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Halaven - Day 1



  • Modum
    Modum Member Posts: 40
    edited February 2016

    Hi Ladies,

    I agree about the fatigue, I can fall asleep at the drop of a hat! But once I am out the door, I can manage for the day- but I sure look forward to 9 pm (and that's pushing it!) these days! Lol- even the dog knows my bedtime - he starts pacing as time draws near! Too funny.

    Woodburns, I work for the same reasons- to stay sane and to keep the insurance!

    I have a new med onc as well, my beloved MO for the last 3 yrs has moved across the country to open a new cancer center. He was amazing, always had time to talk, always got my results to me quickly so I didn't stress too long, etc. This new one is smart (and he recommended her) but she flies in and out, and last appt i only saw her fellow- even though I saw her walk by in the hallway. Not too sure about scan is early March and technically my next appt is 3 weeks after that! I will be tracking her down this Wednesday (my day 1 approval appt) if she doesn't make an appearance! Ugh

    My hair is taking on a life of its own- very wispy thin but still there, half wavy/half fly away. Really have to fight it to lay down. Not feeling the wig yet, but it might be easier than what I am doing. Sigh

    Gatorgal, I'm glad you had an "interesting" visit to Toronto - I'm glad you got the hotels figured out! Lol I am actually from the U.S. and married a Canadian. My family lives all down the eastern seaboard. Just visited my Mother and a Sister in Atlanta last week- managed to be there during the cold spell of course!

    I lost a very close friend to this last June and I guess I've been angry ever since. I really stopped being on-line and have kept to myself. I'm ok about my situation, but cancer really reared its ugly head and took a 5 yr survivor like my friend who was doing great within a month- so angry about that! It is every where, I just got my genetics test results back and they found nothing- so mine is caused by the environment....

    I'm starting to ramble now, best I say talk soon!

    Hugs to you both!


  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited February 2016

    head off to chemo this morning. This is #2 of the 3rd round. Still have some stringy hair. Have lost a few more pounds. Gotta eat more!! Hopefully will get some result from liver biopsy. Looking forward to a great day!! Yes?

  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2016

    Can't believe this. I have posted Day before yesterday and yesterday. Neither one is here. Just so you know I was very witty! 😀

    GatorGal, the day I read your post about your DH giving you ice cream and caramel sauce, my DH brought home vanilla ice cream and one of the sauces was caramel. Gotta love them. Hope all went well today and you got great news!

    Modem, hope your new Onc starts giving you more time. I hate feeling rushed. I love you have a dog. I would love to have one but my DH thinks all dogs need to be outside. So I content myself with my neighbors dogs that comes over. He would rush out and get me one if he knew I wanted one, but should my time come, I don't want the dog to have to start over with another family.

    Don' have a lot to say tonight. It was a rather ordinary day.

    I am going to say good night ladies.

  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited February 2016

    Hanging in there after a long day. My doctor was running late but it was his first day back after vacation so there were a lot of people who needed to see him that they tried to fit in. It was a bit crazy. All I got was a preliminary biopsy report which I sort of expected. The cancer in the liver is def MBC and not a separate liver ca. He said the report from foundations medicine would take a while. I see him again March 16 and hope they are back by then. Modum, my onc was my original onc in 1987. I loved him. Then he went to Singapore to help Hopkins open a cancer clinic and he was gone for years. The onc they brought in to replace him was a woman. She reminds me of the one you got. As soon as I found out my onc was back, I switched to himself. He went to a different hospital so I switched. He is 70 now and I pray his wife spent him out of house and home and now he can't. I love having him as my onc again and trust everything he tells me or I am comfortable enough to ask. Well, time to try for sleep.

  • Modum
    Modum Member Posts: 40
    edited February 2016

    Hi Ladies,

    That's great that your doctor came back Gatorgal! I can only wish. I sent a list of questions to my MO at yesterday's appt and the rn came back with the answers- seriously! She said MO will call me with results of my next scan so I don't need to wait 3 weeks at least....

    I hope your biopsy results get to you, never sure what to wish!

    I wish my weight was an issue! Ice cream sundaes sound wonderful! So far my appetite is ok with some weird tastes, but not too bad.

