Calling all TNs



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2011

    Thanks to all for the best wishes.  Went back to work yesterday and really enjoyed it.  So pleased to hear the good news from everyone.

    lots of love


  • bak94
    bak94 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2011

    Had a scare today. Have you ever heard that some dogs are sensitive to finding cancer in humans? Really, this was on the news several years ago and has always been on my mind. Well, today my chihuahua was laying on me and suddenly hopped up and started sniffing my left breast, right where my tumor was/is. Then he starting scratching at it feverishly! My heart dropped! Did he smell cancer, is the treatment not working? Not necessarily, he managed to find an ice cream stick that was in my bra!? I was eating an ice cream bar, but do not remember doing anything with the stick, guess it must have just fallen down my bra when I was finished! WTF? WHat a relief!

  • bak94
    bak94 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2011

    Yes, the shoes sound beautiful! I love shoes, but if they hurt my feet they wind up way back in the closet never to be worn again, then I wear the practical, kinda ugly ones day after day:( I am a bit of a clutz, so I am jealous about the strappy high heels, I have never been able to wear them. Red twizzler shoes sound so cute!

    Titan, that does sound like a cool experience!

  • mccrimmon324
    mccrimmon324 Member Posts: 794
    edited September 2011

    Bak94 - The popcicle stick made me laugh.  Glad that's all it was.  I have a friend who's boss has colon cancer, I think, twice and both times his dog found it.  The second time he walked into his dr's and said my cancers back my dog found it.  The dr called him crazy but did the testing anyway and sure enough it was back, he got treatment and is fine now. 

    I laugh whenever my husband tells me this story.  Back in his early 20's he got really drunk one night, got home and made himself a balonie and cheese sandwich, which he doesn't remember doing however he woke up with it stuck to his face and his dog trying to eat it.  LOL

  • lisaorock
    lisaorock Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    I'm new to this thread but not tot he boards. I started on the Nov. 2010 chemo thread.  I was 44 years old and diagnosed on Oct.5 2010.  My head was spinning. I saw my BS the next morning.  I have a stronng family history on my father's side. My father had it,grandfather,great-aunts on my father's side, and my aunt (father's sister). My BS ordered a genetic test immediately.  I had a lumpectomy on my right side.  My tumor was 1.2 cm. Found out I was BRACCA 2 positive. I then had my right breast removed and started breast recon. with tissue expanders. I saw my onc. I then found out I was triple negative.  My cell proliferation rate was 90%, pretty high.  He wanted to start me on chemo ASAP. That is why I did not have double mx right away. They wanted to deal with the affected breast first. I had 8 rounds of chemo, 4 dd ac, and 4 rounds of taxol.  I got terrible headaches after my first round of taxol. My onc. was so worried he ordered a head CT. All clear! He then ordered and performed a Lumbar Puncture to check for infection.  Nothing there either.They then loaded me up on pain meds to get through the rest of chemo. A month after chemo, in April I had my left breas,startes recon, and a hysterctomy all at the same time since I was BRACCA 2 positive!  I just had my tissue exchange surgery on Aug 1. I now have silicone implants.  I have to wait until Nov. for nipple recon. and areola tattoo.  That's where I am today.  I had my last visit at onc in June and was declared NED. I have to go back every three months for three years for blood work.  They do tumor marker tests also.  My next appointment is next Thurs, Sept. 8 (my mom's birthday).  I'm already a nervous wreck.  My hair is just long enough to look loke a "normal" short haircut.  I have no energy even though I try to exercise every day.  My energy is not even close to where it was pre dx.  I just joined a support group with women dealing with all different breast or ovarian cancer. It seems to help a little bit.  My husband has been by my side the entire time.  I am so blessed with a wonderful family and friends. I just feel lke there is a constant black cloud following me.  I try not to live in fear every day but I can't help being scared it will come back. I want to watch my two children, Kyle 13, and Kristin 11 grow up!

     I know I am ranting:( Thanks for listening!

    Take Care,


  • ksmatthews
    ksmatthews Member Posts: 743
    edited September 2011

    Lisa welcome to our thread.  Sorry you are here.  Sounds like you have really been through alot, but congrats on the NED!

