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Halaven - Day 1



  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited April 2016

    Good morning, dear friends! My oncologist called yesterday to discuss my next treatment. He wants me to start abraxane since I have had good results with the taxane family (other than side effects). I've read over the abraxane thread (which is even shorter than the halaven thread), to find out what to expect. Sounds like nausea could be a a problem and that is something I haven't really had to deal with at all. I usually get pre-treated at the infusion center and never need to follow up at home. I will definitely be prepared for that though, after all I have read on the abraxane thread.

    Suzanne, hope you were able to get that dentist appointment in. That baking soda regimen sounds easy enough to do. Is it still helping you? I thought I might give it a try. Maureen, how are you doing on the cis/gem combo? I had Gemzar but not in combination with other drugs. If I remember right, I did have a pretty good run on it, Oncologist decided to hole the Ibrance/faslodex in the arsenal for a later time. Phyllis, hope you become the halaven star!! At least one of us needs to get a good run from it!

    Hope this finds you all feeling good and looking forward to the weekend! Blessings, Glenna

  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited April 2016

    There must be a blue streak passing around. I am tired all the time. The lunch nap helps a little. A friend sent me a Bible verse, Mark 11:24. Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe you have received it, and it will be yours. I realized I have been asking for healing but waiting on the Onc. to tell me results. Need to get my faith back!

    Got the results of my Ct-Scan. Not good. The largest liver lesion is now 3" X 2". 2 more lesions in my lung. Taken off Halaven. Will start Gemzar in a couple of weeks. Once a week for 3 weeks and off one week. Also plural effusion is larger. Wednesday will have thorancentisis on left lung. I am so glad. It is getting hard to breathe and sleep. I'll take the 2 bee stings and the long needle if I can breathe better. 30 minutes of misery for months and months of easy breathing. You bet!

    Looking forward to my grandson's coming on the 22nd. I think I told you, but got them each an iPad, solar bugs, and solar robots. Can't wait to see their faces! Got my daughters each a solar flower pot with a daisy in it. The leaves and flower move side to side and up and down. Daisy was the password anyone that told the girls mommy said to pick them up instead of me had to give. Thank God that was never necessary.

    I am glad to have friends here too. Sometimes I get so tired of being up for people. This morning I put on my happy face and good morning for my boss. He says how can you be so up? Inside I was hollaring I'm not, but if you know how I really feel you will send me home. That is worse than being at work.

    Phyllis and Maureen, what type of SEs do you or did you have on Gemzar?

    Glenna, hope Halaven keeps working for you.

    Boy am I a moping Molly or what?!

    Talk to you later,


  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited April 2016

    Suzanne, you sound so excited to be seeing your grandsons. They will be thrilled with the gifts you have for them. Our password was yellow but daisies are my favorite flower. The solar flowers sound fun. Sorry you're having such difficulty with breathing. The thoracentasis will be a great help. So sorry about those pesky tumors. Will pray Gemzar takes care of them quickly. I was on Gemzar but it was so long ago, I don't remember why I moved on. I believe it Was a fairly easy chemo. I'm also moving from halaven. Will be starting abraxane on wednesday. Ct scan showed progression in the lung. :( Boo!

    Happy weekend. Rest!

  • Crone
    Crone Member Posts: 77
    edited April 2016

    Grandchildren are a gift and blessing in our lives. Wishing you lots of hugs and joy with them. The only problem with the IPad is they beat me at all their games. I get a lot of Oh Nana when I can't do the simple game they do but it is so much fun.

    Gemzar worked for 10 months and once we found the right dose it only made me tired the weekend after treatment. Who knows if that is the chemo or your body just saying "give me a break"

    Second dose of Haleven started well but has me getting IV fluids and IV nausea medicine. Mouth sores and fever are also back.

    It seems as if everyone is moving on from Haleven; hopefully we will see each other's posts on other threads and keep in touch. Blessings on each of you, may you find joy in each day, peace in each night and a cure for this terrible disease called CANCER.

    All will be well

  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited April 2016

    Don't know what happened to my post from last night. I would have sworn it submitted.

    Glenna, grandkids are such a blessing! So looking forward to them coming. Seems Havalen is not the great treatment I thought it would be. At least not for me or you it seems.

    Phyllis hope Havalen works for you and you have easy SEs. I will gladly take 10 months or more on Gemzar.

    I know this is a thread for Halaven, but I don't want to loose touch with any of y'all. You have become such a comfort to me. Can't we post here to keep up with our progress and how we are doing? Maybe start a new thread of some type for staying in touch. I plan to keep checking here. I don't want Phyllis to not have anyone to talk to. Maybe others will join this thread.