    I hope you both have great days! I am heading to my day 1 of cycle 4.


  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited February 2016

    Well, for the day after chemo, I've done okay. Very busy day, my youngest son (33) was in jail for not paying child support. He got out (because I paid $300) and hopefully tomorrow will get into a drug rehab. The reason he doesn't pay child support is because he got into the drug scene and drugs are more important to him. Well. After 37 days he's been through detox and is ready to get his life together. I'd like to see that in my lifetime. He has ACA insurance but had to get it reinstated after getting out of jail. Hopefully we can take care of that tomorrow and get him in to rehab. I don't like babysitting a 33 year old. I've been reading lots on an Internet site about heroin and what a hard drug it is to overcome. I pray he can do it. He has two sweet sons who need him in their lives. I took Ritalin to get me through the day and now can't sleep. Go figure! I want to live long enough to see him get along with his life. He's such a caring, sensitive guy when he's not going down his bad road. Challenges, challenges. Keeps life interesting!! Warm weather this weekend now that is something to get excited about! Guess I'm falling asleep as I ramble so I'll sign off here. So glad to have some halaven buddies!!


  • Modum
    Modum Member Posts: 40
    edited February 2016

    Wow gatorgal,

    Sounds like you have your plate full in so many ways. Hang in there. I hope your son finds something that will inspire him to make some changes, but that is the hardest part. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

    I am two weeks away from scans and of course every twinge and ache is causing my to worry that this isn't working! I wish I could stop stressing myself, but it's a 3 month thing for life I guess.


  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2016

    GatorGal, so sorry you have so much going on when you need to concentrate on you. I know plenty about drugs and the problems they cause. My ex and his brother both had drug problems. I was so young I thought it was a drinking problem. It is great that he is getting help to kick it. I will keep you and him in my prayers.

    I agree it is great to have Havalen buddies. I can talk to you about things that you understand. Don't get that "poor you" look.

    Hang in there Modum. Seems like I notice aches and pains that I used to notice but did not bother me. Now it is, could this be the cancer causing this. From what I have been reading about this treatment that most seem to have their cancer's shrink or at least stabilize. My cancer has come and gone. Seems that every 2 years the treatment I am on stops working and here it comes again. This time the first treatment they gave me did nothing but give me side effects and allow the cancer to grow.

    Modum, you might think about talking to other patients to see who their Onc is and about oncs demeanor. That is how I found my Onc.

    I have a question. I have night sweats off and on. When or if you have the sweats, do you smell an icky sweet smell? Once I shower, I don't smell it anymore. So it has to be the sweat. Believe me, my sweat never smelled sweet before! See my Onc and trial nurse on Thursday then chemo. Going to ask them about it too.

    Praying for you!

  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited February 2016

    Hi Halaven buddies,Maureen, So understand about your anxiety before scans. I believe that is probably our most common experience, no matter what chemo we are on. Don't think there is anything we can do to change it either ... Like you say, it's one of those 3 month things we have to put up with for life. I hope those aches and twinges you are feeling are nothing but anxiety and that your scans give you good news!

    I've had a good weekend though very tired. Took a nice long nap today which is unusual as I usually have trouble sleeping no matter how tired I am. My bff is visiting from Houston, TX and between she and my husband, I have been pampered all day. We started watching a show on Netflix last night (have already forgotten the name but "Frankie and somebody" about two women whose husbands are law partners and leave the wives for each other. It's pretty funny and right now, funny is good. It is good to laugh. I remember reading Bernie Siegel's book "Love, Medicine, and Miracles" back in the 80's when I had cancer the first time. He talked a lot about how laughter is good for the immune system. It felt that way tonight. Guess I need to start finding funny stuff to watch and try to get away from all the crime shows!

    If you watch the news, it seems like the heroin problem in this country is just growing and growing. My son is staying with a very good friend this weekend and has checked in with me several times. I think he is doing well and wants me to know he's doing well. Just praying things work out this week as far as getting him into rehab.

    Woodburns, sure hope this treatment is one that works for you. All we can do is keep trying and hoping for that one that works for us. I'm hoping the results of my genome testing gives me some more treatment options.

