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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!

1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
HELLOOOOO CHEMOSABES!!!!!! If you want audio for the above line remember Robin Williams saying "Good Morning Vietnam!" WELCOME TO CHEMOLAND TO OUR AUGUST CREW MEMBERS!

I just had a bmx, by choice as only left was involved, with immediate recon on June 22. Two nodes were affected so off to the oncologist I go. I would love to hear from others about to start chemo and perhaps we can support each other through this.

& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

Those on their 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc... treatments this week of October 11-15:


The weekly SUPER CHEMOSABI CAPE goes to:

Week of August 9th: WHERRIA for being the best dog mom ever :)

Week of August 16th: SWEENEY for surviving a 12 yr old party held at her home and initial chemo tx in the same week!

Week of August 23rd: CALAMTYKEL for surviving a horrible road rage event, sponsored by a lunatic, with her 4 children in her car with her and for suggesting this SUPER CAPE idea to begin with!

Week of August 29: 3 CAPES THIS WEEK!

YOUNGMOMOF3: for saying NO when she felt it was all getting to be too much!

LISASINGLEM: for going to her job, with a smile on, for surviving being forgotten on a list thanking certain people for showing up even though they were incapacitated (sniffles!) in some way meanwhile she is fighting chemo, and all it's associated issues, to be there and why is she doing this?  To ENTERTAIN others.  That, no doubt, deserves this cape especially because she took the being overlooked in stride like a true professional.

KEEPINGTHEFAITH: who does not have too much time to post these days as she took temporary custody of **4** grandchildren ON THE DAY she started chemo.   That is an enormous amount of challenge to take at once.

Week starting September 5, 2010

CALAMTYKEL: for finding a place to get her port put in and traveling far to make sure it was done before her next tx.  That was a stressful situation for you and I think you deserve the cape.

WHERRIA: for dealing with challenges that go beyond, and are exacerbated in part by, bc with much aplomb and dignity.   Also for volunteering at the race, to help others with bc, when she would have prefered to be running.  You are dealing with a lot, and have had to deal with a lot, and I think you do it very well.  You epitomize strength.

ZACHSMOM: who, in the middle of a bc battle, is running the Komen race.  You go, girl!

And last but certainly not least:

LISASINGLEM: who is working to entertain others while she is undergoing chemotherapy and is fighting through to maintain her commitment.   

TEXASMOM: for forgetting she has cancer until someone asks her how she is doing!!!!  Also for wanting to do a walk for BC in the rain, no less the TX rain!!!! 

Week starting September 12, 2010


Week starting September 19, 2010

TexasRose: for NOT reading FB anymore and coming to us when she needed support in dealing with what sounds like the least desirable human beings in the Western Hemisphere.

CKPTRY: for having been an oncology nurse at MSK in NYC.  You also deserve this for making it through this past week in anticipating a potential problem with budget cuts at your child's school and for being a super chemosabe at the same time ;)  I am glad it seems to have worked out for you and, for the record, I think you need a permanent cape for the work that you did at were doing God's work.

DebJ: for giving a dog that needed a good home just that and a lot of love.  Thanks for taking care of the animals...they need it.

Lisasinglem: for so desperately trying to coerce her unwilling body to perform and entertain others.  Your commitment is unparalleled.  Thank you for giving the rest of us constant inspiration through your actions and in not letting chemo hold you down. 


Week Starting September 27

Michelle1014 and Sptmm62 for finishing chemo!!!!!!!  YAY!!!! Good for you both.


Week starting October 4, 2010

Sweeney: for oh so quietly FINISHING chemo!  YAY for her!

Rachel5738 and Wherria: for if not in presence then certainly in spirit to assist in marathons.  Unbelievable spirit, girls!

The cold and infection brigade at large: for letting us all know how each of you are doing and for supporting each other.   It is so nice to know there are so many others going through this at the same time and I know it is awful to be sick but alas we have each other!

