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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Okay I will look for you. I am really tall and wear either a pink bandana or a blue head scarf.

    Hugs GInger

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325
    Glitch in my rads schedule,  CRAP.  The RO feels there is too much fluid left in the lumpectomy boobular area and it should be aspirated by the surgeon.  Please, where is a coke can's worth of fluid hiding in my B's?  The surgeon said unless the RO refused to radiate and I was not having problems just leave it.  (god complex).  The RO (I was impressed) called me 3 times yesterday before we connected.  He explained that the fluid could impede the correct dosage of rads so I'm going Monday aft to have it aspirated.  I've already told them they better have plenty of lidocaine.  This just pushes up my rads by a couple of weeks.  I was already to get zapped next week.  Glitches like this add to the stress....Yesterday I was in the mood to punch someone.  Feel much better today as DH talked me down.  I was also impressed that the RO is a human being.  Off for Herceptin Happy Hour today.  libraylil
  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333
    jsw  sorry you have to have another surgery. I hope it is all good news and that  this is the last of it! I have my implant exchange in early March and So I understand the thought of another surgery after all of this is hard.
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    JSW: Ditto, sorry you need more surgery. I'm facing an extra one too now with my second diagnosis, and it sucks!!! I was ready to be on the rebound.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Lizzy,  I'm sorry you need 3 more surgeries. Just an fyi, if you ever want a second opinion my ps at MSK is very nice - and easy on the eyes:-)

    ginger I hope you are getting to rads ok. I know I myself am feeling stressed since finishing chemo so it's understandable that you are feeling overwhelmed with rads. i am glad you are getting some good support

    cal thinking of you



  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Thanks gals for the support about the extra surgery.  I know it is good to be extra cautious and make sure we get all those sneaky cells out but I was looking forward to getting going with rads soon and now of course this surgery will mean a delay.  I am hoping to get the surgery scheduled for next week but might have to wait until the week after, then after surgery I think you have to wait 3-4 weeks for the skin to heal before starting rads.  So I'm probably not going to get rads going until the end of March or beginning of April, which is a bummer.

    I'm getting my MUGA this afternoon and then I will see my onc next Friday to discuss switching over to the every 3 week Herceptin.  Having the extra surgery should not have any impact on that switch.

    I hope everyone is doing well today, I think we all deserve a good day!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Sorry to hear about the extra surgeries that a few are facing. I had two major surgeries last year and went to visit my gyn onco this week---due to the lack of Estrogen (go figure), I guess our pelvic wall etc can become softer/lazier--and the fact that I had radical hyst to makes it worse so another surgery may be in my future at some point.

    My last radiation tomorrow--I am looking forward to getting this done. I suddenly feel extra tired this week but the good news is my skin is holding up! I have no idea what I will do with my time starting next week--I guess I better start exercising....:)

  • rae786
    rae786 Member Posts: 6

    hi girls... I have been reading all you girls posts since august but jumping in for the first time today... u all are a bunch of strong ladies and next year this time we will all be laughing and enjoying life and just living normal lives...

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi rae, glad you jumped in!!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good evening chemosabes and radicals:

    I hope everyone is well today. It was a balmy 50 in CT today and I took advantage of this to open the windows in my house and get in some fresh air.

    As I told you all yesterday, I watched "Sex and the City 2" last night. Well, during the movie, Samantha, the oldest of the characters, is eating hummus and yams because she remarks they are high in naturally occurring estrogen and she is trying to stave off menopause. In any case, it got me thinking about how I personally don't feel the entire bc experience has enough nutritional and exercise support. So many of us have had questions about exercise and, to be honest, maybe it did not come as a surprise to you all but I had NO clue hummus and yams, as well as a number of other foods, are high in naturally occurring estrogens. Aren't these foods that we are supposed to avoid? So I decided to do a little research and I found this information:

    James A. Duke, author of "CRC Handbook of Medicinal Spices." Adding large amounts of certain spices to your diet can raise your estrogen levels significantly, adds Duke. Keep caraway, coriander, poppy, sesame, anise, mustard, fennel and fenugreek on hand; added to your foods, they can increase estrogen.

