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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • cat24
    cat24 Member Posts: 47

    I already have a rather large tattoo on my upper back - a memorial to two of my pets, so I was thinking of something that would complement that.  My husband thought maybe a garland of roses would look pretty. 

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    Jeepster-Great idea for tatoo!  Agree that people have no filter. The things people say without thinking, they just have no idea what we have gone through and are going through now.  Glad to have this forum to vent!

  • Rosesark53
    Rosesark53 Member Posts: 16

    Thanks for the reply cgsq. I have delayed 4 years for recon. I will have ps show exactly where he will cut . I am waiting on approval to get phropy on right breast, then when I have surgery I will get expanders under the pec muscles, unless he does the right side differently. I didnt get skin sparing on my left mx, so thats why we have to do the lat flap. I'm like others, trying to process all this, it makes your eyes cross!!!

  • Rosesark53
    Rosesark53 Member Posts: 16

    Jeepster1 the forum STFU is good, especially for all the stupid comments and questions we get from people who dont have breast cancer. I laughed my rear off there. Good thing I wasnt getting the fat taken off it for the implants!!

  • mmadrigal05
    mmadrigal05 Member Posts: 12

    Drains are out!!!!!!! But I think they were starting to get infected at the insertion site. I had this problem the other two times I had drains. I ended up pulling one of those out myself. I have to drive 2 hours to my Onc doctors and started to notice that I was feeling like crap and getting warmer on my drive home. By the time I went to bed at 7pm my fever was 101.7. I drank water took 500mg of Tylenol and went to sleep. Woke up at midnight and it was 102.2. Took more Tylenol, woke up later in a very wet bed:). Fever finally broke but I'm still feeling kind of crappy. My kids' child care provider also had a fever on Tuesday night but I think the kids may have brought home a bug as they had diarrhea, no fever though. Now that the drains are out I am feeling more free but now I'm starting to notice that some of the discomfort I was having was really from the Lat being moved. I'm sure this will go away with time. I get to start filling in 3 weeks. I'll definitely get one fill in before my cruise, hopefully 2, maybe even 3 if he does it weekly. How soon after surgery did you ladies start filling? How often did you fill? How long before you were able to exchange? I'm happy with the results so far. My scars look beautiful (and as a cancer patient having beautiful scars is a plus, right;) ). He said I still have to wait to do yoga again. What restrictions were you ladies given? Thanks for all the love and advice.

  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    Congrats on your drains out mmadrigal05 :) Please check your PS you may need an antibiotic. You don't want An infection to migrate towards your tissue expander and cause more problems that could potentially delay your FUN cruise. I had to take antibiotics the entire time the drains were in! Then twice since they were out. I had my first fill was three weeks out from surgery 60 ml's. No more fills my choice. I'm about 360 now, my expander holds over 400. The exchange that I was hoping for September has been pushed till October or November. I'm ok with this, they are not painful or too uncomfortable either. Scars look great too. Please continue to take it easy! Do not push your self too hard.

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    mmadrigal05-So glad when the drains came out!  But, I agree with Jeepster, call and get some antibiotics, an infection is not what you want.  I had antibiotics after surgery and then still got an incisional infection and tissue became necrotic, poor healingFoot in Mouth.  More antibiotics and finally incisions healed.  Also problems with seromas in my back, but most of that has resolved. (but I had bmx with LD recon).  I may have LE in my left arm and underarm as it really swells up by the end of the day.  PT helps so will keep working with it. So, due to healing issues we delayed fills, but started out pretty good at 500cc at surgery.  Tried 100cc fills about 8wks out and was really painful, so decreased to 50cc/wk until we reached 800cc total the end of June.  My PS is very adamant we wait a full 12 weeks post last fill before exchange.  I've tried to talk him into doing it sooner, but to no avail!  But the summer was good even though I have had constant discomfort with these TEs and can't wait for exchange.  I waited a good 8 wks to return to my nursing job, and 12 weeks before PT/exercise.  I still fatigue easily but don't know if due to surgery or Tami. Glad you are feeling so good, and your scars are healing nicely!  Enjoy your cruise, lucky you!