Lisasinglem: for still being the most dedicated to her craft as to still try to get to performances when most of us can't get off the couch!


Week Starting October 11, 2010

All of us: for finishing, for making it 1/2 way and, most importantly, for not giving up.   


Week Starting October 25, 2010

Taxol/taxotere tribe at large: For all of you joining Adey and I, we salute you!  

Gingerbrew: she had the hardest time of all and definitely deserves the cape for just getting through.   Big cheers for Ginger being a trooper this week.


WELCOME TO OUR AUGUST CREW MEMBERS!Deb JOmazWherriaBeccabrite(wife of) SundiegoCalamtykelLadyInBama HuntreiterZachsmommlv2356ScrabbleladyTexasRoseJustduit Adey Lisaattheshore Carol0371 AlicejeanGin2ca Mstina1976LibraylilLkglascoKazmtazAnn97NursewithbreastcancerBirchtree Gatineau Survivor Kity1021CkptryGingerbrewCindyRNGoejsen----from across the pond! Libraylil Mommichelle Hope777CaroljlSweeneyThisishowiliveMyesan22AnnM57ColleenSharonKWLavonneKymmberPamcycle Angelice-from down under!KeepingthefaithRoserxMonsich...from Germany!KatherinenaomiOnemongaJag82569ClairedenverMilnertmKimmie68DrbeallElizabeth27


Best wishes to those already getting better and on their path to a healthier life:























































LIZZYMACK1 (finally!)









ACTH/ DD ACX4/ THEREAFTER WEEKLY TAXOL & HERCEPTIN X12/ THEREAFTER JUST WEEKLY HERCEPTIN*****************************************************


TCX X4/ FOLLOWED BY 5 WEEKS RADS & THEN RECON*****************************************************


TCH X6/ HERCEPTIN FOR 18 WEEKS THEN HERCEPTIN EVERY 3 WEEKS UNTIL 8/2011****************************************************


TCX X4 (TAXOTERE & CYTOXAN)/ SHE IS HOPING FOR 6 TXS! ******************************************************


T&C 4X'S******************************************************


AC X4/ HERCEPTIN FOR 12 MONTHS THEREAFTER/ RADS 5XWEEK FOR 6 WEEKS *****************************************************ONEMONGA- TC x 4/ 30 RADS AND ARIMIDEX FOR 5 YEARS*****************************************************


AC X4 THEN TAXOL X12*****************************************************


FEC X 6/ RADS X25+5/ TAMOXIFEN FOR 5 YEARS THEREAFTER*****************************************************


FEC X 3 AND THEN TAXOL X3*****************************************************


TC X4/ 16 X RADS/ THEN 5 YEARS OF TAMOXIFEN****************************************************


6 CMF EVERY 3 WEEKS THEN RADIATION AT THE END OF OCTOBER****************************************************


6 TAXOTERE AND CYTOXAN EVERY 3 WEEKS***************************************************


AC 4X (DOSE DENSE) FOLLOWED BY WEEKS OF RADS***************************************************


4X TAXOTERE AND CYTOXAN, ONCE EVERY 3 WEEKS***************************************************


AC x 4 THEN ABRAXANE PLUS HERCEPTIN X4 CONTINUING FOR 1 YEAR. ALSO 6 WEEKS OF RADS FOLLOWING CHEMO.***************************************************


4X AC DOSE DENSE FOLLOWED BY TAXOTERE EVERY TAXOTERE EVERY 3 WEEKS FOR 4 ROUNDS***************************************************LIBRAYLIL16 WEEKS OF TCH & HERCEPTIN (6 TCH with weeks 2 and 3 Herceptin)/  RADS AFTER (DON'T KNOW YET) SURGERY AROUND DEC OR JAN***************************************************SPTMM62-TC  X  4 (ONCE EVERY 3 WEEKS) FOLLOWED BY 6 WEEKS OF DAILY RADIATION & FINALLY TAMOXIFEN***************************************************57COLEEN4X  AC DOSE DENSE FOLLOWED BY 4X   TAXOL /  THEREAFTER 6 WEEKS OF RADS***************************************************MMAHLE46-FAC X6 FOLLOWED BY TAXOL/HERCEPTIN  12 WEEKLY TXS /   THEREAFTER WILL HAVE RADS(6 weeks) & THEN 9 MONTHS OF HERCEPTIN ONLY






TCH x 6











Best of luck to all and WE WILL get through this together....because it is going to be a BREEZE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep works!

