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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • ahdjdbcjdjdbkf
    ahdjdbcjdjdbkf Member Posts: 188

    I did a 70 minute high-intensity spinning class on Friday and my reconstruction and lymphedema didn't even stop me. Yay for a bit of strength and normalcy. Although....I was pooped the ENTIRE weekend from it. Still, I think I will do it again this Friday!

  • zapladybug
    zapladybug Member Posts: 2

    Thank you so much. I have been feeling better since I started resting. I am surprised the pain started so late after surgery, but that's just the way it is...

  • CantCU
    CantCU Member Posts: 2

    Hello, my name is Joan and I had bilateral lat flap reconstruction on September 19, 2013. This is my 8th surgery since I first became aware of an irregular mammogram in January, 2012. Long story, lots of surgical issues, and failed reconstruction, and troubles healing.

    Then, I found my new PS. I am thrilled to say, the surgery was a success, the incisions have healed, and I have only one drain still remaining in my back (I have issues with excess serous fluid which was one of the major reasons my prior surgical issues...I actually split open from fluid build up).

    Before the first fill, there seemed to be a large lump, hump or knot on one side...where it appears the muscle may have slipped or has become displaced. It is in the upper part of my chest. The doctor examined it, but did not seem concerned, but then the nurse made a picture of it. (This doctor photographs everything unusual or uncommon). The doctor was not in last week when I went for my 2nd fill. As the PA was doing the fill, I noticed a very large swelling just next to this "hump", which in a few hours, went down. I don't know what it is, but I kind of suspect the muscle from the lat. flap surgery has somehow is causing pressure on the expander...thus why it swells so badly until it can get past this tightness. It does not hurt except the feeling of swelling when the fill is first done.

    Has anyone encountered this problem? I know I have done absolutely nothing that would have caused this displacement. It is on the right side, and I am left handed, so there is little chance I could have injured myself. I certainly plan to talk to my PS next visit...but he was out last week. It's been there for approximately 2 weeks now and I don't see it going away. The PA said everything will be fine...I just can't help but worry since this is the 8th surgery I have been through...and I don't have another lat flap to harvest!

    I have tried googling this but cannot find any information on what it might be. Any information or advise would be greatly appreciated!

  • ahdjdbcjdjdbkf
    ahdjdbcjdjdbkf Member Posts: 188

    can'tCU, I am so sorry to hear of this distress. I have had 7 surgeries with similar issues. I have gotten good answers when I post on

  • CantCU
    CantCU Member Posts: 2

    Thanks for the information. I will certainly check it out! I go back to see the PS this week and am hoping for some explanation. Due to so many problems, the least little issue scares me.

  • shannonlee66
    shannonlee66 Member Posts: 14

    Hi there!

    I haven't read all of the posts, so apologies if I'm reiterating what's already been covered.

    I had one surgery on Sept. 4 w/ a double mastectomy, latissimus dorsi flap and insertion of implants. I hate it. My right breast looks really good, but my left breast seized up around the implant... due (I think) to the mastectomy surgeon cutting too close to the skin. It was burned (badly) and I think the burn healing affected the reconstruction. My plastic surgeon says sometimes "these things happen." I also have stretch marks on both breasts.

    I go to a physical therapist and do my exercises daily, but my range of motion is not good. Also, the "iron bra" (as y'all call it:-) is constant, particularly underneath, across and above my breasts. At night, my breasts are so tight they tingle from numbness.

    I'm wondering if others have experienced this and the long-term effects. Oh, and when you flex, do your breasts get all wrinkly?

    One more thing... if you are scheduled for a mastectomy/reconstruction and feel rushed, ask your doctor how aggressive the cancer is and if you have more time to make a decision. Don't be afraid to advocate for your health, seek another doctor and push to have your questions answered. I wish I had.

    Many thanks!


  • shannonlee66
    shannonlee66 Member Posts: 14

    @Mariasnow, I just read you've had seven surgeries. I'm so sorry! That is crazy. I feel bad about complaining now!

  • Lmflynn
    Lmflynn Member Posts: 273

    hi ladies, haven't been on the boards for some time now...I had LD flap surgery in late August 2010....on radiated breast and had DMX...TEs through chemo and exchange in mid 2011...with 410 gummies.... Have always gotten twinges some feeling of weirdness in my arm and fingers...but goes away...I wear garmet to fly...but recently... My scar is slightly puckering, and the weirdness feeling is more pronounced and not going away...I have had a stupid virus for three weeks too....of course my mind goes straight to recurrence...or contracture....just wondering if some of this is normal..or something to worry about....thanks L

  • Lmflynn
    Lmflynn Member Posts: 273


  • ahdjdbcjdjdbkf
    ahdjdbcjdjdbkf Member Posts: 188

    As far as I can tell from everyone I know, being super happy with one's results is pretty much a state of mind we choose or not. Very few people look great. All the pictures online that look great are the doctor's very best results, not really even their patient (I found out that a lot of PS offices use an outside service to post good pictures that aren't theirs), and the photos are touched up. I've decided to be happy I have two boobs, but they are nothing to write home about. Because I had one implant fail due to infection and had only one for a while - well trust my when I say that was hell and I'm grateful to be back to two again. Since then, I haven't really complained about my naked aesthetics and my results are nothing great. 3 doctors have taken a look and all say my result is excellent for my situation so I accept it.

