something to go back
will exchange the thing to go back for a different size or get something entirely different
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go for something different
think we'll go off the fiscal cliff or they will pull a last minute deal?
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OMG, one can hope that they will come to their senses, but I wouldn't put any money on it
need to get moving or have a neat, relaxing day ahead
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a little of both..home from the grocery store before 8 this more stop, then home to veg out
make News Year's resolutions or not
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no....I've decided it's easier to make and stick to resolutions made on Monday mornings than to try and wrap them into a whole year's worth.
Worn your boots yet this year or they are still patiently waiting on the rack?
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still on rack
doing something for New Years Eve or not really
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not really
still eating Christmas cookies or all gone
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rather have a big master bedroom or big master closet
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I wish I had a walk in closet - so closet
like ethnic food or plain old cooking
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love ethnic foods...any kind.
will you be up at midnight to see in the new year or tucked in bed when the clock strikes twelve?
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I was up comforting a very nervous shaky dog cause there were fireworks galore (I think Caesar says that that is reinforcing the fear but tell that to the poor boy who is scared out of his mind)
wash the dishes by hand or pile the dishwasher
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pile the dishwasher
bangs or no bangs
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bangs - you gotta hide the wrinkles
always wear make-up or go natural
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makeup (for the same reason!)
rather have a pet bird or hampster
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still water or Evian bubble water
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grape juice or cranberry juice
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cranberry juice
hot chocolate with whipped cream or without
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sure, put some whipped cream on top
a brownie with a chocolate fudge frosting or a pumpkin bar with cream cheese frosting
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since anything chocolate always grabs my attention, I'll take that brownie~!
feel as though you have to have a little something sweet after each meal or shun dessert?
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my dad used to eat dessert after BREAKFAST, so it is hard for me to shun dessert!
cheddar or swiss cheese
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I love ALL cheese but I'll take cheddar
potato chips or pretzels
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potato chips
barbecue chips or regular flavor
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rather go out to a movie theatre or watch DVD at home
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seat more towards the back or front
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towards the back
Target or Wal Mart
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Because of Wal-Mart's labor practices, I prefer to shop Target.
popcorn....microwave or make it the old fashioned way on the stove?
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today I would rather take a nap...but I do like to shop for shoes
go for comfort or for style
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garlic bread or cheese toast
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cheese toast
a walk on the beach vacation or a tour a big city and see all the sights vacation
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the darker the better
watching football right now or not