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Calling all TNs



  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    Heidi:  Happy birthday, and happy good news.

    Paulding:  Thinking of you.  Sorry you are having to have the biopsy done, but glad to hear it's going to be done soon.

    Cathy & NJ:  The gals here understand the anxiety and are a great support system.

  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited August 2010

    Great news Heidi.

    PauldingMom: Fingers still crossed for you!

    MBJ, re radiation link, I've never heard of PEM or BSGI scans - what are they? In general, I think that any good doctor should present and weigh the relative risks and benefits of different treatments or tests before prescribing. And if not, we need to ask the probing questions.  In my case, rads weren't an option - the risk of not doing it would have been substantially higher. 
    Diagnosis: 9/14/2009, IDC, 2cm, Stage IIb, Grade 3, 1/14 nodes, ER-/PR-, HER2-

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited August 2010

    Sherri:  Welcome back!  I wondered where you have been.  Hope you had a great vacation.

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited August 2010

    Luah:  I have no idea what those are, I just read about it on a post by a friend who put it up on facebook!  I just think it's important to be well informed.

    heidi:  A good potty mouth always loves some good chocolate.  Glad today had a happy ending.

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited August 2010

    Happy Birthday Heidi!! 

    Paulding - good luck!!!  I hate waiting for results! 

  • monisch
    monisch Member Posts: 43
    edited August 2010

    Hi Ladies,

    well another symtom came up by me and im hoping its a normal one.  Has anyone had red bumps, some infected on their thighs and below the knees large red bumps,that are hard under the surface and feel very hot ???  I havent the foggiest idea what the hell this is  but its driving me crazy.  My next Chemo ( nr. 2 ) is tomorrow morning.  So far I have had just about every symtom you can find on the list except the vomiting.  Wonder how I'll take round 2.

    Oh by the way Ive joined the baldie group amongst us on Monday.... last thursday is when my hair ( exactly 2 weeks after chemo ) started saying bye bye.. so i decided to put an end the  annoying face , mouth, couch, pillow and shoulder full of hair thingy... I shaved my head on Monday...  geez what a trip this BC is......wanna say at the end.. " bin there ...NOT going back "

  • starling
    starling Member Posts: 34
    edited August 2010

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I' ve been away for a week or so.. Just caught up on the news. Heidi, so glad for your news and happy birthday! Good luck Paulding and others waiting for results.

    I've been post Lumpectomy for 3 weeks and waiting to start chemo. I actually began to feel like life was almost normal as long as I didnt think too hard or too long. Well, the fight resumes. Yesterday had my port put in, its annoying right now but they say that will go away in a few days. This morning - in about 2 hours - I get my first AC chemo treatment. So reality has returned. My chemo room has wireless - how cool is that? - so I'm taking my laptop. See you gals later! Hugs all around!

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited August 2010

    Good Luck today barbbasile!  B-4 you know it you will be done!  

    Welcome back Sherri...hope you had a good vacation!  Ate chocolate, drank wine..that kind of thing...

    Monisch...good luck on round #2!   Are you going to ask your onc about those bumps when you see him/her today? 

  • starling
    starling Member Posts: 34
    edited August 2010

    Thanks Titan! I am at my chemo session now - using their wireless - I guess I am addicted to my laptop! Getting saline (sic?) first, learning the routine. Here's hoping! {{Hugs around}}

  • Summer38
    Summer38 Member Posts: 96
    edited August 2010

    Great news Heidi - Glad your scans were clear and you enjoyed your birthday!

    Paulding - my fingers are crossed for you that your scans go well and you get a speedy response. Sept is too long to wait!!! Be a pain in the a$$, maybe you'll get them sooner.

    Welcome to all our new friends!

    Barbbasile - good luck today!

    I have my 8th & final chemo today (Taxol), glad to have a little break before 33 rads treatments.....

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited August 2010

    Yay Summer!  

    Barbbasile...Do you play any of those games on Facebook...I have to confess that I play Farmville....those would keep you busy.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited August 2010

    Yay Summer!  

    Barbbasile...Do you play any of those games on Facebook...I have to confess that I play Farmville....those would keep you busy.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited August 2010

    Yay Summer!  

