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Calling all TNs



  • adagio
    adagio Member Posts: 713
    edited October 2012

    I have the same necrosis in my tumour. I am well aware that it is an aggressive one - dreading the chemotherapy though. 

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited October 2012

    adagio - chemo is doable and you will get through it. Believe me if I can get through it so can you because I'm the biggest baby going when it comes to any sort of treatment.  I dreaded the first one but there was nothing to it. Once you have your first one, your nerves will calm down and you will be fine.  Just remember to take your medications, drink plenty of fluids and rest as much as you can.  Do you have good veins or do you have a port.  If you have a port put it its just a bit sore for a day or two.  I love my port. Anything is better than them trying to find a vein.       

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited October 2012

    C_S: moved to Canada for a better quality of life.  DH & I were sick and tired of working to just pay bills and rent.  And we both had very well paid jobs.  The space here as well.  Dont get me wrong, I love London and most of England... but it is so bloody cramped there.  Everywhere you turn someone else is there.  Its friendlier here, people actually acknowledge you whether you be walking in the park or at the hospital, anywhere.  

    adagio... cocker is right, chemo's hard but doable and once the first one is out the way you know what to expect... and drink lots of fluids.  (((hugs))))

  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited October 2012

    Loving the dog pics!

    I traveled 2 1/2 hours... For nothing. Path report was incomplete on her2 and FISH.

    Was neg for hormones. We need this info to pick and order my freaking chemo! Will not know until Monday.

    While I was in the big city, I had my haircut off, in anticipation of the upcoming shedding event. 13 year old son says I look like a lesbian.

    (we have a lot of lesbians in our life)

    While I know it would be better if I have morphed into Her2+ - that would mean I would have that damn taxotere again!!!

    Waiting is so much fun!

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited October 2012

    Miy tumour also had comedo necrosis...growing very fast!

  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited October 2012

    Adagio: I too had nodes involved and LVI. Doing well 3 years on. 

    Jan: So glad to hear the surgery went well. Rest up.

    OBXK: Crap, waiting is the worst. Hope you can stay busy til Monday.   

    Desertmama: You may want to ask your MO about switching to taxotere; some ladies find that easier than taxol (and some harder). 

  • ksmatthews
    ksmatthews Member Posts: 743
    edited October 2012

    Babs Pixie is so cute.  My Sadie is much bigger she is 25lbs lol!

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited October 2012

    love the pics of the dogs...annie..would love to see a pic. of your little shit...I laugh so hard every time you talk about your dog.  I love pugs too!  and all dogs..just don't have any...we have 2 cats but I grew up with dogs..had a fox terrier, some beagles..and variety dogs...loved them all...only one lived in our house though.

    wanted to let you guys know that I had a flu shot today..not that is big news but for the life of me I couldn't remember what arm I needed to get the shot yeah...bc can be far from your mind.... path report says absent of that is a good thing?  if so I am excited about that...I asked the bs about lvi because it said NA...I was like..was it not applicable or didn't they check...he just said I didn't have to worry about it...ok..guess I wont...we have enough to worry about!

    Going to a run this weekend with my son...we are doing the 5K in Columbus, Ohio for the Stefanie Spielman Fund...ALL proceeds go to tn research at the OSU Cancer hospital.....last year there were 7000 people involved... I am not a big "pinkster" but I will love doing this with my son...he was 18 when I was diagnosed..and now 3 1/2 years later he is finally acknowledging the fact that I had/have BC  I'm loving his support of me now...I dunno..maybe it took him this long to accept it?  Anyone else have this kind of thing going on with their kids?  when I was having surgery, chemo, rads he just kinda ignored the whole thing...I guess everyone handles it differently..maybe he was scared..

  • onvacation
    onvacation Member Posts: 521
    edited October 2012

    Tazzy - love ground hogs day description of radiation - that is exactly what it is like!

    I had lymphovasular (sp?) invasion but 0 lymph node involvement.  

