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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Omaz: I'm doing ok. Had a good weekend, the weather here has gotten nice, so some sunshine and warmth (well, 55 degrees) helps the spirits. Thanks for asking.

  • Ondagrow
    Ondagrow Member Posts: 133

    Happy V day Lady...

    How is everyone doing...

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Happy Valentines (Chocolate) day to everyone.  I think that I have eaten enough chocolate now to last a few months!

    Had my first radiation boost today--took longer than I thought but they said it will be faster tomorrow. Can't believe that it is coming to the end. In some strange, twisted way--I will miss the Techs and the others in the rads department....that being said, it will be a good day when this is all done.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Happy V day!!!!!

    I am doing good- Gonna get a radiation appointment set up for either this week or next...

    I am not sure if i mentioned the pathology came back on my bmx and showed live cancer cells- so chemo didnt get them all, both the surgeon and my onco recommend rads....

    Other than that doing GREAT!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    but a SMALL amount of cancer, one little grouping was not even in the original tumor area so so happy i went with the BMX...

  • DebJ
    DebJ Member Posts: 41

    Happy Valentines Day Everyone.

    I have not been able to follow as closely as before.  I returned to work full time in December and truth be told, it has been taking more than 8 hours per day for me to make my production.  I have been working off the clock, praying it is not realized by management.  I just am not as quick as I was before chemo.  I don't move as quick for certain.  The neuropathy in my hands is troublesome, and I have a little trouble with short term memory.  Anyone else experience this?  I think it is getting better, but I depend on post it notes...

    I had my surgery last Monday to replace my TE with permanent implant.  I am so dissappointed in results.  My TE had migrated and was more under my arm than on my chest.  My PS lifted my left breast with good results, but my fooby is still not where it is suppose to be.  And it's not a well defined rounded mound either.  PS did repair and close capsule under my arm, but went through my original incision to replace TE.  I know he told me he would go in from underside in preop discussion.  I don't know what went wrong.  Post surgery I slept until Wednesday.  Husband was give postop instructions, and said PS said " all went well."  It's been very painful, and I have to return to work tomorrow (out of PTO again).  This is not at all what I expected.  I had surgery sooner than anticipated because it had become so painful.  I return to PS Thursday a.m.  I am just sick and needed to vent.....thanks.  It's great to have a place to safely unload.....

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Texas, I am happy you are feeling well and have been out and about with your family. Yes, the BMX was a good choice for you. 

    Rads  are not even on the same wavelength with chemo. They don't hurt one bit unless you can't lay your arm over your head,  and are done with very quickly. You are in and out so quickly, 10 minutes start to finish.  I personally am having a rough time of going to them. It makes no sense at all, today I felt so nauseous that I stayed home. Maybe it is anxiety, it is crazy because these are simple to do and the staff is very kind and my doc and his nurse are both informative and easy to work with. I was never late for chemo and I can hardly make it to rads at 1:40 PM. Craziness I tell you!  Seriously I am afraid they are going to tell me to leave, I have missed five times. WHat is wrong with me?

    Love you all


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    DebJ - I am so sorry to hear about your surgery results.  That is discouraging.  Do you think perhps it is still just swollen?  I know after my lumpectomy it took a few weeks for it to really get to its new size, maybe it will get better with time.  I know how you feel at work.  Sometimes I find myself just sitting there looking at my computer.  When I find that happening I go for a little walk around to another office and say hi to someone for a moment or get something to eat and that helps.  ((((hug to you)))))

    Ginger - What do you think it is?  Even if you miss a few session eventually you will get done.   Do you think it's the prospect of being done???

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Happy Valentines Day all my special chemosabes and radicals!

    I hope everyone is having a lovely day and having some yummy chocolate! I have been busy today just trying to get some things done that I started during the final phases of chemo and in between hospitalization and infection time consumers! Seriously, though, I am happy to be beyond chemo.