  • mmadrigal05
    mmadrigal05 Member Posts: 12

    Thanks ladies! My body has fought off whatever was going on with the fever. I had so many antibiotics in the hospital I wasn't going to go there if I didn't have to, luckily I didn't. I see a lot of you have been doing PT. Was that at your request or docs referral? My PS said I don't need PT. I'm fine with that but want to start getting back to the gym and my yoga classes ASAP. Plus, I'd like to take a dance class and some tumbling classes with my boys. 

    As far as the fills, they only filled each TE with about 60cc when they did surgery. I completely forgot to ask about the TE info so I don't know which one's I have. I was too excited to get the stupid drains out:). Last time the fills were kind of painful but PS said that was bc of the radiation damage. He said that since this is now healthy tissue we're using it will just be sorness and pressure and he'll fill to my tolerance. I'm thinking C cup but I don't know how many cc's that is or how long it's going to take me to get there. Do you think it's unrealistic to think I could have my exchange by the end of the year? Maybe before Xmas? My PS is awesome skill wise but his bedside manner isn't great and I don't think he see's things the same way I do:)

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    Mmadrigal-my PS said I wouldnt need PT, but after returning to work I felt restricted in ROM. So I asked for it and he did the referal and I am feeling better with the stretching and inc ROM. Not any major weight lifting just gentle stretching. Take it slow, need to heal alot from this surgery. It's too soon to say when you will make it to exchange, depends on fills and your PS wait time for expansion. Next time put it on your list to ask the PS. They don't realize what is an ordinary procedure to them is a new experience for us! Just keep on asking questions till you are satisfied. Glad all is going well..many (((Hugs)))!

  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    Mmadrigal, hope this message finds you well! It is my understanding that 300 ml's will look different on everyone. You have to go by what you look like and are comfortable with. I have only 360 and measure at 34D. All depends on body tyoe. I will probably see a physical therapist, like mammasixtaz I work in nursing and i need all the mobility I can get. Reaching IV poles was quite challenging in the beginning. Cent wait till I can get back to yoga too! We can NOT push too much, "NO" setbacks!

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    Jeepster-so many nurses on these threads!  You never realize how much we "reach" for in our jobs until this surgery.

    My problem is still the fatigue.  After a 12 hr shift it is all I can do to just get home, but still need to help take care of my disabled DH (home hemodialysis).  It is getting easier each day.  Some days just feel better than others. I would love to join a yoga or pilates class.  They have one just for mastectomy patients here in Denver.  But PT doesn't think I am there yet...slow and steady wins the race.  Maybe after set backs!

  • mmadrigal05
    mmadrigal05 Member Posts: 12

    Thanks for the advice ladies!

    I am really glad I'm not having to work right now like you ladies. I was a paramedic and my husband was a nurse so I know how easily you and flexibly you need to move.

    I was a 38DD/40D before BMX and I've opted for C cups this time. We'll see:).

    I've got appts to see my MO and SO this week so let's hope for good lab results. I'm really interested to see what my hormone levels are bc I'm still an emotional basketcase but did have a small short period last week. First one since April. With 2 pregnancies then chemo my hormones are all over the place and I'm kind of braid dead most days:). I hope that part gets better too, at least the emotional part of of it. I'm done having kids so I don't care much about being infertile.

    Thanks again! Have a wonderful week everyone!

  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    Mamasixtaz. Yes lots of nurses! My fatigue has greatly improved, thank God. It was driving me crazy! I work 8 hr shifts and moderate duty, mostly desk work and conscious sedation responsibilities. Still have to reach those high IV poles, I have claimed pushing drugs during codes, not sure about CPR yet. Disappointed about my delay in exchange, I feel that my expanders are getting harder every day. (probably muscle atrophy).

    Tried yoga in my house the other day and laughed at my pathetic downward facing dog. I think I will wait a while for this. I talked to the dean and got one more year extension on My masters. I was three classes away from finishing when I was diagnosed :(

    Mmadgril05. There is a good thread here related to exchanges, I find myself browsing it, this has helped formulate questions for my PS. My PS uses Natrelle implants, I have not seen much chatter on this brand. I'm still deciding on saline or silicone. Hope your hot flashes get better!