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited October 2012

    oh and Jan...glad things went ok for you..hang in there

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited October 2012

    Cockerspaniel - Thanks so very much for the Monday photo - I have three cats - they often give me that look!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited October 2012

    crap OBXK...waiting is the sorry.  I know you want some answers so you can get it on!! 


  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited October 2012

    Sugar - mine is very fast-growing also. When my orig. tumor was discovered, my onc had me take the time to have a port put in place and to wait a month for me to recover from the port placement before starting chemo. This time, he started chemo one week after lung bx., without a port. I will have a port put in next week and then just continue with chemo. He states we have to keep going as the tumors are spreading quickly. It does not matter now, but I wonder why my med team did not watch me more carefully since they knew I had an aggressive, TN breast tumor that had an incomplete response to chemo. If I had not had severe pain from a frozen shoulder, a bone scan would never have been done. The lung tumors were actually found on the bone scan. A CT scan and two bxs were done soon after. I do not agree with the current Onc trend of "wait and see" - especially with a history such as mine - (and, not that it should matter, but I have insurance that covers everything without question!) Oh well - that's in the past. I hope the tumors slow down for both of us! 

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited October 2012

    Taz - good on you for doing something with your life but I wish you had come to NZ.  I love England for the palace and pomp etc  but I would miss our amazingly blue skies and the pretty lake and mountains. We have plenty of space here too. Its a great place for kids to grow up in as we are very sport orientated too. And yes when I walk by the Lake everyone says good morning etc.  So lovely to live in a place like that.   

    Karen - bummer all for nothing and now a long wait. Oh gosh do lesbians only have short hair (I have short hair, not a lot but its short!!) Why do you have a lot of lesbians in your life? Or am I being too nosey.

    Titan - I have no idea what to do with this little shrimp.  The old fellar and I watched her at lunchtime. She lifted the lid of the recycle bin with her nose, stood on tip toe as it opened. Rummaged around till she found the tin she took a fancy to. As she got it out the lid closed itself and she pranced off to put teeth marks in every little mm.  We put up a fence to keep her in so she dug and dug until she could get underneath it and he put it in deep. I tell you she was so black she looked like Hairy McLairy from Donaldsons Dairy  in the end.  Nothing is safe from her.  I even thought about giving her away to a little old lady but I was the only little old lady around here lol. There are bitten tins all over the driveway today.  Its a wonder she doesn't cut her little mouth. I threatened not to take her to the vets if she did but her beautiful eyes win every time. 

    Good luck on your run.  I guess at 18 years kids are just not old enough to take in a bad diagnosis but now he has grown up he realizes more.  Nothing unusual about him, they are all the same.  I think he probably was so scared he didn't want to acknowledge it and he didn't like the thought of maybe losing his dear mum.    

    Will put up a pic of the little shit when I find one then somebody might take pity on me and take her home.      

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited October 2012

    OBXK - I just went through similar experiences the past month - first lung bx was a really botched job - the ego manic RO would not give up - he went in for four more bx tries AFTER my lung partially collapse - still did not get enough tissue.  I was in severe pain, even with light sedation -I went to a larger hosp in VT - 2 and half hours away -gas expense and expensive ferry ride over Lake Champlain -  for the 2nd bx. They had a tough time getting tissue as my rib was in the way, but at least they got tissue and my lung did not collapse. Yep - I know what you mean - all for nothing - damn TN again, but needed confirmation for chemo. I agree - at least I'm not suffering the leg pains and my finger and toenails are not falling off because of Taxol. I am doing Carboplastin and Gemzar - two Fri. in a row and then one off - prob. for 6 months. I shaved my own hair off last week as I could not bear to have a friend do it again - they cry too much!  I will be thinking of you .


  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited October 2012

    DesertMama - You have every right to complain - AC is horrrible in it's own nauseating, severe sinus pressure way, but that d**mn Taxol - fingernails and toenails aching and peeling off - that d**mn rash, that no med prof would attribute to Taxol - left many scars - the terrible leg pains and flu-like feeling - yep - the med profs all said Taxol would be so much better - BS! (and I don't mean Breast Surgeon) lol. So you go right ahead and complain - I devoured Ibuproben - its the only thing that kept me going. Oh, and yes, the numb toes are a plus no one really explained. Now I am doing Carboplastin and Gemzar - sounds like a newly discovered planet...I have only had one infusion, but so far it is much better than AC and Taxol - so much better. According to my team it's less toxic than AC and Taxol - Good thing for that since I have infusions three times a month, and will fior at least six months....Warm showers and a heating pad....also lots of naps- that's what got me through. Will be thinking of you.


