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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92


    Hope your treatment goes well and minimal side effects.  Sounds like a great weekend with the house being clean and rain!  This time around I am feeling fatigued already today!  Tonight we are heading to Hersheypark in the Dark with the kids.  I am hoping I can hang in there with them!

    Thinking of you,


  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    IowaSue: If you'd like, you can come to my house this weekend.  It is FAAARRRR from clean! But the weather should be okay!

    How do any of you keep your houses clean??? 

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Oh, I forgot.  A quote for the day:

    Generally, by the time you are real, most of your hair has been loved off,


    and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby.


    But these things don't matter at all, because once you are real you can't


    be ugly, except people who don't understand.




    Margery Williams "The Velveteen Rabbit"

    Sorry about the gibberish. It's a cut-n-paste and I couldn't figure out how to get rid of it. But the quote is still good I hope. 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - how are you doing??
  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Wherria - "The Velveteen Rabbit" was my FAVORITE book as a kid.  I would read it over and over and I would cry and cry and cry when the little boy had to give up the rabbit. 

    Thanks for the reminder.

    I talked to the onc about my watery eyes.  He said that sometimes when your eyelashes start to fall out, it can also irritate your eyes.  My brows and lashes have definitely been thinning, so maybe that is part of it too.

     I'm going with dh to Neil Young's Bridge School Benefit Concert on Saturday.  There is a whole huge lineup of great bands.  Can't wait.  Then TCH #5 on Tuesday.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    calamity- i feel the same way about the electric car... why would the gov shut it down and buy the patents- is it because they make much more $ selling gasoline?????

    Watch the documentary- who killed the electric car.

    Zenith- dont worry you may use us for a sounding board, just checking in is supportive enough and i appreciate your kind words!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lisa - I can't believe it is number 5!!!
  • kimmie68
    kimmie68 Member Posts: 35

    Went to the rad onc yesterday.... recommending 33 tx... basically what I had thought they were gonna recommend 6-7 wks 5x per wk.  The thing I hate most is that it will all fall over both the Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Year holidays.

    Had my MUGA as well, that didnt turn out so good.  Onc called me today with results, told me he is postponing all my treatments for 3 wks because the numbers dropped significantly and he wants me to get another one in 3 wks and then we will talk about starting the Herceptin.  Yeah for the SE's of AC... sigh.  Hope that the numbers are better for the next one, and this isnt anything permanent.

    Wherria - you made a good choice... I have been told time and time again that I have to have peace with whatever it is I am receiving, and I think you have finally gotten that.

    Lisa - I hope you have an absolutely fabulous time at the concert, you deserve it.

    Zenith - I do alot of lurking and reading, dont post often, but everyone is in my thoughts and prayers.  So dont worry, like everyone has said just being here is support for everyone.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. 

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    wherria I'm glad you have found a new onc that you like and that you will be able to get the additional treatments.  It might also be worth meeting with a rad onc to discuss the pros and cons of radiation in your situation.  Hearing it directly from a rad onc might help you feel more sure in the decision, especially if he/she also recommends against rads for you.  As for keeping the house clean, I was never very good about that before chemo!

    texasrose That is great that you are thinking about adoption.  I agree that right now you need to focus on getting better but sometime in the next few years sounds like a good plan.  

    LadyinBama I hope you are doing ok and are able to get out of the hospital soon!

    This evening I am feeling particularly exhausted and my lower back is achy, kind of like when you have the flu.  So I am hoping that I am not getting sick!  I have no other symptoms and my temperature is normal.  I have also developed a sore on the bottom of my mouth under my tongue.  I'm doing the water/salt/baking soda rinse and hopefully that will clear it up.  DH left town this morning for his grandfather's funeral so I will just have a quiet and restful weekend at home.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

          Just had 2nd Tazol/herceptin. They gave me hydroxyzine b/c the benadryl made me really hyper with the first tx. It made me fall asleep, but don't mind 'missing' chemo;-). So far do't have the abdominal cramping I did with fthe first, but if I do I'm going to start immodium right away. Feeling ok, just tired. My mom watched the kids while I was at chemo and as soon as she walked in said ok see you next week:-) They're full of energy so she was just wiped out.  I might get a high school girl to help me with them after school next time if I feel this 'medicated'. Hope the s/e's are better this time; trying to be proactive! Last time they told me to take tylenol for bone/joint pain but if tI needed something stronger to call. I told them I already have percocet but honestly they should give everyone a script at the start. Who wants to deal with the calls and trips to CVS when you're in pain. That always bothered me b/c some drs don't like to give them and some people (especially my parent's generation) are embarrassed to ask or sense the dr's reluctance. BTW, this weekly Taxol is hard - I miss that little break with the every other week.They said the first one is rougher so maybe I'll get some good days this cycle.

         kimmie68 sorry about the muga ; hope it improves soon!