Signed,Your FEARLESS leader!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ADDENDUM<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< It is now 2012, we have all completed chemo and are doing well but, and most unfortunately, politics and greed walked into our lives in these most recent weeks.  To those of you visiting this thread years after wondering what life was like for us chemo sisters, you must look at this video to experience the zeitgeist that was the anti-Komen campaign in early 2012, as follows:, and I have to say, we got by with a little help from our friends ;) 

Mark Twain: I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened!!
Diagnosis: 4/16/2010, IDC, 2cm, Stage IIb, Grade 2, 2/18 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2



  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Hi there!  I will also be starting chemo in August.  I just had my lumpectomy, SNB last wednesday.  I also had a port implanted during my surgery.  I had already seen the oncologist, and knew I was Her2 +, so I always knew I would get chemo.  I'm glad to not have a second procedure to implant the port!

    My understanding is that the weight gain is from the steriods we get in order to cut down on side effects, and to prevent anaphylaxis, which some people can get from some of the chemo drugs.  Steriods cause both hunger and weight gain.  (Plus for me, as a Type 1 Diabetic, they wreak havoc with blood sugars.)  ;-(

    I will be getting 6 rounds of TCH.  One every 3 weeks, plus Herceptin every week for the duration of the chemo.  After chemo, I'll go to Herceptin every 3 weeks for the rest of 12 months.

    I'm an actor and singer, and I am planning to perform during the chemo.  I'm going to be in a really big deal show here in San Francisco.  It is getting a lot of attention and press, and I REALLY don't want to miss it.  So, I'm hoping the side effects won't be too bad.  I'm not so worried about hair loss - I love hats and scarves and wigs.  I'm more worried about feeling sick all the time.  I vomitted 3 or 4 times just after surgery (Not sure if it was from the anesthesia or the pain meds).  And I'm not looking forward to more of that. :-(

  • kathleen17
    kathleen17 Member Posts: 3

    I'm starting chemo for the first time on Aug. 4. I was diagnosed Jan. 22 and started an anti hormone therapy, had a hysterectomy in April and 2 weeks ago had a double mastectomy (drain are still in.) Still had 4 lymph nodes positive.  Just yesterday was told I'll be taking chemo every 3 weeks for 12 weeks and then every week for another 12 weeks.  Seems like a lot of chemo.  Starting to get nervous, I have 2 boys ages 11 and 13.  We are an extremely active family, playing a lot of sports.  I'm hoping to breeze through the next 6 months. 

  • English_Teacher
    English_Teacher Member Posts: 24

    Hi everyone!  I just found out today that I will start chemo on August 3.  I had a lumpectomy on June 24 but since my surgeon is unhappy with one of the margins, I am getting surgery again on June 26th.  Everyone on these boards seems to be so aware of every little detail of their prognosis but I have to admit to being in shock ever since my diagnosis in late May!

     I do know that I am Stage One and the tumor was 1.2 cm.  I will be doing CMF (6 treatments over 18 weeks) chemo along with radiation.  I think I am still panicking over the whole "chemo" thing though, from what I understand, this type of chemo is the "gentlest."  I am quite active (in training for marathon #16 in October) and am hoping that I won't experience too many side effects.  But I guess you don't know until you know.  I would love to be able to "hang out" with folks who are going through the same thing!  :D

  • jet3648
    jet3648 Member Posts: 8

    I expect that I will be starting sometime in Aug.  Had partial mast. June 11,  saw onco. Mon.  She says yes to Chemo   6 cycles of Cytoxan and Taxotere  she has a criteria of  3 points for Chemo and I hit on 2 of the 3.  I have asked for Oncotyping DX  so we are waiting for that but I doubt thatshe will change her mind even if I get a low number.  So I am expecting to do Chemo,  I see her next on the 26th.  I will need a port so expect it will be Aug before Im ready to start.

