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Calling all TNs



  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited March 2011

    wow lots to take in this morning. Very interesting posts thank you all for your input and thoughts. i really need to get more educated. I have done a lot of reading but guess i get lazy about it sometimes. Have a good weekend all

  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495
    edited March 2011

    Could we not think that TN is better than er-/pr-/her2+ ? I mean her2- is preferable to her2+ right? Or is my head in a cloud?

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited March 2011

    I work with a woman whose aggressive grade 3 tumour was hormone the time they didn't test it for her2. Anyway, she's just celebrated 10 years a few months ago. It was in her lymph nodes and she had a lumpectemy, chemo and rads.  The other day she pulled out her report and read for the first time and it said "poor prognisis".  She's alive and well and thriving and I would have never known had she not come forward when I was diagnosed.  Keep strong ladies!

  • Suze35
    Suze35 Member Posts: 559
    edited March 2011

    Titan - Angelisa said it very well, but I understand how you feel. I hate reading those words. But then I ask myself, is it really as bleak as my friend's husband, who was diagnosed with Stage III lung cancer, which has a 5 year survival rate of 15%? I may not like my 65% odds, but I know he would be thrilled with that number. I just remind myself that researchers are saying worse in relation to ER/PR+, and even that is relative as Angelisa pointed out.

    It's been a rough week on the boards, and my mood is reflecting this, so my sincere apologies if I come off witchy. Think I need a small break.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited March 2011

    Suze:  You haven't been witchy at all.  This is a safe place to moan, groan, scream, cry and also share a laugh or two.  Hang in there!  Just know that research shows every age and stage and throws them into one big pile--hoping we are all going to be around a long time--it's just getting past the hard first two years.  Hugs!!

    Sugar:  Thank you so much for sharing this--we need to here more from the women who have survived 10+ years out.

  • kelben
    kelben Member Posts: 199
    edited March 2011

    I agreee MBJ , thanks Sugar

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited March 2011

    Thanks you guys for your kind words of wisdom...I just get tired of hearing bleak and poor prognosis and deadly and the worse bc you can have.yata, yata, yata..

    And I do know the "good" facts about tn...I try to focus on them more than not..but just gets to me... blah..I've been cleaning my house all day and I'm bored..

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited March 2011

    gillyone:  My onc said Her2+ was the worse type to have, not TN.  Of course I would not want to tell my friends with Her2+ this.  Luckily they have Herceptin, but it does have side effects.

    Suze35:  You seem like such a kind soul, apologizing for being witchy.  You haven't been, and even if you had, we would understand.  I hope you have a great weekend also!

    Titan:  If I had a nickel or dime for every article I read like that . . . I know now there are lots of positives to TN, but I do hope researchers are focusing in on us, since we have no targeted treatment.  

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2011

    It seems to be the main downside of TN is its typical aggressiveness and the lack of targeted treatments.  However, the upside I either read or was told (can't remember which) is that there is not something wrong with our bodies that causes it.  In other words, a hormone positive cancer is always at risk for coming back because that person's body is functioning in a way that encourages it.  TN is almost like a fluke cancer - I have also heard it described as environmental - something other than our body chemistry causes it.  As long as you treat it effectively (i.e. get it all with surgery/chemo/rads as proven by getting past 5 years), then it is very unlikely that you will get it again.

    Not sure if that is legit, but I like to think it is. 

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited March 2011

    lrr4993: Interesting post.  TN is so different than the typical ER+  cancer.  I like to think that because TN is so unusual, it may attract more researchers and perhaps we will be the first to receive a real cure?  Maybe I'm being overly optimistic, but that's what I'm hoping for.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2011

    Lynn - I think there is great interest in TN.  I think the problem, however, is that it is a random, fluke cancer . . . they have no idea what causes it.  Unlike the others that have certain chemistry based causes.  I hate to say it, but I don't know how anyone prevents the occurrence of something that they don't know what causes it.  I think the angiogenesis area that is so cutting edge right now holds promise.  Maybe they can't stop it from starting, but can stop it from continuing.

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited March 2011

    lrr4993:  You are right, how can we prevent something if we don't know what causes it. . .I have been posting on another thread "Huffington Post" about a brochure that suggests we can prevent breast cancer.  We just aren't there yet.

    I don't know a lot about angiogenesis, but I have heard that term used a lot in relation to TN.  I'll have to read up on that.  

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited March 2011

    Ok..I tend to agree with the "fluke" thing...

    Maybe we should change the name of this thread to "Calling all Flukes"... Laughing  I think I like being called a fluke rather than "Triple Negative." are certainly not witchy but if you want to be that is fine...I think we all need a little attitude to fight this crap...