          Iowa; I'm jealous- the housekeeping has definitely taken a hit here. I hate it but I have a little wrecking crew here (kids +dh) so I have to let some of it go;-)

         Hope everyone has a good night!


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone:

    Just stopping in to hope all of you who just had treatments have a restful night!  Remember, you are one day closer to being done!

    Wherria: I am glad you found a new onco and a regimen that you are comfortable with.  If there is one thing I have learned through this experience is that we have to be comfortable with our treatment.  There are no guarantees regardless of the treatment regimen, so we have to be comfortable in our own minds that we did everything we could have.

    Going to go climb in bed with a good book, very tired these days.  I need to get untired before I start radiation which will make me more tired!

    Good night all!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Wherria- I cleaned it good right before treatment so its days before I have to do much of anything. My 3 girls are grown so nobody to make any messes, DH cleans up after himself pretty good.

    I am having the great heartburn settling in, so I have already taken 2 of the prilosec, wishing it would hurry up and kick in. I very rarely get heartburn, i defiantly don't like it.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Thanks mommichelle,  guess we will both be trying to fight off the fatigue this weekend and I guess if that is the worst of it, it is really is doable. Wish you all the best too!

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388

    I am from the August 09 thread and wanted to pop in to say hello and that all of you are doing great.  I know at times the road seems a little rough, but it does get better.  In the meantime if you want a good laugh at some some of these crazy SE's (loosy goosies, blocked roads, sinus issues, hair loss, nails, chemo brain,, etc) head over to the Stage III - "You know you're a cancer patient when".  I am sure you'll find yourself on one of the pages and will be laughing, crying or both.......


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    House cleaning: I was in the hospital for 6 days, home for 5 days, then back in the hospital for 5 days. You can imagine what my house looks like. I was amazed that there were things on the kitchen counter that were there when I left Monday. My DH just doesn't see the mess or clutter!

    But I'm glad to be home. I'm on the home IV antibiotics again, but I hope they work better this time. My onc. said I ought to be able to get on with chemo in a couple of weeks. So, I hate I've lost a month, but it has been nice to have a break, even if most of it was spent in the hospital!

    Hope everybody has a good weekend. I'm home just in time for a day of football tomorrow. War Eagle!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    PS, I forgot a question I have. I've come through 3 rounds of chemo with no problems with food tasting bad, but this new antibiotic has done a number on my taste buds and now I've got that metallic, weird taste to stuff. Did ya'll find anything that still tasted decent when your taste buds went south?

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Started taxotere today.  Will have 4 tx 3 weeks apart.  Have to have newlasta :(.  Had facial flushing reaction at the very end of infusion today and have had a bit of facial flushing tonight.  Didn't have time yesterday to take the decadron correctly.  Hopefully next tx will not have any reaction.  I should be done by Xmas!  Rads are not being recommended at this time.  With the change to 4 TX I am now more than halfway done!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Zenith, I am glad it went pretty well for you today. I have taxol for the first time on Monday. It turns out I dont have treatment until 5:30 PM. Love these crazy schedules. I will begin my dexamethasone at 5:30 AM, then 11:30 AM then 3:30 PM. I hope it helps because that is a lot and it is going to give me days of wakefulness that I don't really enjoy. Heebee jeebee legs are no fun.

    More importantly I hope this all really works, is worth all of this because I really don't like doing this. 



  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Hello Chemosabes!

    I want to thank you all for all of your kind support about my decision to seek out a new onc and more treatments.  You have really helped me to feel good about all of this.  I don't know what I'd do without you!  {{{{HUGS}}}} 

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Ginger - the NP told me yesterday that taxol is considered to be the better tx for early stage breast cancer but if it can't be tolerated then the switch to taxotere is appropriate.  I hope you don't have an allergic reaction to it.  Good Luck to you on Monday!  Woke up with face beet red and it is still red after taking 2 bendryl.  I have rosacea.  I was able to sleep pretty good last nite with help from ambien and benedryl.  NP said I would start to feel better taking the taxotere within a couple of weeks and I am actually feeling better this AM!  Not sure how to feel about my appetite coming back because I lost 30 lbs since dx and don't want to gain any of it back!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Ckptry- My house has also taken a hit lol Yesterday my husband had taken the kids outside to ride their bikes and i got a lot done in a little time so its helpful!

    LadyinBama- The one things that i coulkd eat and it taste good was broccoli cheese soup, and not the canned kind. It was a recepie that was in this eating well with cancer book my onc gave me.

    Zenith- Sometimes my face turns red but doesnt last very long, when i mentioned it to my oncologist he said that not worrisome- BTW my hands had turned red once too...


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Red Face - I get it from the steroids.  Starts the end of the day of infusion and lasts until about last day 3. 
  • Elizabeth27
    Elizabeth27 Member Posts: 21

    Good Morning,

    I have two questions that I wonder if anyone can help me with...

