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Halaven - Day 1



  • K-Lo
    K-Lo Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2012

    im so tired today!   eaating chocolates with diet coke...   no help!   5 days after day 1 halaven, is this typical for yall?

  • penny4cats
    penny4cats Member Posts: 70
    edited June 2012

    it was day 3/4 usually. i  had no steroids so no crash from them. but felt better week 1 than week 2 then crummy and better few days before it starts again. port busted free with tpa yesterday and 2 units packed rbcs today. low iron and everything else. maybe a should lick a cast iron lollipop. at least should feel better for braveheartscamp.thu-sun. check them out.

  • K-Lo
    K-Lo Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2012

    Cheeze, Penny,   whats up with your red counts, hon?

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited June 2012

    i don't mind resting.  i get a lot done between rests.. i snooze for 20 minutes, get up and work for 20 minutes and repeat repeat for a couple hours.  I arise at 5 of 6 to get office work done.  mr. apple is way too involved to help me productively.  i set him up and then work while he is processing my stuff, then work again.    i guess we are not very compatible computer business wise.  he does know how to copy and paste now and can do attachments... doesn't know where he put them, but i can find them.

  • K-Lo
    K-Lo Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2012

    That's what I do, rest, do something, rest.  It is harder when you go somewhere and want to do everything, like I won't be back  here for awhile, I can't miss this or that.   Then I take caffeine Ritalin chocolate and more sugar to keep going.

  • eag1954
    eag1954 Member Posts: 119
    edited June 2012

    Pretty typical for me Kathy.  Today is my day 4 and I'm wiped out.  Hows your appetite without steroids??? Anybody?  Also is everyone still pretty stable on Halaven?  if anyone else has lung mets, what else has been tried?  Just curious about options...

  • SPAMgirl
    SPAMgirl Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2012

    My appetite is back to normal, but I don't do the same amount of physical activity because of the pain from the bone mets and fatigue. So, I stil haven't lost any weight.

  • K-Lo
    K-Lo Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2012

    Eag, I have lung mets (since Sept 2010) and have had regression on abraxane, halaven and xeloda.    Well halaven now of course.    Its (lung mets) pretty common and symptoms seem to vary a lot.  Ive recently been short of breath but that's a whole other story.

    I think rads through abdomen changed my stomach, so I still am eating smaller meals but can enjoy what I like.

    How about you?   Losing weight?  Any regression?

  • eag1954
    eag1954 Member Posts: 119
    edited June 2012

    Hey Kathy...seems as if our thread is shrinking again.  So far the only thing I've had since diagnosis last April is Halaven.  All previous scans have been stable.  Time for another one beginning of July.  I get sob also.  I have 16 stairs to climb to get to bed.  I take a long oxygen cord and throw it over the stairs to get up and down.  You said you walk for exercise, is that right?

  • holdontohope
    holdontohope Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2012

    First Halaven treatment last Thursday, along with port insertion surgery.  This stuff is nasty! At least for me. I am working full time and thought I could finally make it in to work today, but I have absolutely NO energy.  Got up, ate breakfast, back to bed, up again, shower, back to bed.  Is this normal on the 5th day?  Maybe port insertion made it more difficult this time?  I also already have a metallic taste in my mouth, no appetite.   I feel like a whiner, but I really wasn't expecting this reaction.

  • eag1954
    eag1954 Member Posts: 119
    edited June 2012

    Holdon...this is absolutely is my day 5  and I feel yech!!!!!  Same here...up breakfast, lie down...up lunch, lie down.  It wreaks havoc as far as my energy level is concerned.  Some days I have the same issue witih my appetite as well and the metallic taste.  You're not being a whiner..the se's are very real.  At least for me anyway. 

  • SPAMgirl
    SPAMgirl Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2012

    I get wiped out days 4 & 5. I started Halaven in March and now all of my liver enzymes have dropped into the normal range. My last CT scan showed that my liver tumor shrunk by 1.5 cm.

    I overheard someone at chemo suggest a cast iron skillet to remove some of the metallic taste.

  • bcsurvivor76
    bcsurvivor76 Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2012

    I have one more treatment left of three cycles, before I head to MD Anderson on July 9th for a PET Scan to see if the cancer is responsive to Halaven.  Today is day 5, and I am definately feeling very tired as well. I get neupogen shots two days in row following chemo. I am scheduled on Wednesday for chemo, and I wonder how my counts will be.

    Also feeling so anxious to hear what the scans will show.

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited June 2012

    it's not the nicest chemo.

     more later.

  • eag1954
    eag1954 Member Posts: 119
    edited June 2012

    BC..hoping the scans show regression and you dont have to change chemos.  I like dont know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have...