    Also flax and flaxseed oil are high in naturally occurring estrogens. Shouldn't we be told this *immediately* upon dx? Like shouldn't we be given a list of foods and spices we should avoid if our bc is ER+/PR+? I am pretty disappointed to find this out in such a haphazard manner. Again, perhaps you all knew this but I had no clue. I knew about Soy but I thought hummus was made from chic peas and are chic peas soy? I seriously think a nutritional and exercise component have to be built into all bc care programs. I enjoy a poppy seed bagel on occasion and now I learn this should be something I avoid and I had to learn this from a movie?! I would like to hear what you all think about this.

    Omaz: terrible times out there in the warm desert with your shorts and tanks on! Congratulations on just about finishing your boosts and thereby putting rads behind you..YAY! Also, it was smart of you to request they slow the drip from 30 min to 1 hour. I would have never even thought of doing that. It is awful that people come to work sick especially with your somewhat precarious state now with just about finishing your bc treatments. Very sad that they do that. I am sorry you got sick from it. Clearly they have annoyed you with their coming to work sick and if you do not sit near them, tape a sardine under their chair! Let them live with that for a while! Years ago when I worked in NY there was a woman that was always drenched in some awful malodorous scent as she was trying to score a banker (!) and so finally we thought if we have to smell your stench, you can smell a stench also and we put all sorts of stuff taped under her chair! I know...juvenile but we could not help it!

    Libraylil: say it is not so? Aspiration? It sounds like it is a necessary evil at this point and you definitely don't want to have rads impeded or you given too high a dose b/c of fluid. Yes, these glitches are indeed frustrating and I don't blame you for feeling like you wanted to punch someone. Your DH is a lovely man for talking you through that. This is an emotionally frustrating journey we are on. On a brighter note, I hope you enjoyed Herceptin happy hour!

    Ckptry: thanks so much for the offer. I appreciate it. Congrats on getting your swap out surgery in March! What a nice way to head into spring! Lucky you.

    JSW: how was the muga? Were you able to wrestle any info out of the techs who did the scan? I asked mine to blink twice if it looked good!

    Rachel: CONGRATULATIONS on finishing rads! A big, huge YAY for you! Relative to surgeries, we all should just appreciate our non-surgery days of our past and accept that now, with our new found bc trip, surgery is just another part of it. I don't even give a crap anymore!!!

    Rae786: thanks for stopping by and I so hope you are correct and we will all be laughing about this madness next year! God help us!

    I am tired as I think the fresh air really knocked me out today. It was so nice out. I am looking forward to what you all have to say about the lack of nutritional and exercise directives under the aegis of these bc circuit care. I really think it needs to be a lot less fragmented. To the credit of Yale, they are working toward that one stop shopping idea with the Smilow Cancer Hospital but I seriously think there should be nutritional and exercise advice as a mandatory component. Do I really have to learn nutritional advice inadvertently from "Sex and the City?!"

    I hope you all have a lovely night-

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy: I had been drinking soy milk for a couple of years because it is supposed to be healthy. When I was diagnosed with hormone receptive BC, I stopped.  The only way I knew to avoid soy was I worked with a lady about 8 years ago who had BC and I remember her talking about not being able to eat soy. Unfortunately, we do have to find out stuff on our own. Maybe it's that it would be hard to get enough estrogen from naturally occurring foods/sources that it wouldn't be harmful to us? I don't know ... but be sure and talk to your doc about it. Tell him/her you found out about the foods in a movie, and oh by the way, is there anything else I need to know????

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lady- I know processed soy (like milk) were told to stay away from but when in its raw form like the pods it is actually supposed to be good for us (go figure!) I agree that its weird we basically have to navigate this on our own! (but the jury seems to go back and forth on what is good or isnt good for us that need to stay away from estrogen) So what is a girl to do! (EAT CHOCOLATE I SAY!)

    Just when a lot of us were thinking this was the end of te road for us treatmentwise we're thrown a curve ball (more surgeries and such) What the heck! Cant we have a freakin moment to breath!!!!