    Talking about the night sweats and the smell .... I didn't notice any smell at all but next time I'll pay more attention. What I noticed was that both times my nightgown was totally drenched. It was weird that I didn't remember taking my gown off or anything. My husband is turning the heat way down down and it hasn't happened during this round of halaven.

    Sorry I've gotten long winded. Didn't mean to write a book. Sometimes my keyboard doesn't work well which tends to keep me writing shorter amounts. Tonight it worked. Sorry for you all! Ha! Ha!

  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2016

    Now I am absolutely sure I am ADD. 😁 I have been going through trying to find Maureen's post. Took me a bit to realize it is you Modum. Now I know Glenna is GatorGal. My name is Suzanne. So good to meet you both. 😀 I am definitely a little slow.

    Maureen, will keep you and the scans coming up in my prayers. After everything I have read about Halaven, I know your scans are going to be good.

    Glenna, I have no doubt that laughter is great medicine for everything. I love comedy movies. Only thing is once I have seen a good comedy that I actually laugh through, the next time I watch the movie it just is not as funny anymore. I know, I'm weird. But sometimes weird is good.

    Apparently your sweat is not. It is such a strong smell, no way would you have not noticed. I googled the symptom and one was diabetes. Needless to say I hit my glucose tester. I'm good. Glucose was 90. Another possibility was cancer. Well duh!

    Will be going down to see my daughters and grandsons in a few weeks. So looking forward to that. They live 7 hours away. Up until a year ago, my youngest daughter and grandsons lived in the town I work. It is really hard having them so far away. I used to be able to go down at least once a month to visit. But since December of last year just was not up to the trip.

    Well, will close for now. Looking forward to y'alls next posts.


  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2016

    I have had 2 of the best days that I have had in months. Came very close to feeling like my old self. I got so much done at work. Not that I don' give it my all, it was just so much easier.

    I hope all of you are feeling the same way.

    Praying for you all,


  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2016

    Maureen and Glenna, I hope you both are doing OK.

    I go in tomorrow for my 2nd dose of Halaven. I get to sleep in as I don't have to be there until 10:30. Today was 1/2 good and 1/2 tired. Don't think I got to a good REM sleep. I woke up tired. Had to push myself this morning at work. Took a hour nap at lunch. Woke up feeling great. The afternoon flew by.

    I have a problem with my jaw on the lower right side. I have one tooth that is taller than the others. I think I must grit my teeth during the night. The gum around this tooth hurts like h_ _ _. Can't get into the dentist until the end of March.

    Hope to hear from you soon

  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited February 2016

    Maureen and Suzanne, sorry I haven't written the last couple of days. My BFF is here from Houston, Texas this week and between having company and getting my son into rehab it's just been a bit busy and no computer time. Patty leaves tomorrow morning so life will be a little more normal. She's been a great help with my son, since she has 23 years in AA. I am used to getting on line at least every other day or so. Took my son to rehab and dropped him off on Wednesday morning. Haven't heard anything but they said the first 4 days was a black out period. I will probably call tomorrow to see how he is doing. Suzanne, glad that you have had some good days. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow as you do your chemo. I do hope it isn't difficult for you and that you have a good weekend.

    We went to see the movie "Race" today about Jesse Owens life and the olympics in Germany during Hitler's reign. It was a great movie, though having been a runner in my earlier life may have contributed to my liking it so much! Just good to get out and do some normal things.

    I was thinking I started another round next Wednesday but I don't go back dor my 4th round til March 9 and 16th. I do like having two weeks off. Will try to visit friends next week and finish up some household chores. I'm starting to feel good myself and am getting my appetite back. Hopefully will put on a couple of pounds before my next treatment. Haven't gotten any results from the genome testing but expect that to take a while.

    Starting to get sleepy so will say good night. Glenna

  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2016

    I missed a few days myself, like yesterday. Glenna, so glad your son went into rehab and you had a friend to help you with that. I heard the Race was an excellent movie and not just from coaches and runners either. Any change in routine is always enjoyable. Seems to me the gnome test took quite a while to come back.

