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Australian Sisters



  • Kate60
    Kate60 Member Posts: 523
    edited July 2012

    So worried about my boy Jack. I took him to the vets for his immunisations and also because for the last few months he has had these worrying episodes, that only last for a few moments, where he suddenly goes weak in his back legs and then sort of crab walks around. He looks frightened when this happens. Wouldn't you know it, tonight he's done it about 4 times in a row and he hasn't had an episode for a week or so. It is very strange. The vet said to check his eyes when it happens as it could be a neurological condition and they might move from side to side quickly, or the pupils could be different sizes. Well we checked his eyes as it was happening and they seemed quite normal. It breaks my heart because he looks so scared when it happens. The vet said if it continues we should probably give him a CAT scan to really see what's going on in his body. Chances are very slim that he'd actually have an episode whilst at the vets. He precedes every one by doing a big backwards stretch (front legs down, bum in the air) then he looks frightened and crab walks. I don't suppose anyone has any ideas??

  • Linda1966
    Linda1966 Member Posts: 441
    edited July 2012

    Sorry to hear it  Kate. I had my eldest dog at the vets last week with somethign similiar. 10 days ago she was puking but nothign came up and then she collapsed and couldnt get back on to her feet, her legs were going in all directions until I picked her up and calmed her down. She was then fine, but not with her usual energy. The vet found a grade 4 heart murmer that has developed since she was last there in February. I paid for the blood tests and they came back saying she's not in conjestive heart failure at the moment, and until she is they cant medicate her. Im trying to keep her calm at all times, with her coat on and hoping for the best but fearing the worst. My Buffy is about 12 years old, how old is Jack?

    Its interesting that he stretches each time before it happens. I would pay for the scan and do it sooner rather than later tbh. Perhaps he's got something going on that when he stretches causes a nerve to be pressed. My youngest dog did something similiar not long ago as well, but I havent taken him to the vet yet. Im positive his was caused by a huge nervous breakdown for 2 mins cause one of the other dogs aggitated him beyond belief and then poor Oscar went weird, couldnt walk and had his legs jerking until I calmed him down and he's been fine ever since.

    Lol Im not being much help hey. I love my dogs dearly and I know how upset you are Kate. Pay for the scan and find out for sure what it is mate. Peace of mind is a valuable commodity. If something happens after hours theres a online vet service and follow the instructions to get to the vets. They do charge, but when I used them it was well worth it cause if they hadnt said to get my dog to the vet immediately I would have lost one to the paralysys tick last year.

    I hope you get it sorted quickly Kate. Nothing worse than having a pet acting unusually and worrying us. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited July 2012

    Kate, Lyndal has the same idea that I do.....perhaps he pinches a nerve when he stretches.  Next time you see him go to stretch, interupt the stretch before he gets to full extension and see what happens then the next time let him go full stretch then compare reactions.  It will be something to report to the vet and he can probably cross a couple of things off his list.  The CT sounds like a great idea.

    Woohoo Kylie!!!!!  Congrats Girl!!!  Being a gran is the best thing!!

    Going to have a big sleep in in the am exhausted!  But at least the boys had a good time!

    Love n hugs all!  Chrissy 

  • mclark55
    mclark55 Member Posts: 92
    edited July 2012

    Hi everyone - I'm envious of the cold and rain you ladies are having right now.  Over here it's HOT HOT HOT.  I'm over it!  Non-stop hot flushes!

    Trish - I loved your post where you said we need time to get over it (BC).  Well put and so true.  I am 8 yrs past it and still working on my attitude.  We have a common love - photography!  What are your favourite things to photograph (ie pets, landscapes, flowers..etc)?  I love travel photography, just love going to new places and shooting away.  My son and his lovely wife live near Prague, Czech Republic, it's always fun to go there and check out the amazing old buildings.  We have a new little grandson there - he's gorgeous but too far away!

    Kylie - thanks for the warm welcome, much appreciated.  I chuckled at your "dummy spit" - not because it was funny but because I had one with my DH on Sunday as well.  My "metaphysical" friends say there are big changes afoot right now and it's testing relationships on all kinds of levels.  Not fun to go through.  But sometimes I find it's like an electrical storm - loud and violent and then it clears the air and good things can come of it.  Congrats on your grandbaby-to-be - a wonderful time for you!  Nothing better than a grandchild.

    Midnight - my sister-in-law has Meniere's too and she finds that regular chiropractic adjustments help her a lot, and I've done cranial sacral therapy with her too and that assisted her.  Cranial sacral therapy is a form of bodywork (in case you're not familiar with it).  I'd be happy to share more info on it if you like.

    Hugs to everyone.

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited July 2012

    Kylie!  What wonderful news! Congratulations :-)  My God-daughter who was married in January is also pregnant now (they were trying very hard lol) and we found out on Friday that she's having a girl.  She's due towards the end of November, when is your's due?

