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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    RE: Taxotere--I haven't had any runny eyes---granted that would have been the best of the SE. The extreme fatigue is the worst and the joint/bone pain. It feels as though you are getting over a bad flu. My fingernails hurt to type--but seem OK. I was on FEC for the first 3 and they were much less SE for me at least. Doc said worst part would last around 48-72 hours and he is right--I am feeling a little better today but wouldn't trust myself to drive anywhere....unless I am looking for a car accident ;)

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    diarrhea- i dont care what causes this side effect wether it be herceptin or taxotere or any other taxaine lol i broke down and bought immodium ad today after a "close call" at my daughters school!

    i think the tatoo idea is good, i've seen the medi bracelets tatooed on people before.

    i also havent had runny eyes (yet) my freakin runny nose is BACK again!

  • texas - yes, decadron is a steroid.  I have to take it for 24 hours around my taxol treatment. 

    I'm wiped out today.  I've been running all day doing stuff.  And it seems that I didn't get even half done of what I needed to do.  I'm still clearing my throat and having a wheeze if I breathe really really deeply.  I sure wish this would go away for good!  The good thing is that my nutritionist put me on two different homeopathic allergy remedies.  Amazingly, this morning I had no allergy issues at all.  I hope it continues!  It could also be that the zpak is clearing up my sinus issues which I think now is/was a sinus infection.  

    I dread the approach of the weekend as Monday is my 2nd taxol.  I'm absolutely terrified.........

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hello Everyone:

    Sweeney: You forgot to tell me they were going to draw all over my boob with a magic marker!! I felt like an art project!  LOL. I start on November 1 too, finish on December 23...yippeee!

     Got my tattoos, six of them.  Just really tiny black dots. Didn't hurt much, but I think I just didn't feel it because several of my joints were killing me from lying in the same position with my arm over my head for an hour, lol!  Seriously, when they come up with these tests/procedures, they really do have to start considering the patient's comfort level. 

    Texas:  That apartment sounds great!  I will say an extra prayer tonight that Texas gets her apartment, you guys deserve a break!

    Watery eyes:  My eyes are watering like crazy!! But they are not red, just constantly watering.  In fact, the tech doing my radiation simulation today thought I was crying and was going to stop until I explained to her that the water running down my face was just because I couldn't wipe my eyes, because I wasn't supposed to move!  I have to keep a tissue with me all the time to keep dabbing my eyes or I will be crying all day long!

    Side effects:  So, all my "normal chemo cycle" side effects are gone since about 2 weeks after my last treatment, except the fatigue.  Oh my god, am I tired! And they tell me that the number one side effects of radiation is fatigue.....better put a bed in my office! 

    Funny though, since about the time my "normal side effects" disappeared, I developed red moons in my nails, tender nails, numb toes and fingers, and watery eyes! Does it ever really end??? Onco said these "new" side effects will gradually fade over the next three months, lucky me. 

     Now just something on the medical establishment itself.  I told you all about my dilemna with the radiation, whether or not to directly radiate the axilla.  It was questionable because my surgeon only removed two nodes and two were positive.   Went early today to talk to the radiation oncologist again, and lo and behold, she spent the entire time telling me we should go ahead and radiate the axilla, just for my peace of mind, even after I decided to go with her initial recommendation.  I got the distinct feeling that she re-examined my case and changed her mind on my treatment plan, but didn't want to admit that her initial opinion was incorrect! I guess in one way I am glad, because that is why I questioned her in order to get her to take a long hard look and my case ( I also had my oncologist call her) but I got mad to think she couldn't just come out and say she had reevaluated the case and changed her mind.  I hate people who can't admit their own faults.  Anyway, we are radiating everything...boob, supraclavicular area, and axilla..I should be glowing by Xmas!

    Gee it feels better getting that off my chest! Thanks everyone! Hope everyone has a good night's sleep. 

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Liz, Having your bf take you sounds like a great idea; you don't need the aggravation and I doubt they'd pull alotof the stuff they have on you with a guy - there like most bullies. I really don't know about the tattoo (don't have one either, lol). I'm sure the surgeon would know more. I hope if you do get one they never need to use it though!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Calamity can you tell me why you are terrifed? Please. I am finally scheduled for Taxol on this Monday. I am to take dexamethasone before hand three times and then Benadryl before the TAxol.

    Is there anything else I can do to make this better. I am older than you, by a couple decades or more. I have gotten very weak just through feeling so tired and then the danged cold I got four weeks ago and am still coughing from now and again. 