    Maureen, hope your off on vacation or doing something enjoyable.

    Chemo yesterday (1st round, 2nd dose) and it went without a catch. This nurse got it first stick. I was supposed to see the NP, but my Onc made a special trip (she was on hospital duty) to see me. She walked in with a frown and when she saw me she lit up like a Christmas tree. She could not believe that I had improved so much. After looking over my lab work. She laid them down and said all my labs came in normal ranges. She said I have been her star trial patient, which she said she is very careful what treatments I get so I don'T miss a trial should the need arise. She said she expected my tumor markers will probably be around 70 from 101 (I saw some on here had 1000 to 2000, found out there are different types of tests for tumor markers), I just know if I want to know if my chemo is working I look if there is a drop in my markers. Should no Monday.

    Went to work today, thanks to God, I did not melt until I got home. It is 6:00 pm and I am going to bed.

    Catch you tomorrow!


  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited February 2016

    I have been a complete blob today. For some reason no energy. I had planned to go upstairs and work on my granddaughter's scrapbook but never left the easy chair. Instead hit the button on the dvr all day and watched taped t.v. Shows. My husband did the grocery shopping and dinner cooking. I did eat a lot tonight after deciding today that maybe the reason I don't have energy is that I'm not eating much. I made a vow that I would eat more every day and try to build up my energy. Suzanne, don't know how you are able to go to work after chemo. Maybe you get the decadon high like I get! So glad that your onc came to see you and with good news for you! Yeah!!

    Maureen, are your scans this week

    Hope everyone has a good Sunday.

  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2016

    When my electrolytes get out of whack I get real tired, especially potassium and magnesium. My doc had me taking 1 tbs milk of magnesia a day and of course bananas. Those I get in the smoothies my DH makes me. Does your Onc give you a copy of your lab reports? Check to see if those are low if Onc does. Still a good idea for you to eat though. I have video of my grandsons dating back to almost 8 years. I need to get them on DVDs.

    I believe your right Glenna, I think Maureen does get her scans sometime this week. Maureen let us know how it goes. Praying for great results. Like the old time song says, "standing on the promises". I miss reading your posts. Actually I pray for you both.

    I have the I don't want to do anything blues to day. Bones are aching for the first time since I started. I get a different type of shortness of breath. Hope it is the chemo not that I now have asthma. Even though the inhaler helps. So far SEs are Friday night I had the good ol night sweats. Saturday had fatigue and my taste is gone again. Today I ache in my bones and some shortness of breath, fatigue too. This is worse than last time.

    I asked the doctor about decadron and all I get is saline then Halaven. Every 18 weeks I also get Zometa for the bones.

    Going to go lay down. Feeling like I can take a nap.

    Praying for you,


  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited February 2016

    Suzanne, do you get anything for nausea? Or do you just take it at home if you need it? They told me the decadon was to prevent nausea from happening. I'm all for that. Sleepless night tonight. I sat at my computer most of the day and think that staying in the same position all day wasn't the smartest idea. I1've just taken an oxycodone so hope that helps.. Really I hate to complain at all because this chemo is not that bad. Well, fell asleep typing so I'll give it another try!

    Happy Monday!


  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2016

    Glenna, first you are not complaining. You are giving information to anyone looking at this thread. Yes this is the easiest chemo I have done, but there are still SEs.

    I don't have anything given for new uses before chemo. I do have 2 mess she gave me though for nausea at home. Only had to take them a few times. Staying home this morning. Tired and bones are achy. Took an oxycodone for the bone aches.

    Going to try and get some sleep.

    Miss you Maureen hope all is well.


  • Modum
    Modum Member Posts: 40
    edited February 2016

    Hi Glenna, Hi Suzanne!

    I did take the weekend "off"...had my day 8 on Friday. Because of work- I usually have my chemo on wed or Thursday's but had meetings this week. I was exhausted- had three full day meetings Tues, Wed, and Thurs, I guess I had been taking it easy at work and working around my fatigue (or not), but couldn't avoid this past weeks meetings. I have been going back and forth about going on disability, but I enjoy my work and it keeps my mind busy on other things.

