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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening chemosabes and radicals-

    Elizabeth Edwards: may she rest in peace indeed.  What a travesty.  By the time it hit the news she must have been pretty far gone.  That was very sad and very fast.     

    Ginger: I am sorry about the congestive heart failure mistake. That moment was sponsored by steroids and 3 hours of sleep!

    Gas: I am so glad someone brought this up! I feel like my body is a Mobil station as I am constantly dispensing gas! It is times like this that I am happier than ever that I live alone!

    Only 1 tx left!! WHOO HOO...can't wait to get #6 out of the way!

    Adey: the nationwide shortage, even though you were not affected, is over.... I liked the other stuff better!

    Calamtykel: I am so happy you moles were benign! Congratulations, woman!  Now, though, waiting on xrays, cellulitis, truncal LE?   When did this happen? In any case, I must have missed something.  Geez, I would be petrified as well.   I hope you get good news tomorrow.   I met a woman at chemo who is a 17 year survivor but has been through the rads, chemo and stem cell business 4 times.   She was very positive and what a nice lady.  I can only hope that I am as positive if I am going through this cycle over and over again.  Kel, I wish you the best tomorrow.   Please post as soon as you find out and are at the computer.   

    Well, I have got to do a few things before the I fall into chemo sludge.   


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    omaz-- hanging boob position!!!!!  Laughing

    lizzy-- I'll be with ya soon little girl.

    ginger-- Interesting, I'll have to investigate...

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    lisasinglem & lizzymack1 & LadyinBama The bloat you get from chemo will not be resolved with diertics according to the binder I got at chemo training. Steriods actually help me reduce bloat. I lost 4 lbs last night, and I took steriods last night. My onc today said I only gained 3 lbs since the start of chemo. (Actually since my 2 chemo. I think it's more like 5lbs but I was pretty thin to start). I am still exercising at least 3x a week, 60-70 minute sessions and eating correctly most of the time.

    Gingerbrew I do hear that heart issues from Herceptin usually resolve but not all the time. I think A is much more damaging. There are lots of people with conjestive heart failure. It's easily controlled with drugs especially when combined with diet and exercis. BTW my legs will look like tree stumps by thursday. I had tx4 today.

    Rachel my husband is teasing me that I keep passing gas at night. Maybe we should stop eating the cabbage soup and chili I make along with all the broccoli.

    Elizabeth Edwards: may she rest in peace indeed. 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lago - on this website for taxotere they do indicate a diuretic can be used for fluid retention from the taxotere, including in the abdomen -but then there are all kinds of information out there! 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    From :

    Premedicate patients with oral corticosteroids, such as dexamethasone 16 mg per day
    (8 mg bid) for 3 days starting 1 day prior to Taxotere® administration, to reduce the incidence and severity of fluid retention as well as the severity of hypersensitivity reactions.

    Omaz I will be curious to see if your onc prescribes them. My fluid retention gets worse with each tx. I take dexamethasone the night before, morning of and evening of tx. It really makes a difference. I wish I could take it for a few more days.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi Lago -- I don't know if my onc prescribes them - I have retention but its not too bad, mostly in my forearms for some strange reason I have had that since tx 3 also in my belly but it slowly goes away between treatments.  I read somewhere that the taxotere can cause some sort of inflammation in the small blood vessels that can lead to leakage of fluid, did you ever hear that?  I didn't do as well with the steroids.  They gave me an upset stomach from the moment I took them and it was downhill gastrointestinally from there.  I am just AMAZED at how each person reacts so uniquely to these meds!
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    "I read somewhere that the taxotere can cause some sort of inflammation in the small blood vessels that can lead to leakage of fluid, did you ever hear that?"

    That happened in one of my eyes after the 1st tx. Just this really dark blood dot on my eye that took 3 weeks to go away. Then just 2 days ago it started again but very light and is almost gone. Now I know why my onc asked me about it after tx 2. Yes I mentioned it as back but almost gone this time.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Omaz: Thanks, but that's not the one I was thinking of. It wasn't the cancermath site with survival stats and stuff. It was something that showed treatment protocols. Oh well, must have been another thread. I told a friend I'd send it to her, but then I couldn't find it.

    RIP Elizabeth Edwards. I hope she is at peace and with her son Wade.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Omaz: YES!! Your brain works much better than mine. THANKS!

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    As for cream I used what my RO suggested, something natural called Calendula. Hit or miss if it worked. I may not have used it religiously as I should have.

  • DebJ
    DebJ Member Posts: 41

    thanks for positive thoughts.  I got 6.5 hours of work in this a.m., enough to qualify for a day by getting up at 4 a.m. and getting started.

    Had port removed. Wound was full of yuck, so instead of closing it, they packed with idoform gauze so it will continue to drain.  I go back Friday for dressing change, and some time next week they will decide when it is ready to close........just a little frustrating.  wanted to be done with doc appts and all, as I know we all do.    am headed for bed now. I have a job to keep tomorrow.  thanks for all support and advice.  it makes such a difference....

  • I think the Elizabeth Edwards thing is so jarring to all of us because we see ourselves in her.  It's scary = she was cancer free for 3 years.....  I don't know what kind of BC she had though.