    DebJ: the plastic surgery side of the bc battle is a real disappointment still. So many are not happy with their results and I just expect to be disappointed as well! They still have a long way to go with that side of the business. Did you get your nipple done as well? Perhaps after it settles in (don't forget there is a settling in process) it will come back to where it is supposed to be. I think settling takes a month or so. Don't be too disappointed yet. I went bmx simply because I was so fearful cancer would set up camp in the "healthy" breast. In the end, however, and through interviewing plastics and doing a lot of research on women who had recon, arm-chair analysis says there is roughly a 50/50 chance you will be even remotely happy with the results. Just try to hold on to what made you do the mx/bmx and that should help you through. Also, give it some time. Check back in another 2 to 3 weeks and let us know how things are and if you are any happier. In the end, however, it does seem the ps side of bc has a long way to go. I am sorry you are not feeling so great about it now but perhaps some chocolate today made you feel better?!

    Texas: I was just talking to someone this weekend about how happy I was that I went bmx with all those pre-cancer cells, dirty lymph nodes and my dastardly luck knowing those damn cells would probably move to the hotel on the right as they heard there were vacancies in that one! I am so glad you went bmx also. Man, I cannot believe you still had live cells after chemo although I know it happens. A woman I met at chemo had that same issue and from what I understand it is not entirely uncommon. Hopefully rads will kill off any others and don't forget, you have the wonderful gift of youth on your side! Between rads, chemo, your very optimistic perspective, the bmx and your age, I think you are going to be just fine. Glad you are back here with us also. Hope you had a good Valentine's Day.

    Omaz: a great, big, happy Valentine's Day to you! I hope you had a good one. How are you doing today? Hope you are feeling ok. Any more news on the LE? So sorry to hear about that situation. It is almost like post-bc dx and chemo etc.. we are in a veritable mine field of potential other biological disturbances. I don't like this part of it!

    Ginger: rads knocks you out in a different way than chemo did and many say it's SEs are cumulative and will show up more the longer you go. Don't knock yourself for not wanting to go. The people may be nice but on some level perhaps you are just not looking forward to going. Also the every day schedule can make you tired in and of itself. I sincerely doubt they will ask you to leave. Just don't be too hard on yourself about not going today. The nausea may have had nothing to do with rads...maybe you were just not feeling to well for other reasons. Take it easy and I hope you had a nice Valentine's Day.

    Rachel: finally almost done! You must be so happy between nearing the end of rads and that yummy chocolate you had today! Good for you on both counts.

    Sohardbnme: how are YOU doing?! Nice to hear from you. I hope you had a nice Valentine's Day and things are continuing to look up for you.

    Ladyinbama: How are you doing these days? When do you get your results? I hope you had a nice Valentine's Day. We hit 55 degrees in CT today also and I was so happy to ride around with my winter jacket on AND the windows open!!!!! It was so grand!

    JSW: off to rads! Good for you. Before you know it May will be here and we will all be celebrating some hair, normalcy in our lives again and summer! All good things to look forward to. Glad you are feeling better and hope you had a nice Valentine's Day. BTW, thanks for clearing up the oncotype testing for me. I know we have covered the topic before but I seem to forget some of the details on this whole matter. Sometimes I do think there should be wikicancerpedia! Seriously...there are so many nuances etc... I would like to be able to just go online and get my questions answered in a wiki-fashion!

    Mommichelle: So happy to hear your are back in business relative to your computer situation! I have spares for just this reason. Thanks for your well wishes in regards to my sister and her loss. I feel so bad for her...she is so lost without him. She met him when they were 15. In any case, it is a reminder that life is precious. I hope you had a nice Valentine's Day.

    Well, I learned today I used to be able to carry a 6 pack of water with one hand and now I feel like I have tennis elbow. Must be another gift from bc/chemo/muscle atrophy....I think I am going to move into a nursing home soon!!!

    I have my muga scan this week and a dermatologist appt to check out that rash which is not going away and that which my GP thinks is a fungus...great. More fun...every day more fun.

    I hope everyone is doing well and I have to say I enjoy our group and this thread. It is all some comfortable and supportive and I thank you all for that.

    Have a good night everyone-

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lizzy:  I have that same pain in my elbow, but only on the breast cancer side, the other elbow is fine.  You are right it could be described as a "tennis elbow" type of thing.  It always hurts to touch, but flares up when I lift with that arm.  It started during rads for me though.  I think if it still hurts on my next follow up in April, I am going to ask them about it. Good luck with your MUGA!