    Kate - I've never had a dog do that before, but my suggestion is the same as Chrissy's if he's stretching before it happens, then interupt it and see if it makes a difference.  It could be a pinched nerve or something.

    Marnie, I was only thinking yesterday that you girls over there must be hot lol and hot flushes on top of it wouldn't be fun.  I"m lucky my hot flushes are pretty much gone now. But yes - it's cold here - we have one of those "lovely" Canberra pea soup fogs this morning where you can only see around 100 metres and it'll probably stick around till lunch time.  Photography's a great love to have isn't it!  I've recently started a photography business with a friend and we are doing mainly weddings and protraiture, but I also love macro photography too.  I would love to do travel photography, but we don't seem to be able to get any travel in much to my disgust lol.  Just no money at the moment - but the Czech Republic - oh I'd love to go there one day - along with a million other places.  One of my dreams is to go to the Grand Canyon, I would love to do some photography there.  Our website is fairly new - have a look it's :-)

    Well girls - I've reached the magic 10kg mark!!! Yay!  Still have a lot to go, but feel good that I've finall reached that milestone.  Next milestone will be 15kg, then I think things will start to get a lot harder.  I'll probably have to start exercising lol.

    Oh - and if anyone hasn't seen it yet - we watched "Red Dog" on the weekend.  Wow - what a lovely film.  We were a bit sceptical to start with, some Aussie films aren't the best, but oh my it really was worth watching.  The scenery around Dampier is just amazing - that's another place I want to go to and do some photography.  All that red dirt, going down to the the blue sea and the amazing sunsets.  Just beautiful.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone.



  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited July 2012

    Hey Kylie, what  lovely exciting news, lovely to have a bub around. cool. happy for you. love and hugs.

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited July 2012

    Thankyou very much Marnie, re: the info for meniers, massage, yes, i have not had an attack since feb, and don't get them too often, but one is too much, esp a bad one, it really incompacitates you, the last one was bad, but not as bad as i have had in the past. my mum gets abit of it too, not quite as bad as i get them,  it is a terrible feeling of been on a boat going over huge waves and you are trying to hang on and can't and the nausea and giddy feeling and everything spinning. i would not wish that on my worst enemy, very debilitating, so would appreciate that info, my hubby has really good self taught massage techniques and he would do it for me, he does it when i get a migrain headache and its so soothing. so thanks yes i would appreciate that thanks heaps

  • kyliet
    kyliet Member Posts: 587
    edited July 2012

    DD's baby is due in January. She only lives 10 minutes away so it will be lovely.

    Kate sorry to hear about your dog. I hope everyone's hints help.

    I am starting to feel a bit fried from the radiotherapy and very tired. I will speak with the RO tomorrow as I am having really bad hip pain and ache all over. I am hoping it is just from sitting in the bus for so long. Did anyone else find anything like this happening with radio? x

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited July 2012

    Lyndal thanks for posting that news release!  Wow!  things sure have changed since I was first dx'd.  Hope they get them in all capitals at least then we'd have better access.

    Taking it real easy today, in fact I have slept most of the exhausted from having the boys around for two weeks with a few trips to the city to deposit and pick and then deposit it was fun having them!

    Hope you are all doing well.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • racy
    racy Member Posts: 976
    edited July 2012

    Trish, congratulations on losing 10 kg. That is fabulous.

    Kylie, sorry you are having that pain but it's good that you will mention it to your doctor. It may be a post chemo effect.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited July 2012

    Oooo Trish!  Well done you!!!  10kg is a job well done.  I need to get stuck into my diet again and continue to loose my extra are inspiring me to do just that.....tomorrow......hahahahaha!

  • Linda1966
    Linda1966 Member Posts: 441
    edited July 2012
    It is wonderful Trish, well done mate. Oddly we had Sandra Cabot in at my shopping centre today (the author of the liver cleansing diet books). She was brought in by the health food shop and gave a lecture for an hour or two and then met with people and then had sit down discussions with some. My shop was fairly busy today so i cant help but wonder what she thought when she saw the people she'd been talking to, come to my shop and get junk food to eat Laughing
  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited July 2012

    lol chrissy,your  diet abit like mine, but tomorow never comes.   you will have to stop doing your lovely cooking, lol yummy chocolate cakes.

    Trish you are doing well with your weight, Good on you, and i hope you succeed getting to  ur goal.