    I amy be able to avooid the Neulasta injection by shifting to every three weeks for the TAXOL so my body has time to rebuild the white cells in between. I wont know until Monday of my doc approves the change oin schedule  and if not why not. I have no idea myself. 

    I am still trying to avoid exposing myself to more viruses. 

    I hope you all have a good day. 


  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Thanks all for the watery eyes info.  The radiation oncologist this morning asked if I had conjunctivitis.  I thought it was probably a chemo s/e, but I wanted to see if anyone else was having it.  I didn't want to try to make an eye dr. appointment on top of everything else.

    Sending good vibes and love out to everyone!!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Ginger - I take the dexameth for taxotere and it makes me constipated so I started taking colace the first day of the steroids for about 4 days this last treatment and that seemed to help.
  • Zachsmom
    Zachsmom Member Posts: 39
  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Watery eyes and runny nose I think are from lack of hair, I know the hair in those places must serve a purpose. Idk about any of you but my nose has no hair inside and my eyes, just the lower lashes have thinned and when I wake in the am the outsides of my eyes are crusty. My nose runs most of the time and if its not it is really dry.

    I had 3-4 days of diarrhea took Imodium to get rid of it, this was after the 1st treatment onc. thought it was from nausea meds.(amend) not sure if that is how it is spelled its the expensive one. She stopped giving that to me and it hasn't happened again. It could be any of the drugs causing diarrhea or constipation it is all disruptive to the body, it is the bodies way of fighting off this poison.

    I defiantly can see the fatigue getting a little worse after each tx. If I didn't have a job to get up for there are at least 3 days I'd for sure stay in bed all day, but for this reason I wanted to keep working I think it makes me stronger to have to get up and keep moving.

    I hope each of you have more good days than bad. I don't really wish for any day to be over. I had a elderly lady in the nursing home where I work put this in prospective for me one day. I was wishing for summer to hurry up and get here and she said I don't want it to hurry up and get here, when I asked her why she said she doesn't want any day to hurry up and be gone because that is one day closer to the end. I was like omg that is so true. So never again have I wished for another day to hurry up get here, I just want to enjoy every day god gives me. I am looking forward to the end of treatment and everyday in-between.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Sptmm62- yeah it would be nice if they could just admit the truth, it makes it harder for us to trust people when they try to slip one by us. Isnt radiation daily? Are you going to be able to get time off of work?

    Zachsmom- Whoop whoop! Are you getting 6 txs or 8?

    Iowa- Love your attitude! I agree having to get up makes us stronger because we have to fight through our SE. Honestly if i didnt have young children i would prob lay in bed ll day ;)

    Have no clue why i woke up at 4:30! my daughter has a 4 day weekend becuase of the county fair so this is a day i could have totally slept in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did have a weird dream though lol I adopted a family of 7, it was strange cuz i was doing laundry and cooking, all the normal stuff in my dream hahaha

    which leads me to a poll- Is it selfish or selfless to adopt in light of my dx? Like 1/2 of me says spend every second with my kids but the other 1/2 says you've got so much love to give and there are lots of children that dont know love.....

    Background- before i was dx my husband and i did the classes to adopt through the foster care, well there ws a specific child we were aiming for (she's deaf and so are my parents so we wanted to adopt a deaf child) Well our agency drug their feet and our licensing agent ended up getting fired and it was a whole mess so we put it on the back burner.... Lately i've been thinking about it so I want to get y'alls take.... FEEL FREE TO BE HONEST! just my random thoughts lol


    today we celebrate my sons 3rd bday! We're taking the kids to the aquarium!!!

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Good morning Ladies!  

    Watery eyes and nose : YES! Yesterday I was at a store paying, and the poor cashier girl didn't know what to say because I was blowing my nose every six seconds and wiping my eyes.  She was just really quite.  I didn't explain because I didn't know which would be harder for her, thinking I was crying my eyes out or being told I'm in chemo.  Anyway, it's not just from lack of nose hair/eyelashes, thought that probably doesn't help.  It is a common side effect of taxotere (at least), and it's one of those cumulative se's, so it gets worse with every Tx.  It is weird though, how your nose is either running like crazy or completely dried out.  I know that when I am outside my eyes and nose run more, like in the wind or if it's chilly.  And it's weird how sometimes it's just one eye and other times it's both.