    I am scheduled to meet with the RO next thursday. There is a place that uses the "cyber knife" for the more vital places that need radiation (like my lungs) So i am hoping all goes well and we can start treatment soon! I am getting my radiation done in a city that is only 45 minutes away vs the 3 hrs to my oncologists office, so thats good- but child care is still an issue. I will def discuss with the RO if its as quick as a visit as people say if they can accomodate my 3yr old.... I just cant see enrolling him in daycare m-f at a great cost if i only need a few hrs (travel to and from mostly takes up that time) of a sitter. I honestly am thinking of flying my sister in for it!

    Doing good after surgery still :)

    Oh yeah got some scans done on monday and the results were in: I am stable!!! its not what i was hoping for (more shrinkage) but def happy there was no GROWTH! Still adjusting to being boobless LOL swimsuit shopping was a total bust! I think i am just gonna go with one of the surfer tanks so i have full torso coverage- not happy with the new shape of my body lol so gonna just cover it up!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Oh yeah Lizzy- I am studying for the enterance exam for the nursing program at the local college here, and I feel like a total idiot!!! LOL They only accept 30 students each fall and they begin testing this month. I am scheduled for the march 2nd test and i have NO clue how i am gonna do.... Math is something i havent thought of in 10 years! (well unless its applicable to my daily life lol) Anyhow just thought of you when i was studying LOL

    Not sure if i can compeate with a highschooler that has this fresh in their minds!

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    JSW- I'm sorry to hear you've been set back. Hope you're doing okay. I'm thinking of you!

    Rachel- WOooOOO HooooOOOOoooo!!! You did it girlfriend!!

    Ginger- hope tomorrow goes well. You'll be on my mind.

    Lizzy- take photos next time of any "dark haired, dark eyes Italian guys." I think we could all benefit!:)

     And TEX- good for you!! Seriously, going back to school is a BIG deal. Congratulations. You've got more moxi than me, that's for sure. :)

    Night girls.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Texas, the best thing I ever did just for me was to begin college at 29 years old. I hadn't even finished high school but I was over 21 so I could go to college locally without even a GED.Certain classes were very difficult, college algebra and botany for example. Botany was so difficult because I didn't know how to use a microscope. 

    Texas if you talk to admissions for the nursing program they might have advice for you on what classes to take to prep for the admission test. You are a returning student so there may be something to get you prepared.  The local community college in Illinois had a massive nursing program and competition for entry was fierce. Lots of women attended general classes to get ready especially if they didn't have a solid high school background.

    I am really happy for you. I loved going to college! The best advice I was ever given in grad school was from a woman with 6 kids. She said to treat school like a job and study at the school. It is so much harder if you have to divide your attention and you will get a ton more done in a quiet study area. Good luck!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Everybody, I think we are all wearing down with all this. I am realizing it isnt just me. I have been feeling ashamed for feeling all messed up, I have done alot of deep thinking.  I think for me part of the issue is feeling like this would never happen to me and then feeling far too little humility. Why not me? That is a difficult one to look straight at. We are all mortal yet we live as though we are not. Some survival mechanism seems to be in play that isn't helpful when faced with cancer or at least not at this particular point in treatment.

    I will improve. I was almost not going to post because I was feeling so ashamed of how I have been feeling. I have been withdrawing and it did really scare me when I realized I was about to withdraw from this, my most basic source of support.   

    I love you all. 


  • rae786
    rae786 Member Posts: 6

    TLizzy and Omaz - Thanks for the welcome...

    TTexas- U are truly an amazing person to have the strength and  courage to still study, but i guess tthe more we keep busy with our normal lives the quicker we recover and move forward and do wat we want to do most, Live Life!!! 

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325
    Texas  Well howdy do!  You sure bounced back fast.  Good no growth.  Now about school....let me kick you in the bu++ just a little.  I went back in my 40's to get my masters degree.  My neighbor and I went through the program together.  Believe me, when it is something you want you can do it.  Since we were footing the bill, we took it very seriously.  If you want it bad enough, you'll be so successful.  The year before BC (well before I knew it was lurking around) I completed my National Board Certification in Teaching. Writing comes really hard for me, but I passed. I didn't find out my score until this past November when I was finishing chemo.  By then the score seemed a nonevent, but I'm glad I achieved this.    I'm so proud of you.  libraylil
  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    rae Welcome to our little group!  I see you were diagnosed in August, have you been going through chemo recently too?  Hope you are doing well.