    I do think that tn (fluke) cancer has caused alot of research lately...Dr. Lisa Carey has seemed to take a great interest in us.  When you think of it..why not..they have found out about the positives and the it is our turn.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited March 2011

    I've found an easy solution to all the writings about cancer and tnbc. I ignore them. Really. I figure there will *always* be something to read that's new, or different, or scary, or encouraging, etc. so I skim them and then forget them.

    I'm tired of filling up my brain with all this ever changing information so I do a daily brain dump. Works for me.

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471
    edited March 2011

    Angelisa, very informative. I like your outlook and beliefs. At first I was getting updates on everything and anything TN-related and forwarding to my husband. He is a medical professional and can read that stuff and cull out the important facts where I just glaze over and zoom right in on the bad stuff and ignoring anything remotely positive (not typically my nature but when you first read the TN stuff, bleak is a word that comes to mind!) He would always say "You missed this, that's not the point at all" and tell me all the promising things, including that Her2Nu- is better than + (although of course in my recent chemo fog I can't exactly remember why). And then I unsubcribed to all the studies and reports and articles. I was just getting TMI and it had to stop. It was doing me no good. Once in awhile I will stumble across something interesting and may copy it and think about asking my oncologist, but (surprise) he is way on top of most of the stuff out there. I have yet to show him anything he hasn't already heard/read. So while I want to be an informed patient and I DO ask a lot of questions, I don't need to scare myself silly. I can do that well enough without all the extra gas to fuel the fire!

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited March 2011

    Husker and Heidi..agree...I do pay attention to the studies etc, etc...BUT...since I'm not a medical professional..alot of this stuff is totally over my head...Husker..I'm glad that your husband is a medical professional and that he can help you (and us) sort out the information we need.

    On another note..I keep telling my onc ''but I'm triple negative"...and he just looks at me like..ok.....he doesn't seem concerned at all...I guess if he isn't..why am I? 

  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited March 2011

    There's a fine line between being very well informed/educated and having too much information.  On the one end of the spectrum, a person won't know enough to ask important questions or know when something more should/could be done.  On the other end of the spectrum is knowing so much that you frantically try to do everything you've read or heard and make yourself as well as probably those around you miserable (if not crazy), and it's constant fear.  I gotta let faith take over when I step over that "do not cross" line, and trust me, I've been there.  I think we've all been there.  And I'm sure I'll be there again someday whether it's cancer related or something completely different. 

  • dawn31337
    dawn31337 Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2011

    Right on Heidi!  I can scare the $h!t out of myself by reading all the downer stuff.  Suggesting is a very powerful thing.  Fat, dumb, and drunk ain't all that bad....although I'm none of those things. 

    PS have a wonderful time on your upcoming DC trip!  The timing didn't work out for me. 

    Husker, I think you have the right attitude.  We as laymen can read all this stuff and scare the bejesus out of ourselves, but without the right education or background, it is quite likely taken out of context.  These studies are great for starting points for conversations with our medical providers, but I just don't need to fall into the self diagnosis/hypochondriac trap.  I try to ignore the posts of those who do.

  • Suze35
    Suze35 Member Posts: 559
    edited March 2011

    Thank you guys, I guess I've been feeling so up and down lately, that I can't even tell which side is up. I hate the craziness - I'm just getting over a 5 day bout of vertigo, something I've dealt with for 13 years, and yet, all I can do is worry. I've had what appears to be bug bites or a rash that keep popping up all over my thighs for 3 weeks, so I'm going to the dermatologist next week, and of course, worried. My leg aches, and I worry, even though I've been more active lately. My hand hurts, and yep, I worry. I know it is the new normal, I just have to wrap my brain around it a bit more. Okay, that is my rant and rave. Time to get those gloves back on...

    Titan - I agree, this is such a fluke cancer. No rhyme or reason.

    Heidi and Husker - I think I need to do a better job of adopting the information dump procedure, lol.

    My insurance company wouldn't approve a PET, so it looks like I'm going into my next round of chemo blind, so to speak. I'm not all that upset, as it wouldn't change things much. I'm going to try and enjoy next week as much as possible, as I know I'll be feeling the chemo soon enough.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited April 2011

    Here is a link to a Downloadable Cherry Blossom Brochure of Events:

    I got it off the official site. Looks like Sat & Sun is the Parade and Street Festival.

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited March 2011

    Heidi, thanks for the link.  A few weeks ago I "liked" the official Cherry Blossom Festival page on Facebook and have been receiving updates almost daily. Looking forward to the weekend away! 