  • ahdjdbcjdjdbkf
    ahdjdbcjdjdbkf Member Posts: 188

    Hi All, So happy to see this thread and be able to jump in. I had latissimus dorsi on my right radiated side 3 weeks ago. I just had mx and implant on left side revised at the same time as well. This is after 10 months of TE misery followed by 6 months of implants with nonstop problems on my radiated side. Eventually the right side failed. My left side looks great - really great. My LD looks crazy and my scar is very disfiguring and my radiated skin has turned red / purple. But both my surgeon and oncologist looked at it yesterday and said it is right on track. The past 2 nights and right now the itching on the LD side is awful. It kept me up all night. I still have scabs where my drains were. My PS says all is normal and no need to see him for 3 months now. Anyone have any hope that my radiated skin or LD will look better and when it will itching??? I get evaluated for nipple reconstruction in November.

  • sherrybaby
    sherrybaby Member Posts: 18

    Mariasnow - My radiated side turned a horrible shade of red/purple as well a few weeks after surgery. It also itched incessantly and  then the skin peeled like after a sunburn. I rubbed as much Aquaphor into it as I could while avoiding my still healing incisions. I can't remember exactly how long all of this lasted. 

    I had my LD surgery April 22nd and the scars have laid down quite a bit. The only part that is currently raised is where they reopened it at the bottom for the exchange and it is starting to flatten out as well. My exchange surgery was August 13th. The color of my radiated skin has now returned to the usual light tan that I have kept since tx. Hope this reassures you a bit :)

  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    Mariasnow no experience with radiation, but the surgical scars look better each week. Itching was a nucance for a while, no itching now. I put triple antibiotic on the drain sites with gauze until they started looking healthier. Seems like you have been through a lot! Hopefully you will continue with a great recovery.

  • snowshoe
    snowshoe Member Posts: 4

    I had LD flap left side w/tissue expander, and tissue expander on right side, 1/30/13 (during double mastectomy surgery). Exchange surgery on 5/22. I was able to start rehab for range of motion 6 weeks after 1/30/13 surgery...then also had a 2 week delay before resuming the rehab after exchange surgery on 5/22. I want to say that when it comes to any itching, and if you have been given the "go ahead" to do range of motion exercises (really best to set up a routine with a physical therapist...very hard to know what to do, and how far to push it...) Anyway, when you feel itchy, do some stretches!!!! Or if itchy at night, lie on the itch!!! Pressing against it gently against a pillow while on your side stopped my itchiness many nights, quite quickly. Don't add heat or cold, just pillow or blanket warmth. The stretching really helps alleviate the itching. Now I rarely get it, but these are the 2 things I do. I was told that it is the cut nerve endings trying to figure out what to do :)

    I have my 6 week followup after exchange surgery on 11/19. I have been released from rehab after a full 20 weeks. However, I will continue my daily routine of twice a day, morning and late afternoon, which takes in a 30 minute aerobic routine in a.m. (ellipitical, walk, or snowshoe later this winter), stretches, free weights (3 lb only), therabands for additional strengthening, and I bought a 65cm floor ball which lends a wonderful "lie over it on your backside" stretch, that I do at least 3 times a day, or whenever I feel like it, for up to a 2 minute hold. Very calming, and totally pain free!!!

    This is all very hard work. But I am totally committed. The plastic surgeon did a beautiful job. Now it is up to me to try to alleviate the tightness caused by all this (also had left side radiation after lumpectomy in '04 which is why the LD flap on that side...) Work hard when you work at it...then relax and enjoy your life during the recovery of it all. Don't try to be who you were. Re-define yourself :) With whatever baseline you will end up with. It is totally up to you how far you can stretch, and how much range of motion you will regain. But remember it will be a part of your life from here on out to continue all the exercises in some capacity to maintain it, and to stay loose as possible.