    Lizzy My MUGA was good, I had the same really chatty tech as last time.  He is very nice and after it was done he showed me the images on the screen and explained how they basically draw circles on the images to calculate your score.  My score was a couple of points higher than last time - actually this was my 3rd one and my score has gone up by a few points each time.  Apparently chemo & herceptin is making my heart work even better! :)  So I am anticipating that when I see my onc next week he will give me the go ahead for herceptin every 3 weeks.  Regarding the soy stuff I do wish they would tell us more but I also believe that things in moderation are ok.  An occasional poppy seed bagel is probably fine.

    Texas Stable is good!  That is great news and hopefully that radiation knife will shrink things up even more.  I hope you are able to sort out childcare while you are getting rads.  And good for you on going back to school!  I love the academic world so much that I got a Ph.D. and now work at a university.  I just love the energy on college campuses.

    Sweeney Thanks for the kind thoughts.  I am feeling better now about getting the surgery, just getting a little annoyed that they have still not called me back yet to let me know if I am scheduled for next Wednesday or not.  I called and left a message this morning to try to find out.  I do have a life so I need to know if I need to be planning to be out for a surgery next week!

    Ginger Hugs to you.  I am so glad that you posted and that you realized you were withdrawing.  There is no reason to feel ashamed, this is hard on everyone.  Some days are better than others but I totally have the days where I feel like why me and the days where I wonder when this will all be over.  The length of treatment really wears on you.  We are all here for you and we understand what you are feeling, that is one of the best things about this group.

    Lady I hope you are doing well.  I thought of you the other day when I heard about the trees in Toomer's Corner.  That story made me so sad.  For the other ladies who might not have heard - Lady has mentioned before that there is a place in Auburn, called Toomer's Corner, that has several large, old live oak trees.  After Auburn football wins, fans go and roll the trees with toilet paper.  Recently an angry Alabama fan applied lethal amounts of herbicide to the roots of the trees and it is expected that the trees will die.  These trees were over 130 years old and for someone to purposely kill them like that makes me really sad.

    I hope everyone is doing well today and hopefully many of you are enjoying nice springtime weather!  I'm hoping to spend some time outside in the sunshine this weekend!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day chemosabes and radicals:

    It is another balmy day here in CT....60 but to be honest, this past winter is making think about moving south. I am looking at homes in FL mainly Atlantic side. I like Naples on the West coast but there is something about me where I need to be near the ocean. I can't be landlocked either.

    Texas: Congrats on the STABLE news! Good for you! You could very well be stable for years and years. This is good news. On the return to school and nursing program, one of the reasons I am looking to go south is so I can live comfortably and go to school full-time without working. More to this point, about studying for the nursing entrance, I picked up some books from Amazon. I don't know how far the program you are entering goes with math but the "Algebra Survival Guide" is excellent and it also comes with a workbook and the 2 together cost about $30. Also, I would encourage you to get "Barron's Anatomy Flash Cards, 2nd Edition" which will be helpful in establishing a basis for anatomy and physiology courses. Don't worry about high schoolers and competing...don't forget most of them aren't paying any attention anyway! Have you seen the national average scores in math and science??!! I think you will be just fine! I have been studying Italian (I speak Japanese and some Mandarin...why not a language congruent with my ethnicity?!?!!!), Anatomy and Physiology, Algebra and Trig reviews, Biology and Chemistry all in preparation for entering the program either in September or January. Up here it is all about pre-reqs, when they are offered, the classes fill very quickly (like days to be exact), and waiting the semesters to drag by as I can't even apply until certain courses are completed at these schools. The accelerated programs for students with degrees already are equally as competitive and crazy with the pre-reqs also. My friend who is a nurse and I were talking about how long it takes to get into nursing school in CT and it seems, on average, 1.5 years just to get accepted! It is ridiculous especially when you think about the nursing shortage. This is yet another reason why I am looking to move South as schools in FL seem much more fast-tracked about getting you in. They are, however, one of the states with the worst nursing shortage so I guess that makes sense! In any case, no matter where I attend, I am going into this nursing program wicked prepared because I refuse to struggle with remedial subject matter of 20 years ago. Plus this stuff did not come easy to me then....I have to be prepared!