    Lizzy - re the doctor - I went because of pain in my shoulder and strange feelings of swelling in my left side.  However as i'm analyzing it all, I really think it's muscular pain that I can't feel correctly since I'm numb.  Kinda like the dentist numbing you and you feel like your lip is huge, but you look in the mirror and it's normal size.  I did start doing lots more exercise than when on chemo and maybe i just pulled stuff. 

    praying my x-rays come back normal though.  they **should** be back today.  wasn't happy about more rads exposure was a need to know kind of thing.  

    Off to bring my DD to babysitting and then hopefully wrapping some presents today.  I JUST WANT NORMALCY!!  UGH! 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cal - I keep wondering about Elizabeth Edwards type of cancer, her markers, type of chemo, radition etc I guess since it is so close to us right now.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning chemosabes and radicals-

    It is a cold, albeit sunny day in CT! 

    Calamtykel:  I am praying your results are ok.  I hate to "overshare" but I have had some anal bleeding since tx 3 (5 was yesterday).  Yesterday one of the docs suggested I see a gastro when done with chemo.  I am like I *never* had this before chemo so let's wait a good 4-6 weeks *after* chemo before we start launching into gastro land!  They think it is a hemorrhoids caused by chemo which is common.  I am not going to be summarily shuffled around to docs within a few weeks of ending chemo.   More to this point, I, like you, believe your stuff is muscle related to running (such a travesty...we just poke our heads out of the sand because we want to feel better and do some exercising only to be politely reminded by our bodies the time is not right) and that your results will be fine.   Try not to let them hustle you around to docs and more rads and give it a few weeks with some hot/cold patches and otc stuff from the rx.  Let us know what your results are.   I am hoping you don't have to wait until tomorrow.

    Omaz: I, too, keep wondering about her and her markers.  Her docs were so positive on ABC.  I was surprised she was gone so quick.  I was talking with a woman in chemo yesterday who has been a 17 year survivor although she has been back to chemo 4xs.  In any case, she was lovely, early 60's and I was so happy to have someone next to me who was so much fun!   She and I were talking about Elizabeth Edwards and I just think losing her son, her husband running again in 2004 and the subsequent marital problems probably did her in.   I don't know what causes cancer but last I heard, stress helps nothing.   I think the very essence of her life wore her down.  This is why I am also taking time now to reflect on exactly what I want my life to look like.  Trading and the whole Wall St scene very much agreed with me but I know now I cannot thrust myself back into that type of existence with cancer lurking about.   A less stressful life is necessary now so this is why I am going back to school for nursing and looking at some sidelines businesses I might want to start later next year when this is all over.  All things to consider and I think, to some degree, we are all going through this in some way.  In any case, looking at her type of cancer and txs is one thing although looking at the big picture of her life is a much more holistic way for all of us, somewhat similarly situated, to look at her evolution under a bc dx.  She just went through so much in the past number of years.   I hope she finds some peace now.

    Good day, girls!  I am going to try to get some junk done! 

    PS- you might notice me editing right after chemo because, upon review, I make the most silly spelling and grammatical errors!!!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Well if we are over sharing: I had some very dark stool after my last chemo. Was gone the following day. I thought it might be from the spinach but a week later I ate spinach prepared the same way, same amount and no dark stool. My onc asked me if I had a colonoscopy yet. Told her I wasn't 50 yet (still a few months away). She of course is telling me to have one after chemo.

    Of course I would have anyway. My maternal grandmother died of colon cancer and my mom has had polyps removed. Just wanted to wait till I was 50 so the insurance would cover it.

    My gut agrees with you lizzy. Probably just hemorrhoids.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lago: Yes, probably those things!   BC is truly the gift that just keeps on giving!  

    Does anyone know what adjuvant endocrine therapy consists of?  I am reading those NCCN guidelines and I because of the size of my tumor it states "possible" adjuvant endocrine therapy after chemo?  

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Since we're doing a review of poop and such. I had very dark poop for weeks during chemo and weeks after chemo. And lots of painful hemmoroids. So I agree Lizzy- WAIT before jumping into gastro medical land.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

     That's hormone surpression therapy (anti- estrogen) like als or tamoxofin

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - for those of us who are ER+ often the docs will prescribe adjuvant endocrine therapy consisting of tamoxifen or an aromatase inhibitor like arimidex.  Though I think they work by different mechanisms the main goal is to deprive any leftover ER+ tumor cells of estrogen so they don't grow.  My understanding is that adjuvant just means 'in addition to' surgery, thus adjuvant chemotherapy.  Neoadjuvant is before surgery.  I *think* because surgery was the initial treatment for breast cancer all the other treatments are considered relative to surgery.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lago and Omaz: thank you...I was a bit confused.   Also, did you see that train wreck of a spelling error I made on hemorrhoids?!   This is why, in the few days following chemo, I am happy for the edit button!

    Sweeney: so unlike me to bring up that topic but (no -t pun!) I had to discuss.  I think it is hemhorroids and I am *not* being shuffled around to any other specialists until March if it persists.   I have hardly ever been constipated but had a number of bad boughts with the antithesis!  Low and behold, that too can cause hemhorroids.  Good times, good stuff!!!!!  