    Barbbasile...Do you play any of those games on Facebook...I have to confess that I play Farmville....those would keep you busy.

  • starling
    starling Member Posts: 34
    edited August 2010

    Titan - omg do I play those games! I play Farmville and latel started Frontierville. Let me know if you wan to be neighbors!

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    There are chemo rooms without Wi-Fi? Say it ain't so!

    Bumps- I would think that might be a skin reaction to chemo, but why it is so localized I don't know. I know that when I had chemo my palms itched a lot and I had a minor amount of bumps on my upper arms (but they weren't bothersome).

    Today I am moving my son to a new apt. Mom always gets the call when big items need to be relocated because she's the "go to" gal with the horse trailer. Hubby and other son do the grunt work though.

    WRT  BC boob soreness all my docs (GP, med onc, rad onc) know me and think, as usual, I am doing too much. Moss don't grow on a rolling stone...

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392
    edited August 2010

    NJ and Cathy-It's bittersweet that you have found your way here. I would also recommend looking for a group that is starting chemo. the same time you are. It's always great to have someone going through the same thing at the same time.

    For some reason I am at peace with the Sept. 2 date for the results. It's easier to wait when you know how long you have to wait. My DH and I are going to go together. I swear he is as scared as I am.  

  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited August 2010

    welcome to our new members!  busy day today but I wanted to pop in and say "hi!"


  • Hope60
    Hope60 Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2010

    Heidi - Happy birthday and congratulations on your great news!

    PauldingMom - When I joined this board last week, you were so helpful in putting my fears to rest a bit.  Please know that you are in my thoughts and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.


  • Hope60
    Hope60 Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2010

    Heidi - Happy birthday and congratulations on your great news!

    PauldingMom - When I joined this board last week, you were so helpful in putting my fears to rest a bit.  Please know that you are in my thoughts and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.


  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited August 2010

    monisch:  That sounds like an alergic reaction, but I am no expert.  Does your Onc know?  Sending you good thoughts!

    Pauldingmom:  I am glad you are at piece with the waiting--Me, I am not so good at it.  I pray that your results are Aokay.  You have been through enough already!

    Barbbasile:  Good luck with your treatment today and hopefully your side effects are far and few between.  It will pass by before you know it!

    summer:  OMG congratulations on being done with chemo.  Even though mine wasn't so bad, I was truly relieved for that part to be over so I could start growing some hair.  Yay for you!!!

    Michelle:  I posted my results on the picture board if you would like to see.  Hope you are well.

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited August 2010

    Welcome, new members.  This is a good place to be.

    Pauldingmom:  I'll be thinking about you and praying that you get good news soon.

    I wonder if anyone else has had chemo before surgery, which is what I am doing.  I know you did also, MBJ.  I am wondering if some people have chemo before and after surgery, it seems like a few people do, if there is still cancer left after chemo.  I am going to talk to my onc. about this, but I would like to hear from anyone who had this, maybe you could PM me.  I guess I am a little nervous about coming to the end of my treatments, and it seems like most people have chemo after surgery.

  • mitymuffin
    mitymuffin Member Posts: 242
    edited August 2010

    Heidi, what wonderful, wonderful news!

    Cathy, my first symptom was pain also, though mine was pain in my breast. My OBG felt nothing abnormal, but they found the mass on a mammogram. I think it was impinging on a nerve. 

    Norma June, Welcome and how nice that you are two years out. 

    Pauldingmom, I'm thinking of you. 

    After my 5th Taxol, the hair on my head is growing and my eyebrows are falling out. Keeps life interesting... 

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited August 2010

    mitymuffin:  Losing my eyebrows and eyelashes were the worse part for me!  It was the only time you could tell I was sick so I purchase two colors of Clinique Eyebrow powder which comes with an angled brush ($15 each) and even though my eyebrows quickly grew back, I still use the powder because I am so used to it now.  Makes them look a bit more "groomed".  Since I always wear makeup and couldn't wear mascara, I got really good at using eyeliner in its place. 

    Glad to hear you are staying in good spirits!