    I did join the Gemzar thread. Like all the others most have an easy time with it, but then there are a few horror stories. Wonder what my tale will be.

    I am going to say goodnight. Praying for you all

  • Modum
    Modum Member Posts: 40
    edited April 2016

    Hello my friends!

    I have been down and out the last week with pneumonia- ugh! I have to admit there were a few times I was ready to throw the towel in I was so sick and felt so low. Antibiotics have done their work I hope and I am starting to feel somewhat human again. I had some lovely girlfriends drop a few meals off while I was down, I wasn't eating much, but was so grateful of the reduced stress on that front for my husband and son. I have lost more wirght than I would have liked. I see people react when they see me- I have that sick look about me right now but appetite coming back, I am sure I will make up for lost pounds quickly!

    I was on Halaven Dec-Feb, nor sure how many rounds, but pleural effusion grew and liver grew a lot. MO said the gem/cis was to,try to shock my system by treating it like a triple neg cancer. We shall see. Side effects have been heartburn, fatigue mostly. Not too bad.

    Gotta run- will post again soon? Peace to all

  • Modum
    Modum Member Posts: 40
    edited April 2016

    Hello my friends!

    I have been down and out the last week with pneumonia- ugh! I have to admit there were a few times I was ready to throw the towel in I was so sick and felt so low. Antibiotics have done their work I hope and I am starting to feel somewhat human again. I had some lovely girlfriends drop a few meals off while I was down, I wasn't eating much, but was so grateful of the reduced stress on that front for my husband and son. I have lost more wirght than I would have liked. I see people react when they see me- I have that sick look about me right now but appetite coming back, I am sure I will make up for lost pounds quickly!

    I was on Halaven Dec-Feb, nor sure how many rounds, but pleural effusion grew and liver grew a lot. MO said the gem/cis was to,try to shock my system by treating it like a triple neg cancer. We shall see. Side effects have been heartburn, fatigue mostly. Not too bad.

    Gotta run- will post again soon? Peace to all

    (I'm not on any other threads because there really isn't one for cis/gem- especially as I am not triple neg- so you are stuck with me!

  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited April 2016

    Maureen, so sorry to hear about the pneumonia. Hard enough with the cancer without something like that on top of it. Also, we are not stuck you. You are a treasured part of our small group as we each are.

    I had my thorancentisis yesterday. They drained the left lung. They removed 1.3 liters. My daughter did the math and told me it is equivalent to 2.6 lbs. of pressure on my lung. The PA that did the procedure was wonderful. She did the first deadener and waited a minute for it to take effect. I did not feel the other 2 deadeners at all. I did not even know she had put in the drainage tube until it was already draining and they were talking about it. I had so many people praying for her to have a good night sleep and a steady hand. Once again prayers were answered. Now just waiting to find out when I can have the right lung drained.

    Nothing else to report. I will say good night dear friends.


  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited April 2016

    Good Friday morning,

    Checking in and so good to hear from everyone. I started the abraxane on Wednesday, complete with decadron. Was able to sleep some which is always good. I am tired today but have showered and dressed. Will be babysitting the two granddaughters this evening while my son and his wife go out to dinner, and also have my 11 year old grandson all weekend. Will have the 8 year old grandson just for tomorrow night. It will be a busy weekend but my husband will be around to help and the 11 year old is like having another adult in the house. I keep losing weight as well. Two years ago I was 170 and am now 115. Started this journey in 2008 at about 140. Gained due to Ai's for three years but am scared about the continual dropping. I do an ensure milkshake with bananas, ice cream, blueberries, etc. each day and try to eat lunch and dinner. I do hope the abraxane works and I get my appetite back. Suzanne, glad you had such good luck with the thoracentasis. yeah! Maureen, glad you have recovered from the pneumonia. Even with the pneumonia shot it seems I get it at least once a year. Glad you had good friends to help out. Phyllis, hope you can be the success story on halaven. We need one of us to be successful. Love you all

  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited April 2016

    writing early. I am exhausted. Long day at work. It is 5:00 and I am about to go to bed.

    Glenna hope the Abraxane works well for you. Sounds like you are going to be quite busy this weekend. Always great to have the grand kids around.

    They have scheduled me for next Wednesday for the thorancentisis on the right lung. Gemzar on Thursday at 8:45. Hope I get the same PA for this thorancentisis. I also have another dental appt. on Monday at 8:00. Wish they would just pull this tooth and get it over with!

    Can't believe how tired I am.