  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited October 2012

    Karen - I'd be a ranting crazy person if I still had to wait some more.  How awful for you.  How insensitive for them to not call you ahead and save you the trip.  Grrrrrrr.  Keeping you close in my heart. 

    Teaching DH how to make chicken soup.  Will double his kitchen skills. 

    Sherry - Keeping you close in my heart, too

    I'm loving my easy recovery.  Not having lymph nodes removed make for an easy mastectomy.  (so far at least)  And thanks to all for your continued good wishes.  I feel the love.  Jan

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited October 2012

    Sorry about my rant in my previous post - I hardly ever complained to anyone when I went through chemo. I suffered quietly and found support in these threads. I now have lung mets - a year after my surgery - starting chemo again - bald again - I know I am fortunate to be alive - I know I am fortunate to have a wonderful family and people like all of you for support, I know I am fortunate to have great insurance, etc...but d**mn, I do not want to do this again, especially with the life expectancy I have been given - I know- it's just stats and numbers, but even with that said, I will give my current chemo the 6 months I have committed to. If I have an incomplete response as I did with AC/Taxol, I plan to stop treatment and begin palliative care. My MO is trying, but he advised me that "with the way this thing is acting" (his words), it is doubtful I will have a complete response to my new chemo. Darn, I planned to apologize for my previous rant and just went into another one. Sorry - I think I just need some sleep. I really did have a wonderful day caring for my grandchildren and look forward to doing it again tomorrow. The disease really robs me of some of the joy of being with them - I look at them and know I will never see them as adults. OK - enough negative thoughts - goodnight

  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited October 2012

    Reality - rant away. We get it!

    Jan - hope the soup is good! Glad you are having an uneventful recovery!!!

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited October 2012

    Jan- chicken soup - the healer of everthing.   

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited October 2012


    Just had toput up this with all the 'doggy talk' today 

  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited October 2012

    Love it Annie!

  • journey4life
    journey4life Member Posts: 223
    edited October 2012

    Reality - I wish you weren't in the position that makes you rant...don't apologize for anything you post. That's why we're all here - to share the experiences of this ugly disease and to support each other. Rant all you want to!! We will always listen.

    QueenKong - you posted a while back about spelling. When I first started reading this thread (soon after my diagnosis), I thought what is wrong with these women? Are they new to a computer and don't know how to type? I was so innocent back then. Now, I get it. And although it bothers me at work because I create many documents, I've almost adjusted to it being my new normal in my non-work environments. 

    funnygirl - congrats on your good news! And best wishes for your surgery. Take good care of yourself and let others pamper you and give you lots of TLC. When you're up to it, be sure to let us know how you are.

    born - I can totally relate to your post about fear. Maybe we're at a "stage" now - I see that your diagnosis date is the same as mine. 

    obxk - been thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way

    dawn - how are you? ((((hugs))))

    to everyone I forgot to mention - let's keep fighting and most of all, keep supporting each other.

    love to all

  • melissa119
    melissa119 Member Posts: 127
    edited October 2012

    Hi ladies. Hope everyone is doing ok and hanging in there on this horrible storm we have to ride!

    I have a question for anyone that can answer.... I was dx feb 2012, had breast mri and biopsy of axillary nodes in march.. Had ct scan and bone scan in April... All scans and tests clear other than one mass found in right breast measured as 2.7cm. I had BMX may 2nd with clear margins and 3 nodes taken none positive. And the tumor was actually smaller than expected... Only 1.7cm. My BS was very happy! And by this we know from feb to may it did not grow which I think is a good thing :-) Anyway. I started ACT in June and now see the end... 2 more taxol then done nov 8th! I want to be happy but for some reason it is scaring me that treatments, my only defense against this tn is coming to an end. Anyway I was wondering if anyone had scans before surgery and then again after chemo was over. I kind of want to enjoy my holidays and not have the anxiety of scans around the holidays. Since everything was clear before chemo would they maybe hold off on more scans for 3-6 months?? Anyone's story with similar steps please let me know.