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Walking - I have a little walking route that I started when I did my first chemo, I usually go out in the neighborhood but I wanted to stay closer to home.  It is basically around our 'yard' (which is desert) and so many laps is a mile.  Today I managed 1 mile without feeling exhausted.  I did do another mile but the last few laps were sheer will power and literally I was making forward progress by a foot length at a time (imagine shuffle shuffle).  Thankfully my neighbors weren't out.  I think this is pretty good since I am two weeks past treatment 5 and I hope I can improve from here.  Its tough, for me my muscles and joints hurt and I move like a much older woman but the exercise doesn't make it any worse so onward.
  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    On Elizabeth Edwards, I read somewhere that she had hormonal poss. lumpectomy, 14 weeks chemo and radiation. That's about all I've read. Then it came back in her bones. Is truly say, unfortunately it still happens.

    CAMPAIGN TRAIL: Edwardses tour Iowa 4/07

    Mrs. Edwards had her first post-diagnosis doctor's visit Friday and emerged encouraged. She said her doctor expected she had the most aggressive "triple-negative" cancer, but testing found that she had two of the three key hormonal receptors - estrogen and progesterone. She said the original diagnosis was "slightly estrogen heavy," but this time it's a strong marker and she also has the second marker.

    My Onc. did prescribe diuretic and the 1st tome I took it it was great relief, kind of like a wet washrag being squeezed out. I take the off and on. They help my. I don't take a lot of the other meds. they prescribe.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Iago: My father died of colon cancer, so I began screening in my mid-40s. Most insurance will cover it if the doctor puts a diagnosis down as the reason for the colonoscopy, not that it's just a screeening test. Dark stools is certainly a diagnosis and a reason for the test. My doctor used to "stretchthe truth) and say I was having diarhea (which everybody has sometimes, right)  so I could get my test covered. Now my insurance pays for screening tests, which is good.

    On Elizabeth Edwards: The only details I ever heard on her cancer was that she was Stage 3 when diagnosed, and I remember when he ran in the presidential primary that she was having some sort of symptom that I read she put off having checked out until the primaries were over because she wanted to be on the campaign trail. That was when they found the spread to her bones (stage 4).  Not blaming her, of course. I can see putting something off for a bit, thinking (hoping) it's nothing serious. Just another way she sacrificed her life for her family's benefit.

  • lizzy - I wouldn't worry about the bleeding.  I had hemmoroids after my first baby 14 years ago.  They  were pretty much gone, but occasionally come back but aren't too troublesome.  I had them on chemo too.  I wouldn't worry much about seeing a gastro - wait until you're done with chemo.  My friend who is an onc. nurse had chemo and told me she bled all the time like that (scared the heck out of me -it was before I started chemo and she gave me her war stories!) 

    My nose is finally not bleeding anymore - two wks post chemo........chemo affects mucus membranes and you have those in your GI tract as well.  

    still waiting for my results.......I feel distracted today and can't get anything done!  :(  

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Forgot to tell you, on the  nose bleeds: the nurse practitioner DID say it could be chemo related. She said to get some Afrin 12 hr and some saline spray, use Afrin 2xday and saline 3xday for 3 days and if my nosebleeds didn't stop, they want me to see an ENT to be sure there's not some blood vessel problem. I was having a major nosebleed, my second that day, when she walked in the room, so that was timely! I've been doing it 2 days, and I haven't had a nosebleed.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    My bloating is supposed to be "at its worst" right now so I am hoping that it will gradually go down. They didn't want to prescribe a diuretic as they don't think it is necessary at this point as they believe it is chemo related. My bloodwork was all normal otherwise--esp around kidney and liver function that can be related. Therefore, wait and see. I also have pain on my left side and of course, you worry--but again, they don't believe anything other than muscle as all my recent scans were clear. The nurse said yesterday--worst time for cancer patient is the year after--dealing with tests and any aches and pains. When you hear the news of Elizabeth Edwards--just makes you a little more scared.

    The good news is that I am out walking twice a day and can feel my energy increasing. Not looking forward to rads..but can see the light at the end of the tunnel....

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Snow just keeps falling and I always start to feel imprisioned when the decks are impassable.  Luckily my DH is keeping the back deck and a small grassy area clear for me and my rescue mutt.  I am so happy I got him and glad I powered thru the first rocky weeks as he is such a great dog!  I can't wait until it's spring and we can go for walks.  Tingling in fingers is getting worse.  I decided to just keep taking oxycodone and stop worrying about addiction for now.  It helps with the all my aches and pains.  I am happy I don't have to go to work but now that I am on leave without pay I have to deal with how to pay all the little extras like life insurance that just automatically came off my paycheck.  I found out that I DO NOT have to pay the union dues!!! 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    There is a thread here called

    Elizabeth Edwards discussing her treatment

    if you are interested.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    For the nose bleeds I had, I got something from wal mart called ayr, saline nasal gel, works good and my nose feels alot better. I got 2 tubes one for my bathroom and one for my purse.