    Another cumulative se: migraines.  Anyone else having those.  I've been getting them since my second Tx, but now, after the fourth, they're coming more frequently and more painfully.  This morning, when I woke up, I couldn't even move my head or anything else for about twenty minutes.  So I got up and took 1000 mg of Tylenol and started drinking coffee (migraine meds are just pain killers with caffeine), and the coffee seems to be helping a little.  I've never really had migraines until chemo, but I know that's what they are because I get auras and it hurts to move my head or look into lights, and they make me nauseous.  I feel bad for people who get regular migraines.  Anybody having this?  Know any particular goo solutions?

    As for my nails, even though I'm on antibiotics, they continue to hurt more each day, and I can see them filling up more with pus under the nail beds.  I worried the antibiotics aren't doing the trick, even though they're high dose.  And I asked a nurse if she thought they were going to fall off, and she said, "You've just had your fourth treatment right?  They may or may not fall off, but if you have two more treatments still, they probably will."  I'm using tea tree oil on them, as I've heard that can help with the cracking and peeling, though none of the nurses have mentioned this.  

    Now, my appointment with the oncologist yesterday.  I am going to go forward with more treatment with him.  First of all, I found out the onc I've been with lied to me about two things.  First she told me she couldn't give me TC x 6 because it's not in NCCN guidelines, Like I've mentioned.  But two of her nurses told me that they DO give TC x 6.  They weren't outing her for lying. It just came up.  Like during my first TX (after my onc had told me she couldn't give TC x 6, when the nurse was going over all the chemo basics, she asked how many TX's I was getting, and I said four.  She said okay, and I just casually asked, "Do you also treat patients with TC X 6?" and she said, "Yes, we do sometimes."  Then last week when I was talking to my onc's personal nurse about my nails and she said, if you still have two more Tx's, then they probably will fall off, I asked again, "Do you do TC x 6 in this practice?" (she didn't know anything about the conversations I'd had with the onc about it), she said, "Oh sure, depending on the patient, but yeah, we do six Tx's for some patients."  So it appears that my onc was not truthful about "not being allowed" to give me 6 Tx's.  Then the other lie was about insurance, which I think I've mentioned.  At the beginning of all this, when I was asking her about TC x 6, she said, "Even if I wanted to give you six, your insurance wouldn't cover the last two." Since then I have asked around with a lot of women getting TC x 6, and found out that not one of them has had trouble getting insurance coverage for it.  So she lied to me twice.  I've even spoken to several women who are getting TC x 6 and have Illinois BC/BS, which is what I have. And if they are going to cover it, then I suspect most other ins. companies would too. So my trust in my onc dropped dramatically.  

    So I went to see the other onc, whom I had seen in the beginning for a second opinion.  He was very surprised when I told him what she had said about the NCCN Guidelines, and about the insurance thing, and he looked very surprised and said, "Well, I don't know why she would have told you all that."  Anyway, he said, that while there are no studies proving additional benefits to 6 Tx's, or for stopping at 4 for that matter, he looked over my path report and said, he can see good reasons for getting the two additional Tx's, even though there are no studies yet proving this to be more beneficial.  He said four might be just fine, and that as a rule he doesn't like to expose his patients to any more chemo than necessary, but given the particularities of my case, he could see good reason for maximizing chemo.  More importantly, he said, "It's really up to you.  Your are very smart.  You've done your homework.  You know the possible risks as well as possible benefits, and the bottom line is you have to do whatever it takes to feel confident in the treatment you get so that, psychologically you can move on, and put this behind you without second-guessing your care.  If you feel you need to be more aggressive in order to  know that you and your team have done everything possible to better your chances, then I am more than willing to give you six tx's." He said, "I know you don't want to be in a position where, God forbid, four years from now you have a recurrence or metastisis, and have to look back, and second-guess your treatment, or blame yourself for not pushing to get the treatment you feel you need." So that sealed the deal, and I am switching to his care, his practice, and I get my next Tx next Wed.  I have mixed feelings because it just feels backwards to be pushing for more of the Tx that's kicking my ass every single day, but I am relieved two, because now I will not have to carry any doubts with me into the future.  I will be able to feel that I did everything I could.  And I simply would not be able to continue being cared for by a doctor who out and out lied to me twice, in order to protect her ego.  I think two things factored in to how she handled this whole thing.  First I just don't think she liked her authority or her decision being questioned.  (She got testy each time I brought it up.) And second, in the beginning she was advocating for ACT, but then consulted some colleagues, a few of whom recommended TC x 4, and I don't think she wanted to risk going against their advice, or risking criticism from her colleagues.  