    We are all a strong group of woman!

  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited September 2011

    lisaorock- Welcome to the thread! I hear you on the energy. I am 8 months PFC and still feel sluggish and unmotivated. I need to get off my butt and at least walk! I could stand to lose 15 pounds! I too worry all the time about every ache and pain, but I think most of us do. I consider worry to be one of the worst side effects from cancer. It's bad enough we had to go through it, now we must worry about it for the rest of our lives. Don't mean to be a downer today- have a cold and feeling crappy!!

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited September 2011

    Welcome Lisa!  Sounds like you are "normal" to me!     I would like to give up those every 3 months visits to the onc also but it doesn't look like it is going to happen in the near future.

    My cat has been trying to "suck my breath" out lately when I'm sleeping...I was freaking out about this until my DH said that the cat has been doing the same thing to him.

    The things we worry about.

    I'm still laughing about the popsicle stick in your bra Bak...only on here would a popsicle stick stuck in your bra is considered a normal thing...Kiss 

  • bak94
    bak94 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2011

    McCrimmon, your friends dog trying to eat the sandwich made me laugh! Years ago in my party days I had some people over to my condo (warning, this is a gross story!) I have an African Grey Parrot and had her out of the cage to visit with my company. Well, I drank a bit too much and fell asleep/passed out what ever you want to call it with her on my shoulder. My friends needed to leave and couldn't get her back to her cage, I think she was wanting to protect me. Well, when I woke up the next day it wasn't pretty! Lots of green slimy bird poop in my hair, as she had decided to sleep right on top of my head! Thank goodness it all landed in my hair and not my face!

    Titan, animals are sensitive to things! I bet they know more than what we give them credit for! Maybe you both snore and your cat wanted to know what was going on in there.

    Welcome Lisa! Rant all you want to here. Appointments certainly are nerve racking!

    Tif, it does take awhile to get over that sluggishness, I know from the last time I went though this. Finally the checked my thyroid levels and they were way off. Started to feel better within weeks of starting medicine. I am just getting over a cold, they still did chemo on me yesterday and put me on an antibiotic. They gave me the 5 day stuff where you take 2 pills on the first day and I swear I feel better today after taking the first dose yesterday.

    I finally fell asleep at 8 am this morning and slept until one. The decadron keeps me up the first night after chemo. I think the crash comes Sunday or Monday.

  • bak94
    bak94 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2011

    McCrimmon, your friends dog trying to eat the sandwich made me laugh! Years ago in my party days I had some people over to my condo (warning, this is a gross story!) I have an African Grey Parrot and had her out of the cage to visit with my company. Well, I drank a bit too much and fell asleep/passed out what ever you want to call it with her on my shoulder. My friends needed to leave and couldn't get her back to her cage, I think she was wanting to protect me. Well, when I woke up the next day it wasn't pretty! Lots of green slimy bird poop in my hair, as she had decided to sleep right on top of my head! Thank goodness it all landed in my hair and not my face!

    Titan, animals are sensitive to things! I bet they know more than what we give them credit for! Maybe you both snore and your cat wanted to know what was going on in there.

    Welcome Lisa! Rant all you want to here. Appointments certainly are nerve racking!

    Tif, it does take awhile to get over that sluggishness, I know from the last time I went though this. Finally the checked my thyroid levels and they were way off. Started to feel better within weeks of starting medicine. I am just getting over a cold, they still did chemo on me yesterday and put me on an antibiotic. They gave me the 5 day stuff where you take 2 pills on the first day and I swear I feel better today after taking the first dose yesterday.

    I finally fell asleep at 8 am this morning and slept until one. The decadron keeps me up the first night after chemo. I think the crash comes Sunday or Monday.

  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited September 2011

    I love all of you and hope your week-end is great!

  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited September 2011

    Thank-you all for all of your sweet and thoughtful well wishes.

    Titan, Titan, Titan- Thanks again for starting this thread.  