  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    I found losing the eyebrows and eyelashes *after* my frickin' hair was coming back to be the ultimate insult. BUT, I really learned how to apply kick-*ss eye make-up, and that continues to be a big plus in my arsenal of BC weapons.

    paulding- I know how scared you are. LAst spring when the doc suggested an ultrasound of my liver (after looking at the Cat scan) it was pretty nerve-wracking. My husband, who has nerves of steel, was pretty shook up while he waited for it to be done (same day). The place I go is/was great, as I've stated before, in that you get the tests and results all in one day.

    Hoping you have good results from the biopsy.

  • swiftbird
    swiftbird Member Posts: 78
    edited August 2010

    Hi BC sistas,

    I also went on vacation, a little break between surgery (lumpectomy, yay!) and radiation (starting right after Labor Day).  Took awhile to get caught up, *whew* unfortunately a lot of new members and questions. 

    barbbasile, good luck with chemo.  Don't hestitate to ask folks about side effects, this was the BEST place I found to find out about what to expect and ask questions, and vent.  I totally remember getting my first treatment (had a port, which was so helpful) ~ and so curious about the process...

    Lynn18: I too had pre-surgery chemo; mine was over 9.5cm, large so they (I'm at the Mayo) opted for me to do chemo to shrink the mass and then see where we were at afterwards (it was so fast growing, figured we'd make full scale assault).  I met with my oncologist yesterday for surgery (path) follow up - a 99% response to chemo, almost nothing was left, one left over the size of a BB and the other even smaller and they got great margins taking it all out.  They said it was an unusually good response; I ended up having a lumpectomy instead of the double mastectomy the pre-Mayo surgeon and onc were initially trying to talk me into. I was also put on the less-common combo of Carboplatin & Taxotere.  I worked through my entire treatment (except for my infusion days and the 4th day after when my SEs were the worst). I realize I'm not the norm, but I wanted to give you and others hope that are doing pre-surgery chemo -- it can work!!

    hhfheidi, you're just too funny. I too lost my eyelashes and eyebrows after my last round of chemo, and now they're growing back with a vengence, I am turning into a yeti and I love it.  Bring on the hair! My regular hair is growing back really fast now too, and my natural brown/black *whew*  But the eyelash and eyebrow thing was an insult to injury... strange how that pissed me off the most.  Latent hostility???  And because I am truly a masochist (see note below about working throughout chemo... not because I HAD to, but to keep my 'sanity'... translation: workaholic freak) I got braces put on this week.  You'd think I'd had ENUF pain and humiliation this year, but noooooo..... and so I have renamed 2010 my "rebuildling year" and by January I am going for BCasskickin-hot-babe-over-40-but-not-cougar status. 

  • mrsnjband
    mrsnjband Member Posts: 64
    edited August 2010

    Thanks for letting my know I "fit"Cool  Even though I've been on this journey for almost 3 years, I am still learning a lot.  It is really sad that I had to figure it out for myself that I am triple-neg.  I felt so alone when I going through treatment but now I have all of you!

    Thanks again, NJ

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited August 2010

    Hey..I got my bone density test back..good to go...a little ostepena (spell) in my spine but that is all..low risk for fracture..whee!  that is done and so is my pap test (passed) all that is left is a colonoscopy..yuk..not going to hurry to do that!

    Barb..I will pm you my facebook info so we can be neighbors!  I'm so excited!  Hope you are doing oK tonight!

  • LynnB
    LynnB Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2010

    I am newly diagnosed triple negative inflammatory bc. Anyone out there with both these diagnosis? First chemo today. Plan is AC x 4 (dose dense) and Paclitaxel x 4 (dose dense) then 1 month off then radiation.

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited August 2010

    Hi LynnB - we're practically neighbours as I'm in nearby Mississauga.  Welcome!

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842
    edited August 2010

    Hi everybody, it has been awhile since I posted but wanted to say hello to all of the new ladies.  Also wanted to give encouragement to all of you who are in treatment or have upcoming surgeries.  Hang in there and cry when you need to and be strong when you have to.

    Paulding mom---thinking of you while you go through this recent bump in the road.  I have always felt a connection to you since our Dx date is the same. And we are both BIG football fans.  And with the season just starting..........well, gotta just say  GO PACKERS.   At least this year we won't be wearing are team scarves.