    May God bless each and everyone of you

  • Crone
    Crone Member Posts: 77
    edited April 2016

    Happy Day today😊😊. At my pre - chemo visit with the Dr, she walked in with a big smile on her face and asked if I had seen my labs. They had not been posted on My Chart so I had nor seen them. Well my tumor marker dropped from 1180 to 280. Haleven is working. I feel like I have been given more time ( who knows how long but we will take each day). Knowing that it is working makes the side effects more tolerable

    How was the weekend with the Grandkids. Hope you had lots of fun but we're not too tired afterwards. How was the Abraxane, I have not read about the side effect - hope they are not too bad.

    Suzanne, It must have been difficult having a thoracentesis one day and Gemzar the next day. How did you do?

    Hoping that each of you have great results on your new treatment and we all have lots of "good days"


  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited April 2016

    Phyllis, that is great news!!!!!!! So glad this is working for you!

    They Drained 1.1 leiters off my right lung today. Feels so much better to be able to take deep breaths. It went as smooth as the one last week. Thank you for the prayers. I think I can handle the chemo much better tomorrow being able to breath. Can't believe I had around 5 lbs of pressure on my lungs before I had the two thorancentisis. No wonder I was so miserable.

    Will check back in later. Keep us posted on how your doing.


  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited April 2016

    Phyllis, so happy for your good news! The drop is counts is awesome! Halavan had to work for someone in this group! Yeah!!

    Suzanne, glad the thorancentesis' were both successful. Hopefully the Gemzar tomorrow won;t be too hard on you.

    Maureen, hope you're getting stronger and stronger after your bout with pneumonia.

    Had the abraxane #2 today. So far, so good. I had a nice nap this afternoon and the decadron has kicked in. Hope I will be able to get back to sleep soon. Did take a clonazepam a while ago.

    My weekend with all the kids was maybe a bit too much. I went to bed at 8:30 Sunday night. Was totally wiped out. Need to take it a little easier! I guess 5 years of chemo is starting to wear me down and I'll need to get used to the new "a little more tired" normal.

    Glad you are all touching base here. I keep it on my favorites thread. Love, Glenna

  • blainejennifer
    blainejennifer Member Posts: 441
    edited April 2016

    Dear Halaven Ladies,

    After 6 months of Femara/Ibrance, one year of Xeloda, one year of Faslodex, and one year of weekly Taxol, I'm headed towards Halaven. My last scan showed three small liver lesions. The biggest one is about 1 cm. and has an SUV of 8.

    I've been so tired on Ibrance. My favorite nurse says I might actually feel better on Halaven. At this point, I'm too busy dealing with progression depression to even care.

    I think they are planning on two weeks on, one week off, with no neulasta (as yet). I have a port, and after weekly taxol, feel I know my way around a chemo chair. I'll be starting Monday.

    I've read through most of the list, and it sounds like I'll have some hair thinning. That's OK. Halaven can also do a number on the blood counts, but I did six months of Ibrance with barely a wobble in counts, so maybe my luck will continue.

    Is there anything else I should know?

    Still having a major pity party, but am looking forward to getting to know everyone.


  • Crone
    Crone Member Posts: 77
    edited April 2016

    Welcome Jennifer, but sorry you are needing to move on to a new chemo and wish you an easy time. Each one of us respond to each chemo in a different way so here is hoping your time with Halaven is a piec of cake

    I was told that they do not use Neulasta with Halaven because it takes longer then 7 days to respond so it would be past your second dose before white count would respond. They might consider Neupogen but that means daily visits for injections ( not like in 2001 when I would give myself the injection at home.) Please keep in touch.

    Glenna,I should have checked on line last night, I was awake from the Decadron at about the same time. Let us know about Abraxane. It is hard to say no to spending no to time with daily even if we know we won't have any time to rest and will be exhausted later (especially if we are facing another round of chemo Ina few days.

    Suzanne hoping for an easy time and a good result from Gemzar. Please let us now how you are doing..

    Maureen, how are you?

    Thinking of all of you and hoping each of you have a " good news day soon"


  • woodburns
    woodburns Member Posts: 35
    edited April 2016

    Welcome Jeniffer. Seems like all the treatments work for a while and then something mutates and the treatment stops working. When I was on Havalen, which they just took me off, I had major hair thinning so just shaved the rest off. I did have a lot of fatigue. But it was tolerable. Praying Halaven works well for you.

    Had the Gemzar today. Was warned that it could be painful, but would not damage the vein. Well I was one of the lucky ones. No pain. Slept all afternoon, probably because of the stress. Have an appoint Monday morning for a consult for a port. I want the one that is under the skin. I have heard good things about them. Do any of you have a port put in? Onc. gave me Zpack for an apparent infection in my lungs. Other than that, my breathing is better.