    Ginger: you totally are not alone....we ARE all wearing down with this. Between mets potential, additional testing, other docs (gyn etc...) poking around looking for trouble, scans, traveling back and forth, the unknown of it all etc... is enough to drive anyone mad. I also realized that somewhere in the 60's/70's the medical industrial complex STOPPED curing disease and started to treat it like the behemoth income machine it is. There was a guy on TV who was like 50 years old this morning talking about how his mom died of MS in 06 and how she suffered for years and years. It got me thinking...I have not heard of a cure for anything in decades in this country.  The W.H.O stopped the spread of small pox but since they found a preventive measure (some call it a cure) for polio there has been nothing.  How could the cure factor have become so stagnant?  It is a reminder of capitalist effects on to cure or not-to-cure. Somewhere along the line they stopped looking for cures for anything, not just cancer, and simply started to is a travesty and we all have a front row seat to this show.  Some say the cure to cancer is vitamin B17 but others say it is preventative....and the fed gov, FDA and AMA say it is quackery!!!!! 

    JSW: great on the MUGA! That is so cool that your's keeps going up! I can only imagine this was last MUGA as they looked at me like I had 2 heads, even though adriamyacin can very well kill your heart (!), when I requested this last one! As for the story about the trees in Toomer's Corner and fandome-gone-wild, that is just sick. I hope he/she is imprisoned for that. Trees are so precious. The other day at the store I read on one of the Kleenex boxes that for every tree they take down they plant 3 more...that is the way to do it!

    Sweeney: so funny about pics! I went to Manhattan regularly as a teenager (was in the clubs at 16!) but when I was about 13 my friend Alison and I were in Grand Central and there were some really hot guys so one of us would go and stand, looking rather inconspicuous or so we thought, near the guys but acting as if we were getting a photo taken of the terminal etc.. and we would get pics of them! He he he! It was a clever plan but surely some of them knew what we were up to! Oh Sweeney...he was black-haired and blue-eyed....beautiful skin and perfect teeth...I am really particular about teeth! His only defect was he was not that tall...perhaps 5'6" or so...I like them taller. I actually dated a guy once that was 6'7" player...a gentle giant he was! I will try to capture photos as I see handsome men as we these phones, it is entirely feasible!

    Lady: I agree that I should be asking more questions but instilling in us the knowledge that commonly consumed items like yams and hummus are chock full of naturally occurring estrogen might help! Do I have to pull this information out of them?!?!? Also, one day during chemo I asked about a nutritionist. She came to see me while I was getting chemo and I talked to her about my aversion to meet because of the hormones and the grotesque slaughter house industry and she replied with "well, I eat meat so..." SO WHAT?! Did I ask you if you ate meat? I was rather hoping she would sit down and talk about what you and I are discussing right now but she was a buffoon. How freakin' stupid to tell me what she does and does not like. I could have accepted her narcissism if she told me she had bc and still ate meat but that was not the case. Jokers! You are correct, however, and I will attempt a drag-it-out-of-them session next week when I seem them again and get my tamoxifen rx...ugh!

    All indicators, so far, point to the ground hog having been correct! I am so hoping for an early spring. I can't take this cold too much more. I am going to go get some stuff done. Good day to you all-

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    It is a beautiful spring-like day here and I finished rads...feels pretty good to be done. I met with my RO at the end and basically, I won't see him again unless something happens with my skin in the next couple of weeks. Seems that RO's don't stay in contact with you if you have a MO watching you also. It feels kind of weird to be done ... I gave my techs a gift and said thanks--they really made the experience good for me. Always smiling and always with answers to every question. The six weeks really did fly by...I guess because it was so much easier than chemo (for me at least).

    Texas---I am sure you will do fine with math! I am one of the few women (infact men and women) who graduated from University with math degree. In first year, there were hundreds of people in math and by fourth year--there were 15 people a couple of my classes. Goes to show how much people love math. That being said--I had to help my son the other night with his math (Grade 6) and seriously, had to think twice about the question. Hmmmm..I will blame it on the chemo! I think that I had best start some mental exercises before my return to work.