    Every once in awhile I actually have what I could call a "good day". I am sure you ALL have experienced this, and to most folks, a good day for us is probably just a ho-hum day for you before all this happened. Thanks for reading.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    snowshoe thanks for your post...I also read your post in the PAIN section.  I think its great that you are working so hard towards your goal.  But from your pain post i get the feeling you are not working - most of us are.  It is difficult to fit in 3 workouts a day plus constantly trying to stretch during the day(im in sales so doing this is next to impossible) in between that.  Im glad you are able to dedicate so much time to rehab -but i have a job and 2 kids which means less time for me.    I wish these PS would be much much more forthcoming on how long, how much work it actually is to re-build your self - I cant say I will ever be happy with a baseline that is anything short of what i was pre surgery.  I wont ever have the strength and stamina i did prior to this surgery - im only 44 so that is not at all acceptable in my mind. 

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    Snowshoe-wow you rock at the dedication for your PT/exercise. I try to stretch in the AM before work but after work I am sooo tired and there's not enough time in my day . I get home and take care of disabled DH. Feel better since PT but having left underarm swelling and increasing joint pains probably from the Tami. May need to see a LE specialist next week for eval and GYN for endometrial biopsy...when will it ever end?

  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    Snowshoe agree on re-define! Don't think I will ever be the same again. I embrace the re- define motto. I have not started physical therapy, I'm obtaining good range of motion. I have a massage therapist in my area that specializes In masectomy patients, I may give her a try for the tightness. Exchange is the end of October! All these beautiful ladies are going through the same process, nice to know were really not alone after all !

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    Jeepster-I agree it is a re-define/new normal.  Not always easy to do.  Glad to hear your exchange is coming.  Mine is only 23 days away, yikes! Excited yet nervous about surgery once again.  Just starting to adapt to these expanders, yet really tired of them at the same time.  On the emotional rollercoaster again...Tongue Out

  • ahdjdbcjdjdbkf
    ahdjdbcjdjdbkf Member Posts: 188

    I really appreciate everyone's comments and the reassurance that the color of my skin will calm, scars will improve and flatten, the itching will improve; and I really appreciate the suggestions - including stretching!! Tomorrow will be 4 weeks so my doc says I can start some easy strolls for exercise but to build up slowly since one surgery failure is more than enough for a lifetime! I am catching myself compulsively touching my back scar at work today! I don't want peeps to think I'm losing it in a new direction. It is from the itchyness. So I will try to give it a rest until at least after work. My goal for tonight is a short walk up and down the street - but will be my longest since surgery.Cool

  • mmadrigal05
    mmadrigal05 Member Posts: 12

    Good evening everyone!

    Got good news from my MO last week...all my labs look good. Even my stupid hormone levels seem to be back to "normal"...whatever that means:). I'm still looking for my new "normal". And even with my results being ok I'm still an emotional basket case! UGH!

    The drain sites are healing nicely. I had one that opened back up last weekend and had been draining all week but it's finally closed back up and things seem to be doing well. I had a severe skin reaction to the cloth tape I was using to hold the gauze in place and had to switch to using an ace wrap. I get to start filling next week. Kind of excited, kind of not. I'm really hoping to have boobs again soon. I'm still a little too far out to the sides for my liking. I feel like these things should be a little more center and less in my armpits:). Please tell me that part gets better!

    Mariasnow-my radiation damaged my tissues so much I had to remove my TE and start over a year after my tx. Had LD surgery 8/2. My skin was pretty red ans raw for a little while. It was recommended to me to try Bach Rescue Cream. I used it 2-3x a day for a while then just 1x a day and I haven't used it for a while now and my skin is almost completely back to normal. I get it at my local health food store. It helped with the itching too. Just a suggestion.

    It seems everyone is doing well, I'm so glad to read that. Hope you all have a great week!

  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    Mamssixtaz. Did you check out the forum on sizing 101 for implants? Wipplemom gives great advise on suggesting implant size based on measurements, BSA, and current expanders. I'm getting nervous about this exchange too, I'm starting to eat more than usual, I know it is just nerves. UGH! What are your thoughts in nipple reconstruction and areola tattoo's? Part of me does not want to deal with that right now, not even till next year to much at once.

    @ maddgril05. Sounds like your doing pretty good! That cruise will be amazing!