    Anyway, it is settled now, and I am much more at peace, even though it means more chemo. Any feedback?

    One of the disappointing things about my appt. with this onc (Dr. Kash), is that he was recommending that I consult with a radiation onc, because he said, my case is borderline in terms of whether to get rads or not. But then I told him I have moderately serious Lymphedema on my left side, and he said, "Well forget that then.  Radiation would definitely complicate your lymphedema, and radiation is not worth the risk, since you already have LE."  So that was kind of frustrating.  To tell you the truth, I am very depressed about this LE.  It doesn't seem like it's going to be easily managed, and I'm really scared of it. And the thought that radiation might help me, but is not an option, kind of gets me down a little.  But I'm going to not worry about it and look ahead to finishing chemo and then get to the aromatase inhibitors.  Just trying to focus on the grateful side for not having to undergo rads.  Anyway, after all the drama from the very beginning about the peculiarities of my case and deciding about chemo Tx, I finally feel like the right decision has been made, and I can put doubts and second-guessing behind me.  So whew!

    Thank you all for all your support and feedback throughout this tiresome process! 

    Texas: Congratulations on the apartment!!! That sounds like a great gift. And congratulations to your husband for making SWAT.  My sister and brother-in-law are cops in Ft. Worth, and my sis just got promoted a few months ago to Corporal Detective. Are you in the Ft. Worth area?

    Lady: How are you doing? Any news about getting to go home?

    Best to all. Here's hoping for an easy day for everybody! 

  • ginger - I'm scared because the taxol has really tripped my seasonal type allergies into gear.  I got rid of all allergies through my nutritionist - I used to suffer badly.  But through liver supplements, etc., he really did get rid of them! 

    Now however, I guess being totally injected with something from a TREE (taxol) they've kicked in badly.  I'm afraid that I"ll have an allergic reaction to the taxol this round and that my allergies will only get worse.  He has me on two homeopathic remedies right now and they've made the last two mornings significantly better.  But I know my immune system is still all messed up and not right.  

    The leg pain last time on days 4 and 5 were horrible.  BUT that could have also been the levaquin.  I don't know - I'm just so DONE with it all.  I know you know what I mean - I feel DONE - like had it - don't want any more new and exciting experiences with BC - just done.  Kaput - finis.  

    But I can't be yet........and that thought just tires me.

    Well I'm off to the mall this morning to venture among the living.  Going during school hours so that we can avoid the crowds.  My 14 yr old wants one of her ears pierced a 2nd time (no clue why) but I promised her two weeks ago for her b-day that we'd go.  We've been doing okay keeping up with homeschooling but we've been house bound so today we're taking a break.......


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Wherria - Wow, what you 'new' doctor said about chemo sounds very reasonable!  I don't know what to make of his radiation thoughts though, maybe you could consult with a radiation oncologist if you haven't already.  Also, I am sure you already did this, but have you seen a lymphedema specialist?  I have read that they do that special massage that can really help the arm and axilla.  I am sorry your first onc had so many issues.  At this time that's the last thing you need to worry about!  Take care and I am glad you got some peace with the chemo. 
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning to you all and I hope you are having a pleasant time today-

    Wherria: I would never forgive myself if a few years down the road I had mets and I did not get the maximum number of txs at the point of dx. You are a smart woman and I am sure you are correct about ego and associated nonsense with that first onc. There is no way she should be putting up such a fight with you about additional txs. It doesn't make any sense. I am glad you went back to an onc you had visited before and you are going to get the additional 2 txs. It is absolutely imperative you feel you did everything you could NOW while this situation can be potentially eradicated. Potentially is the key word and we have to do all we can now to maximize our chances of a long life. You did the right thing and I give you a lot of credit for going after what you want especially because it means further discomfort. As for the runny nose and eyes, dry nose and eyes, I have all of that.

    Texas: they say everything happens for a reason and although you lament the adoption falling through, your plate is full now with your own dx and trying to care for yourself and your family. It is very altruistic wanting to adopt a child but at this point, focusing on yourself and your family is probably best. When you are beyond chemo and getting better, then you can revisit the adoption process. It is a wonderful thing to adopt a child and give them a loving home. You need to spend up your excess love on yourself right now, however!

    Zachsmom: congratulations on your progress!  The end is nearer!

    Ckptry: I will let you know about the tattoo.  I could NEVER have gotten one in my younger days...there were laws at my house about such deviant behavior!!  I could come home late, break curfew, overspend on the credit card, cut classes as long as I never got less than a B etc... but I could not get a tattoo!  I never wanted one actually..until now!  