    Sweeney--Thanks for info on back to work. My insurance company seems pretty big on the gradual back to work program where you work a couple of days, a few hours and gradually build up to the full-time. My work is pretty anxious for me to return but my family Doc said to wait a couple of months post chemo. Insurance is really leaving it up to Doc. The Controller at my work has taken over some of my responsibilities while gone and my Mgr took over the remainder....they have not made it a secret that they want me back ASAP but I am going to take my time. Before all this cancer stuff, I was working long days and travelling as part of special project team---I don't really think that I want to get back to that now. We'll see...the thought of going back then shipping off to Denmark or something is not very appealing.

    Ginger---I completely understand your post...there are days when this whole journey seems to take over everything in my life and I feel myself sinking a little. I have really jumped into the whole idea of "survivorship" and various programs that are offered by my support centre. It has helped me significantly--just provides tools to for coping and healing. Not sure if you have something similar. I am in midst of a program called Healing Journey and it is great.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!! 

    Rae:  Welcome.  Glad you decided to join the conversation! 

    Rachel:  YIIIPPPEEEE!!  You are done!!!!!

    LIzzy:  I absolutely agree on the holistic part of cancer care being joined with the medical part.  I have been trying to get answers on vitamins, etc that might help prevent recurrence and other than researching on my own, nobody seems to care much.  I wish they would combine some holistic medicine (i.e. sleep aids, etc) with the medicine.  It seems every time you have a complaint, they automatically throw a pill at you!

    Texas:  Great news on the scans showing stability! I am sure you are disappointed there was no shrinkage, but at least there was no growth.  And you have been off chemo for a little while now preparing for surgery, right?  Maybe that is why there was no further shrinkage. 

    JSW:  Good luck on the surgery.  I had a re-excision and other than being a pain in the neck to schedule, it wasn't bad.  I know what you mean however about planning.  It is so annoying that doctors and hospitals seem to assume we are all just sitting home waiting for their call, they forget they we have lives and need a little advanced notice to schedule things. 

    Ginger:  Thanks for being honest!  As I said before I have been struggling with some "panic type attacks" of dizziness and shortness of breath lately. Onco said it is something he sees a lot, not to worry.  I have an appointment with a therapist on Tuesday to learn some relaxation techniques and maybe just have someone to talk things out with.  Hopefully that helps because I really hesitate to go on anti anxiety meds.  Anyway, you are not alone.  We are all struggling with our new reality.  I am glad you didn't withdraw from us...we all understand and we are here for you.

    Calam:  How are you and your family managing?  Very difficult thing losing your dad so closely after your own crisis.  I remember you talking about him sometimes.  He and your mom seemed very helpful and caring.  Hope you are managing okay.

    Nothing much going on here.  I have some burning/pain in my hip that they have been working me up for.  Just got xrays today.  Will go to see a neurologist in a couple of weeks.  Once they rule out a disc problem with the x-rays, the doc says it might turn out to be nerve damage from the Taxotere.  Lovely, another gift of chemo!

    Been very busy lately.  My 17-year-old just got her license last if you are ever on Long Island..WATCH OUT!  She is now getting her college acceptances and scholarship offers now (she is looking to play field hockey in school).  She kind of got screwed out of a lot of the recruiting and visiting because of my treatment, but she went on a couple of "official" overnight visits over the past two weeks and she has some offers.  So, I am trying to guide her on that now.  Scary to think she is leaving...gonna miss her. She's a good kid. 

    Anyway.  I hope everyone is doing well and adjusting to life post chemo.  I think everyday I get a little more energy back and THANK GOD ...I think my memory is recovering!  Have a great night everyone!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    ((((Hugs Ginger))))
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Texas:  I forgot to give you a round of applause for going back to school!!!  It is great that you are taking the initiative and I think you will make a great nurse.  I am sure you will do fine on the entrance exams.  And, you mentioned flying your sister in and I wanted to ask how she is doing.  I know you mentioned a while ago she was having a rough time.  Is she doing better these days?


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Debbi--Congrats to your daughter on potential scholarships--that is amazing. Field hockey--we don't see that too much here in Canada. I grew up in England so field hockey is super popular there. Here it is lacrosse and ice hockey. Congrats--you must be so proud.