  • bcsurvivor76
    bcsurvivor76 Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2012

    Apple, please explain more :-)  

     Has anyone had issues with needing blood transfusions?  If so, when? My MO says that it can happen due to the half-life..I now realize there is the potential for after effects...UGH!

    eag, feel free to steal my quote under your signature. We all need something to fuel our strength! 

  • holdontohope
    holdontohope Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2012

    Elizabeth and SPAMgirl, thanks for the responses.  It helps knowing that others have experienced these SE's too.  Though I'm sorry for us!

    Apple, was wondering how the SE's have been for you.

  • eag1954
    eag1954 Member Posts: 119
    edited June 2012

    Yes they can be rough...but I'm hoping that I can continue my run on Halaven.  Just praying that I stay stable for a long time to come.  I know NED is alot to ask for.  I dont think I've even made it close.

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited June 2012

    i don't know.. i've been pretty sleepy lately.. but feeling so good that I overwork myself before napping.. it's just different.  I did a ton of stuff this morning after awaking at 5..... now that is just too darn early.  I slept so much yesterday tho, i dreamed all night.

  • holdontohope
    holdontohope Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2012

    Went for my second round of Halaven today.  Still wasn't feeling very good and my blood tests showed that my WBC took a serious dive.   They cancelled the Halaven; hooked me up to IV fluids because I haven't been eating or drinking much; gave me a Neupogen shot and Xgeva.  My tumor markers since the last time went from 392 to 961.  I have a CT scan scheduled for July 9.

    Calling my onc. this afternoon to set in motion a second opinion at Johns Hopkins.

  • eag1954
    eag1954 Member Posts: 119
    edited June 2012 you're not the only one not feeling good?  Thought it was just me.  I would love to feel good again and I envy Apple.  I just feel yech most of the time..there use to be a time where I'd feel so much better during my week off and could get so much done.  I have lung mets so I cant walk long distances, but I did feel like shopping, etc.  Dont know what I can do to get over this.

  • SPAMgirl
    SPAMgirl Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2012

    Now that I have the pain from the bone mets controlled, I feel pretty good like apple. I have one day that I sleep 19 hours straight, but the rest of the week is pretty good. And man, I like the way it's bringing my numbers down!!! My WBC haven't dropped below 3.8 with the nupagen shots. I hope things get easier for you guys on your upcoming treatments.

  • holdontohope
    holdontohope Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2012

    SPAMgirl, it'll be worth it if the numbers come down, for sure.  Glad you're handling the treatments.

    Elizabeth, I'll keep you posted on what my onc. says and if things get better.  I think at this point they may wait until the CT to see what is going on.  Still want that second opinion, though.

  • eag1954
    eag1954 Member Posts: 119
    edited June 2012

    Hey ladies,

    chemo today and feeling pretty good this evening.  Knowing day 4 and 5 are coming up, enjoying this evening.  Want to ask..for any lung you guys have sob, already asked about exercise,  but since some of you ladies feel good and seem to handle the chemo well, do you eat a special diet?  Take supplements?  Want to feel better and increase my appetite.  Any suggestions will help.


  • eag1954
    eag1954 Member Posts: 119
    edited June 2012

    see above post...want to keep it active

  • SPAMgirl
    SPAMgirl Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2012

    I have some sob and I only have li ER and bone mets. I don't know if it's from the halaven or Herceptin.

  • eag1954
    eag1954 Member Posts: 119
    edited June 2012

    Yesterday the nurse practioner told me I need to try to increase my appetite to avoid weakness.  Talked about how its a vicious cycle...weak, dont feel like eating/dont feel like eating weak.  She also told me I need to try to push myself a little more, even if its walking to the sidewalk and back a few times a day.  I go up and down the stairs in my house all day so I'm really hoping that helps.

  • K-Lo
    K-Lo Member Posts: 826
    edited July 2012

    Hey, Eag, I too have strange non-hunger.   I'll get headaches,feel nausea and weakness,  and then realize I haven't eaten.  So I ask my stomach:  would you like peanut butter?, how about a cheese-tomato sandwich?  Until my stomach says, "yes"

    My anc was just above the no-go level yesterday but there's never any mention of neupogen for me...   Took the Halaven and feel Okay today.  Ironically, NOT going to the Y makes me feel weaker than anything.  its getting TO the Y that's the trick.  

    Aww, Jeez, margie....

  • holdontohope
    holdontohope Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2012

    K-lo and eag, yep I am having trouble eating as well.  Just not hungry.  Drinking a chocolate milkshake right now.  :)

  • SPAMgirl
    SPAMgirl Member Posts: 137
    edited July 2012

    Wow, I keep gaining 2#/week and I'm on Halaven and Hercipten.