oohhh sharp cheddar if going with tomato/onion/pickles/lettuce, swiss if going with mushrooms... (had a cheeseburger last weekend and suffered for three days, though, so won't have another one for awhile....)
winter vacation - get away somewhere warm or go skiing?
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Are excited for the movie The Hobbit to come out or don't know what I'm taking about
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no clue what you are talking about
watching football on thanksgiving yeahhhhhhhhh, or not booooooooo
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have it on in the background
play board games on Thanksgiving or watch football intently
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games --my cousin doesnt believe in tv
eating turkey the day of, or leftovers are better
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make good gravy or rather have somebody else do it
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DH does a good job at making the gravy....I'm the official "here taste this, tell me what it needs" person...I'm not allowed to be in the prep phase.
whipped cream: Use the fake stuff or ONLY real whipping cream
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Only real whipped cream
Stick with pie or throw in ice cream as an option.0 -
both! that's what new years eve resolutions are for.
snooze like a log after thanksgiving dinner or try to walk it off.
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put up Christmas decorations Thanksgiving weekend or wait
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make real cranberry sauce or that nasty can stuff
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neither - make cranberry/orange/ginger relish
make lots of gravy so you have enough for leftovers, or use it all for Thanksgiving dinner.
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Well, I SHOULD just make enough for Thanksgiving.....
Go Black Friday shopping or not
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no way, not happening
waiting for Cyber Monday or not
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I don't do any of the 'shopping' stuff either
nice out where you live or cold and blustery today
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It is so freakin' cold and blustery today.....especially harsh after upper 60 degree temps yesterday. It feels like zero wind chill!
When you prepare the turkey: use the carcase to make broth or turkey soup or dump it?
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dump. one of the only soups i dont like
eat dressing cold the next day or FRY IT ( yummmy)
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Never tried it fried (but sounds interesting)...we just reheat the dressing. This year we combined our leftovers with our neighbors and it was a wonderful treat.
prefer to get all your bills/banking statements/investment statements, etc.... online or still like to receive a paper copy?
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pay mostly online, but wierdly miss the paper copy
rather read a 'real' book or from a Kindle/Nook etc.
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like a book. i like to pass them on
library useage, or buying book, or rent movies, or net flix, or whatever else is out there ((so much to choose from)) lol
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I like to buy 'real' books and also pass them on
read one book at a time or juggle between a couple
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one book,,( 2 knitting projects, 1 bible study, 1 or 2 crafts) lol, a bit ADD
sunday night football, or sunday night cuddle by the fire with a project ( i have a few if anyone wants to finish them)
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Sunday night cuddle with my husband while HE watches football (and I read my kindle).
going on vacation - pack the night before you leave, or pack well in advance....
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short vacation/night before i leave...long vacation/2weeks ahead
shop for clothes by yourself or bring a friend
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prefer to shop by myself...I can get in and out on my schedule.
DH/SO notices everytime you put something new on or never notices a new outfit
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never notices
have a DH/SO helps buy new furniture/pictures etc or one that never notices his surroundings (once I bought a large picture, hung it in the living room, waited and waited, and after about 2 months pointed it out to DH...clueless)
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no i buy on my own a so does makes it so much more
fancy quilt on bed you dont sleep with, or regular bedding stuff
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Well, I bought a fancy quilt that matches the paint on my walls (burgundy, forest green and sage green), but my demented cat hates it and pees on it whenever I put it on the bed....
have a 'tradition' menu for Christmas or serve something different every year
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serve something different every year. ( giving it up after 20 years this year. yeahhhhh)
fruit cake or fruit cake ( anybody eat that stuff)?
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my mother LOVES fruit cake - that's all she eats every December all month. My mother-in-law also loved it. But it's not for me.
Did you wake early and see that gorgeous full moon this morning or sleep in until it was light?