  • riley702
    riley702 Member Posts: 575
    edited September 2011

    I woke up at the bottom of a "cuddle puddle" this morning with my 2 kittens (4½ mos. old). Lucy has "mommy issues" and likes to suck on my earlobes. It's just every once in a while when I'm laying down now. So Lucy is wrapped around my neck like a scarf sucking on an earlobe, and Lovey comes bouncing up, all "What's going on? Can I join in, too?" She rolled around on me and Lucy before ending up half on top of Lucy and half on top of me, licking whoever she could reach, just purring her head off. Lucy stopped, looked at her, and then resumed sucking my earlobe. It was so funny!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2011

    Hi everyone, hope things are good for you all.  Love the dog stories.  We have a pitbull/rottweiler 16 months old - gentlest dog i'v ever known but occasionally he just sits and stares at me, really stares as if he's trying to make his mind up about something.  Then he gets on my lap (all 6stone of him) and snuggles into me like a baby.  He's done this since i had the surgery.  His name is Gunnar - it's Teutonic - meaning - Bold Warrior.  If i tell him off for anything he looks as if he's going to cry.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2011
    Photobucket" mce_src="Photobucket" alt="" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />
  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited September 2011

    Suze- Beyond happy about your scans. Love, love, love Louboutin. So comfy with that hidden platform in front. LOL on DH difinition. I've had migrains for 3 days now, Oxy doesn't touch it. I hope it is from the Avastin. The only thing that helps is a little toke of smoke. I then sleep like a baby.

    Wink- Happy anniversary! I love hearing about anniversaries. Fills my heart with hope.

    Summer- NY? My favorite place to buy shoes is Bergdorf Goodmans they have a huge selection for my huge feet size 10 1/2 or 11's.

    Kymn- Thank-you for sharing your rainbows Smile

    Titan- Funny shortly before my mom passed a couple of yrs ago I asked her if she ever really felt like a grown up because I still feel like I'm in my twenties. Except when I look in the mirrorLOL. She said she didn't think I would ever really grow up in this lifetime. LOL. I remember so often people have said to me "Grow -up". You make it sound like it's a good thing that mabe I haven't. Thank-you

    Lynn- I wish I could figure out how to post photos. I took a photo of me wearing these shoes the first night I got them. My byfriend was laughing at me because I love them so much. Heidi tried to explain it to me last year but I couldn't figure it out. If anyone can tell me an easy way of doing it I'd sure appreciate it.

    Heidi- How cool to see Dolphins in their natural habitat where they should be. That is Awesom!

    Bak- I'm still laughing my petunias off on that one.

    Thanks for sharing all of the funny stories ladies.

    Lisarock- You have been through a lot. So happy you are dancing with NEDS! YEAH!!! I don't think there is any such thing as ranting to much. Rant on girlfriend and we will listen.

    TifJ I hope you feel better soon. Summer colds are the worst. I'm sending you a cyber pot of homemade chicken noodle soup and a hug. Hope it heals you.

  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited September 2011

    Bernie- How cute! Are his eyes really blue? or is it the camera shot. I've always been terrified of Pit bulls but he looks so sweet and cuddly. My dog is half chow half shepard. He has been sleeping next to my bed every night since right before I was diagnosed. I believe dogs can tell too! he used to always sleep with my son before that. It's comforting to me. He also thinks he is this little puppy still and likes to cuddle. I've never been able to keep him off the couch. He jumps up on it as soon as I walk out of the room I'll turn around and tell him "Off" He jumps down and then right back up. It's been going on now for alomost 9 years.LOL

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited September 2011

    Titan -  Looking back at my last post I realized that from that time to now I've been in the hospital 3 times.  Thank you for taking the time to check on me.  (((Hugs))) Jenn

  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,943
    edited September 2011

    Hello everyone

    I just wanted to wish all of you a very happy Labour Day weekend from all of us over here on the TNBC UK thread. I have been reading a lot of your posts and want to send all our support going through challenging times with your breast cancer. I do admire all you courageous American and Canadian ladies. I do admire the fact that you can still have fun and laughter in your life at a difficult time. I have enjoyed reading about some of your love affairs with shoes. I thought the rainbow photograph was absolutely stunning and I could not believe the bright blue eyes of Bernie's beautiful dog. As a London born girl, not used to animals, and having read about the dangers of pit-bulls and rottweilers I am sure I am going to see those beautiful penetrating eyes in my sleep tonight!

