neither go to a friends house
serve ham or turkey for Christmas dinner
0 - one of several meats but never turkey. I enjoy the full blown turkey dinner on T-day but that's it.
enjoy foreign films or don't like movies with subtitles
0 -
not crazy about subtitles
It's a Wonderful Life or Miracle on 34th Street
0 -
Miricle on 34th street
Cake or pie0 -
carrot cake, or white cake with a layer of strawberry filling
0 -
carrot cake
frosting: butter cream or whip cream?
0 -
butter craving carrot cake
banana bread or zucchini bread
0 -
gingersnap cookies or sugar cookies
0 -
sugar cookies.....ginger is one spice I don't like
have keys on your keyring for which you have no idea what it fits or keep the keyring simple and toss odd keys?
0 -
no idea what some are for
real Christmas tree or artifical
0 -
Christmas tree lights: clear or colored
0 -
tinsel or no tinsel
0 -
some years we use tinsel and some years we don't..this year not
The next person takes down their Christmas tree before the New Year's Day
0 -
false, but do by the weekend following New Years
Opps, I think you're on the wrong game Scooter!
hot salsa or mild
0 -
hot salsa
clam strips or clams with bellies
0 -
clam strips
(Sorry for the screw up.)
Fireplace..rather have gas logs or firewood
0 -
In principle, nothing beats real wood...but in practice, I have to say push-button fire is pretty great!
Like a rainy day? Or not so much....
0 -
love rainy day
snuggle up and watch a move or read a book
0 -
watch a movie...
when you are reading a really good book....gobble it up immediately or try to stretch it out (it's so good you don't want it to end)
0 -
once you start; finish a book even if you hate it or not
0 -
finish it (doing this right now sighhhhhh)
prefer fiction or non-fiction
0 -
like both, but love a good biography the most
rather read a biography or an autobiography
0 -
I like the autobiography since it's a personal account of one's life but the biography is typically more interesting since it contains a broader combination of opinions on the subject and let's face it, the way we view ourself more often than not different than how others view us. If I have to choose I guess I'd say the biography.
texting....using and liking it more or still avoiding it?
0 -
I like it!
enjoying the season or looking forward to a new season?
0 -
enjoying the season...about the time I get tired of snow/cold, spring will be upon us.
today....a day of relaxation or still shopping/cooking/wrapping
0 -
still busy (but happily!)
Wishing my sisters a blessed Christmas!
Tonight: Special Christmas Eve dinner ~or~ keep it simple and do it up tomorrow?
0 -
keep it simple
The next person opens presents on Christmas morning
0 -
keep it simple
Have plans for New Years Eve or not
0 -
not yet (just got back into town after Christmas)
pullover sweater or open in front
0 -
open in I can rip it off when my inner furnace starts rising!
got something for Christmas that needs to go back or everything was just perfect!