  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    It has been a while!  Three weeks ago I had my exchange, drains for 10 days UGH, my sutures will come out tomorrow!  So far ok!  Sometimes when do too much it feels like a pulled muscle under the right breast. I'm sure this will resolve with increased activity. My PS did an amazing job!  Last Herceptin  infusion on Jan 10th. One thing I learned for sure on this journey is there are no  two people alike, we have to pave our own way through this mess, with a lot of help  and good information from others, I have got a lot of goos suggestions from this site! Thanks for being there!   Looking forward to my first half marathon in Disney this comming November!  

  • ahdjdbcjdjdbkf
    ahdjdbcjdjdbkf Member Posts: 188

    Jeepster, Happy to hear you are drain and suture free. That is a GIANT accomplisment. Well done, sister! It's all good healing from here! My latissimus results would not be considered too great to anyone looking to criticize, but today I'm at work in nice undergarments and looking good to close out the year! I even have some nice shiny non-chemo-kinked hair again!

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529

    Hello, I just found you here and I am so thankful.  I had immediate recon at the time of mascetomy, Right side got infected and was removed.  I had radiation on the side and did muct damage.  I was able to find a Doc  that said he could fix it with the lat surger and also implant.  I did it,  much pain in the area increased.  About a year ago he said he could clip some nerves and alleviate some pain, he also switched out the implant due to size issues.  the pain is now much much worse its in the shoulder and back and chest.  I saw my general he said to go back to surgeon and I don't want too.  He also said go back to therapy  this I have tried also.  Anyone else having any problems like this.  Thanks 

  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    Buddy1, some of the girls in previous posts, (read up to a year ago) have found relief with combination therapies.  sorry to hear about such difficultly remaining so far out from surgery.  Seems that clipping the nerve is more common these days.

  • WishItWouldRain
    WishItWouldRain Member Posts: 3

    Can anyone tell me if they've had the LDF reconstruction without implants? It's hard to find a photo of how that might appear. I've been told it's too small , but I would love to avoid implants if possible. Also wondering about the underarm swelling or bulge that some refer to. Is it large and does it go away eventually? Facing this surgery, two years post bi-lat mastectomies,  in a few weeks and feeling so anxious about it. Thanks for your thoughts.

  • nancykat22
    nancykat22 Member Posts: 1

    How do I PM Tantum to see the picture forum?  I can't see that option.  I had a mastectomy a year and a half ago.  The surgeon said my only choice for reconstruction would be the LAT option. 

  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    Go to the breast reconstruction forum,  there is a section on how to access the photo forum. 

  • HotPinkMess
    HotPinkMess Member Posts: 18

    Wishitwould, I'll keep you in my thoughts.   I had LD after months of infections, complications, necrosis, failed incisions and misery.  I dreaded it too, but I'm SO GLAD I did it and got implants too.   I had to deal with expanders for three months but it's all worth it now.  I had my exchange December 17th and still have a bit of swelling and "side boob" but I'm really happy with my boobs so far and my PS says they'll be even better in a month or two.   I've had no back or shoulder pain and don't miss the LD muscles at all.   If you don't get implants you'll be very small, I think but if that's what you want go for it!  I just want you to know that even though this surgery sounds so Sci Fi and weird,  it worked really well for me.  (I'm also starting to wonder if ANYONE who attempted immediate reconstruction with imlants got through it with not infections or complications :) )

  • WishItWouldRain
    WishItWouldRain Member Posts: 3

    Thank you so, so much for your reply, HotPinkMess. I'm so grateful! Yes, this LD flap does sound like Sci Fi!

    Saw my surgeon today and he said that the flap alone would leave me still using prosthetics since it would be so small. So I will have the LD flap on the irradiated side with expander and just an expander placed on the other side. So nice to hear that this surgery worked for you and you don't miss the strength of the LD muscle. Thank you again for your kind reply which I'm sure will help so many others.