    Did not ask as many questions as I might have as I was stunned by her statement.  Have lots now so will wait till I see her.    After Chemo I will have 6 weeks of radiation.

    It will be great to have friends to walk along this journey together.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lisa: congratulations on the show in San Fran! That is great. The vomiting after surgery might have been the pain meds. Let's hope you won't have more of that. I found out today I am getting 4 rounds every 3 weeks and I had a bmx but still they want to radiate my underarm because of the node involvement. I know they are being cautious but I learned a lot today and none of which made me happy! Including the separate procedure to insert the sick with all of this. In any case, I hope your show goes great!

    Kathleen: if you are active already, you should be able to breeze through. Just keep thinking that is the way it is going to be. Don't forget a lot of people have no problems with chemo at all. It is entirely feasible all will go ok for you. We all will probably feel a little something and then it will be over. I have 2 nodes affected and have 4 rounds, 3 weeks apart. They do move way more aggressive with node involvement. I am sure things will go fine for you. Don't forget...chemo is designed to SAVE our lives!!!!

    English Teacher: you can hang out with us as we are all going through the same things! This is the place to be....dubious place at that! I totally understand about being stunned about your diagnosis. Your BS will tell you more and more and then you, too, will be able to learn more of your diagnosis (dx). I was dx'd on April 17 and just learned of my HER2 status last week after bilateral mastectomy (bmx). Here we all are, dead of summer, getting chemo...well at least it is a good time of the year, temperature-wise, to go bald!!!!!!

    Jet: I am with you...Taxotere and Cytoxan...4 rounds and the port is going in as soon as my last drain from the bmx is removed next week. I don't know about you but when I heard radiation today, I was stunned. The good news just keeps coming!!!! I guess the coming year is not going to be our greatest but it is supposed to ensure that we have many more to come.

    We should all bid our hair farewell together? Who is shaving as a pre-emptive measure? Who is wigging?! Who is doing a scarf? I am only pretty sure I am just going bald and perhaps a scarf with hair attached. What is everyone's plans? Any good ideas? I wear baseball hats a lot so I was thinking I should cut my hair off now and make a ponytail I can put in different hats!!!!!!

    We can walk through this August together and surely it will be one we will never forget.


  • English_Teacher
    English_Teacher Member Posts: 24

    Thanks for the welcome!  I was told that with CMF chemo that I have only a small chance of losing my hair.  Does anyone know anything more about this?  Like Lisa, I already had some plans in place before I knew about the chemo.  On Oct 17, I will be running the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco -- I really, really, really don't want to miss it!  Cheers, Dianna!

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    I will also be starting chemo in August, probably the 13th.  I am HER2 + so my regimen will be the TCH.  I actually had my first herceptin today and like Lisa I will get the herceptin weekly plus the full TCH every three weeks for 6 rounds, then hopefully just every 3 weeks for the herceptin for a total of one year.  I do not have a port yet and I am debating whether or not to get one.  I have good veins but I am worried that the 6 rounds of chemo plus all of the herceptin will be too much, especially since I did have lymph nodes removed so I only have one "good" arm.  But I'm not too thrilled about the idea of another surgery and the discomfort of having a port.

    Currently I am reluctant to pre-emptively shave off my hair, I am hoping to hang on to it as long as possible.  But I am also preparing for the eventual loss by knitting myself a variety of hats.  As of now I am not planning to get a wig, just to use hats but I guess we'll see if I change my mind as time goes on.