    It sounds like we all had similar weeks, I was nauseous, tired, and had low appetite. I had started to take a stomach med (pantoloc) after the first round when the stemetil didn't touch whatever was bugging me. I believe it was severe heartburn, not nausea. So far it has helped, but this weekend was weird. May have to come up with a new game plan.

    My scans are actually next week- wish they were last week! This is the first scan on this drug and I am just not confident. I had been on taxol for 9 months with good results and I guess the progression on it was a bigger blow than I realized. This is the first time I didn't feel "resilient"! Gotta get my groove back! : )

    I also worry because the MO wants me to go on to Ibrance next, but it's not available in Canada yet. Hopefully only a few more months. I've peeked on that discussion board and the se's don't seem too much better, so for now, I hope to stay on Halaven for a long time! I think it's great that your doctors are trying to keep your trial options open, Suzanne.

    Thank you both for being there, I really appreciate knowing how you are managing things. You are right Suzanne, this is a relatively easy chemo as they go, but there are still se's to manage. Some chemos have se's all over the map, but so far we seem to be in a tight little group around fatigue and stomach stuff!

    Glenna thanks for your prayers, I hope your two weeks off is fun! I almost want to shout, "Fly! Be free!" Lol

    Take care of yourselves- sending big hugs your way!


  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2016

    So glad to hear from you Maureen. Great you took the weekend off. Will be looking forward to your results when you get them in. Will keep on praying!

    I had a bad day today. Did not go into work until 12:00pm. Then left at at around 3:00. Just so tired. Going to try using my C-Pap and see if I can breath with it last few times I used it, I felt like I was suffocating.may have been the clot.

    Glenna, hope you are doing well today. Keeping you in my prayers.

    Going to go back to sleep. Exhausted.

    Hugs and prayers,


  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited March 2016

    Great to log on and see that you've both written. I'm enjoying my two weeks off but would enjoy it lots more if I had more energy! I guess maybe it's because I've been doing chemo for nearly 5 years .... You think?? I do think the halaven is easy as far as side effects. As long as I take miralax the first two or three days after treatment I am good there. No nausea at all. Poor appetite but that's been going on a while and I can't blame that on Halaven. I promised myself on Sunday that no matter what I was going to eat three meals a day. Hoping that may increase my energy level. I have a big trip coming up during Easter break with my 11 year old grandson and have to have energy for that. I do have a prescription for Ritalin when I need extra energy but try to use it only when I really need to. My pharmacist cautioned me when he filled it as he was worried I would lose even more weight. We are flying to Jacksonville to visit my brother and his family for a few days then he and I are driving to Sarasota to see the Orioles in some spring training games. Stopping for a couple of days to visit my stepfather. My mom died last summer and he misses her. My sister will also be at my brother's house and she is taking her granddaughter to Kissimmee to see the Atlanta braves play. I'm looking forward to the trip but told my husband to discourage me from planning anymore big trips for a while! Maureen, sounds like you have a super busy work schedule. You and Suzanne amaze me. Glad you were able to take off early today, Suzanne, and do hope you get your needed rest. I understand your fatigue! I did two loads of laundry today and felt that was a big accomplishment! Have a great rest of the week!

    Blessings, Glenna

  • Modum
    Modum Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2016

    Hi Suzanne and Glenna,

    Glad you both are hanging in there. I am on my week off and my stomach issues seems to be lessening. TG

    I saw a request from Crone about Halaven so I asked her to join us here- Crone, if you found us Welcome!

    Hope everyone has a great day!


  • Crone
    Crone Member Posts: 77
    edited March 2016
    Thank you Modum for telling me about this thread, I might have found it if spelled the drug correctly. It looks like I was looking for motor oil.

    Right now the plan is for me to start Halaven next week although we are waiting input from a breast cancer specialist that I have seen in consultation several times.

    A little background. My cancer returned in 2013 with mets to liver, bones and lymph nodes. Most recently, I was on Gemzar for 10 months until I developed Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, a very rare side effect of Gemzar. It took six weeks for blood counts to return to normal. I started on Palbociclib 125/ Letrazole in late December. After two of the three week cycle my platelets dropped to 12,000. After a four week break we tried a lower dose and I was able to finish the three week cycle but my platelets dropped to 35,000 and I was off for two weeks.