    Good day to all-

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Texas, I think that must be very hard, especially if you know the child you want to help. I think at this point your own kids are still so young and may have hard time sharing you, especially if they know you are sick. Then again you seem like a very positive and strong person and  you know yourself and your family best so ultimately it's your decision. Just don't let them meet that nutjob SIL:-)  Occasionally when I worked at the hospital patients would ask the doctor to fill out info for an adoption agency about their treament /prognosis. I'm not sure if it varies among agencies or if they all take a cancer diagnosis into consideration. This was some time ago so things may have changed.  I just mention it because it may be worth looking into before you make a decision and then find out you have to wait anyway.


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hey ya'll, still here. They did an ultrasound on my left breast day before yesterday and saw some fluid. So yesterday they did a needle aspiration and drew out fluid and put in a drain. They are sending that fluid off for testing to see if that's been the source of  my problems. My PS called it celluitis, and I said "I had surgery 3 months ago" and he said it was unusual, but not impossible, that an infection could show up later. Good news, is they put some clot busting stuff in my port and got it working, hooray, so I don't have to have another "procedure" for that. I'm getting a little tired of Procedures.

    Hope everyone is having a SE-free day.

    Wherria, glad you changed doctors. It's your body and your life and you have every right to take care of it in the way you feel most comfortable with.

    Rachel: How's it going with the Taxotere? At the rate I'm going, you will be finished with yours before I even get to start!

  • Ginger -I didn't mean to scare you - let me clarify.  It's not the leg pain that I"m afraid of i - it wasn't like writhing in pain leg aches when you have the flu or something.  It was more like jabs and shooting pains.  But again, That may well have been the levaquin because I had significant leg weakness and for the past couple of days my tendon on the back of my ankle has hurt in the morning and that is a big levaquin side effect even once you're done with the medication!  I'm annoyed that I was put on it in the first place. 

    I guess I'm afraid of an allergic reaction To the taxol.    Either before or after.  I too still have some congestion -although it has significantly improved on the antibiotic!  but it's more in the back of my nose - I know my voice doesn't sound right - I sound stuffed when I talk.  I think this whole thing has been a sinus infection after the cold.

    I'm being irrational.  I didn't mean to scare anyone.  I worry when I taken an this whole chemo thing is just "Unknown" and I'm ready to be done....

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
     Cal - I worry when I take an aspirin too - with cancer I have dived into a world of medications I never could have imagined, all of which make me nervous!  A day that I don't take something for something is rare now.
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Cal: If it makes you feel any better, the doc wanted to put me on Levaquin and I said NO thanks, there must be another med you can use, and of course, there was. I remembered hearing about it on this forum and from another friend of mine who took it and I just didn't want to risk the side effects. So if you believe that we go through things for a reason (to help others), then know you helped me. I don't guess that is much comfort when your ankle is killing you Frown

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Now I am worried about my first taxotere tomorrow.  I forgot my cell phone and the onc office left a message that there are "some changes" and I need to pick up a steroid RX and take it tonight.  Now I'm worried I won't sleep even with the ambien and of course the office is closed so I don't know what the changes are and won't know until 8 am tomorrow!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Wherria- Glad you went with your gut and found another Dr... it may seem dissapointing about the rads but in the long run the risks outway getting it done. ANd you def dont want to complicate the lymphadoema

    BTW- havent gottten the apt yet :) still waiting to hear back... totally no where dear DFW- thats bout 10 or so hours north of me. i live more towards the coast

    Calamity- I am on the same page i totally want this to be done too!

    Adoption- thank y'all for your input! I wasnt thinking tomorrow lol maybe in 5 years or so that way my kids would be a little older and could handel being around children and their bad habits without picking new ones up ;)

    LadyinBama- have they given you any idea of how long they'll keep you? 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895
    zenith- dont worry about the taxotere :) Good luck tomorrow!
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    LadyinBama--Taxotere has been much harder than FEC and in talking to others--seems to be similar SE. Bone/joint pain was really bad after I stopped the steriods--I didn't have any prescription painkillers but now will have some for the next one. It is a strange feeling--really sore and exhausted--extreme fatigue. It seems like I am coming out the end of the worst--it is one week since the chemo and 3-4 days since the SE started--this seems to be in line with what the oncologist had told me to expect. In hindsight--I would have asked for a prescription of painkillers just incase--that being said, I hate taking anything more than I have to -- can't imagine what my kidney/liver are going to look like after this chemo! This stuff must do a number on them.