  • jet3648
    jet3648 Member Posts: 8

    Liz, thanks for the welcome  Looks like we are on the same track.   I was not surprised about the radiation, I had known about that since the beginning  but was stunned that my Onco was so adamant about Chemo.  I had been hoping I would not have it.  But that is not to be so I will continue on - one step at a time with the help of my August sisters.

    I have not decided about the hair situation yet.  I have had thinning hair from psoriasis for several years and have worn a hairpiece for some time so I probably will just deal until I get tired of dealing.   I will just see what happens as I go along. 

    Jetta Cool

  • stlcardsfan
    stlcardsfan Member Posts: 227

    Hi August Group - coming over from the Jan 2010 Chemo thread and June 2010 mastectomy thread to wish you all good luck. For those on TCH chemo - T = taxotere, C = carboplatin and H= Herceptin - I can answer questions related to that, as that I what I had. there is also a TCH thread that has been going for over 2 years, lots of good info there.

    jsw19 - get the Port. With the amount of Herceptin, it makes it so much easier. And it can be used for the frequent blood draws and saves the arms.

    Tips -

    Emla cream for port - numbs the area and you don't feel the needle go it.

    Drink water/liquids - as much as you can, and then drink some more. Very helpful to get the stuff out of your body after each treatment.

    Eat small meals throughout the day, helps keep something in the stomach.

    Don't be surprised if you get chemo induced heartburn - it does happen. Happened to me.

    there are lots of meds to help with nausea. If something doesn't work, tell dr, and get something else.

    Neulasta shot is not a big deal. I injected myself after each Chemo and had no problems. Some have mentioned that Clartin helps with the se's from this also.

    And remember - while Chemo is not something we want to do - it is something we can do to beat the  nasty BC, and that is the ultimate goal!!!

    Here to help in anyway that I can. Feel free to pm with any questions. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hello all-

    My friend made a great suggestion: why don't all of you PM me (or post on this thread) your start date, how many cycles and if you want, the type you are having and then I will make a list at the top of this list so we can all connect more efficiently with those who are most similar etc... and we can also all track along with each other until we are done....that wonderful date in the future when we have our final round!!!!!!  Oooh...I just can't wait!

  • English_Teacher
    English_Teacher Member Posts: 24

    Lizzymack1:  From what I know right now, CMF every three weeks six times (so 18 weeks total).  I start on August 3 and the oncologist said something about starting radiation somewhere after the 2nd chemo.

    PS:  Appreciate all the kind words and advice!  :D

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    jet: I just realized...that adornment on the dog's head in your avatar should suffice for head covering once you have lost your hair!!!!!!!!!!  If you have any extra, I would like some as well!

    Someone once told me our onc's know the full story on our cancer, the ugly (as if it could get worse) but if you press them, you might not  like what you hear but they know the down and dirty on this stuff. Of course, they don't always share it because that won't help us but surely your onc knows something they are not sharing with you and that which also precipitates their interest in putting you through the chemo regimen.  I am just hoping for a clean bill when this is over for all of us.

    Stcards: my friend from June Mastectomy!  Thank you so much for the informative post.  I have already printed it.  All good stuff...but I did not know we had to administer our own neulasta shots!  Oh well...I will get through that one, too!!!!!!


  • stlcardsfan
    stlcardsfan Member Posts: 227

    Liz and others - didn't mean to freak anyone out on the Neulasta shot. I was given the option of doing myself, or driving in the next day to have them do it. I chose to try it myself. It really wasn't that bad. It is a very small needle, and I did it in the stomach - lots of cushion there Smile. The nurses on my first chemo day showed me how to do it, and had me practice on a round ball. I had given my dog allergy shots every 20 days for 3 years so it didn't seem like a big deal to me. The trick that they told me was to inject slowly so it would not burn. 