    @mairsnow, once my incisions healed with no risk of opening I had my husband slather my back with organic shea butter right over incisions and all, this was amazing!

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    I've been on the thread for whippetmom and feel the type and size we are going with will be fine. I trust my PS to know what he's doing. He's been doing this for awhile. Not sure about nipple recon or tattoos, will keep it open but know I would like to do something. PS made it sound like it would not be for awhile after exchage. Will ask at preop appt Monday. Each day gets us closer, dreading the sugery...but ready to finish this.

  • ahdjdbcjdjdbkf
    ahdjdbcjdjdbkf Member Posts: 188

    Thanks madrigal. We have some Bch's in the house but I hadn't thought of using it. I think I will pick up a new tube an do as you say. It is a product I already believed in!

  • I was first diagnosed with DCIS in July 2011, and had a lumpectomy followed by a sentinal node surgery and 7 weeks of radiation. The pathology came back as invasive ductal carcinoma, so that moved me out of the DCIS category. All was well on my 6 month mammos until a couple of weeks ago. This one showed DCIS again in the same breast, this time in two areas, a new one and another one in the previous tumor bed. So...I will be having a bilateral mastectomy this time with LD reconstruction at the same time. This in my first time here, and I am finding a lot of good information about the surgery. I am a nurse as well, and it appears that there are a lot of nurses on here! I apparently didn't ask nearly enough questions at my PS appt. because I didn't realize that you have to have 'fills' put into the implants. I guess I just thought they come 'ready to wear.' :) My 'case' was presented twice to a tumor board last time because the cancer does not behave as it should. I am using a new surgeon this time, and he is presenting it to a tumor board as well. The question now is whether or not I need to have lymph nodes removed or tested because the sentinel node was previously taken out. The surgeon seem to think it needs to be all or nothing, but he isn't sure. I'm glad he's being cautious, because I don't want to give up lymph nodes unless I have to. They are meeting on Wednesday, then I will get a surgery date. It can't be soon enough for me, but then again it's too soon because I am not ready for all of this to be my reality quite yet. I'm still hanging onto my 'denial' by a thread. Sorry, not meaning to whine, because you all are, or have gone, through the same thing. Anyway, it is very encouraging to read your posts and know that I am in very good company!

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156

    MaryYoung-Keep asking the questions and get all the answers you need to feel comfortable with your decision and what you will be going through.  You have gone through so much and now have more ahead of you, don't blame you for whining-whine away!  We all need a chance to get it out.  Drs use tumor boards to put their heads together for our benefit as well as theirs to learn more about bc.  My case was reviewed by the tumor board here as well and I was reassured that they were in agreement on the need for surgery but no chemo or rads.  This is the hardest time, absorbing all the information and then the anticipation for surgery, and treatment.  Once you have a date and can get through it the recovery can begin.  Hoping for the best, stay in touch and many virtural (HUGS)!

  • HotPinkMess
    HotPinkMess Member Posts: 18

    Well, I did it yesterday!  LD with expanders.   Healing will take some time but I'm so glad to not be concave anymore with boobs that look like a fallen soufle. 

    The pain isn't too bad,  just tightness.   I really want to go home today but my doctor wants me to stay till Thursday or Friday,  my blood pressure has gotten too low.  

    The worst part so far is the FIVE drains.  I could barely manage two the last two times.   

    Thanks for everbody's support and input.Smile

  • Jeepster1
    Jeepster1 Member Posts: 46

    Mary young09. What a journey for you too.... I'm thinking for your peace of mind they may want to take one more node just to be sure, otherwise you will always wonder if IDC involved the node, this will steer you treatment plan in the right direction. Best decision I made was BL with LD reconstruction ! Feel free to vent to this is what this forum is all about! Oh. My PS put over 300 ml's in at surgery so I was pleased two breast mounds to feel and see post op!

    @hot pink mess congrats on your SX. Slow and steady on the recovery. Don't push your self. Seromas are a bitch! Sounds like you're doing great ! Make sure you get information on your tissue expanders prior to leaving the hospital there should be a sticker on your chart. You may need this info later.