  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited October 2012

    Melissa -  My schedule was dx,scans, mx, chemo, scans, rads, scans, scans, scans.  I've been NED since chemo, but my oncology center seems to be scan happy.  I understand your anxiety about your treatments coming to an end.  I think that's why I didn't questions so many scans post treatment.  I'm told the concern of recurrence goes down with time, and I think this is true, but......  I hope this helps you a little bit.  Others will be along to add their experiences.  Holding your hand as you hang on.  Jan

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited October 2012

    Oh yes, the price of the chicken soup lesson:  A boiled over mess on the cooktop.  Burner not working now.  New stove?  Annie, I think I'll send my DH to get some lessons from your DH. Drowning my frustration is frozen chocolate cake.  Jan

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited October 2012

    Ha ha Jan,  and to think I was jealous of you having lovely chicken soup.  Jealousy might go now but the thought of  chocolate cake is making me envious. 

    Melissa - DX Nov 11.  MX Nov 11. Scan. MRI both clear.  Chemo Feb because my oncologist that I particularly wanted  was on holiday.  Then Rads.  Nothing since.,  In NZ they don't seem to be scan happy (more's the pity as I would feel better if they did one) I will get one if any further issues arise for more than two weeks.  It takes a while to overcome your fears and I am not there yet but the ladies on here say it will come. I guess all the time I feel well I will not worry but its always lurking there so know how you feel.  Yep as Jan said the ladies on here  are a wealth of knowledge and info and will give you better answers than mine.   

  • Jag1110
    Jag1110 Member Posts: 51
    edited October 2012

    Hi everyone, I don't think I've been on this thread before but Melissa if this helps i was dx Dec 2011 and had surgery, then 6 rounds of tac chemotherapy a mamo before the radiation and I think they were doing scans weekly. I finished Aug 21 had my last follow up for rads which was just talking and checking my skin and just had my first oncology followup that was blood work and talking to the doc nothing else. I did ask the onc what the point of seeing her was if they can't tell from my blood if the cancer returns and she said they can for some types but I don't think there are any markers for breast. I don't think there will be any scans for me till I get my annual physical and mamo by my family doc, she found the lump to begin with. I really don't understand how all this testing works and I'm scared it will come back. Not seeing the docs doesn't bother me cause I don't feel like I learn anything there anyway. I have chemo brain and terrible joint pains from being thrown into menopause and at this point pretty depressed since I kinda thought I might get back to my usual routines but I don't seem to have any interest in anything and yes I am on Celexa 20mg, I think I need more. I spend most of my time alone and feel like people that haven't been through the experience just don't get it. Didn't mean to write a book just feel like I need to connect with someone. Thanks for listening

  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited October 2012

    Jan - third rule in cooking, never leave the pot unattended. Or at least teach him to use the timer.

    Journey - thanks for the good vibes!

    Jag - Oh sweetie - check in with us, we'll be here for you. The fear sucks! The blood test, can help tell if it has gone to your bones -high calcium or liver - elevated liver enzymes. They also look at your blood counts.

    Report any pain that lasts for two weeks. We don't get a lot of scans, without symptoms, because of the radiation exposure.

    It's hard to move forward after treatment, you feel like your safety net has been removed and your about to try a triple summersault without a net! The fear will lesson with time. Hugs to you!


    My new adjustable bed arrived - I freaking love it! DH wishes I'd stop calling it my new death bed :)

    Wishing you all a good tomorrow!

  • queenkong
    queenkong Member Posts: 48
    edited October 2012

    Reality - please continue to rant. I want you to feel this is a safe place for you to do that. I want it to be a safe place for me as well. We're here for you. It's sounds like you need it. We can take it.