    Also should note that some dr's don't automatically give the Neulasta shot (due to the cost), and tend to do a wait and see how people react to chemo, blood levels and all. My dr gave it automatically, and based on how my levels tracked, very glad he did. I consider myself very healthy and active, but chemo sure does a number on your body. The actual administering of the chemo drugs is painless, especially if you have a port. The se's usually start a few days later, and vary widely from person to person. 

    It also helps to have a good thermometer at home. Important to keep track of your temperature during the early part of each chemo cycle. I also kept a daily journal of se's. Just a notebook that I wrote things down it. Brought it with me to each appt to refer back to when dr asked me how I was doing. 

    Sorry, I will stop now, didn't mean to hijack the thread. I just like to help.Laughing 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    StCards: no hijacking suspected and I actually thought it was pretty cool that you gave yourself the neulasta shot!!!!!!  All I could think was how convenient that I might not have to go back to the hospital to get it done!  I was happyWink
  • jet3648
    jet3648 Member Posts: 8

    Lizzy,  The avatar is just something I picked off Google images thought it was cute.  you could make that with a sunvisor or ball cap and silk flowers I think.  Maybe I should go into the business.

    I will know for sure on Monday about my schedule and will let you know for the list.

    Thanks for all the info and tips about dealing with side effects.  Dont know how much help/info I will get from the nurses at my hospital. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Jet- it is so cute!  Why not start a business?  Certainly there is a market and where there is not a market, create one!  Words to live by!

    I am going to update the August list this weekend.

    I have developed an infection and am on quite a bit of Cipro so my chemo will still be starting in August...I think!

    Keep smiling, girls, it works!


  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    I have been considering pre-emptively shaving my head.  Not sure when to do it though, because my hair grows pretty fast.  And I don't want it to get too prickly before it starts falling out.

    I think I will probably wait until the first clumps start coming out and then just shave the sucker.

    So glad to know all of you.  Nice to know I'm not alone!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796


    I can't believe you brought that up because I am, right now, making a timeline of when I am going to shave!   The problem is my hair is 1/2 way down my back!!!!!  Perhaps I should refer to this as cut-and-shave!   I think they told me, and don't quote me as the first meeting with the onc was a whirlwind of information of which I recollect negligible amounts of info but, I think it starts to fall out 2-3 weeks, for most, after the first treatment.  I am going to bo with a buzz cut until it starts to fall out and then I will shave my head!  

    Geez...I can't even believe that I am sitting here timelining the first buzz cut of my life!!   Oh boy....gone are my days dreadfully concerned about aesthetics....long gone!!!!!!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    You know, the more I think about it, the more I think you all will secretly curse me for the following statements!!!!!!   I just think that this entire experience is sort of like a blackout in your life where all energy has been diverted to a project that is going to cause such a metamorphosis, you almost emerge a new person.  I know chemo is poison etc..  but it does take down you entire body and then you subsequently rebuild it.  I know, no one would choose this.  It is almost like, from a biological perspective, you get a do-over.  When we get passed this, we have essentially rebuilt our body, cell-by-cell, all over again.   There is something both mind-blowing and refreshing about that.

    No don't all curse me at once, you know I have my challenges too!!!!!!!!!! 

    Keep smiling, it works...and don't curse your fellow posters because they mean well!!!!!!!


  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Member Posts: 782

    Liz, you are so right.  In addition to the physical metamorphosis, there is the spiritual, mental and emotional metamorphis.  I had my first chemo last year on August 2.  I will finish with my last Herceptin next Tuesday and on Friday my port will be removed.  This experience has shown me that I am much, much stronger than i ever believed.  I have also experienced so many kindnesses.  I took it one day at a time and just put one foot in front of the other.  Or as someone else said I just showed up.  Good luck to all you August gals.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796


    I am glad you were able to find some good in it.   I am not trying to establish their is an upside to chemo but perhaps it is not 100% terrible?!

    I am on thin ice....I know!

