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You know youre a cancer patient when....



  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656
    edited August 2010

    lol still over this thread.

     I sent my nephew out to buy those depends.  lol  I never had to use them and recently gave them away.

  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495
    edited August 2010

    when you automatically take a book with you when you leave the house ready for the long waits. It's not really necessary at the grocery store though!

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited August 2010

    When you decide to put rollers in your wig to give it a beach, wavy look and your DH asks if you have a brush in your bag!  LOL!!!  Guess the new look wasn't a winner! 

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited August 2010

    when that tattoo you have been planning  for 11 years now takes on very special significance...and you now you are gonna get it done THIS YEAR :) 

    (after swim season....)

  • weesa
    weesa Member Posts: 78
    edited August 2010

    when you are standing in line going thru airport security and somebody pulls you aside, asks you to empty your purse for them, forty million pill bottles come out, then they swab the inside of your vacated purse, put the swab in a machine that looks like a microwave. They look you up and down, especially your hair which, what there is of it, is holding in 90 degree angles from your head, ask you why you are wearing 3 pairs of socks. (Because your numb feet get cold easily on airplanes, you explain). They eye the lymphedema sleeve suspiciously then take a part your c-pap machine. FINALLY, they decide you are not a national security risk and let you join the rest of your family, who are rolling on the floor along with a bunch of strangers.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,874
    edited August 2010
    Weesa - tell me that didn't happen to you!
  • weesa
    weesa Member Posts: 78
    edited August 2010

    Sure did happen to me. Life is stranger than what you can make up. Happened in Hartsfield, Atlanta, Georgia about 5 years ago. Has happened since, but then I don't look like a crazy woman any more.

  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited August 2010

    Weesa, I have tears from laughing.  I was already laughing, but when I got to the 3 pairs of socks, I lost it.  Sorry it happened to you , but thank you for sharing.  ROFLMAO

  • Lady_Madonna
    Lady_Madonna Member Posts: 313
    edited August 2010

    lol micheleboots...I already had one of those pill cases for migraine meds, but now I can barely stuff it full, I'm thinking I need one of those HUGE ones with AM and PM compartments!!  OMG, what have I become?!? 

  • Lady_Madonna
    Lady_Madonna Member Posts: 313
    edited August 2010

    ...when you are either freezing cold, from low blood counts, or scorching hot, from hot flashes- never quite just the right temp!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2010

    . . . when you know what a schedule 2 narcotic is, and you have at least one bottle of them with you at all times. 

    . . . when you take pills from A (Arimidex) almost all the way to Z (Xanax).  

    . . . when you can't balance your checkbook, but you can instantly calculate when your supply of Schedule 2 naroctics will run out. 

    This thread is toooooo funny!

  • dutchgirl6
    dutchgirl6 Member Posts: 322
    edited August 2010

    ...when you to to the pharmacy to pick up your final repeat of Neupogen and they don't even ask your name, just if you are going straight home so you can put it in the fridge.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited August 2010 could make your monthly mortgage payment if you sold your month's worth of narcotics on the street....but you don't because you need them too bad!

  • Lowrider54
    Lowrider54 Member Posts: 333
    edited August 2010

    ...when you stop wondering what is in those bags folks bring to the treatment room because you now have your very own stuffed with stuff that you bring to the treatment room. 

  • changes
    changes Member Posts: 42
    edited August 2010

    When you can blame Tamoxifen for everything negative in your life, including bad moods, poor sleep, and maybe even the Gulf oil spill.

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited August 2010

    still LMAO......

    when you poop on yourself and don't get upset, but laugh at the situation and can't wait to share the story with your cyber friends...................and don't find anything wrong with it.

    Chemotard story - Kitty - this should make you feel better.......I snuck out of the office 15 minutes early to beat the traffic get about 10 minutes from the office and realize that the bag I was carrying was my lunch, not my purse was still at the office.  I had to go back for my purse.  Really??? Who forgets their purse??

  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited August 2010

    I use one of those big pill minders with AM and PM.