    Texas:  As I have said before, you will find rads mentally challenging, but physically a breeze.  It is really time consuming and very impersonal, but compared to chemo it is a walk in the park.  And I am sure it will completely obliterate any cancer remaining in that area. 

    DebJ:  Sorry to hear about your surgery results.  I agree with the others though, give it a couple of months and it may look a little better. 

    JSW:  Good luck with the rads!

    Rachel:  Just a few more days!  You are right though, be prepared for the let down.  It is a little scary all of a sudden to be tests, no nothing...they just say "okay you are done".  Feels a little uncertain. 

    Hope everyone had a great Valentine's day.  Got nice and warm here yesterday too, and today it is freezing again! 


  • All--

    My dad died very unexpectedly yesterday at the age of 67 of a heart attack.  To say I'm a wreck is an understatement......pls keep our family in prayer.  He was so supportive of me all through my cancer is a great loss to my mom as well.........

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Cal - I am so so sorry for your and your families loss.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Deb- Yes memory is something that hasnt fully returned, i am also relying on notes. I write things down contantly now to help. Not sure its getting better yet. Maybe after the intial swelling and all that goes away you'll love the results.

    Ginger- Are you taking anything for anxiety? Maybe that'd help. Its important you dont miss too many rads :)

    Lizzy- Yeah I am counting all my blessings! BTW does said nursing home have room for me??? LOL (oh and yeah for fungas LOL- NOT- my daughter had ringworm which took months to go away and it seems its coming back)


  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Cal I am so sorry for your loss.  My thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time.  Many hugs to you.

    Texas I'm glad you are doing well post-surgery.  You and I may end up starting rads around the same time as I am also going for my initial rads appt next week.

    DebJ Good to see you back.  I am also noticing that my short term memory is worse and I am also having to use notes more than usual and I just plain forget things more than usual.  My onc has said from day 1 that "chemo-brain" is a real thing but that it will get better in time after chemo is done.  I'm sorry to hear you aren't so happy with your PS results, hopefully that will also improve with time after the swelling from surgery reduces.

    Ginger I'm sorry you're having such a struggle with rads.  I'm sure the staff there understands, you are probably not the only person who struggles.  Maybe it would help to come up with a reward system for yourself?  Like a small treat each day if you make it there on time, or you could do a bigger treat at the end of the week if you make it there on time every day?  What are some things that you like to do or have that you don't get very often that might help motivate you?

    Lizzy I am really looking forward to May, I hope to be done with rads by then and my goal is also to have enough hair to go topless by then.  This weekend I noticed that I am starting to get some very tiny growth, I have to practically press my face to the mirror to get close enough to see it but I am sure it is there!  I'm glad you are getting your MUGA, I'm also getting one this week to see how I'm handling the Herceptin.  If it looks good then my onc will let me switch to getting the Herceptin once every 3 weeks (in a larger dose) instead of every week.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Cal: Prayers and ((((Hugs)))). So sorry.  My dad died at 67 also; way too young.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Cal--So sorry to hear about your Dad. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Texas--Glad to hear you are recovering well post-surgery. As others have indicated, rads are a lot easier than chemo. Just a hassle going everyday. Luckily, my centre is close to home so I don't have to drive too far...but believe me, going everyday is a hassle (Ginger..there were some days that I didn't feel like going also...just dragged myself there--I must have looked it too as sometimes the Techs commented that I looked like I just got out of bed!!!)

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    cal so sorry for your loss. Sending your family prayers.


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Cal-  My condolences and prayers to you and your family.

    I started rads Monday, kinda creeps me out.  BTW I too have elbow pain on the BC side.

  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    Cal - I am not even sure what to say.  I am sitting here crying for you and your family.  It sometimes makes you wonder how much a person can take.  My prayers are with you.  67 is way too young!