  • michelle1014
    michelle1014 Member Posts: 19

    Starting chemo July 22, T/C x 4, every three weeks.  I haven't written on this discussion board but have contributed to the July chemo board.  I just took my steroids and I'm hoping I'll sleep tonight.  I'm drinking tons of water and hoping to get my veins all plumped up.  I have not gotten a port since I only need four treatments and my oncologist doesn't think I will need one, but if things start to go bad with my veins I will be right in to get one.  My general surgeon told me she could put one in my arm right below where my elbow bends so I think if I have to get one that is where I will have it put.  My oncologist never heard of it, but my general surgeon who did my bilateral mastectomy said she works with alot of plastic surgeons and they prefer the ports in the arm.  I'll tell you, you learn something new everyday through this journey.  Well I am off to rest and hopefully sleep, but if not maybe I'll be back.

    Just a little background, I had surgery on June 16.  A bilateral mastectomy with a sentinel node biopsy and immediate reconstruction with tissue expander and aloderm (I think that's how you spell it). I had the cancer in the left breast but had the right taken so I wouldn't go through this again.  I have family history.  Good thing I did because the right breast had 4mm tubular carcinoma, Grade 1.  My surgeon said it was a miracle patholgy even found it, but they want me to do chemo because of the 1 auxillary node on the left side.  My Sentinel Node was clear.  My case did not follow the norm, but who's does!Undecided 


  • Mmahle46
    Mmahle46 Member Posts: 44
    Hi Everyone.  I am meeting my oncologist for the first time tomorrow I'm sure I will be starting chemo in Aug as well.  I get my port on Aug 4.  I had a lumpectomy with on June 28th and got clean margins.  The Sentinel Node was affected but, all the other 20 were clean. Whew!  Nice to meet y'all! Smile
  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Liz - I love your attitude - that is exactly how I am feeling about this whole thing.  A chance to re-set my life, and a year to concentrate on myself. 

    You mentioned not needing to worry about aesthetics without your hair. Well, I don't think aesthetics go out the window with hair. I may shave my head, but I have already ordered really cute hats, and I have a bunch of pretty scarves.  I just need to learn to draw on my eyebrows well, and I will be as vain as ever! :-)

    Lizzie - Thanks for the vote of confidence.  I am hoping to come out of all this better and stronger.  (A little like the bionic woman?)

    Mmahle46 - Welcome!  Sorry you have to be here.

  • michelle1014
    michelle1014 Member Posts: 19

    I got my first chemo T/C, taxotere and cytoxan today at 12 pm.  They gave me an ativan for anxiety, then three Zofrans for nausea, they set my IV (didn't get a port) and put a bag of saline on and started that for awhile and then started the cytoxan first.  That took about an hour and 1/2 and then the taxotere was next and that took about an hour and 15 minutes.  My nurse was awesome and everything went well.  I am drinking tons of fluids to flush this stuff out, the Cytoxan is hard on the bladder.  They called in four prescriptions for me at my home pharmacy for side effects Zofran which I am to take twice tomorrow and twice on Saturday, antivan if I need it for anxiety or sleeplessness and composine after the Zofran if I have any nausea.  The fourth drug was the steriods which I take the day before, during and after my next chem on August 12.  I go in on the morning of 8/11th for bloodwork to see if I'm okay to take the treatment so I don't take the steroids and then find out I can't do the treatment.  I've been very impressed with my Oncology team so far.  I hope it stays this way.  I know the first day, second day and third day can be pretty good so I am not going to be unrealistic but so far so good and they keep telling me attitude is everything!

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Member Posts: 782

    Michelle, congratulations on finishing your first chemo!  The first one was the big one for me.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Mmahle:  welcome to this club where we will celebrate all that is good about chemo and NOTHING that is bad!!!!  Perhaps we will not have much to discuss but we can try, right girls?!  I am glad you all can't throw stones through the internet or perhaps I would be ducking rocks!