  • rae786
    rae786 Member Posts: 6
    jsw - I started rads at the beginning of september... did neoadjuvant chemo 6 cycles of tac.  then i had uni mastectomy with immediate skin sparring in January.  waiting to meet with rad onc so we can discuss rads..
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Rachel:  Thanks, I am very proud of her.  I am sure everyone knows that our breast cancer has taken a toll on us, but it has also taken a toll on our families.  And my daughter, Taylor, because of the timing of my diagnosis has really taken a hard hit.  When I was diagnosed she was just entering recruiting season for lacrosse and had many coaches interested in her.  However, as time went on and they wanted to meet with her and have her come to campus, I was unable to get her there.  Because of the many days off from work I had taken for treatment, testing, surgeries, etc any time off I took from work would have been unpaid and I couldn't afford that.  I asked several family members for help, but they just couldn't manage to do it.  So, eventually the coaches stopped calling.  So, when she received these offers from field hockey coaches, it was like a prayer answered, her second chance.  She has been so great through this whole process and has been really responsible about getting all her college apps in order with transcripts and letters of recommendations, while most of her friend's parents had to hound them to get it done.  She has her heart set now on one university.  Unfortunately it costs $40,000 a year.  She has already received a $17,000 academic scholarship and we are waiting on the coach's final athletic scholarship offer.  I hope with all of my heart that this works out for her, because she has taken on a heavy load by herself while I underwent treatment, and she really deserves a break. She is a really great kid and I couldn't be prouder of the way she conducted herself and stepped up to the plate over the past nine months.  And she absolutely loves playing field hockey!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day chemosabes and radicals:

    I hope everyone is having a good day.  As my energy returns a bit, I am getting caught up on some household stuff.  It feels good.  I was such a slug while on chemo!

    Sptmm: on the holistic side of cancer care, when I look at the list of foods that contain B17 (the only way we can get it b/c the govt forbade healthcare providers from giving shots or supplements!) none of them are on an American's "everyday" list. There are some very esoteric foods, spices etc... on that list. I am going to look into it closer.

    On your daughter, EXCELLENT news! My bf in high school played field hockey. It is a great, fun sport. A certain amount of mental acuity is also required, much like hockey. Good for her. As for family helping out, to be honest, my friends were 100% more supportive than family through this entire bc journey. More to this point, you are not alone. It is so weird, between the economy and the general malaise that washed across the northeast with this awful weather since mid-December, a lot of people just could not get out of their own way and this might be why family was scarce. In any case, I think you and your daughter handled the entire situation with much aplomb and dignity and for that you both can be grateful for the support of each other.

    On the college costs, I just heard the other day Yale is up to $62K...whaaaaat?! How can that be? If I had kids I would have moved to CA when they were under 12 so all the residency could be established etc.. and they could go to community college for free. In this way you cut your 4 year bill by ½. It is such a travesty that college costs are getting so far away from residents of this country. I don't like the path this country is on nor do I like the fact that Trump is wanting to run for President and to fight with China meanwhile they buy an enormous amount of our debt in the open market every day in the form of US bonds....a bad situation indeed. In any case, I hope she gets the funding she needs to get in and I am sure glad that coach reached out to her. I am sending positive thoughts for the best results for her on this matter.

    BTW, thanks for the warning she just got her license!  Congrats to her and now I am going to go check that my airbags are secure and in proper working order!!!!!! 

    Rae786: you should have jumped in sooner, my TAC sister! Adey and I were the only ones on TAC in this group. Good luck with everyone and feel free to join in more frequently. Come one, come all!

    Rachel: congrats on being done! YAY! As for returning to work, only when you are ready and if traveling is not for you, make that a part of your return to work program. It is very cool that insurance companies in CA (have not heard of this in the US) work with employers to return you to work gradually. That really makes things easier. Good for you.

    On the degree in math, good for you! There are not enough people "fluent" in math let alone women so you make me very, very proud! I was never a math and science girl and the science part I blame on my uber-hot bio professor my first year in college! All I wanted to know more about was HIS body!