    Meanwhile my CA 27-29 went from 100 in late October to 1400 this week. Oncologist is concerned if we do another cycle of Palbo the numerous liver tumors will keep growing and wants to move to Halavan.

    I think I must be quite a few years older than all of you. I have been retired for 10 years and my DH retired for 4 years. This is one reason I rarely post - I have had a pretty long life and even though I have a lot to live for, those of you who are young have so much more to lose. I feel so bad for all of you.

    I have read quite a few of the posts on your thread, learned quite a bit and look forward to following your experience. I hope you don't mind my joining in and sharing experiences.
  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2016

    welcome Crone! Glad to meet you. Sorry for the circumstances. I am not so young myself. 60 years old here.

    Glenna, so glad you are getting out! Had to cancel my trip to see the grandsons. Not happy about that.

    Maureen, my week iff from Halaven I start getting back to normal too. Looking firward to next week for me.

    Sorry it has been a few days before writing. I have been in the hospital. 2 plural effusions and 2 blood clots in my lungs. Home to day. They changed my Coumadin to Lovanox. Yea me! Now I get to give myself a shot every day. Talk about scary. But I did my first one today. Not as bad as I thought.

    It is 2:30, better try to go back to sleep.

    Praying for you all!


  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited March 2016

    yikes, Suzanne, that would be so scary for me. How can you tell when you have blood clots? I guess you can get used to giving yourself shots but I think I would have trouble with that. So sorry you had to cancel your trip to see your grandsons. Our oldest grandson is coming this weekend. We get m son's visitation but I had to cancel our last weekend with him because we had out of town company. I knew he would be bored out of his mind!

    Welcome, crone. I'm not so young either. I'm 65, retired 4 years ago, mainly because of chemo side effects. I probably would have worked a few more years. I taught reading to small classes of middle schoolers and felt like I was making a difference. Looking at your chemo history I see we've tried a lot of the same treatments. I hope that halaven is good for you if that is your next treatment. I've never done the Palpo but it sounds like it's really hard on blood counts.

    Maureen, glad you are feeling better and enjoying your week off. Are you two weeks on and one week off? My schedule is two on and two off. I really start feeling well in that 2nd week ... Which is now! Was out all day yesterday and today am doing some baking and cooking. Feeling totally normal ... At least until I look in the mirror! LOL!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. I may not be on since I'll have my grandson but will be thinking of you all and keeping you in my thoughts!

    Blessings, Glenna

  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2016

    Hi ladies!

    Lovenox is now off the table. No shots. Each injection costs over 300.00 each injection. No normal family can afford that. Needless to say, I called my Onc and back on Coumadin. I had shortness of breath that kept getting worse. I was short of breath just walking from the bed to my bathroom. What I did not realize was the aching in the back of my legs was a symptom of blood clots in my legs.

    Hair has started to fall out. Lint roller here I come!

    Still tired, just wanted to answer your question Glenna. Will post again.

    Praying for all,


  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2016

    Hi Ladies,

    I now know why I have been so fatigued, they gave me this heart med (not sure why as my heart is fine) plus my B/P meds caused my blood pressure to drop very low. I mean very low. 89 over 68. My DH researched the new med online and found it lowered blood pressure also. I stopped taking it and feel great. B/P is now normal. This was something the hospital Dr gave me. I'm telling my Onc on him Monday. I would stand up and get real dizzy. It was awful! I thank God my DH is retired respiratory therapist and both my daughters are nurses. They understand these meds better than I do. Did not know this med was a heart med. my ultra sound and ekg had come back normal. I hate hospital doctors. My Onc did not know I was even in the hospital until the day before I was released. I promised her I would call them if ever admitted again.

    Past my bedtime. Good night ladies.


  • Crone
    Crone Member Posts: 77
    edited March 2016

    Good Sunday morning. The sun is shining and our temperature will be in the 60's this week. Hope this means and early Spring and the weather is not teasing us.