  • raincitygirl
    raincitygirl Member Posts: 700
    Gingerbrew - How about I come and meet you there one day and then we will have a late lunch?  I know that it felt easier for me because we had a morning group that connected - I would like to help you in any way I can....
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Rain City that would be nice, thank you.   I have 18 to go and I am being connected with a psychiatric  nurse praacticioner who works with cancer patients. I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with me and not coming up with good answers. I was there on time today, my husband drove me but we barely made it there, hah! I was the one ready to go. Letting down others seems to motivate me. I have developed some little anxiety sympotms like clicking my teeth, or even doing it to a tune like Jingle Bells. If I am in fact having a breakdown it will at least be somewhat amusing to staff. I already went to bed at 8:30 PM and then was back up at 12:30 AM after not sleeping.

    My appointment is at 1:40. I did my boost planning today, it was easy and I seem to be numb where the new tattoo went so it was painless too. 

    For the person who suggested little rewards, it is a good idea, I just need to make them immediate and build from there. I do go play with our granddaughter a couple times a week. 6 months old and so much fun.  I am going to go see the person the Doc suggested and try to work through this.

    Love to everyone


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997


    I am very sorry to hear of your loss. Many of us have lost parents and will be here with hugs. I was in shock for about a week or more when my parents died. Be very forgiving of yourself as you walk through these days. 

    Love Ginger

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi Everyone,

    I've been reading the posts and following along and only when it came to others talking about going back to work did I realize how long it's been since I've actually posted.

    First things first. Cal- I'm so sorry for the sudden loss of your Dad. I've been following your updates here and on Facebook. You and your whole family are in my prayers. I hope the next few days and months are okay, as you adjust to the "new normal". A verrry big hug to you.

    Going back to work has been exhausting. But good. It's reaffirmed for me that there is indeed light at the end of the tunnel. However, I've been absolutely exhausted by the end of the night- if anyone is ramping up to go back soon I would suggest  a modified return to work. That's where the insurance company and your employer work out a part time return for you. I haven't done that, but I wish I did! (also- if anyone is returning and needs any HR advice, I can try my best as I'm in HR. Although I think some of the rules/laws may be quite different down in the States...)

    Monday, Valentine's Day, was worst day ever at work. A colleague of mine got diagnosed with cervical cancer about two weeks after my diagnosis. We're a fairly small office of about 80 people, so two cancer diagnoses in two weeks was a lot for people to take. My colleague was diagnosed with advanced, Stage 4, cervical cancer. She died on Monday. Everyone in the office was shattered. I was so upset, but trying to keep my head above water and all day long people kept coming to check in on me to see how I was feeling. It was horrible. I had to reassure them all, but inside I was so sad and tired of this stupid disease. I hate cancer so much. Anyway, it was not a good day. And this is when going back to work has been hard, there are still times where I feel pretty fragile and I'm not sure how to handle that at work.

    Lizzy I'm glad to hear you got your MUGA! And for everyone wrapping up Rads- yeehaw!! But remember to seriously take it easy after for a few weeks. I felt really tired 1-2 weeks after Rads, like everything was finally over but my body just kind of crashed. So rest!!

    Ginger- I'm so sorry you're not feeling so good right now. Anxiety is such an insidious side effect, but it's reality is really troubling and scary. I hope you're doing okay. You've probably done this already, but I was really honest about my anxiety with my family doctor and my oncologist. My family doctor said that it was his job "to make sure I was as comfortable as possible during treatment" and he set me up with a lot of coping strategies. Again, hope it gets better.

    I may not be on here every day anymore, but I still think of you guys all the time. Talk soon and take care everyone. ~Sweeney.

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Well I got a call back from my surgeon's office this morning and the "tumor board" at his hospital met and decided that I should go ahead and have another re-excision surgery.  Basically they felt like because of my age (33) it would be best to be as thorough as possible and go ahead and try to get any remaining cells out surgically before moving on to rads.  I am disappointed to be having another surgery as this will be my third and will be delaying the start of rads.  But I know it is good to be as aggressive as possible with this now so that in the future I don't look back and wonder if maybe some cells were left behind.  So I'm feeling a little down this morning.  We are trying to get it scheduled for next week or the week after, they are supposed to call me back after getting everything set up.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Cal- so sorry about your dad : (

    My husband works for the city and his partner/friend for years in the water dept. was diagnosed with pancreas cancer on Mon. and they give him 6 months, very sad he is 50. I feel so bad for him and his family, we are going to see him in the hospital tonight. Such horrible news. Cancer sucks so much !!!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hello all:

    Below is the reason I wanted a MUGA scan and, thankfully, although they would not tell me exact numbers, they said it went down just a bit and nothing to worry about...YAY!