  • dutchgirl6
    dutchgirl6 Member Posts: 322
    edited August 2010

    Thank you so much, all of you.  I thought that I was the only one who had poopie near-misses.  Now I know I'm nornal!

  • Pamelajo
    Pamelajo Member Posts: 124
    edited August 2010

    poopie near misses????  I've had full blown hits, if you know what I mean.

    When you hear a co worker or friend talk about an ailment they are having and you immediately say "I've got a pill for that."

    When you live or die by your cbc results.

    When your supplement costs exceed your house payment per month.

    When you finally decide that the little extra weight gain is a whole lotta you and you cease to care..........

  • micheleboots
    micheleboots Member Posts: 885
    edited August 2010

    You look at other womens breasts in a longing way, more than you husband or teenage son does.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited August 2010

    you walk by the mirror and lift your shirt to see if your chemo belly is getting any smaller....then shake your head...nope!

    micheleboots...I LOL'd at yours 

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2010

    one pill minder....heck, I need 2 to get all Rx and OTC!!!  my glass mirrored tray on dressor (are they called perfume trays?!) is lined up with Rx sid is AM, the other PM....I always carry 1 or 2 Ativan with me along with my ibuprofen that I don't leave home without...I say a robber would be thrilled in my bedroom with all my Rx...pain pills that I can't take and then sleeping pills, anti-anxiety and the list goes on....

    micheleboots....nice to know I'm not the only one who looks at women's chests....and then comment to DH...and to think that when I had my expanders and first set of implants I was worried that my chest was the first thing people saw, when they saw me!!!

    This thread is great...and I agree, there are some great comments that need to be compiled and who here is going to volunteer to do it?

    cold...wish I knew what that felt like....was soooo hot today...kept flashing while in onc's office waiting for him....told him when he was asking about all sorts of symptoms and he said maybe you are just too hot in the room (vs being hot flashes)...could be becasue when I asked DD if she was hot (while I was fanning myself) she said NO, it must be me.....Onc then said that stethescope was cold...after he was done listening to my back, I said it wasn't cold...didn't even feel it!!!

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited August 2010

    ................when you're afraid to squeak out the tiniest fart, in case you fill your pants.

    ................when you line your knickers with super-duper paper towel each time you leave home.

    ................when you know where every public toilet is within a ten mile raduis of wherever you          want/have to travel to.

    ................when you program your cell phone with different alarm tunes for each med.


  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited August 2010

    When you look forward to watching the "Price is Right" during your chemo infusions.

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited August 2010

    ........................I wouldn't need chemo to be sick then,


  • sunnytn1949
    sunnytn1949 Member Posts: 15
    edited August 2010

    I love this, like another sister said, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.  I am mainly laughing..

    When you ask people if the food tastes as good as it smells.....

    when you walk around because you have restless leg syndrom due to the meds you take..

    when for the first time since your kids were babies you buy butt cream...

  • jdootoo
    jdootoo Member Posts: 13
    edited August 2010

    When you think of something to add to this post, and by the time you hit the post a reply button, you have forgotten what you wanted to post...

    ...and now you have forgotten again...

    When you miss your slightly saggy, too small breasts because at least they didn't look and feel like softballs on your chest...

  • Lynbob
    Lynbob Member Posts: 27
    edited August 2010

    I love this thread!

    ...When you are out in public and you feel like everyone is staring at your breasts like you have two heads and you panic wondering what is going on inside your shirt!

    ...When your pastor visits in the hospital and will only stand at the door to talk to you because  your gown is plunged almost to your waist but you can't feel it.

    ...when you are walking through a crowd knocking people over with your rock hard expanders but you don't realize it.

    ...when you are getting dressed and your 11 year old daughter walks in, see's you shirtless for the first time and you burst into tears while she hugs you and tells you how beautiful you are.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited August 2010

    When you take a sleeping pill because you are exhausted but after tossing and turning for an hour you get up and log onto BCO!!!.......I hate that sleeping pills don't work!!!!

  • jdootoo
    jdootoo Member Posts: 13
    edited August 2010

    When you stand out on the deck and watch a rotating thunderhead pass right over you because things that used to frighten you now just fill you awe...