Beesie, for all of her thoughtful and well informed posts



  • Deirdre1
    Deirdre1 Posts: 22
    edited January 2011

    Yes!  I missed this the first time around but it's as true today as it was then.. Thanks so much Beesie for all you do you are incredible!   I'm always amazed at what new information you have always at the ready!!!  Cheers!!!

    edited January 2011

    I'm so surprised to see that this thread has been revised. To those who've just posted, and to those who I didn't thank last time - don23, DawnRenee, Jelson, leaf, molly52, Laurie08, otter, weesa and Deirdre1 - thank you all!  My apologies if I've missed anyone.  

    leaf, I chuckled when I read your post. Yes, I remember that; I was angry too, for some reason or another that I can't recall either!  I do recall that when I was new, just like a lot of newbies, I thought that my experience defined what someone else would go through. So that would be what I'd tell someone to expect their experience to be like. I've learned since then!  Still, it took me a while on the board to realize how varied all our experiences are and how we can never predict what it will be like for someone else. This doesn't mean that it's not valuable to share our experiences but I know now to never tell someone what they can expect, because we just never know. Something that was a breeze for me might be terribly difficult for someone else, and something that I had problems with might be easy for another woman. It's interesting how unique each of our experiences are, and yet at the same time how much we go through the same feelings and emotions.

    My thanks again to all.  It warms my heart! 

  • gentianviolet
    gentianviolet Posts: 105
    edited January 2011

    I, too, wish to thank Beesie (one of my favorite members), although I have IDC, I always read her posts........she has a way of putting science based medicine into a language that even I can understand.  I admire her patience, knowledge, and continued caring in support of BCO.  

  • dsj
    dsj Posts: 4
    edited January 2011

    Count me in as someone who is grateful to Beesie for her always-thoughtful responses. Plus, always cites her sources! If it weren't for Beesie, encouraging me to ask a set of questions, I probably would have had an unnecessary SNB. (She didn't give me medical advice, but she did lead me to research that helped me initiate a set of conversations that clarified what was at stake.). Everytime I come onto this site, I always look for Beesie's posts. Heartfelt thanks.

  • pitanga
    pitanga Posts: 18
    edited January 2011

    I agree 100% Beesie's posts are extremely thoughtful and well-informed. I´m very, very grateful to her for taking the time to respond --and respond carefully -- to questions I had about my reconstruction options. BCO is a wealth of information thanks to members like Beesie! 

  • kira
    kira Posts: 659
    edited February 2011

    Thanks for bumping this Otter.

    I'm a huge fan of Beesie also, and because of her meticulous research, Binney is collaborating with a great researcher to do a study of the impact of radiation induced brachial plexopathy-without Beesie, it was "dead in the water".

    I love your comment about the duck--makes sense for how to craft calm, supportive posts.

    So glad this gave me the opportunity to thank you.

    Your fan.


    edited February 2011

    Barbara, dsj, pitanga and Kira, thank you all!

    Kira, I was so glad to be able to help Binney out.  She's the one who's done all the work over such a long period of time for those who suffer from RIBP. I'm thrilled for her that her efforts have finally led to this piece of research.  

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Posts: 793
    edited February 2011

    I look forward to reading Beesie's posts every day.  you all have said it.


  • PhyllisCC
    PhyllisCC Posts: 18
    edited February 2011


     I'm not on this site too often. You were the one who helped me back in 2007-2008 and I will always be grateful...and thankful that you were there. I never saw this 09 thread.  Your research is excellent and helped me to go out and check on things for myself.  THANK YOU.  Phyllis

  • marie5890
    marie5890 Posts: 111
    edited February 2011

    And another shout out of thanks to Beesie. She is articulate, smart in her writing when peoples emotions have gripped their hearts and make their heads spin.

    Beesie, you really are a solid rock of information when so many of us feel like we have been thrown into a pile of quicksand.

    God Bless, and thank you. 

  • vinicaka
    vinicaka Posts: 1
    edited February 2011
    Another thanks to you, BeesieWink   Thank you so much for your details and informative post. Especially regarding DCIS.  Your research and information did help me out.
  • julie75
    julie75 Posts: 295
    edited February 2011

    Beesie:  You are wonderful, and your posts are the best.  You are very much appreciated.


  • agada
    agada Posts: 26
    edited February 2011

    Beesie you give me great comfort and lots of help.  Keep researching, its not wierd its very helpful to those of us lost in the woods.


    edited February 2011
    Lizzie, Phyllis, Marie, vinicaka, Julie and Agada, thank you!  I think we all remember the shock of being diagnosed and the sense that you've been thrown into this huge scary new world that you know nothing about. For me, it was a friend of a friend who I talked to who calmed me down and got me on the right track to understanding my diagnosis and my options and making my decisions. That was so valuable to me and if I can provide information or suggestions or support that helps someone newly diagnosed navigate their way through those first few difficult days and weeks, I'm glad to be able to do it.  
  • annabanana28
    annabanana28 Posts: 2
    edited February 2011

    I would like to thank you too Beesie.  Your kindness yesterday was so helpful, especially after my really stupid post.  Thank you.

  • cocoapuff
    cocoapuff Posts: 1
    edited February 2011

    I would like to add my thanks for always being a voice of reason.  You were the first member that I put into favorites and find that your well reasoned posts keep me coming back to this site.  So many thanks to you. 


  • flash
    flash Posts: 129
    edited February 2011

    bumping to take the spam off the top. 

  • julie75
    julie75 Posts: 295
    edited February 2011

    More thanks to Beesie again!  And, bumping to keep the thread going.

  • allenward08
    allenward08 Posts: 1
    edited February 2011

    simply amazing!

  • poptart
    poptart Posts: 19
    edited April 2011

    bumping this up so it is at the top ....

  • pickle
    pickle Posts: 70
    edited April 2011

    I love her posts too even though I don't have DCIS. She was definitely one of the posters that really stood out when I first came to this site.


  • julie75
    julie75 Posts: 295
    edited May 2011

    bumping the thread . . . thanks again, Beesie!

  • pil
    pil Posts: 40
    edited May 2011

    Bessie lots of people sure as heck think your GREAT!!!!   :)  

    Happy Mothers Day to you and the rest.


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