    You seem to get a lot of support at your local center. That is very cool. In fact, I think you were one of the only of us to remark about support groups, classes etc... in your area. Again, it seems a bit more comprehensive in CA with your socialized medicine....what a paradox!!!

    Well, I am still having light-headedness, 1 month out from chemo, when I stand up. I am drinking only water now (milk, tea, water or seltzer are the only things I drink) except for my morning glass of milk so it is not dehydration.  I know it must be blood pressure related but my bp is perfect= 120/80.  Sometimes I really feel like I am going to pass out. I hate to bring anything else up with these docs because before you know it, I will be back in the hospital being studied. I am going to give it until 2 months post-chemo and if it is still happening, I will have to consult with someone.

    On a positive note, I learned of a survivor's group that is a ½ day event at Yale that goes through some of the ancillary issues surrounding bc and post-chemo life. I am really, really looking forward to that. I sure hope it is informative. I want to walk out feeling like I learned something. I will keep you all posted on this one.

    Smile at yourselves in the mirror is fun!
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Texas: Congrats, I finished college at age 34, so I know how you feel. You'll do great. One tip: be sure to go to your school's financial aid office and check on scholarship money. I filled out an app and got a scholarship that was for "older" women returning to school. There are all kinds of odd scholarships out there and you never know what you  might be eligible for.

    JSW: Thanks, I cried when I first read the story on the trees. Sad that a football rivalry should reach such vindictiveness.

    Ginger: (((HUGS)))

    I can't remember if I told ya'll but my DH found a lakehouse that was a foreclosure and was about to go to auction, we put in a pre-auction bid, and got it for about half of its value. We closed on it Thurs., were out there all day yesterday and will be going back and forth all weekend cleaning up and moving a few things in. My DH has a  bad cold and somach bug and I'm still recovering from my ooph, so it is slow going for us, but we're really excited about it. Hope everybody has a good weekend.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Ginger- thanks for the advice! Yeah its been hard studying here in my noisy house so far LOL the admin office gave me a few websites with the practice tests on them... Most things i just need a refresher for and dont need to take the WHOLE class again- the knowledge is in there somewhere just got to access it (meanin my brain LOL)

    Rae- well said, if we get busy and caught up in life we're moving forward and not dwelling on our dx!

    libraylil- Glad to hear you did well- and the footing hte bill part rings so true! Since if i fail i will have to either quit or pay the money to do it all over again i KNOW i am gonna take it seriously! More and more people are going back to school in their 30s and 40s! (i guess htat when we smarten up lol)

    JSW19-how often do you get the MUGA? i get something similar (ECG) but so far i've only had it once after starting tx (1x before to get a baseline i guess) Sad story about the Toomer trees :(

    Lizzy-I asked about the pre reqs and she said they aren't necessary cuz they only accept people based on their TEAS score (which is like a placement test or something) the pre reqs help you know the things that will be on the test. these are the categories: basic algebra, advanced algebra, averages and rounding, arithmetic, commas, estimation and sequences, exponents, fractions and square roots, geometry, basic grammar, intermediate grammar, author's purpose, advanced grammar, graphs, basic math, intermediate math, advanced math, measurement, nouns, percents an ratios, basic reading comprehension, reading for the main idea, advanced reading comprehension, reading vocabulary, vocab 1, vocab 2, vocab 3, science 1, science 2, science 3!

    I have taken a lot of the practice tests and mostly need to focus on the advanced math stuff... I have 3 year old screaming in my ear all day long- i wish my husbands schedule would allow for him to take him somewhere during hte day, but right now hubby works til 8 am then comes home to sleep...


    edited to add that calculators are allowed on the test- which i thought was weird LOL

    whoop whoop rachel for finishing RADS!

    Debbi- thats great to hear about your daughter (i know how our tx can affect their routines too) Are you on anyhting else beside taxotere? I know my hip burning was said to be a SE from my zometa, but its scary having to get it checked out, the xrays and all...

    Lady-ooooooooooh a lakehouse! Sounds awesome! Show us pics! I totally am planning on applying for all the scholarships i can, and financial aide if possible. I know that SSI/SSDI has a way that you can save for college without being penalized that you have extra money... I am gonna call them on monday to get more info on that.