    I just keep thinking 2 more.......then 1....then......gosh, what will I do with my time then (oh yeah, spend it in radiation) ;)

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Calamity, don't worry about it. I understand, I too would like to be done. My first taxol is Monday.I have remaining yuck in my throat too. I cough so hard when I get into bed that the bed just shakes.  It is 4 weeks ago today that had myfirst sneeze. It is sort of good to find out that others have the same lingering symptoms.

    I am going to be sure to take the medicine that will help me sleep this time rather than try to fight through the steroid crash and heebee jeebee legs I get.  I am not good at taking any medicine that alters my consciousness, I hardly ever even drink one glass of wine. I had my babies with no medicine so voluntarily taking meds is hard for me.

     Zenith, my steroids for taxol need to be taken 12 hours, 6 hours and 2 hours before infusion. Perhaps you need to call into the answering service to be sure you are on schedule so you dont need to cancel tomorrow. 

    Leters my friends


  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    I apologize for using this board mostly to vent and not too much to support you all.  I do read most of your posts and wish everyone the best.  Calamity, wherria, texas you inspire me.  I kept wondering about the steroid problems and now I know the joys of hot flashes and sleeplessness.  Ginger i tried calling the oncall onc but was told i had to wait until tomorrow.  I didn't get my RX until 7 pm and the instructions on the bottle said take two pills twice a day with food and 8 oz of water.  I took 2 at 8 and 2 at 11.   

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Thanks, Zenith. That was kind of you to say.  And don't you worry.  We all know that we are there for you, and you are there for us. Good luck today!

  • Ginger - we'll be having Taxol the same day.  My steroids start 8pm the night before and go for 24 hours.  That part really wasn't as bad as I thought.  I took my first dose and sat around and waited - watched Desperate Housewives - not sure what I was waiting for - finally the benadryl made me sleepy and I slept fine that night.  The following 3 nights were difficult for sleeping.    I too, had unmedicated childbirth with my last two kids.  Taking medication is hard for me.  For instance, how do we know that some medication isn't what's causing so much cancer?  I have wracked my brain to try to think - what has changed in the past 50 years or so?  And it's not just here, it's in other parts of the world too.  I wish we had an answer - all this "awareness" is fine, but let's find the cause!  Or does our government and the medical community not really want to find the cause or cure because they're raking in huge amounts of $$ on treatment?  We all know now how much it costs!  I'm very skeptical after being treated multiple times for lyme disease under the AMA "guidelines" only to get sicker and sicker and it took alternative medicine to wipe it out. 

    If you do reading on Royal Rife and his machines and his success in treating cancer in the 1940's - and then the government shut him down, it's appalling.  I'm not saying that is the cure, but WHY if he was having success (and my nutritionist did treat our lyme very successfully with a Rife Machine) has there not been more research allocated in that area??    I'm angry that so many are dying of this disease and angry that so many of US are having to suffer the treatment.  

  • lady - good for you in not having the levaquin!  I don't know if my ankle is part of the levaquin or not - I have been wearing new shoes when I go walking and it's the side I had surgery on which usually isn't bothersome - (I broke it 11 years ago) but either the levaquin tripped something off or maybe I just need to try my old walking shoes again.  This drug should be banned by the FDA except in really unusual circumstances - if someone's pneumonia or something isn't responding to the safer stuff.  I feel as my faith in my onc. went down a few notches after this experience.  THEN when I call and tell her about the leg thing, she says it could be a side effect.  Hm.  First she told me the only SE's were gastro related!
    Feeling pretty skeptical towards the whole medical community today.......

    Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend - I had a fabulolus day yesterday with my four kids.  We tossed our homeschool work to the side and went to the mall, got my 14 year old's ear pierced and had lunch at Panera's.  Went to the Christmas Tree Shop, which is a fabulous store not just for Christmas stuff but all sorts of things - dish rags, grocery items, whatever.  I bought some Christmas crafts for the kids to work on next month -  I find myself embracing Thanksgiving and Christmas because it signals the end of my treatment.  Would be nice to hit the Fast Forward button at this point!  :D

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Howdy Ladies, I am sitting here getting poison TCH right now, perfect time to get caught up on my pc reading, hope everyone has a great weekend with very little sickness and se. I will probably be taking a lot of naps partly from chemo and partly because it is suppose to start raining tomorrow and rain til Mon. and my house id already clean.