    Sorry about what you went through with the heart medicine Suzanne. Being light headed with the possibility of falling is scary. It is great your husband and daughters knowledgeable and can stay on top of things. My DH is a retired pulmonary and critical care physician. I have to remind him often that I need him to be my supporter not my Doctor but in his defense, he was the one who diagnosed the Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome.

    I will be anxious to hear about your hair loss. Hope the Coumadin keeps the blood clots away.

    Glenna, hope you are having a good weekend with your grandsons. Grandkids are one of the greatest blessings in life, we have six, five grandsons (ages 4-21) and one granddaughter. Three live in Idaho, two in Milwaukee (one is currently doing an internship in Washington DC. Our 11 year old grandson and his parents live near us which is a gift but now that he is in middle school, we don't see him very often,

    Maureen, what day is your scan? Want to send prayers and positive vibes your way - it is so hard to wait for results.

    My Day 1 is Tuesday. My anxiety level is up which is unusual for me, I can usually handle most things but knowing the list of options is getting shorter is not easy to think about.

    Nausea has been constant the past few weeks; I imagine the liver doesn't like the tumors and is letting my body know. Do you get Decadron before Halavan? I hate steroids, I describe myself as wired and tired for a day or two after getting them.

    We just moved in mid January to a retirement community. They are building condos and we moved into the first building - we are living in a construction zone. The workers arrive every day at 6:30 a.m. and want to be sure we know their here. Anyway, after we moved in, we kept finding bees that were dead or almost dead. Seems like there is a colony of bees in the rafters or walls of our unit. We were able to close the openings where they were coming in but our neighbor who is a bee specialist tells us they have to get the bees out or we will have honey dripping down our walls and when the hive deteriorates, it will destroy the wood and draw other insects. So much for carefree senior living. With the temperature rising the bees will become more active so it could be an interesting week, new chemo and bees.

    Glad that you all have kept this thread alive and that Halavan will be good to all of us.

    Phyllis (also known as Crone, a wise woman ((aren't we all))

  • Modum
    Modum Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2016

    Hi ladies!

    Phyllis glad you found us and not Mr Lube! Lol

    Halaven is a pretty easy chemo, so if you do get put on it, you will be great! No worries. I don't get any premeds with this chemo, but I have found I need the stomach Med and the anti- nausea to more that any of the others I've been on. Let us know what your specialist decides this week! Good luck. I hope the bee situation gets sorted out- honey dripping down the walls doesn't sound fun (delicious but not fun!) Hope they do t have to tear your place up too much to fix- what a hassle!

    Suzanne, I hope they figure out what they need to do for you! Sorry you were in the hospital. It's strange that they are giving you heart meds...that would definitely lead to dizziness if you HR is too low. My husband is also a former Respitory Therapist! Too funny.

    my family doc wants me to get an ekg and a holter done, but my heart has been fine too. I soemtimes think she doesn't know what to do with me, so she tries things on me! I'm not too keen on physicals anymore either- not really looking for any new issues at present!

    Glenna, hope you are enjoying your grandson this week! Hope your energy levels are waaay up too! : )

    I am two weeks on one week off, these past two weeks were rougher than I expected. I may be wishing for the two weeks off if it's like that next time as well. My scans are on the Wed the 9th. I "see" my oncologist tomorrow and they told me she will call me with the results next week. I really need my confidence back up and hope for decent results. It's been more of a mind game this round!

    I hope everyone has lovely weeks!


  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2016

    Hi ladies,

    My prayers were going up for you today, Phyllis. Did you find it easier than other treatments you have had? I sure did. I get treatment every other week. My next treatment is this Thursday. Keep us up with the side effects you experience. Mine have been fatigue, slight nausea, loss of appetite, and now hair starting to fall out.

    I can't imagine having bees in my walls and rafters. What kind of bees are they?

    Glenna, I know you have been having a blast with your grandchildren. I miss mine so much.

    Maureen, I will be praying for you concerning your scans. I am confident that they will show good results.

    I have gone to work the past 2 days. This is our Spring Break and am trying to make up for last weeks 4 days being off since I could not go down and see my grandson's. All I can say is I am glad for FaceTime.

    Don't have anything new going on. Will check in again.

    Praying for all.