    The MUGA scan's role in monitoring cancer therapy
    Adriamycin (generic name - doxorubicin) is a chemotherapeutic drug that is commonly used, in combination with other drugs, in the treatment of cancer. A serious problem with Adriamycin is that it can be toxic to the heart muscle, and can lead to heart failure.

    Doctors have developed strategies to minimize the risk of damaging the heart muscle with Adriamycin. These strategies include: avoiding the drug altogether in patients who already have heart disease; keeping the total dosage given to each patient below a certain "threshold" value; and monitoring the patient's cardiac function by means of the MUGA scan.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good evening chemosabes and radicals:

    I got my muga and bloodwork today. It was kind of nice here today also...about 43 and sunny....that is good for us these days! I hope you all had a nice day.

    Calamtykel: I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad at 29 but, as he died of lung cancer, it was somewhat expected but he was super young at 56. My 50 y/o BIL died of a heart attack last week. It is so very unexpected, it just leaves you in a disastrous state. I wish you the best.

    Texas: come on, to the nursing home we go!  So how are you feeling now?   

    Omaz: what is shakin' out there in the desert?! 

    JSW: my muga was good and I hope your's will be as well. Once every 3 weeks is much easier as it gives you much needed time off in between zappings! Does the re-excision take you out of the once-every-3-weeks Herceptin option? It certainly sounds like they are being cautious which is very good. What is one more surgery?! I have 3 more myself...cheer up. It will be ok.

    Sweeney: that totally sucks about the woman at work. Years ago they did some testing on me for cervical and I have to go to the gyn in a few weeks for my annual (truth be known b/c of the bc crap, it is a semi-annual!) and am so petrified they are going to go poking around and find something. I am so sorry for you, however, in working there and having been dx'd at the same time. I was just telling a woman at the muga scan that I am lucky I got cancer in an expendable body part because for so many "c" is very scary because they can't get rid of that part and it is in them. I am just so sorry you had to go through that.

    Iowa: I am sorry to hear about your husband's coworker. That is what I mean about the cancers that are really not manageable. Bc is one of the more manageable forms of cancer. I feel for the man nonetheless.

    Adey: hope you are enjoying rads! BTW, the elbow pain is on the non-bc side...surely this is all going to end badly!!!!!

    Well, I totally feel like I am coming alive again. I saw the cutest guy today and I actually took notice! It was amazing to find someone attractive again....there were 2 truth be known but that last one really stands out...jet black hair, blue eyes...Italian...what is a girl to do?!?

    I hope you all have a lovely evening.  I got "Sex and the City 2" for Christmas and will be watching it tonight.   I lived and loved that show...good stuff, girls!!! 
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hey Lizzy - Out here in the desert it was warm the last couple days - 80 or so.  Shorts and T-shirt weather.  I am just finishing up my boosts.  Have 3 more to go, will be finished Monday.  Can't wait.  Did herceptin only yesterday and had them slow the drip from 30 min to 1 hour and I did fine so far.  I am grateful for that.  Last time I didn't feel well.  Have caught my second work related illness in the last 3 weeks.  I don't know why people come to work sick.  It is not helpful.  Other than that, did I say I was looking so forward to finishing rads??  Monday??  (:

    My daughter and I have been watching season 2 of the original Hawaii 5-0 series.  Such a 60's show!!  Thanks for asking about life out here!

  • raincitygirl
    raincitygirl Member Posts: 700

    Gingerbrew - I will be there on Friday!  I don't think I can do tomorrow but if I can get there on time, I will.  We will get through this.  It's not that there is something wrong with you, it's that there has been so much that has gone wrong - that along with your move and your house....well, let's just say you have a lot on your plate and are in a completely new environment.  As I said, if I can be there on time tomorrow, I will be and if not, I will be there on have my cell and home number, call as needed.