    I am sure that dogs can feel when there is something wrong with their owner and will want to be close to them. I think that the theory that dogs can sense cancerous tumours is being taken seriously here, according to some newspaper articles.

    Best wishes


  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited September 2011

    Jenn- How is this chemo? I hope the SE's are not too bad. I'm praying this works for you. Why were you in the hospital 3 times? Are you ok now? I'm so saddened you are going through all of this. I'm praying this chemo kick your FC out the door.

  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited September 2011

    laurajane- how sweet of you to send me cyber soup!! I hope you've kept some for yourself- I want you healed as well. Hugs right back at ya!

  • Suze35
    Suze35 Member Posts: 559
    edited September 2011

    Phone posting!

    LJ - I would say it is the Avastin. I had a wicked migraine that started the day after my first treatment, and the only thing that broke it was prescription Fioricet. Don't be afraid to ask your doctor for something! I still have head issues from the Avastin, and we are lowering my dose. Have you noticed any changes, or at least no new FC? Oh I hope so!

    Jenn - it is good to hear from you. I hope you are feeling better and ready to fight. I really hope Navelbine is your cancer's kryptonite!

    Lisa - rant away! We are good for that :-). I'm so sorry you have to be here.

    My dog, a little doxie, has been unusually cuddly with me since my diagnosis. He was always more attached to DH, "my" baby girl doxie passed last April. But he just wants to be with me now. I often wonder if it is because we are now kindred spirits - feeling old, sick, and tired.

    I'm gonna post pictures next week of my shoes, I'm inspired!

  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited September 2011

    Suze- how do I post photos?

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited September 2011

    Hi ladies, I've been off the boards for a couple of weeks and wow this thread has really been busy.

    LauraJane - sorry to hear of you recent developments. I'm sending you good vibes for the latest treatment to kick your cancer in the @ss!

    Suze - glad to hear your headaches have subsided and that your brain scan was clear.

    Welcome new ladies.

    I've scanned the posts on this thread but think I'll need to go back and read in more detail when I'm more "with it." I'm pretty tired because we returned late last night from a holiday in Boston and a cruise to Bermuda, which departed from Boston. Luckily we missed Hurricane Irene and were out at sea when it hit land. 

    I wish everyone health and happiness this Labour Day long weekend! 

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited September 2011

    LJ- I PMed you about the pictures. Send them to my email and I'll post them for you here. Do you have an online website you upload pictures to? You have to have one (Snapfish, PhotoBucket, etc.) in order to put pics in because you need the URL (web address) that is *specific* to that one picture.

    Or, you can just send them to me and I'll do it for you. I maintain an online album specifically for the pics I put up here in

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2011

    Morning everyone, yes his eyes really are blue. I know yoy here allthe horror stories about dogs but if you know there character then you can tell if something is not right.  I've always owned big dogs, mainly german shephers. right now i have gunnar , and a german shepherd and a terrier/beagle.  It's the little chap that causes all the problems.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2011
    Photobucket" mce_src="Photobucket" alt="" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />
  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2011
  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited September 2011

    Jenn: I'm sorry you have been in the hospital, hope you are feeling better now.

    Laura:  Wish we could take a computer class together.  I am not even very good at posting links.

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited September 2011

    Jenn3:  Sorry to hear you havne't been doing well.  Just know that we are all thinking of you here and we are wishing you well!

    Laurajane:  We wear the same size shoes-well at least in the pointy ones, lol!  Everything else I am anywhere from a size 9 1/2 on up.  I love that you have retained such a openness into adulthood.  It isn't easy to do!  I think because you have followed an artistic path that it allows you to hang on to this!  BTW:  It makes sense that Avistan would give you headaches since it's job is angiogenisis-stopping the blood flow to the cancer-but man, that just sucks with the SE's.

    BTW:  The inspections went well and we are moving forward purchasing a house-our new yard is 45' wide by 182' long and I can't wait to get my hands in the soil and plant a garden and vegis and fruit.

    Tiff:  Hoping you are feeling a bit better and that LJ's soup does the job!