     1. My onc offered me the option of not having the Neulasta shot after my last TC treatment, as I don't have to have counts up so fast if not having another treatment. Has anyone else cnosidered this or had their TC without Neulasta? Is it okay?

    2. Has anyone had the CYP test for Tomoxifen sensitivity? I heard there is a test to see if you are likely to be a good responder to Tomoxifen, but my onc has not suggested it. I am thinking of asking for it. Has anyone else gotten it? heard about it?

     Any thoughts would be much appreciated!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: thanks for asking.  I am ok but just trying to get stuff done before the next zapping next week.  How are you?   I hope you are doing well. 

    Dreams: before chemo I did not even remember my dreams.  Now not only do I remember them, they are uber weird!   Ex boyfriends from high school, weird (fragmented, of course!) themes, even a nightmare....all sponsored by chemo!

    Have a good weekend all-

  • Zenith - I was told the red face is from the steroids.  I had it after all my AC treatments.  I looked like a drunkard! :D  After my taxol treatment I was REALLY red  for the next two days -- I assumed it was because of all the "extra" steroids - the 24 hours of decadron, etc.  

     About the neulasta shot - I will be demanding not to get it after my last chemo.  It's not only very expensive, I'm tired of the bone pain I get from it which seems to worsen each time.  If they refuse, I may just not show up for it.  What can they do - it will be my last chemo......    I know there's disagreement about this, but my WBC counts have been excellent.  I guess I should preface this by saying if you're actively sick or something, it might be a good idea to get it.

    FOR TAXOL :  I found this article on foods to eat to enhance taxol and what to avoid (the avoidance list is small.)  Interesting that the foods shown to enhance it are all high in antioxidants!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    I would think that Neulasta would only be recommended if your WBC count is really low and that could cause you prone to infection--they probably want to avoid you getting sick. I have not had Neulasta at all--my WBC counts have been OK through FEC but with the first Taxotere a week ago--my counts dropped pretty significantly. My Oncologist doesn't like to prescibe Neulasta unless really required so we are in wait and see--they say may counts should increase naturally this week with proper eating, rest and staying away from germy people! I am hoping so because I would rather not have it--from what I have heard--doesn't sound very good. Taxotere itself was bad enough.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    I got the red face too.  Onco said it was from the steroids.  He called it the "decadron glow".  I like your analogy Calam...I did look like a drunkard!

    About the Neulasta.  I had a mild allergic reaction to it with my first treatment so they didn't give it to me the second treatment.  The only problem is my white count bottomed out.  You don't notice it, and I felt fine, but I was very susceptible to illness.  Since I have to work everyday, I insisted on getting it the third treatment, I had to be around too many people to take that chance.  I would say if you don't have to be around people, you shouldn't have to get it, because the only real danger is getting a cold or something from someone else and it turning into a more serious illness because you can't fight it off.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Well, I wanted to ask opinions - I have done 3 taxotere/carboplatin/herceptins so far, I am scheduled for 6.  I have neurological problems  My feet and ankles, some with my hands and face.  Each treatment it has gotten a little worse and does not go away between treatments.  It started the day after the first treatment.  I was discussing with my onc this week since I had seen a neurologist and he said I had 'significant' neuropathy.  I am not in pain, but no one can say if the problems will revolve or not.  Most likely they will, but usually no one gets them as early as I did either, so I don't know if I fall into the usual category.  Anyway, the choice is to decrease the number of cycles to 4 (or 5) or decrease the dose and see if that helps.  My tumor markers were 'aggressive' but nodes were negative and there was no evidence of lymph or vascular invasivenss.  In addition to chemo, I have the herceptin for a year (as long as no heart problems) and since it was strongly estrogen receptor positive I have gone from pre-menopausal lots of estrogen to full-on chemo-pause so there isn't much estrogen around for any cancer cells if they are lurking about.  What do you guys think?  What would you do?

  • Lizzy - I have been having horrible dreams on chemo!  Last night I dreamed I had to tell my kids I was stage 4.  Most of the time they are not cancer related.  The other night I dreamed that I had a baby and abandoned it and that my husband left me without warning for a fun vacation on his own.  Yeah, I guess maybe they are cancer related.  :(  They are crazy though!

    I envy those whose doctors have a "wait and see" for neulasta.  Mine is a huge fan of it.  But I'm also on dose dense and I guess that's why too.  But I WILL be pushing for none after the last session.  I havne't been very demanding through any of this but I will stand my ground (IF I'm healthy at the time.)

  • ConnieWaylene
    ConnieWaylene Member Posts: 1

    I started my chemo in August 2008.  Just wanted to say I had NO PROBLEMS.  My hair fell out but I rather enjoyed the attention, plus it was much cooler in the Texas heat.  I wasn't sick a single minute.  I know I was lucky and I'm grateful but I want those of you just starting out to know that's it's not always the hell some people experience.  Best to you.