    Michelle: prophylactic removal on the right was so smart but I can believe you had 4 in the right tube!  That is crazy.   How scary.  I had prophylactic on the right with no family history.  I,  just like you, did not want to ever go through this again.   My right was clean but for how long with the mess I had in the left!  Like I said in another post, if my bc cells spoke to me they would have been soon saying "yo, we filled up this you have another?!"  Sure I do..just move over to the right!!  In the end, however, welcome to our club of celebrating our chemo-induced rebirth!  

    Lisa: My attitude is what it is.  I have to try to find the good and/or the reasons in what is going on and I don't get concerned about things that have not happened.   We will get through this!  If my soon-to-be friends over at the chemo center, median age 76 (!), can do this, I am only pretty sure we will be fine.   Those poor, old jokers walk themselves in and out as well! heart goes out to them.

    To all: I am going to start our list of who is having chemo and what day this weekend.  For those who have responded already, I will list you.   If, however, you don't have information and/or join us later, I will add you then Smile

    I have a question for everyone: I have an infection so I don't even know my own start date as I am on 1500 mgs of Cipro right now to clear a fluid infection in the affected breast.  Now I also had tickets to Maroon 5 next weekend but I am giving those up as well as Ozzfest tickets AND I did not go to a weekend event in Philly that I look forward to all year all because I want to maintain and preserve my health.  I mean, god forbid something happened to me and I broke my leg or got cut by broken glass etc... who knows what could happen and what kind of effect that could potentially have on my chemo start date.   I am not getting unnecessarily worried but I do feel, albeit a trying time, that I want to get over this infection and get started on chemo ASAP.  If, however, I am ok with chemo then I will do more things but only once I am on it.  

    Has anyone altered plans or changed anything because of wanting to stay in top health before/during chemo?  Share your thoughts becuase seriously I knew I had to give up OzzFest tickets but Maroon 5 breaks my heart.  I am trying to be safe.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi guys, I will have my first chemo (TC every 3 weeks for 4 cycles) on July 30, so technically I am a July chemo girl, but I will be close in treatment phase with those of you who start at the beginning of August so I thought I would stop by and say "hi". 

    Regarding the hair..I am going to cut my hair short this weekend, to kind of soften the blow of losing it.  Right now it is about shoulder blade length.  Just an idea for those of you with long hair...I will be cutting off 10 inches of my hair (which means I will have to go really short) and donating it to Locks of Love.  It was suggested to me that if I have to lose my hair, at least it can go for something good.  Locks of love for those of you who aren't familiar with the organization makes wigs from human hair for children who have lost their hair due to medical treatments.  Just something for everyone to think about. 

    It makes me feel a little better about cutting my hair off on my terms, knowing it will help a child.


  • Mmahle46
    Mmahle46 Member Posts: 44

    Hi Ladies,

    I ordered a wig and it arrived today.  It is A LOT different than my real hair.  I figured heck I'm going to have fun with the no hair situation!  I found it on Ebay for like $47 and I was suprised by the quality.  I figure I will wear scarves most of the time anyway.  My step sister had BC and said she tapped fake banges to her bare head and put a scarve on and no one knew the difference.  Thought that might be a good option too.

    Liz-Sorry about the Maroon 5 tickets :( better to be safe than sorry though and the sooner we start chemo the sooner we can be done.  Not that it makes it any easier giving up things.

    Debbie-Great idea about locks of love.  I would do that too but, I don't have enough hair mine is like chin length. 

    Take care! 

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Liz - I'm not doing anything in particular to keep myself in tip-top shape before I start chemo.  I'm trying to enjoy myself.  But, if you already have an infection, it might be good to take care.  Maybe skip Ozzfest and just go to Maroon 5?    I know I'm NOT going to miss Dave Matthews Band in August.  NOT!

     Debbi - I also cut my hair short to soften the transition.  I didn't have long enough hair to donate, but I think it is fantastic that you are doing it!  I am thinking of shaving it all off when I start the chemo.  I just want it to be ME who makes the decision to get rid of my hair, rather than waiting for the drugs to make that decision for me.