try to re-hab myself. 

    That said, it looks like most have done fine with this surgery -and you will too!  good luck and yes the drains suck but once they are out you will feel instant relief

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    mmadrigal-so glad to hear you are doing well.  Foobs are good, better than flat which I couldn't imagine I would like for the long haul.  That's why when given this as my only choice for recon decided to go for it. I hated those darn drains too.  It will be sooo much better once they are out.  Rest and heal, don't over do it...I'm one to talk, it's hard to slow down. Did you have TEs too, if so how much did you have filled?

  • mmadrigal05
    mmadrigal05 Member Posts: 12

    Rozem- I'm so sorry to hear that u are having chronic problems:( thanks for candid honesty though.

    Mama-when I had my first expanders out in January I was devasted beyond what I thought I would be to be flat. When I woke from this recent surgery I wasn't as full as I thought I was going to be but seeing mounds on my chest I felt better about myself. I also feel good about the direction I'm headed as far as this recon goes. The only pain and discomfort I'm having is from the drains. I have some tenderness across my chest where my flap was attached and in my back where the flap used to be but only if I touch those areas. They only filled my TEs with about 60cc for now and my PS said it will be just a little while before he'll start with the fills. He did say that I can get my first fill in before I go on my cruise the end of sept. I'm not very good at slowing down either, plus I have a 3yo and a 2 1/2 yo who don't the the meaning of slow:). But for now, one more week with the drains then I know I can get back to some of my more normal daily activities.

    Thanks for the advice ladies!

    I was also wondering about the pic threads. I PMd the admin but haven't heard back. I'd really like to see some of the other outcomes and share my scars for others to see how well they are healing with my canna oil. When all is said and done I know I'm gonna have me some beautiful boobies with little scarring:)

  • Rosesark53
    Rosesark53 Member Posts: 16

    I am kind of wondering if I am going to have more scaring than anyonewith a horizontal scar amd me with vertical scar. I havent read all posts about this surgery, so maybe I've missed one. My ps nurse explaned to me that ps will do horizontal lat, which from what she says I will be cut from breast under arm to back. It is making me second guess it as I've not seen any pics or heard of anyone getting this procedure this way. He said it will be under my bra,but it sounds like it may show more with clothes.. Plus from all I've read about this surgery, it says it is good surgery for women with small to medium sizes breasts. I am 36 b-c, I was hoping to stay that way. Has anyone had their lat like this?

  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    I have been busy with life so haven't posted in quite some time.  

    My lat scar is slanted.  Didn't even think to ask PS if it would be vertical or horizontal.  I completed reconstruction in June of 2012 and have not regretted it one bit.  

    Good luck to those getting ready to have LD flap reconstruction.  

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    Roseark53-have another consult with your PS and have him draw where the scars will be front and back. The back scars can go either horizontal or vertical. The slanted horizontal scars do get covered by a bra. I was surprised when in my preop my PS drew me a picture of a vertical scar on each side of my back!. It is his preference to do it this way. I asked why not do horizontal so it wouldnt show with a bra, he feels it heals better and caused less discomfort. I havent had any trouble with the back incisions, just the front.(raging infections,excisions, healing issues that resolved).

    madrigal-So glad you are doing so well. The drains suck but hope you can get them out soon, but beware of seroma in the back! I had to have several aspirations of fluid after the drains were in for 3 Wks! But no problems now except for more underarm boob on my left. PS assures me the muscle will atrophy and go down. No idea on getting to the picts,hope someone else will help. Many gentle HUGS!

  • brittanystalvey
    brittanystalvey Member Posts: 2

    I am 27 and 18 mo ago I had a DM, Chemo and radiation. Stage 11b.

    I am having my reconstruction in 3 stages: 1. LD (back flap) 2. TE placement 3. Exchange. Anyone ever done it this way? If so, how long were you out of work and how long were you in the hospital? My surgery is getting scheduled for September. So nervous!!! Trying to get this all figured out with work, husband and 2 small children!

    Thank you!!

  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    Brittanystalvey, I went for three consultations, and all three were the same. First surgery was major and in three stages: 1. LD flap harvest, tucked under arm, 2. Double mastectomy. 3. Tissue expanders placed. 4. Then three months later exchange TE for implants. 5. Nipple construction and areola tattoo.

    Perhaps there is a reason why your surgeon is is choosing your route. I went back to work after 7 weeks. You will defiantly need help for the first two weeks after surgery. These were the toughest ! Good luck with your SX!

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    Brittany-I would think the LD flap and TEs would be done in 1 surgery, then after expansion the exchange. I had LD flap / TEs done all at once with bmx. It was a very scary time and I understand all your fear. You have made it through so much all ready, bmx, chemo, rads this is just another hurdle. Hang in there, get all the answers to decrease the anxiety.

  • mmadrigal05
    mmadrigal05 Member Posts: 12

    Brittany-I just had LD flap surgery done 2 wks ago. The worst part so far has been the drains. I left the hospital with 6 drains, the front 2 came out at my 1wk follow up with my PS. The other 4 come out next Wednesday (hopefully:) ). My ROM is decreased as well as my strength but I feel that once I'm released to exercise again I'll be able to fix those issues. This is my second attempt at recon bc my first failed due to tissue damage from radiation. My DM was a year and a half ago with TE placement at that time. This past January I had to have the TE removed and allow my body to heal. My PS said that this time around things are a little different bc this is a second attempt, meaning I'll have to allow more healing in between fills and exchange. So far I am happy with the ways things are going. It's a very rough road but with all you have been through so far you can make it through this too. Follow the docs instructions after surgery and take it easy. I have a 3 1/2 yo and a 2 yo so taking care of them has been a challenge just bc I can't move as well as I did before due to the drains. Luckily I have great support, and u have to accept that when it's offered. When things get rough or I get depressed I look at them and watch them and know that things will be ok. Good luck and force ur self to smile if u have to, it will help:). PM me if u need someone to vent to!

  • cgesq
    cgesq Member Posts: 183


    I had this surgery one year ago and I don't regret it.  My scars are horizontal on my back.  The PS tunneled under my arms to place the muscle in the breast cavity, but I wasn't cut either under my arm or from my back to my breast.  The only scars I have are the 2 horizontal scars on my back (prob about 4-5 inches each, and they sit under my bra) and lollypop scars on my foobs.  During the bmx, the PS inserted and inflated the TEs.  He would have given me more fills afterwards if I wanted, but I was happy with the size.  I left the hospital looking like I had breasts!

    You should speak to your PS about your exact procedure.  You seem to be describing a lot more surgery than what I received.  Good luck!

  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    Brittany, I also has TE's placed at the same time of LD & DM. The purpose of the

    LD is to "cradle " the tissue expander and implant. I'm sure your PS has his reason for proceing as planned. Surgery was on Monday, home on Wednesday with six drains, and pain pump. You will need help at home for at least a week, preferably two. Good luck with everything!

  • cat24
    cat24 Member Posts: 47

    I know this is random, but I am considering getting a tattoo over my back scar from the lat surgery.  Has anyone ever done/though of this?

  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    I was thinking about tatoo of angle wings :). And if one more person asks why I cut my beautiful hair I will scream! Some people have no filters! UGH. I feel better thanks.