  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    wishitwould thinking of you as start the surgery process!  Believe me it is a process too.  I'm happy to report I ran two miles today!  The first time running in the last 15 months of treatments and surgeries. Last herceptin infusion was Friday,  I too do not miss my latissimus muscle In the back. I'm still stretching daily to keep scar tissue from forming too tight,  very pleased with results, the technology today is amazing! 

  • hmmelissa
    hmmelissa Member Posts: 3

    i was diagnosed with a new (second) breast cancer (DCIS) in my right breast after undergoing treatment in my left breast for IDC through last Jul-2013.  While my breast surgeon, oncologist, and rads doctor have been on the fence about lumpectomy/radiation versus BMX, my plastic surgeon was decidedly opinionated that I needed a BMX.  I am beginning to agree with him.   He also was quite sure about the surgery I should have - bmx with lat flaps, expander, and then implants (I'm guessing because I had rads on left side already).   I am scared to death and would love to hear opinions, experiences, and stories about people that did this surgery with rads, and how it worked out.


  • Horse02
    Horse02 Member Posts: 4

    I had Lat flap with no implant done 8 wks on my left for DCIS. My range of motion is good, although working with PT to release scar tissues. I would have to say the result with no implant is definitely smaller, and I would either have to live with it or do fat grafting in 6 months. Any surgery involves risks. Lat or DIEP. Personally, I can't deal with long scars and I was told not a candidate for GAP. 

  • WishItWouldRain
    WishItWouldRain Member Posts: 3

    Thank you, Jeepster, for your feedback. I'm so happy to know you are running and feeling good after the LD surgery. Hope i can report good results after my surgery this week. Thanks again.

  • dayzoo
    dayzoo Member Posts: 15

    I had a lat flap done in Sept 2013.  Originally diagnosed in 2009, followed by a lumpectomy & radiation, then a recurrence in 2012 (uni mx Dec 2012)

    I have photos posted in the picture forum - my exchange surgery is next week, and I can't wait! 

    My lat flap surgery was more involved than I thought.  I had no strength in my right arm - the first couple weeks I couldn't cut an apple!  It was hard opening some big doors at arenas, and stores, but it's so much better now, 4 months out.  I would say I have almost all my strength back.  I have a 12" diagonal incision on my back, and the area around is is pretty much numb, as is my newly created breast.  That's ok - I'm happy to have something there at least!

    My TE is slightly larger than my 'natural' breast, and I was hoping to come out of this whole experience with a little larger breasts, but PS has told me the rads cause permanent tissue damage, and he's limited to how large I can go....but I will be similar to by previous size.  

    I'm happy I've been going through this in the colder weather, with big winter coats, as it's much easier to hide my lopsided breasts - lol.  Went south at Christmas with my family, and was really self conscious about how high and protruding my TE is....but that's just me.  (Push up bras can only do so much for saggy boobs! lol)

    Hope this helps! 

  • KSteve
    KSteve Member Posts: 190

    dayzoo - thanks for taking the time to post.  I'm going in for surgery on 1/23 and as much as I'm not looking to recovering from surgery, I'm ready to get this done.  I'll try to be patient with regaining my strength :)


  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    KSteve, slow and steady on the recovery!  Don't push yourself, every day will be a little improvement.  This thread is filled with a bunch of strong women going through this journey together.  I'm 8 months out from surgery and feeling even better than last week! 

  • dayzoo
    dayzoo Member Posts: 15


    Good luck on Thursday!  Take the pain meds you're given, and rest..... before you know it, you'll be sharing words of wisdom with the next round of new gals!!

    Let us know how you're doing.... Winking

  • KSteve
    KSteve Member Posts: 190

    Great advice.  Thanks to you all!  When do you all resume regular work activities?  I was planning to be off this Thursday (surgery day) through the next Friday, and then work from home the following week.  I have a desk job, nothing physical.  But I don't want to come to work with drains still in.  They're a pain!  Just curious to see whatever everyone else did.  Also going to be strange to figure out what I'm going to wear for a bra when I come back with one side with the implant stilli n and the other side with a tissue expander.  Were you all able to go into a regular bra when the back incision healed a little?

    Thanks again for the feedback.  It's what I love about this site!


  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    KSteve my drains came out one at a time after three weeks they were out, I stayed in antibiotics as long as they were in.  I wore my surgical bra till the drains  came out. After that I wore spanx camisole 24 x7  to hold compression on my back and breasts.  

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    KSteve - I have a desk job too and worked from home until the drains came out.  I didn't start working from home until a few weeks after surgery.  I had time so I took it.  I probably could have earlier (pain wasn't bad after the first week) but with all the other decisions, chemo/no chemo, etc., mentally I didn't want to deal with it.  I did end up having one drain in way longer than I expected so I hope you have better luck than I did.  Just rest and take it easy.