    Phyllis, when is your next CT-Scan? Can't wait to hear its results. Considering your tumor marker drop I expect great news for you!

    Glenna, glad the Abraxane went well for you. I get to see my grandson's this weekend. So looking forward to it. I am afraid of over doing it myself. My daughter plans a movie, then taking the boys to Kids Station to play on Saturday. At least at play station They have plenty of places to sit and watch them play. May not be too bad.

    Good night ladies. Will be praying for all of you!

  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited April 2016

    HI Jennifer, Welcome to Halaven. There is a smal group here, though sone Of is have ender our time on Halaven we continue to visit the friends we have made. Last night, I corrected my chemo list. When I was adding in the abraxane I noticed that I had been on abraxane before - from December 2014 through July 2015. I'm not sure my onc realized that as they have had a lot of computer issues at the hospital where I go. I called him today to let him know but haven't heard back from him yet. I certainly hadn't remembered. I had the 2nd treatment yesterday, so he may want to change my treatment to something I haven't tried yet.

    I have done well on the taxanes and was just glad to be getting back onto one of them! Of course if I could get another 7 months I'd be happy!

    Jennifer, one of the major side effects for me as been lack of appetite. My doctor wrote a prescription for megace which is supposed to help increase appetite. Have taken two doses today and do hope it helps me to eat more. I do drink an ensure milkshake with ice cream and fruit almost everyday and also eat a cottage cheese/flax breakfast mixture that bestbird recommended. It is from the budwig diet. I find I eat more if I eat smaller portions often during the day rather than trying to eat a large meal. Sleep cycles being disrupted by decadron is always a problem for me, hence the middle of the night posts! LOL!

    Suzanne, so glad the Gemzar went well for you today. Sounds like a fun weekend planned for you with your grandsons. You are wise to plan activities where you get to watch!!

    Going to the beach with my husband this weekend for some needed fresh air and sounds of the waves crashing on the shore. One of my most favorite places to be. Glimpsing the wild ponies or Assateague is always a bonus! Prayers for everyone to have a great weekend. love, Glenna

  • blainejennifer
    blainejennifer Member Posts: 441
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning Halaven Ladies,

    I had my first infusion yesterday. Everything went very smoothly. I have a port that they have been keeping flushed with the Zometa treatments, even though I have been on non-IV treatments fro the past three years.

    I slept a bunch after the treatment, and through the night. Still feeling pretty "blah" today, but it doesn't seem to be as enervating as the Taxol. Or, is that train chugging my way?

    On a side note, I had forgotten about the Cancer Volunteers in the chemo room. They are supposed to offer food and drink, and be a listening ear, if that is needed. I was woken out of a deep Benadryl nap twice while in the chair. The second lady wouldn't leave. I kept telling her I was a "no volunteers" patient (if I need something, I'll ask for it), but she didn't budge. I had to actually use the words, "please leave". I told my nurse, and when I was leaving after treatment, several nurses stopped me to promise me that it wouldn't happen again.

    Have any of you experienced that sort of interaction before? I want to inform our local cancer center, from whence these folk originate, but I'm going to wait to let my feelings simmer down. Plus, I have a feeling that the charge nurse from the chemo room will have some words with them.

    Onward and upward. There's some weeding in my life today. Actual weeding. It's been raining here, and some volunteers have popped up in the garden.

    Plus, big news! The spouse has relented, and we will be getting a cat. We have two dogs, and he had thought our pet plate was full. But, Son and I gave him the big eyes and promised he wouldn't have to handle the cat box. The big question now is do we get a kitten or a grown cat. Kitten pros: cuteness, dog acclimation. Cat pros: Older cats are better. You know their temperament. I guess we will head to the shelter, and see what the Universe decides we should have.

    Lastly, when should I shave my head? I hate it when the hair gets everywhere, so I like to trim it down before I shed everywhere. Or, since we are getting a cat, should I just get used to it?

  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited April 2016


    I never shaved my head. Still have a lot of hair that shows under hats and kerchiefs. You might want to hold off on that!! I was on Halavan for 4 months. Congrats on getting a cat. I'm allergic so never could have cats. We always had dogs that I wasn' allergic to. I'd go with a kitten, though, cuz they are so cute!!

    I would not like volunteers trying to make conversation while I sleep. They should be taught how to tell if someone wants visits or not, I go alone, I go to sleep a lot or read. I don't like chit chat ... Even on an airplane. Hope the charge nurse takes care of that for you!