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited March 2011

    Good Morning all you lovely ladies, Its snowing here in beautiful alberta lol what else is new one morning i will wake up to the sunshining in my window and birds chirping out my door, maybe June lol.

    I dont really know what to say on the TN thoughts.Yeah it scared me at first but hey just the fact that i had breast cancer scared me and I dont think I would be any less scared if i was positive than I am now. I dont really have a whole lot of control. going to follow my Onc advice. doing what I can, adjusting as much as i can and then i am going to move on . thats it, thats my big plan lol.

    Oh and fully enjoy life

    Hope you are all having a wonderful sunday full of cancer free thoughts

    hugs to you all

  • moe0279
    moe0279 Member Posts: 100
    edited March 2011

    Got another question...just felt a nasal perforation in my nose...from the research I've done, I know that it is the clinical trial drug avastin... I will no longer be receiving it..I'm opting out....has anyone experienced this and any suggestions..i believe it just happened this week, but I'm not sure...I'm so freaked out by this. Melissa

  • moe0279
    moe0279 Member Posts: 100
    edited March 2011

    Thanks teka. I'm wondering what can be done at this point... I know there are surgeries but wonder how much extra that's going to cost... I know since I chose a clinical trial I will have to deal with some side affects..I just wish I had know about this particular side effect and if there had been anything I could have done to prevent it... Apparently I'm 1/10 of 1% that has this particular side affect..lucky me! I've been having lots of headaches this week and from what ive read that comes along with nasal perforation, Along with high blood pressure..I have all three again lucky me

  • kelben
    kelben Member Posts: 199
    edited March 2011

    I just want to be informed enough to be able to ask my chemo. people questions when they come up, but I sure don't stew over it all.

    Heidi .... brain dumping.... just how do you do that???   I have a few different ways... 1.  Captain Morgan    2.   Soap opera.. general hospital.... they have way worse things going on  and 3.  Walking and playing with the dogs ...  May 1st I am retiring and the dogs will be front and centre for a lot of my time.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited April 2011

    Recipe for brain dumping:

    First, find your brain. After chemo it is often missing.

    Second, load it up with all kinds of scary cancer stuff.

    Third, scream, jump up and down, beat your hands against your head in anger and frustration.

    Fourth, pull what little remaining hair you might have out or, if you are on the "other end of treatment" what little appearing hair you have coming in.

    Fifth, find a nearby distraction (Capt. Morgan is as good a companion as many) and treat yourself to some well-deserved time out.

    Sixth, go to sleep (with or without the help of additional medicine)

    Seventh, wake up, repeat.

    No charge for the consult. Let me know how it works for you.

    Remember: practice makes perfect. In no time, you will acquire immunity to all of it. Think of it as vaccinating yourself against unwelcome fear obsession.

    APRILNJ Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2011

    Diagnosed 1/18/2011

    Age 42

    Found lump myself -always do annual mammo since 40

    No history of BC in family

    BRCA -Negative

    Bi-Lateral Masc w/ immedaite Recon (expanders)-

     Right Breast only involved 1.5cm tumor opted for Left as well, too be aggressive

    Sentinal Node Biopsy - 5 taken all clear/negative

    Path report - Grade 2..Nottingham Score 6  Stage 1

    Starting Chemo this week if al goes as planned (8) Treatments Dose Dense A/C the Taxol

    My Doc is treating this aggressively, she told me without chemo I have  a 20-25% chance of reoccurence,,may not sound like alot but if your in that 20% ITS HUGE!!!!!!

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited March 2011

    Hey April NJ....good luck with your first chemo!   You had the same treatments as I did (and several others on here)...

    Heidi..LOL..except I may have a problem with Step one! 

  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited March 2011
    AprilNJ:  Hi!  Welcome to the thread and forum!  This place is great and really helped me get through everything from surgery to chemo and more.  Check out some of the other threads for chemo... a lot of us have had what you're getting.
  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited March 2011

    Moe - nasal and gastro perforations are very common with Avastin.  Talk to your onc, but I'm thinking an ENT would be the one to see about either surgery or what can be done.  I am really sorry to hear that you have a nasal perforation - (((hugs))).

    Kym - I'm sure Laurie Ericksen/France Luxe delivers to Canada.

    Sugar - I haven't forgotten about the Mardi Gras goodies I'm sending to you (your daughter).  My friend asked me to not send the box because she had some really cool beads to add - which I just got this weekend.

    I had a very busy weekend and luckily it was "cancer free".  I went to one party out of town on Saturday, a lot of the people there were friends of BIL & SIL and a shower today for a friend's daughter, most people there didn't know either.  It was nice to talk to people without the "cancer" discussion coming up.