    Hope everybody is well and enjoying life, it is back to being fine here, but really cold wind out there. I was lazy this morning and did not get up very early. But have things to do, like put a heap of washing away etc, so better had do that.  take care girls. love and hugs

  • Kate60
    Kate60 Member Posts: 523
    edited July 2012

    Fantastic Trisha - I'm at a bit of a standstill with my weight (grrrrrr!) I'm blaming Herceptin. Nothing seems to be working for me at the moment and I've really cut down and am actually excersizing (well gardening big time - that should count). Anyway onto 15kgs for you, I know you'll do it xxxx

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited July 2012

    Kate, how is your dog?, is he any better. i hope so. have you got any more ideas about what the issue with him is, why he gets that weakness in hind legs, did the vet have any idea of what maybe causing this to happen. i hope he comes right very soon. love and hugs

  • Kate60
    Kate60 Member Posts: 523
    edited July 2012

    Hi Midnight. Well wouldn't you know it, but he had another episode that night, so I rang the vet with my theory (after researching on good old Dr Google and watching videos) that he has something called Canine Epeleptoid Cramping Syndrome. I don't think the vets really put much stock in to it (or hand't heard of it, it is only just recently been named) but Jack does what other dogs are doing. They still think it's a form of epilepsy and I took him for blood tests yesterday ($200 thankyou very much). I will find out today if it shows up anything. The vet said it is a process of elimination and if everything physically checks out, and doesn't progress and get worse (could be a tumour on the spine or brain) then they assume it is a neuroligical condition. Thanks for asking and I'll keep you posted. xx

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2012

    Hi all

    Kate do hope your little dog is OK, it's horrible when a pet gets sick.

    Well done Trisha, I keep getting there and then slipping back, maybe this week. I don't have just another 5kgs it's more like  20 which is quite daunting. My loss has been so slow but I am quite determined to get there. Would like to take off at least another 10 before DS gets married next year. But anyway the pants I bought in April are too big. I don't actually want to lose it from my backside and legs, it's my stomach that is the problem.

    I am trying to pin DH down about our holiday, have threatened that if he doesn't  set some dates soon I will go myself. Just to warn you Chrissy. DH is not in my good books over this, something always comes up so we have to put it off.

    Had a wonderful visit from my cousin and her husband from USA really wish they didn't live so far away. 

    DD is on the phone so had better go.

  • kyliet
    kyliet Member Posts: 587
    edited July 2012

    Thanks Lyndal for posting link, hopefully this will soon be accessible to all of us. Love the Sandra Cabot scenario, I like her books but never follow through. Hot chips with gravy win out every time.

    Trish, fantastic effort with the weight loss. Especially in this cold weather when comfort food is so tempting.

    Chrissy, take it easy and have a good relax. I am glad you enjoyed your visitors. 

    Racy, like you said, RO thought pains are a combination of chemo and travelling. We have picked up more patients on the bus, it is sad how many of us there are, and each trip to radio is now taking 6 hours. Oh well, only 8 more to go.  

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2012

    Kylie, forgot to say congrats. Being a grandmother is just so good. Saw my two briefly today but will have DGS on FRiday for the day which is such fun even though it exhausts me.

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited July 2012

    Thanks Kate, hope they find its something minor and not  the tumour problem. Yes vets know how to charge alright. cost you a fortune. But they are our babies, what we  would not  do for them?

    Alyson glad to see you back and really glad you enjoyed your relies visit. yea its abit far away, maybe you should go for a holiday there.  i would love to take hubby away, i am the traveller and  have had many ventures, he has been to ausy.  i would love to take hin away from the C--P with the bussiness, even for a short time would be ok. But Dbil can't seem to handle doing things by him self and he gets hubby out to farm to help feed animals and buggers off inside and hubby ends up doing it or will stand there while hubby does it.  lol, my mum hired a gardner once and he was one of those lean on the shovel kinda guys, mum would go and help  him to get it done. so when he did that with the spade or shovel, she would sing, HE HOLDS THE LANTERN WHILE  HIS MOTHER CHOPS THE WOOD.  apparently an old song. i think she fired him in the end, have a good night folks.

  • Kate60
    Kate60 Member Posts: 523
    edited July 2012

    Oh Midnight, the time difference gets me. We are currently 2 hours behind Eastern Australia (3 when they go to daylight savings) I think you are another hour ahead over in NZ ??

    Still haven't heard from the vets.

    Well it seems I have my work cut out for me with the camp quality Wescarpade event I am helping with. The professional photographer they had has had to pull out, so I will be taking the photos. I have a pretty good camera but I am very rusty. The pics will be used for the press and website. I also have to write a daily online blog.... I'll post the link when it's up so you can follow me if you like. One good thing about being the photographer, I won't be in any of the pictures ha ha.

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited July 2012

    when  hubby and i got married 5 years ago, we didn't hire a photograher, we got anybody with digital camera and let who ever  take them. worked much cheaper. and got soem lovely photos.  yes Kate nz is an hour ahead of Aussie again. well bed is calling me, so good night every body.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2012

    Morning all

    Kate we are actually 2hours ahead of EST so at present its almost 9.00 here, 7.00 in Sydney, 6.30 at Chrissy's and 4.30 where you are. Yes daylight savings confuses it more.