    Hope you are still doing okay after treatment. Glad you still had the port. That makes it so much easier. I didn't get Benadryl as a pre treatment. I think I remember all of at had been communicating on the thread were getting it different ways. Hope some other Halavan gals show up for you, abraxane is doing me on. Fatigue, lack of motivation, no appetite. Gee, I think that sounds like Halavan, too! LOL!

    Have fun choosing your kitten. Post pictures if you can!!

    Maureen, Suzanne, Phyllis, hope you're all doing well!! Love, glenna

  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited May 2016


    Checking in! How's halaven treating you? Any kitten news? Surprised there are no other halaven gals showing up here.

    Blessings! Glenna

  • Texasrose53
    Texasrose53 Member Posts: 290
    edited May 2016

    Hey ONC said Halaven is the next chemo of choice for me when the current (CMF) stop working. I had a PET scan yesterday and get the results tomorrow. So praying for at least stability and no change in chemo but if I do change.....I will be on this board more often with lots of questions.

  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited May 2016

    texasrose, I as only on Halavan for 4 months but if that's your next chemo I'll answer whatever questions I can. I wish it had workd for me. There are a couple of gals here who are having success. Good luck with scan results!!

  • blainejennifer
    blainejennifer Member Posts: 441
    edited May 2016

    Glenna and the Halaven gang,

    I'm having a much better time this week than last with the second infusion! Last week, after the first infusion, I slept for three days and felt gross. This week, I'm not fatigued yet, or nauseous - yet. I have no idea what the difference is. Or is it like Zometa, in that the first infusion is the hardest?

    We have to put our tub panel back on before we get a kitten. It's an old whirlpool tub, and we had to look at the pipes. There's some drywall damage too, so you know how that goes. But, unless we get the panel on, Miss Kitten will be able to explore the insides of the house. Probably not the greatest idea.

    I'm a bit curious as to why there aren't more people on Halaven on this list. My Onc pointed me to a study that said this stuff was better than "Oncologist's Choice" for third line treatment.


  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited May 2016

    Jennifer, I think we were all surprised to find so few on Halavan. My onc was full of hope for me when he put me on it. I'm sorry I didn't have a good response. I hope abraxane will be good for me!! Hopefully you'll get some company on here soon!!

  • Modum
    Modum Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2016

    Hi everyone!

    I hope everyone is doing well on their respective treatments! Jennifer, I hope Halaven works great for you!

    It wasn't one for me, but that's how this wheel spins I guess.

    I am finally feeling human after this pneumonia- I hope none of you ever have to go thru it/ and if you have had it it doesn't happen again! Ugh. I have been off work since beginning of April. Now that I am starting to feel better, being off work isn't as bad as I thought! I may consider staying off! I really like my job, but not having deadlines and all that goes with is quite nice! I will take my time to fully decide, but for now all good.

    I am waiting on my next ct scan to see if this cis-gem is working, I do find that part still stressful.

    It sounds like everyone is doing pretty well along with your families and travels. That always makes me happy to read!

    Take care and now that I am back on track, I will be online more!

    Hugs to all!


  • Crone
    Crone Member Posts: 77
    edited May 2016

    it has been several weeks since I posted; I am still on Haleven and the good news is that it is working.

    Jennifer I particularly wanted you to know about the results. My tumor marker dropped 1000 points in one month and CT scan indicated fewer and smaller liver tumors.

    Haleven has not been an easy treatment for me but a woman who is being treated for Sarcoma at the same center is tolerating it well. Three years of treatment has taken its toll and Currently I am taking a two week break with the hope of feeling "more normal" before going back to treatment.

    Jennifer, I wish you good results and also hope that the women who have moved onto a different treatment are doing great!

  • blainejennifer
    blainejennifer Member Posts: 441
    edited May 2016


    Thanks so much for your good news. Love hearing that. Mainly for you, but some for me too :)


  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited May 2016

    Phyllis, congrats on wonderful news! 1000 points in a month! That is awesome! I think you deserve a break! I'm doing okay on abraxane but it's kicking me a bit harder than the halaven. I have a scan scheduled on the 24th and see the doctor on the 25th for results. Still losing weight though I am eating more now that I am on megace. Would love to find something that I could have a long run on! Jenn, good luck with the halaven. Sure hope you get good results like Phyllis!

  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited May 2016

    Jenn, how was Ibrance?

  • blainejennifer
    blainejennifer Member Posts: 441
    edited May 2016


    I had a rough time on Ibrance/Femara. I don't know which of the two caused the joint pain, but the Ibrance did cause the fatigue. I had to pick one thing to do a day (like showering, or shopping, or cooking) and be quiet for the rest of the day.

    I'm almost glad I failed it, because the QoL was not good - for me. I have heard of other ladies just sailing through it.

    How are you doing?