    Must get moving as I have to take a mobile phone out to my MiLwho is 88 and explain how to use it, wish me luck, at least it has large numbers and is really easy to use.

    Nephew is coming to do some painting. At least it is fine but I will have to find other things for him for awhile until it warms up as we had a frost agin this morning.

    Have a great day.

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited July 2012

    Oh Kate I hope your dog is ok, I know how worrying it can be when they are sick.  I too am keeping everything crossed that it's not a tumour xoxo

    You are going to have so much fun on your Camp Quality adventure lol - I'll let you into a secret as far as your camera goes (I think your's is the same as mine? 50D?) when you don't have a lot of time to fiddle with settings and it has to be right and for the sorts of shots you will be taking - use automatic for the majority of the photos - works every time lol. 

    Thanks everyone for the pats on the back about my weight loss - Alyson - I too have another at least 15kg to lose and would be good if it could be 20, but I'm setting myself 5kg goals at the moment, otherwise it gets too overwhelming lol.

    Well I had a very intersting day yesterday.  I was called into the General Manager's office with my boss.  I hate that - I automatically think I've done something wrong.  Well - yesterday they offered me a promotion!  We will be putting on some technical writers and my boss and the GM think I have the perfect skills to be one of them.  I was quite staggered, but in a good way.  I've come a long way since I started here, and being off the Arimidex for the past six weeks has made such a difference to my brain that I've been performing more to how I used to be before dx.  They know that I'm going to be going onto Aromasin in a couple of weeks and that may set me back, but are happy to work around it.  It's nice that they've acknowledged that I'm not a stupid twit who can't do simple tasks (I really was beginning to think that that would be the new "normal" for me) and that they are happy to work with me if medication causes a problem.

    It will be a new position so I'll be testing it too - so to speak and write the position description as well.  Oh - and it will be more money - although we haven't negotiated that as yet.  I'm still waiting to hear back about the Practice Manager position I was interviewed for last week - apparently the short list hasn't been done yet - the vets have been too busy to talk to the recruiting agency about it properly - but from what the recruiter said, I'm on the list.  So - maybe some decisions to make.

    Have a great day everyone



  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited July 2012

    Wow,  Trish yes,  it is quite daunting being  sunnoms into managers office, we always think we in the poo, then find our fear has been a wste of time. so congrats on the promotion. yes these pills do cloud the thinking. But you will be fine even when you start the new ones. Its  no fault of yours this has happened, so i reckon bosses should be abit more accomadating, lots are not though aye. we have to hire somebody again, another truck driver as the driver developed something wrong with eyes, and had to have dye put in them and they said, he may get better or may not. well unfortuanately,  you need your eyes to drive and he can't drive, not even the car, he can ride push bike around, that it. Nobody too upset about him going, he was a real sulker and  argue, you ask him to do something there was always controversey of why he should not have to do it. it was hard work with him, everybody called him BOO BOO. and  if you told him off, he would  not talk  to you.  see yas

  • Kate60
    Kate60 Member Posts: 523
    edited July 2012

    Trish, that is just excellent news. It's great that your bosses can see your potential and are giving you this opportunity. I know you'll do really well. Boy as you know it's always feast or famine, so luck is on your side that you'll probably get the practice manager position and then will have to choose.... Where's the vet's again? less travel??.

    Oh re Jack.  A friend came around yesterday and she and I were feeling down Jacks spine and to the left there is a swelling. He dropped down (went weak in his back legs) as we were massaging it. I have an awful suspicion that it is something on or near his spine. I'm taking him back to the vets tomorrow morning for them to check that out, and as they hadn't examined his spine in his other consultations, it is complimentary. Of course x-rays if needed won't be.

    Have a great day all. xxxx

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2012

    For you Trisha

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited July 2012

    Kate it is encouraging to,know you may have located problem of jacks, i do hope that it is something that it easily treated, it is so worrying when our babies get sick, even if they are animals, all ours are our kids. and we have a fair few, all rabbits are out side today, we put them in bus while it it was crap weather and today being nice we thought we we'dut them out again. nice long grass to eat, have not been able to mow the lawns. so they can have a good feed of it.  Hope ye all having a good productive day and i am going to go and get lunch, am waiting  for floor to dry, if not, will make bed. i was a lazy sod this morning, but i was so nackered and just wanted to sleep. They say the tiredness from rads can last a few months after treatment, i hope it's that not any underlaying problem, i have been like this for days and my eyes look puffy. guess its just a combination of BC. see yous later. 

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited July 2012

    Oh Alyson - that's just too cute! Thank you Kiss

